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条码标签因为成本低廉、使用简便,自诞生起便受到广泛应用与推广,目前使用专用条码打印机打印标签已成为自动识别领域中一个最普遍的应用。条码标签结合了编码技术、符号表示技术、印刷排版、数据库、软件编程、印刷技术等多领域专业技术的一种综合性应用。当前我国在标签认知与应用已基本接近国际一流水准,如能进一步的对标签的使用与维护进行专门的研究,可使标签的应用发挥到最佳状态。  相似文献   

基于烟叶复烤流程和工艺要求,对烟叶分级、投料流程进行了信息化改造,开发了烟叶分级投料管理信息系统。该系统实现了对分级后烟台信息自动采集、条码打印、投料扫码、识别、信息检测报警以及投料信息保存与统计,为ERP、MES分级、排产流程提供了数据支撑。对开发过程涉及的串口通信、条码打印、扫码识别、报表设计、数据表设计、以及最终VB编程实现所遇到的实际问题进行了分析和讨论。该系统投入使用后,运行可靠,检测效率高,简化了操作流程,减少了投料等级错误。   相似文献   

前言 近年来网络技术和现代测控技术在棉花加工行业得到了越来越广泛的应用,各种各样的电子设备越来越多地应用到了加工厂的生产、检验、管理岗位上。例如已经得到广泛应用的棉包条码信息管理系系统、籽棉收购系统、棉花加工设备的故障诊断及检测系统等等。这些技术的应用极大地节省了人力,提高了生产效率,增加了企业的经济效益。但是也带来了一些新问题,对操作人员的技能要求更高、设备的保养维护专业性更强等等。对这些电子设备进行操作和维护工作过程中,经常会出现正常运行的设备突然出现工作异常或损坏;或者在维护之前工作正常,进行了设备维护之后出现了故障;或者设备时好时坏,性能逐渐变差直至彻底不能使用。具体的事例有:籽棉收购系统中计算机对磅房电子秤的数据读取过程中偶尔出现数据不稳定,但大多数时间是正常的。棉包条码信息管理系系统换完色带或进行完其它操作之后,出现打印机打印乱码或者无法打印等故障。计算机在拔插外部串口设备后,计算机串口损坏,等等。所有这些都可能与一种物理现象有关,“静电放电”。  相似文献   

为了解决卷烟包装箱的条码标签在打印和粘贴过程中可能出现的漏码、重码问题,设计了一套基于PC控制技术的卷烟条码实时在线判定系统.该系统由条码扫描仪与传感器、WinAC配合,采用基于PC控制技术软件,实现卷烟条码的扫描、判定和烟箱剔除功能,并可对条码信息进行数据统计.该系统经过实际应用,解决了原卷烟包装箱中出现的条码漏码、重码问题,漏码现象由原来的平均5件/月减少为0,重码由原来的平均1件/月减少为0,系统性能稳定,达到生产工艺要求.  相似文献   

一、条码技术与二维条码简介 条码技术是在计算机技术和信息技术基础上发展起来的一门集编码、印刷、识别、数据采集和处理于一身的技术。条码技术广泛应用于商业、邮政、图书管理、仓储、工业生产过程控制、交通等领域。在当今的自动识别技术中占有重要的地位。条码就是由一组规则排列的条、空以及对应的字符组成的标记。"条"指对光线反射率较低的部分,"空"指对光线反射率较高的部分,这些条和空组成的数据表达一定的信息,并能够用特定的设备识读、转换成与计算机兼容的二进制和十进制信息。通常对于每一种物品,它的编码是唯一的。对于普通的一维条码来说,还要通过数据库建立条码与物  相似文献   

<正> 在生产库存管理和产品打印中,都需要处理大量的可变信息,如品种、生产日期、价格等。普遍来说,这些信息由电脑输入,以条形码形式显示出来,再通过打印机,打印在不干胶标签上。这种信息的处理和传递的精确度极高,大大减少了人工记录可能出现的误差,提高了信息管理的效率。由于条形码标签的打印效果会直接影响到条码扫描的准确度,亦即影响到信息的精确处理,所以条形码的打印要求影像密度高、边界清晰。  相似文献   

采用梅特勒—托利多静态电子称,与高架线上的自动计数器、自动卸载机配套,建立以太网,将家禽相关数据录入到中心计算机站进行处理,采用双机冗余技术,实现家禽胴体数据(重量,数量)的自动记录、存储及控制;家禽胴体数据实时监控;分批次的胴体数据打印结算;禽胴体数据的统计和历史查询等功能。该系统应用于家禽屠宰加工过程中的重量结算或生产内部管理,可实现自动流水作业,满足20 000只/h的屠宰能力。能解决困扰家禽加工行业多年在挂禽区活禽检斤结算存在的诸多难题。  相似文献   

