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随着软件系统变得更加复杂和可配置,由于错误配置而导致的故障正成为关键问题;这种故障的诊断和修复需要跨越软件本身及其运行环境进行分析,使得其处理过程十分困难,且修理费用极高;为解决这种故障带来的较为严重的经济损失、安全隐患和功能故障;基于配置项之间隐含的关联关系及其运行环境,设计了基于信息系统配置关联关系的配置错误检测系统技术,利用给定的大量样本配置训练,形成配置项关联关系与检测规则,通过发掘信息系统各组件配置项之间的关联关系并利用这种关联进行配置项交叉检验,能够有效检测系统的错误配置;通过模拟测试表明,所提错误配置检出率达到了90%以上,在大型企业中具有广泛的应用前景,为未来优化信息误配置检测技术提供建设性方向方法。  相似文献   

针对变频调速系统中常用的电动机故障诊断方法难以准确判断故障类型的问题,提出了一种基于多传感器信息融合的电动机断条故障诊断方法。该方法通过小波包分析提取电动机断条故障特征信息,然后利用D-S证据理论融合计算故障特征信息以进行故障识别。诊断测试试验表明,该方法提高了电动机故障诊断的精度,并能满足诊断的实时性要求。  相似文献   

汪志平 《电脑》1996,(12):44-45
HP650C彩色喷墨绘图仪是一种应用领域很广的CAD图形输出硬外设.而AUTOCAD软件目前在我国又运用极广.如何在特定的环境下根据用户所使用的计算机类型作好优化配置工作是一项技术性很强的工作.本文针对SUN工作站,谈谈AutoCAD R12软件与HP650C绘图仪的优化配置问题.一、在硬件方面首先用户要确定选用何种接口,HP650C绘图仪本身带有二种接口:·RS-232-(C)串口·Bi-Tronics/Centronic 并口  相似文献   

针对传统英语自学平台软件复杂性增加,导致平台故障诊断准确率和定位效率降低的问题,提出一种基于关联规则web技术的自学平台故障诊断系统。首先,通过数据采集模块进行平台软件数据采集;然后采用动态切片算法计算出动态结果集的覆盖信息,并基于此信息构造覆盖向量矩阵,以缩小故障检查规模;之后利用关联规则算法计算语句的可疑度,将其与覆盖向量矩阵结合后构造可疑度矩阵,以实现被检查语句排序,从而提高故障定位效率;最后利用故障报告生成模块生成故障诊断结果。实验结果表明,提出的平台软件故障诊断方法的平均累积检查语句数和平均故障定位代价分别取值为511行和18.21%,相较于传统的故障诊断方法,本方法对平台软件的故障诊断准确率更高,诊断效率更快,基于此算法可有效提升故障诊断系统的定位效率,具备可行性。  相似文献   

很多因素可以导致无线网络的故障,但是总体来说,主要分为两类:硬件故障和配置故障。硬件设备的损坏可以引发无线网络故障,同时如果相关协议或者软件配置错误也会导致无线网络故障。本文着重分析这两类故障的类型及各类故障的排除方法。  相似文献   

传统架空输电线路绝缘故障诊断方法以故障信号诊断为主,由于故障信号会受到噪声影响,导致线路绝缘故障诊断的准确性降低。针对此问题,提出基于图像处理的架空输电线路绝缘故障诊断方法。首先,基于图像处理提取架空输电线路绝缘故障特征,将架空输电线路绝缘故障图像进行灰度化、滤波、边缘检测等处理,并从中提取绝缘变化情况。其次,诊断输电线路绝缘故障类别,根据绝缘故障特征划分输电线路绝缘故障类别,确保线路绝缘故障诊断的有效性。最后,进行实验分析。实验结果表明,该方法的绝缘故障诊断准确性更高,优于对照组。  相似文献   

针对现有煤矿机械轴承故障自适应诊断方法易受高频噪声和间断噪声干扰而导致原始信号分解和特征提取精度较低的问题,提出了一种基于改进局部均值分解的煤矿机械轴承故障诊断方法。该方法在局部均值分解方法的自适应分解部分采用噪声辅助分解方法,将高斯白噪声加入原始信号,然后进行局部均值分解,以抑制高频噪声及间断噪声对信号分解的影响;在特征参数提取部分对乘积函数分量进行Hilbert变换,然后进行特征参数提取,以实现在全部取值范围内提取特征参数。仿真及测试结果表明,该方法对轴承故障信号分解和特征参数提取的效果较好,对轴承内外圈故障诊断的准确性较高。  相似文献   

运行时配置为用户使用软件提供了灵活性和可定制性,但其巨大的规模和复杂的机制也带来了巨大的挑战.大量学者和研究机构针对软件运行时配置展开了研究,以提升软件系统在复杂外部环境中的可用性和适应性.建立运行时配置研究分析框架,从配置分析与理解、配置缺陷检测与故障诊断、配置应用3个阶段对现有研究工作进行归类和分析,总结归纳现有研究的不足和面临的挑战,并对未来的研究趋势进行展望,对下一步研究具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

