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主持:晓军。非常高兴邀请您给我们的读者谈谈青年一代创业的话题。作为铜加工行业的一名新秀。特别是在你担任浙江富阳512铜业集团总经理职务的两年里。企业取得了有目共睹的业绩。我想你倾注了大量的心血和智慧。这其中的甘苦。你自己体会最深。能不能敞开心扉,与青年朋友进行一次心灵的沟通。  相似文献   

Ni-P合金化学镀层由于施镀过程不需要电流。零件的不同形状的各个部位沉积层很均匀。镀层厚度也可严格控制。所以有很好的仿形性。能满足精密尺寸的要求。该非晶态的Ni-P镀层可以提高材料的表面的耐蚀、耐磨等性能。特别是在Ni-P化学镀层中加入SiC陶瓷颗粒形成复合镀层。可以在保持原有良好的性能基础上。使其耐磨性能大幅度提高。  相似文献   

敞开式阳极焙烧炉的烟气(一)   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
温作仁 《轻金属》2004,(12):42-45
敞开式焙烧炉的烟气,在阳极焙烧的设计和生产中。是必须引起重视的要素。烟气量。污染物种类及含量,烟气的温度压力等参数,对确定焙烧炉的有关尺寸。净化方案的选择。以及净化装置的大小等都是至关重要的。  相似文献   

主持:王真见先生。再生铝行业的不少同行对你在西南的重庆搞再生铝项目给予了高度的评价。再生金属分会的同志也多次到这里来考察再生铝行业,但我却是第一次来。这次亲眼看到这里巨大的市场。在前不久的《中国有色金属报》上曾经有人专门对重庆再生铝的市场有过一个详细的报道。认为在重庆有着广阔铸造铝合金市场潜力。而且你在这里干得有声有色。:年产10万吨的再生铝项目进展十分顺利。铸造铝合金的产品品种已经达到了十多个。产品销往西南地区和全国市场。这次来。看到了你们再生铝项目的一期工程正在有条不紊地进行,员工宿舍建设得整洁宽敞。二期工程的车间已经完成了主体工程。正在进行炉窑的安装和环保设施建设,各种铝合金产品正源源不断地走向市场。请给我们介绍一下你们这些年来的发展情况。  相似文献   

台湾钛产业现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台湾的钛工业的特征:台湾的钛工业具有5大特征。(1)原料依赖进口。由于台湾没有钛及钛合金的熔炼。因此其钛产业主要依赖进口半成品。(2)产品面向出口。钛制高尔夫球头是台湾钛业出品的代表性产业。主要出口到美国和日本。(3)以OEM或ODM为主。由于规模小,台湾的高尔夫球头生产厂家大多数是以OEM或ODM等国际有名的厂家的产品订货为主。  相似文献   

每一个成功的企业,都有先进的企业文化。先进的企业文化是企业持续发展的精神支柱和动力源泉。是企业核心竞争力的重要组成部分。建设先进的企业文化,是加强党的执政能力建设。大力发展社会主义先进文化。构建社会主义和谐社会的重要组成部分;是企业深化改革、加快发展、做强做大的迫切需要;是发挥党的政治优势,建设高素质员工队伍。促进人的全面发展的必然选择;是企业提高管理水平,增强凝聚力和打造核心竞争力的战略举措。在社会主义市场经济条件下。国有企业进行企业文化建设。构筑基业长青的企业文化,就要在继承的基础上不断创新。建设具有企业特色的企业文化。最大限度地调动员工的积极性、主动性和创造性,为企业的改革和发展提供强大的精神动力。近几年来,洛铜集团一直保持着超常规、跨越式发展的良好势头。  相似文献   

年轻父母是大学教职工人员结构中的重要组成。他们不仅担负着教育大学生的任务,也肩负着教育子女的责任。向他们提供育儿的理论、知识和艺术,有利于大学教育本身。养成教育是育儿教育的首要教育。行相教育是育儿教育的示范教育。当好父母是种族文明传承的基本方式。认识其中的奥秘是本文的宗旨和作者的心意。  相似文献   