张瑞林 《丝绸》2011,48(11)
阐述假冒伪劣产品侵害现状和目前常用的防伪方法,即使使用最高的防伪技术仍然不能杜绝假冒产品以假乱真现象的发生。提出了一种带PDF417二维条形码的服装标签的服装防伪方案及实现方法,将服装的特征信息和商标经过混排加密后存储在条码中,并印刷在服装吊牌上,仿冒者因不知道条码中的数据结构,即使读出条码中的信息也不能识读出正确信息,实现防伪。消费者可以通过手机识读软件(可从商品官方网站上下载)拍照获得相关信息,比对识读出信息和标签上的信息,特别是商标,即可辨别真伪。  相似文献   

计算机时代已在一切技术领域中神奇地改变了我们的生活。计算机几乎可以控制柔性版包装印刷的每一生产过程。由计算机技术衍生的一个重要发展就是条码符号表示法这个概念。 条码是最为人熟悉的自动识别和自动数据输入的形式。在柔性版纸制品加工工业中,条码可作为一种有用的管理工具用来提高生产率、质量和存货控制,为明智的商业决策提供精确、及时的数据。 什么是条码? 条码是一种标有机器可识读数字和其他字符的,交替变换条和空的系统模式。各种条码以不同的方式对信息编码以表示出产品名称、  相似文献   

正厦门汉印电子技术有限公司汉印是卓越的系统打印解决方案制造企业,专业领域涵盖数码印花打印、Pos打印、移动打印、条码标签打印、照片打印、扫描设备的生产制造以及智能应用软件、多平台驱动程序和嵌入式应用的开发,全公司申请的300多项专利使公司成为行业先锋,并有多项创新。公司拥有超过30000平米的专业化生产基地,并与多家权威科研院所达成战略合作,凭借自主研发的核心精密技术,实现构建物联网时代的信息互联。公司秉持"持续改善,不断进取"的企业理念,为家庭、商业、工业应用领域提供安全、可靠、高效、经济、环保的整体打印解决方案。  相似文献   

针对纸机横向定量控制系统,对其中存在的定量数据获取及控制输出数据的传送问题进行了分析,以VB软件作为工具开发上位机软件,基于OPC技术实现了与纵向定量控制系统之间的数据交换,并基于开放系统互联简化模型自定义通信协议,利用RS485串行接口通信实现了与执行机构之间的数据交换,从而对稀释水阀开度进行调节,实现对纸张横向定量的自动控制。  相似文献   

马巧红  李茜 《中华纸业》2007,28(7):52-55
利用西门子S7-200 PLC自由口通信模式,根据自定义的协议,通信数据均采用ASCII码的方法,避免了起始字符和结束字符与报文数据区的数据相混淆的问题,实现了PLC与上位计算机之间的通信.以气垫式流浆箱为例,详细的阐述了通信数据的存储方式,以及通信过程的实现问题.在实践中得到检验,节约成本,效果良好.  相似文献   

通过对82头黄差别的屠宰分割,本试验系统测定了牛龄、胴体重、净肉重、分割肉块重及各分割肉块占胴体的比例等综合指标,并对这些指标做了相关分析,得出了预测牛肉产量的回归方程。同时对宰后不同分割部位牛肉24h后的剪切力、蒸煮得率、感官评分进行了测定,发现不同分割部位除风味差异不显著外,各项指标有显著差异,且剪切力测定结果与感官评定结果不一致。  相似文献   

National carcass classification records for cattle, sheep and pigs were used as a basis for estimating the body composition of British livestock slaughter populations. The tissue percentages of carcasses in each classification fatness range were estimated from regression equations constructed using data from breed comparison trials and other sources. The lipid and protein contents of the tissues were then estimated using regression equations from body composition studies. The mean carcass composition, and lean and fat production from current populations (1984) were compared with those of ten years ago. There has been an important increase of 20 kg (8%) in carcass weight for beef but no change in carcass composition. The average beef carcass in 1984 was estimated to contain 23% lipid (inclusive of lipid in perinephric and retroperitoneal fat). The weight of sheep carcasses has fallen by 0·6 kg (3 1 2% ) since 1977 without any appreciable change in carcass composition. The average sheep carcass in 1984 was estimated to contain 24% lipid. The lipid content of the average pig carcass was estimated to have fallen significantly from 27% in 1975 to 22% in 1984, with a small increase in carcass weight.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether culled beef cows fed a high-concentrate diet (FED) would have improved live performance, carcass traits and muscle characteristics compared with forage fed (CON) cows. In addition, ractopamine (RAC) supplementation was evaluated for added benefits over high concentrate alone. Live weight, average daily gain, hot carcass weight, ribeye area, marbling, quality grade and carcass fat measurements increased ( P ≤  0.05) by realimentation. As a percent of hot carcass weight, muscle yields did not differ ( P >  0.05). Lipid content increased ( P ≤  0.05) in 5 out of the 10 muscles from FED cows. Cows fed ractopamine showed some numeric improvements over feeding alone, but few statistical differences ( P >  0.05). This may result from variability associated with cull cows, and warrants investigation into the best dose/duration for ractopamine. However, realimentation by itself was able to improve cull cow quality.


