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离子物理公司接受了一次洛斯阿拉莫斯科学实验室提出的合同,这项144,800美元的合同要求制造三台高压电子束脉冲发生器(今年年初该公司已向洛斯阿拉莫斯交付了一台相似的脉冲发生器)。这些脉冲发生器将被用来驱动4个大面积(35×200厘米)热阴极电子枪,这些电子枪用于洛斯阿拉莫斯电子束控制的CO2激光聚变研究项目中。每个脉冲发生器能产生一个300千伏的脉冲,其上升时间为100毫微秒,峰值功率超过2千兆瓦。  相似文献   

本文讨论了扫描电镜中频闪系统的设计要求和计算方法,介绍了我们的实验系统。采用高能电子束轰击InGaAs二极管,根据所产生的脉冲束感生电流信号判断已获得宽度小于5毫微秒的脉冲电子束。  相似文献   

引言脉冲强流相对论电子束技术是一门新发展起来的学科,领域很新,用途很广。它是许多现代科学研究的重要手段。六十年代初,英国原子武器研究中心在该领域取得重大突破,把电子束的参数提高到几十千安、兆电子伏的水平。随后,在电子束新技术、电子束特性和物理学的研究方面也取得了快速进展。经过十余年的发展,强流电子束已经能达到这样的水平:电子能量10~5~2×10~7电子伏,电子束电流为10~4~2×10~6安培,脉冲宽度为10~100毫微秒,电子束能量为  相似文献   

硒激光器可代替钕玻璃激光器用于等离子体研究。其优点是价廉,重复率高,波长短,对核聚变研究颇有用。硒激光器首先由美国Livermore研究所在1978年研制成功。该所搞的是一个小型的,有效容积仅0.1升。对硒激光器的泵浦分两个步骤:先用1.5兆电子伏,4.5千焦耳的电子束发生器的脉冲(脉宽50毫微秒)  相似文献   

GH系列高压毫微秒脉冲发生器是哈尔滨特种元器件厂承接中国科学院半导体所科研成果而定型生产的一种新颖固体脉冲源。它的电路全部晶体管化,特别是主脉冲形成级采用了哈尔滨特种元器件厂生产的3DB系列专用雪崩管,使该仪器成为一种小型化的高压毫微秒装置。该发生器提供的上升时间小于2.5ns、幅度逾千伏的高速高压脉冲,可用于激光、雷达、超声、高速摄影、加速器等许多重要的技  相似文献   

美国散迪厄实验室已研制成4.2千焦耳的脉冲激光器,这是一台用电子束激励的氟化氢激光器。激光脉宽为20到30毫微秒;峰值功率约为2×1011瓦。4.2千焦耳是该室以前制成的电子束激励的氟化氢激光器脉冲能量的近两倍。  相似文献   

编辑同志: 贵刊1978年第二期发表的“电子束泵浦异核型XeF准分子激光器的实验研究”一文(以下简称该文),是在我不知情的情况下由署名于该文的前面两位作者撰写发表的。我作为这项研究的主要参加者,自始至终负责了脉冲发生器的调试工作,对该文关于脉冲源等的论述,感到有一些值得商榷之处,其中主要有如下几点供读者以及该文撰写人参考。 1.关于该文第94页4—6行中……实验采用电流脉冲前沿小于Ins的毫微秒高压脉冲电流经Blu-  相似文献   

Schlumberger公司生产的4300型脉冲发生器主要用于半导体和集成电路的测试。其重复频率为3赫至30兆赫,误差小于0.1%,分七档,各用一只按钮控制。脉宽可在20毫微秒至100毫秒之间调定,延迟为50毫微秒至100毫秒。上升和下降时间  相似文献   

在一些由逻辑电路组成的高速测试仪器中,作为时钟的高频脉冲发生器,对波形的上升沿和下降的时间要求很严,通常要求小于10毫微秒,但一般分立元件和由门电路组成的高频脉冲发生器,难以达到这个指标.这里介绍用高速电压比较器FBC01型所组成的高频脉冲方波发生器.此电路简单、工作频率稳定、  相似文献   

本文討論了利用二极管由正向至反向恢复的阶跃特性所构成的多种新穎毫微秒脉冲电路;指出了阶跃恢复二极管在高重复頻率毫微秒脉冲电路中应用的多种可能性;并根据电荷存儲概念对各电路的物理机构提出了定性描述。 本文所研究的电路分成三类:将高重复頻率正弦波变換成毫微秒脉冲的形成电路;将响应慢的脉冲变換成响应快的脉冲的整形电路;与晶体管配合的毫微秒脉冲发生器电路。 通过这些电路的討論,提出阶跃恢复二极管在脉冲电路中应用的重要性及潛在能力。在以后的論文中将探討其它新型电路,并对某些电路作較詳尽的分析,提供实际应用举例。  相似文献   

本文描述了电子束纵向泵浦准分子激光器装置中磁场的测量,它是用标准电阻法或带有积分器的探测线圈完成的,而电子束的总能量是用一个石墨量热计测量的。用重氮化铬膜监视激光腔内电子束的位置,我们得到了电子束的FWHM值为~2.7cm。用带有50Ω阻抗的同轴导体构成的法拉弟探头,诊断电子束脉冲的时间特性。  相似文献   