天津NCU金属制品有限公司是天津环保产业园区内规模较大、设备自动化程度较高、环境保护设施先进、管理规范的废旧金属拆解加工企业。该公司是NCU(集团)有限公司投资组建的外商独资企业。该公司固定资产投资420万美元。厂区占地面积25600平方米(40亩)。前不久。公司投资160万美元。从丹麦引进的再生金属拆解加工生产线己竣工投产。当记者来到厂区时。再生金属拆解加工设备正在运转。公司的同志拿出了天津市环境保护局和有关检测部门刚刚送来的检测报告。这份长长的检测化验报告显示。天津NCU金属制品有限公司的废旧金属拆解加工设备现代化程度高。经过这些设备处理之后。不仅可获得高质量的有色金属原料。而且整个生产过程没有噪音。电线电缆上的所有塑料和橡胶都被完全分离出来,在设备的出口排除的烟气优于国际规定的排放标准。得到了环保部门的高度评价。许多专家学者来到天津子牙环保产业园时。往往第一个参观的就是NCU天津金属制品有限公司。许多政府主管部门的同志在参观了生产线以后,一扫过去对废旧金属进口工作的误解和偏见。无不认为中国的再生金属产业正打开新的一页。由于他们的废旧电缆电线处理生产线所具有的节能、环保和高质量,他们的产品在市场上成为许多生产企业的抢手货。针对目前进口废旧电缆电线往往混杂在一起的现实状况。  相似文献   

铸工车间里有不少振动机械。如震动造型机、振动落砂机、振动输送槽。都是巨大的噪声源。由于机器的结构原理和尺度的不同,噪声的大小及顽固性是不一样的。实际的问题更加复杂。所以噪声的控制方法必须具体分析具体处理。  相似文献   

从赤泥盐酸浸出液中提取钪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了从赤泥的盐酸浸出液中回收钪的工艺条件。以1%P507^+煤油为有机相。相比O/A=1:1。萃取时间15min。钪的萃取率达90%以上。用6mol/LHCI为洗液。洗涤有机相二次。水洗二次。洗涤相比O/A-3:1。反萃剂为2NNaOH溶液。相比O/A-3:1,反萃温度50℃。最终得到的富集物中Sc2O3的纯度为66.09%。富集了2600倍以上。  相似文献   

The development of computer controlled continuous rolling process calls for a mathematical expression that can express the inequality condition of "constant flow". Tension is the link of the continuous rolling process. From the condition of dynamic equilibrium, a differential equation of tension is given out. On the basis of the physical rules established from the industrial practice and experimental studies, the law of volume constancy, the linear relation of forward slip and tension, the state equation of continuous rolling, the formula of dynamic tension, and the formula of static tension have been obtained. These formulae reflect the functional relations between tensions, thickness, roll velocity, and time in the continuous rolling process. It is implied that the continuous rolling process is a gradually steady, controllable, and measurable dynamic system. An assumption of predicting the thickness of a steel plate using these tension formulae is also put forward.  相似文献   

Coherent second phase often exhibits anisotropic morphology with specifi c orientations with respect to both the second and the matrix phases. As a key feature of microstructure, the morphology of the coherent particles is essential for understanding the second-phase strengthening eff ect in various industrial alloys. This letter reports anisotropic growth of coherent ferrite from austenite matrix in pure iron based on molecular dynamics simulation. We found that the ferrite grain tends to grow into an elongated plate-like shape, independent of its initial confi guration. The fi nal shape of the ferrite is closely related to the misfi t between the two phases, with the longest direction and the broad facet of the plate being, respectively, consistent with the best matching direction and the best matching plane calculated via the Burgers vector content(BVC) method. The strain energy calculation in the framework of Eshelby's inclusion theory verifi es that the simulated orientation of the coherent ferrite is energetically favorable. It is anticipated that the BVC method will be applicable in analysis of anisotropic growth and morphology of coherent second phase in other phase transformation systems.  相似文献   