The U.S. beef industry continues to explore new avenues to enhance undervalued sectors of the production system. Through realimentation, cull cow quality can be improved. The data presented herein demonstrate that feeding a high-concentrate diet to cull cows increases both live and carcass weights. In addition, high concentrate-fed cull cows display more marbling and whiter fat cover than those fed at maintenance level. Qualification for premium programs, heavier weights and overall higher quality may lead to increased value for this underutilized sector of the beef industry.  相似文献   

A total of 159 bulls representing seven Spanish beef breeds were fed with concentrates, managed in the same conditions and slaughtered at two commercial weights (veal and young-bull). Carcasses were measured and classified in order to characterise the carcass variation in the Spanish beef market and to assess the relationship among carcass measurements and grading. Principal Component Analysis clearly separated commercial types regardless the inclusion of the carcass weight in the input data. Within commercial weights the studied breeds clustered into three groups according to muscular development and carcass classification score: high meat producer breeds (Asturiana de los Valles and Rubia Gallega); medium meat producers (Parda Alpina and Pirenaica); and low meat producers (Avileña, Retinta and Morucha). The perimeter and width of the leg (muscular development) besides the length and width of the carcass basically defined these three carcass types. Conformation was an important trait in explaining variation between breeds because its values were positively correlated with muscular development and carcass compactness.  相似文献   

Steers (n = 84) of various genotypes raised under diverse management conditions from the 2001 Missouri State Beef carcass contest were used to evaluate the relationship between serum concentrations of leptin and beef carcass composition and quality. Serum and carcass data including hot carcass weight; adjusted 12th rib fat thickness; percentage kidney; pelvic and heart fat (KPH); marbling score; and USDA yield grades were measured at harvest. Leptin was correlated with back fat thickness over the 12th rib, yield grade, and marbling score (r = 0.35, r = 0.19, r = 0.26 , P < 0.10; respectively), but not with hot carcass weight, ribeye area, or KPH (P > 0.10). Serum concentrations of leptin may be useful to objectively evaluate carcass composition in fed cattle and may provide a means by which carcass quality can be predicted in the live animal.  相似文献   

Forty beef carcasses were classified for conformation and fatness. Besides, carcass weight, fat thickness (FT), carcass dimension, marbling by computer image analysis and ultrasound readings was recorded to complement grading. For predicting intramuscular fat (IMF) content, FT, number of intramuscular flecks and conformation increased R2-value from 0.19 to 0.64 compared to conformation alone. For visual marbling, ultrasound readings and thoracic depth (TD) increased the R2-value from 0.24 to 0.57 compared to fatness score (FS). The best variables for predicting weight of fabricated subprimals were carcass weight or compactness which is a function of carcass weight (R2 between 0.94 and 0.63). Fatness score was poorer than FT for predicting yield of subprimals cuts from round (R2 = 0.16 vs. 0.50) and ultrasound readings for less valuable subprimals (R2 = 0.31 vs. 0.39). These results showed that other variables could be used in combination with carcass fatness or conformation to achieve a more accurate estimation of fat and carcass yield.  相似文献   

工业领域中控制设备使用的串口通信抗干扰性不强,而以太网通信具有更好的抗干扰性,并且控制设备和以太网具有联网的趋势。提出了一种以高性能微处理器(C8051F120)和以太网控制芯片(CP2200)为核心的转换系统,把从串口(RS232或RS485)中接收到的数据,通过以太网进行传输,提高了传输数据的抗干扰性,节省了更新换代成本,达到了远程监控、远程通信的目的。  相似文献   

Muscle profiling: Characterizing the muscles of the beef chuck and round   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To fully characterize properties of the muscles of the beef chuck and round, and to reveal potential opportunities to upgrade the value, 39 different muscles were dissected from 142 beef carcasses differing in carcass weight, yield grade, and quality grade. Numerous physical and chemical properties of the muscles were determined. Muscle effects were observed for all traits (objective color, expressible moisture, proximate composition, emulsion capacity, pH, total collagen content, total heme-iron concentration, and Warner-Bratzler shear force). USDA quality grade generally had the most effect on muscle traits, with carcass weight and yield grade having lesser effects. These muscle profile data will allow for more informed decisions to be made in the selection of individual muscles from the beef chuck and round for the production of value-added products.  相似文献   

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