基于故障可诊断性量化评价的传感器优化配置方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋栋年  李炜  王君  孙晓静 《自动化学报》2018,44(6):1128-1137
提出了一种基于故障可诊断性量化评价的传感器优化配置方法.针对可能发生故障的非线性系统,首先,基于K-L散度思想,通过计算故障情形下残差概率密度函数的差异度,得到了系统不同故障下故障可检测性和可分离性的量化指标,由于稀疏内核密度估计和蒙特卡洛算法的引入,克服了K-L散度计算中残差概率密度函数难以估计和非线性结构的K-L散度计算复杂度高的困难;其次,以故障可诊断性的定量评价为基础,借助于动态规划方法给出了系统满足期望故障可诊断性的传感器最优集合;最后,通过数值仿真和实体实验仿真验证了文中方法在故障诊断系统传感器优化配置中的有效性.  相似文献   

针对当前自动控制领域中的控制软件,分析其故障诊断部分的一般特征,并介绍了一种故障诊断软件的典型设计方法.该方法采用故障树作为基本的逻辑因果关系,使用分布式计算技术,结合多种故障推理模式,利用构件技术设计和实现了集故障源数据的采集、数据过滤分析,人机交互界面于一体的完整故障诊断软件系统.该软件可以结合用户经验知识,根据其故障数据采集环节的特点,动态调整过滤特征参数,平衡故障产生和恢复检测的准确度和实时性;结合生产控制流程图,可以依据用户的喜好灵活地配置人机交互界面.  相似文献   

航天测控软件系统安全关键等级高,其质量直接决定航天任务成败,具有架构庞大、软件配置项多、内外接口复杂、数据传递路径长、处理实时性强等特点,软件系统测试的要求高且难度大,目前存在系统测试需求不清晰、测试针对性差等实际问题;航天测控软件系统是典型的数据驱动型软件系统,针对其特点,文章提出了一种基于数据源识别和数据流分析的软件系统测试方法,开展了数据源识别、数据流路径分析、数据状态分析和获取、系统级数据流顺序图生成等关键技术研究,给出了该方法的推荐工作流程;该方法已在多个航天测控中心软件系统测试中应用,实践表明,针对数据驱动型软件系统,该方法可以显著提高系统测试的设计有效性和测试效率。  相似文献   

The increasing complexity and cost of software-intensive systems has led developers to seek ways of reusing software components across development projects. One approach to increasing software reusability is to develop a software product-line (SPL), which is a software architecture that can be reconfigured and reused across projects. Rather than developing software from scratch for a new project, a new configuration of the SPL is produced. It is hard, however, to find a configuration of an SPL that meets an arbitrary requirement set and does not violate any configuration constraints in the SPL.Existing research has focused on techniques that produce a configuration of an SPL in a single step. Budgetary constraints or other restrictions, however, may require multi-step configuration processes. For example, an aircraft manufacturer may want to produce a series of configurations of a plane over a span of years without exceeding a yearly budget to add features.This paper provides three contributions to the study of multi-step configuration for SPLs. First, we present a formal model of multi-step SPL configuration and map this model to constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs). Second, we show how solutions to these SPL configuration problems can be automatically derived with a constraint solver by mapping them to CSPs. Moreover, we show how feature model changes can be mapped to our approach in a multi-step scenario by using feature model drift. Third, we present empirical results demonstrating that our CSP-based reasoning technique can scale to SPL models with hundreds of features and multiple configuration steps.  相似文献   

OPC客户端与实时数据库通信的实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在组态软件的数据流程中,一个关键要解决的问题是OPC客户端与实时数据库通信。本文分三个方面剖析了此过程,即OPC客户端初始化实时数据库,实时数据库写OPC服务器中的项,当OPC服务器中的项发生变化时写实时数据库相应TAGID值。本文将面向对象技术与传统的软件设计方法相结合,使用VC++、COM等先进编程技术,讨论了OPC客户端和实时数据库通信的方法。  相似文献   

梁冠宇  武延军  吴敬征  赵琛 《软件学报》2020,31(10):3056-3073
软件可靠性是软件工程领域中的研究热点之一,故障率分析是软件可靠性的典型研究方法.然而,软件构建模式已从单体模式演进到以开源软件为代表的规模化协作模式,操作系统作为代表性产物之一,所含开源软件之间通过组合关系和依赖关系,形成了一个包含上万节点的供应关系网络.典型方法缺乏对供应关系的考量,无法准确识别和评估因此而引入的软件可靠性问题.把供应链概念体系拓展到开源软件领域,提出一种基于知识的面向开源协作模式下软件供应可靠性的管理方法:面向开源软件生态进行本体设计,构建开源软件知识图谱,实现知识的提取、存储和管理,以知识为驱动,结合传统的供应链管理方法,提出一组面向开源软件供应链的可靠性管理方法,构成一套开源软件供应链管理系统.实验以Linux操作系统发行版的构建为例,展示了开源软件供应链对操作系统可靠性的支撑能力.结果表明,开源软件供应链将有助于理清和评估大型复杂系统软件的可靠性风险.  相似文献   