Optimization of the welding process of high alloyed steels and improvement of corrosion behaviour of welded joints The optimization of welding processes is necessary to obtain a good durability of the welded joints connected with a minimization of the corrosion performance. Welding processes represent a considerable influence of the material. The formation of precipitations, strong structure changes, increasing of the residual stress and not at all undefined surface layers are possible. All these changes have a great influence on the corrosion behaviour. Particularly tempering tarnish changes the passive layer which is decisive for the corrosion resistance. But also surface treatment methods can influence the corrosion behaviour. Therefore both the welding process and an “after‐care” coordinated with the respective welding process had to be optimized. The optimization of the welding process was carried out by variation of the energy per unit length and the use of different protective gases. For a selection of a surface treatment method it has to be taken into account that an obvious remove of the tempering tarnish doesn't lead to an improvement in the corrosion behaviour. Traces of the working tool which can have a negative effect on the corrosion behaviour often remain on the surface. The influence of these different parameters on the corrosion property could be proved by electrochemical and surface analytical examinations. The investigations were carried out at specimens of two typical representatives of high alloyed austenitic steels and at welded joints, which had different surface treatments.  相似文献   

Cracked reinforced concrete: What about corrosion risk? The formation of cracks within the tension zone of the concrete is part of the design principle of reinforced concrete structures. The width of these cracks can be limited by means of crack limiting reinforcement. Already by the end of the fifties first examinations have been carried out to determine the influence of cracks and their width on the corrosion risk. Compared to uncracked concrete CO2 and chlorides as corrosion promoting substances are able to move faster towards the reinforcement within a crack, leading to an earlier depassivation of the reinforcement within the cracks. Before Schießl published his results, from experiments and literature research, it had been assumed that the corrosion rate of reinforcement within cracks increases with increasing crack width. Hence a differentiated maximum crack width linked to exposure classes had to be complied according to the DIN 1045 until the version of 1988. For the first time the DIN 1045 version 1988 did not enclose this differentiation, for durability reasons a maximum crack width of 0.25 mm has been fixed for reinforced concrete. In the version of 2001 the calculated crack width has been raised from 0.25 mm to 0.30 mm. Therewith the findings of Schießl (published in book no. 370 by the Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton) have been implemented by now. The main contributing factors influencing the corrosion rate of cracked concrete are the concrete quality and the concrete cover and not the crack width, whereas horizontal structural parts exposed to chlorides have to protected generally by additional measures.  相似文献   

There is a cyclical aperture at a certain part of the fiberglass reinforced plastic compound pipeline with a stainless steel pipe as a liner, which becomes the weakness of the conduit. The field of stress and strain of the aperture was investigated using the nonliner finite element code Marc. The results of the finite element analysis showed that there were concentrations of stress and strain in the layer of stainless steel at the part of the pipeline where the aperture existed. The method to solve these problems was also discussed.  相似文献   

Nanocrystalline and amorphous Mg2Ni-type Mg20-xYxNi10(x = 0,1,2,3 and 4) electrode alloys were fabricated using mechanical milling.The effects of the Y content and milling time on the microstructures and electrochemical performances of the alloys were investigated in detail.X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy analyses revealed that the substitution of Y for Mg yields an obvious change in the phase composition and micro morphology of the alloys.When the Y content x B 1,the substitution of Y for Mg does not change the major phase Mg2 Ni,but with a further increase in the Y content,the major phase of the alloys transforms into the YMg Ni4 YMg3 phase.A nanocrystalline and amorphous structure can be obtained by mechanical milling,and the amorphisation degree of the alloy visibly increases with increased milling time.Electrochemical measurements indicate that the discharge capacity of the alloys first increases and then decreases with increasing Y content and milling time.The substitution of Y for Mg dramatically ameliorates the cycle stability of the as-milled alloys,and the mechanical milling more or less impairs the cycle stability of the alloys.Furthermore,the high rate discharge ability,electrochemical impedance spectrum,Tafel polarisation curves and potential step measurements indicate that the electrochemical kinetic properties of the as-milled alloys first increase and then decrease with increasing Y content and milling time.  相似文献   