A simple but effective technique is described in which a multiple strand filament source for thermal evaporation of metals is used in conjunction with e-beam nanolithography. It is capable of fabricating nanometer metal structures with dimensions smaller than the resist opening by e-beam nanolithography. Preliminary results presented in this paper illustrate that this technique can be extended to dimensions which are beyond the present resolution limit (∼ 15-20nm), achievable with e-beam lithography and positive polymer resist. The pattern generation capability of e-beam nanolithography is extended to the fabrication of complex and high-density nanometer structures with dimensions ∼ 10 nm or less.  相似文献   

The quasi-steady-state conditions of the multi-atmospheric e-beam sustained Ar-Xe laser are investigated. It is observed that the duration of the stationary period depends on the e-beam current, discharge power deposition, and gas pressure. The laser efficiency can be as high as 8%. Beyond the stationary period the efficiency drops. The pulse energy with optimum efficiency depends strongly on the gas pressure. The maximum discharge efficiency of 5%-6% is at high pressure not sensitive to the input power. The best results are obtained for 4 bar with a discharge input power of 8 MW/l. The pulse duration with corresponding output energies is 12 μs with 10 J/l and 16 μs with 16 J/l for e-beam currents of 0.4 and 0.9 A/cm2, respectively. An analysis of the quasi-steady-state conditions that include the effects of electron collision mixing and atomic quenching is presented. The effects of output power saturation by the fractional ionization and atomic collisions are in agreement with the observations. The analysis clarifies the optimum performance conditions  相似文献   

Research at the US Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in the lithography, patterning, and fabrication of structures of nanometer scale dimensions is reviewed. Electron-beam (e-beam) lithography at high (50 keV) and low (5 eV) energies on resist systems developed at NRL is described. The low energy lithography takes advantage of the spatially confined e-beam available in a scanning tunneling microscope type probe. This instrument allows an in situ exposure and characterization of an e-beam sensitive material. A novel approach for implementing dose correction for proximity effects in e-beam lithography is presented using an error measure based on the physical realities of lithography. The compositional disordering of GaAs-GaxAl1-xAs heterostructures as a technique for pattern replication is described. Introducing silicon into the heterostructure (by implantation or diffusion) enhances the aluminum and gallium interdiffusion which can be used for patterning. A complete bibliography of recently published results is included  相似文献   

A 0.1-/spl mu/m T-gate fabricated using e-beam lithography and thermally reflow process was developed and applied to the manufacture of the low-noise metamorphic high electron-mobility transistors (MHEMTs). The T-gate developed using the thermally reflowed e-beam resist technique had a gate length of 0.1 /spl mu/m and compatible with the MHEMT fabrication process. The MHEMT manufactured demonstrates a cutoff frequency f/sub T/ of 154 GHz and a maximum frequency f/sub max/ of 300 GHz. The noise figure for the 160 /spl mu/m gate-width device is less than 1 dB and the associated gain is up to 14 dB at 18 GHz. This is the first report of a 0.1 /spl mu/m MHEMT device manufactured using the reflowed e-beam resist process for T-gate formation.  相似文献   

High quality Zinc oxide thin films have been fabricated by reactive e-beam evaporation in an oxygen environment. The effect of air annealing on the optical and structural properties of the e-beam evaporated ZnO is investigated. Raman spectroscopy has been found to be an efficient tool to evaluate the residual stress in the as-grown ZnO films from the position of the E2 (high) mode. Photoluminescence and transmittance measurements showed that the best optical and structural quality of the e-beam evaporated ZnO occurred at 300 °C. Finally, thin films of ZnO evaporated by e-beam technique have served to eliminate the compressive stress due to the sputtered piezoelectric ZnO and therefore to improve the quality of the fabricated resonators by stacking these ZnO layers fabricated by electron beam technique and rf magnetron sputtering, respectively.  相似文献   

The performance characteristics of three different diazotype positive photoresists such as Shipley AZ2400, Kodak 809, and Polychrome PC129, are compared after optical exposure and electron-beam exposure. The development rates for both e-beam and optically exposed resists are measured by an in-situ automated technique using the IBM Film Thickness Analyzer. The optical exposure parameters are obtained at three wavelengths (4358, 4047, and 3650) by computer-controlled transmission measurements. The optical exposure and development parameters permit direct quantitative comparisons for these photoresists. The development rates of e-beam and optically exposed resists are compared. Also a comparison of e-beam sensitivity between the three resist systems is made by studying the resist profile shape after development in the scanning-electron microscope (SEM).  相似文献   

The impact of electron irradiation on ultra-low K (ULK) porous dielectric material used in advanced interconnects is analyzed using spectroscopic and electrical characterizations. The e-beam irradiation modifies the chemical composition, the porosity and the optical indexes. The effects of e-beam curing on electrical properties and dielectric reliability are also evaluated.  相似文献   

The water-soluble conductive layer(WSCL) is ammonium poly (p-styrene sulfonate) having ionic conductivity and water solubility. The process consists of applying thin WSCL to the e-beam resist surface prior to the conventional exposure step. WSCL is subsequently removed and the e-beam resist developed in the ordinary way. The process has general utility for various resists, eliminating charging effects caused by -beam exposure  相似文献   

监控和消除隐藏的电路缺陷已成为130nm和130nm以下器件的关键。这使得电子束检查正在广泛应用于开发、试生产和量产的监控过程。我们将描述当前铜逻辑和晶圆代工厂电子束检查技术的执行情况,其中包括详细的案例研究,它说明了从开发到量产过程中应用电子束检查技术的好处。我们也描述了过去克服通用工具障碍的方法。然后,分别介绍了利用电子束检查技术的新进展,以及为假设的20000WSPMφ300mm工厂模拟的最理想执行情况的最佳实例。  相似文献   

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