Software reliability is one of the research hotspots in the field of software engineering, and failure rate analysis is a typical research method for software reliability. However, the software construction mode has evolved from a single mode to a large-scale collaborative model represented by open source software. As one of the representative products, the operating system includes open source software connected through combinations and dependencies to form a supply network of tens of thousands of nodes. Typical methods lack consideration of supply relationships and cannot accurately identify and evaluate the software reliability issues introduced as a result. This paper extends the concept of supply chain to the field of open source software and proposes a knowledge-based management method for software supply reliability in a collaborative model. The ontological body is designed for the open source software ecosystem firstly, and then the nowledge graph of open source software is constructed to achieve the extraction, storage and management of knowledge; driven by knowledge, combined with traditional supply chain management methods, a set of reliability management methods for open source software supply chain is proposed, which constitutes a management system of open source software supply chain. With the construction of a Linux operating system distribution as an example, the experiment demonstrates how the open source software supply chain supports the reliability of the operating system. Results show that the open source software supply chain will help to clarify and evaluate the reliability risk of large complex system software.  相似文献   

在阐述选矿控制系统中HMI的设计要求的基础上,确定了选用iFix组态软件做HMI的设计。具体介绍了SCADA系统的HMI实现方法,通过实践论述了iFix使整个自动化系统更加灵活、可靠,选用iFix极大地提高了投资回报率,降低了生产成本。  相似文献   

本文讨论利用复式的方法,综合最可靠控制系统的问题.对只受一个约束条件的系统,直 接从工程设计中少花钱、多收益的概念出发,加强薄弱环节,平衡提高各个串联环节的可靠性, 应用偏微分求最大值的原理,推导出最可靠控制系统的准确表达式.对带有多个约束条件的 可靠性最优化问题,则借助拉格朗日乘子法直接求解.同时,指出不受任何条件约束的复式混 合故障系统,也有可靠性最优化的问题,并导出了答案.另外举出计算例题,便于一般工程技 术人员参阅和应用. 本文明确提出按照控制系统中元器件的故障性质分为独立(开路型)故障与相依(短路型) 故障两类,这样不但有利于分析元器件或分系统故障对总系统可靠性影响的大小,同时也便于 进行最可靠控制系统的设计.  相似文献   

Improving the efficiency of the testing process is a challenging goal. Prior work has shown that often a small number of errors account for the majority of software failures; and often, most errors are found in a small portion of a source code. We argue that prioritizing code elements before conducting testing can help testers focus their testing effort on the parts of the code most likely to expose errors. This can, in turn, promote more efficient testing of software. Keeping this in view, we propose a testing effort prioritization method to guide tester during software development life cycle. Our approach considers five factors of a component such as Influence value, Average execution time, Structural complexity, Severity and Value as inputs and produce the priority value of the component as an output. Once all components of a program have been prioritized, testing effort can be apportioned so that the components causing more frequent and/or more severe failures will be tested more thoroughly. Our proposed approach is effective in guiding testing effort as it is linked to external measure of defect severity and business value, internal measure of frequency and complexity. As a result, the failure rate is decreased and the chance of severe type of failures is also decreased in the operational environment. We have conducted experiments to compare our scheme with a related scheme. The results establish that our proposed approach that prioritizes the testing effort within the source code is able to minimize highly severed types of failures and also number of failures at the post-release time of a software system.  相似文献   

Strong international competition makes it necessary for an enterprise to reduce organizational overhead and costs. This goal can be reached by integrating of the available islands of automation. This integration would be facilitated greatly if there were a generally agreed upon architectural structure in which the software modules of the various vendors could operate. CIMOSA (computer integrated manufacturing—open system architecture) aims at providing such an architectural structure and strives to become a European standard. An important part of CIMOSA consists of the enterprise model. In this article the results of a project are described which is aimed at the validation of CIMOSA in a typical SME (small and medium-sized enterprise) environment. In a first step, the CIMOSA partial and particular models for SMEs were developed. The authors developed a coarse model of the order management and a detailed model of the future concept of the CAD/PPC interface. In order to master the increasing complexity of the planning of software systems of an enterprise, new planning methods and tools are required. Thus in the second part, an integrated approach to software system planning and selection based on CIMOSA enterprise models was developed. The underlying idea of the approach is the conversion of the planning problem into an equivalent constraint satisfaction problem. The conversion process can be accomplished fully automatically. To interconnect a real system, in a lot of cases, it is required to configure data conversion modules. In the third part, the article focuses on a configuration system which allows a straightforward configuration of the data conversion modules.  相似文献   

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