During annealing of the Ti surface coated by the Al film, different aluminide phases were formed as the result of reactions between Ti and Al. The structural formation of aluminide phases and the microstructure formed after annealing treatment depended on the thickness of the initial Al film. After annealing treatment up to 900 °C, the microstructure of the overlayer clearly showed contours of grain boundaries of the initial Ti substrate. The shapes, sizes and distribution of the particles in the overlayer depended on the microstructure of the initial Ti substrate as well. The microstructure of the initial Ti substrate had a great effect on the transformation kinetics. Retardation of the reaction was observed on the substrate with lamellar structure. After the elimination of the overlayer, a fine plate structure was formed. The change of the phase compositions of the overlayer led to change in the microhardness. The peak value of the microhardness was observed with the lamellar like morphology of overlayer.  相似文献   

熊飞  王立新  梁文 《物理测试》2019,37(5):56-59
桥壳钢边部出现线状裂纹缺陷,钢板开裂发生在距离边部 20mm范围之内。通过金相显微检验对裂纹产生的原因进行分析,检验结果表明:钢板传动侧与操作侧边部表层均观察到厚度约 150μm的贝氏体组织,钢板板宽方向的其他部位表层组织与试样正常组织相同,均为铁素体+珠光体。由此可知,钢板边部冷速过快导致贝氏体组织出现,贝氏体塑性较铁素体+珠光体差,在钢板卷取过程中导致开裂的发生。  相似文献   

Thermally sprayed deposits have layered structure composed of individual splats. The individual splats have quenching microstructure of quasi-stable preferred fine grains. However, this fine-grained microstructure of the deposits is usually not reflected by improved performance of the deposits because a layered structure with two-dimensional voids occurs between lamellar interfaces. The microstructure of the thermal spray deposits with the emphasis on the layer structural parameters is reviewed. Conventionally, one of the most common quantitative parameters used to characterize the microstructure of the thermally sprayed deposits is the porosity, measured by different methods. However, it is illustrated that the relationships between properties and porosity for bulk porous materials processed by conventional processes cannot be applied to thermally sprayed deposits owing to the two-dimensional characteristics of voids. The total porosity in the deposits is not meaningful from the viewpoint of prediction of the deposit properties. An idealized structural model and related parameters, instead of porosity, are proposed to characterize quantitatively the microstructure of the thermally sprayed deposit. The relationships between the properties and the structural parameters are presented for the plasma-sprayed ceramic deposits based on the proposed microstructure model. The properties include the Young’s modulus, fracture toughness, erosion resistance, and thermal conductivity of the plasma sprayed ceramic deposits. The correlations of theoretical relationships with reported experimental data are discussed. An agreement of theoretical with observed values suggests that the lamellar structure of the deposit with limited interface bonding is the dominant factor controlling the performance of the deposit. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

陈新梅  李心沁 《金属学报》2008,13(9):981-984
目的:研究伊文思蓝鼻腔给药壳聚糖载体的促吸收作用及其对鼻腔黏膜的毒性。方法:小鼠鼻腔给伊文思蓝的壳聚糖溶液后, 采用荧光显微镜观察脑部伊文思蓝的分布;紫外法测定小鼠脑部其含量;通过鼻腔黏膜切片考察壳聚糖对大鼠鼻腔黏膜毒性。结果:壳聚糖对伊文思蓝经鼻吸收入脑具有促进作用, 伊文思蓝在脑前、中、后部均有分布;壳聚糖载体对大鼠鼻黏膜毒性较小。结论:壳聚糖是水溶性药物经鼻吸收入脑的优良载体。  相似文献   

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