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滇池流域自1991年起大力建设污水处理厂,截至2015年已建成24座污水处理厂,处理能力达到205×10~4m~3/d,出水水质均能达到一级A标准。然而,目前滇池流域污水厂尾水的TN浓度较高(约为10 mg/L),与《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)存在较大的差距,尾水污染负荷已经成为该流域入湖污染负荷的主要来源之一,其贡献的TN占滇池流域TN入湖总量的59%,部分子流域尾水负荷的贡献率占80%以上,且旱季贡献率大大高于雨季。受纳尾水的河道TN浓度远高于Ⅴ类地表水标准,存在加剧滇池湖体富营养化的风险。为全面提升滇池水质,有必要高度重视污水厂尾水负荷,研究制定地方污水厂排放标准,进一步降低尾水中污染物浓度。  相似文献   

合流制排水系统溢流污染水量、水质分级控制方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过连续3年对武汉市汉阳区某合流制城区12场降雨径流水量、水质变化过程的监测,根据降雨径流水量、水质的变化特征,提出在利用污水厂处理优势的基础上构建滞留塘、湿地等生态工程进行水量、水质的分级截流处理,是控制雨、污合流制城区降雨径流污染的有效途径。建议截污工程的截流倍数(n0)宜为2,进一步采取工程措施截流初期10~15 mm的径流进行处理,对降雨径流污染的控制可达到70%~80%。  相似文献   

深圳河湾流域的污染负荷分布预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深圳河湾流域的污染源数量及污染负荷大小,不易实测或其实测相对滞后,但该问题对整治深圳河湾流域水环境及相关工程的规模起决定作用。调查结果显示,深圳河湾流域有两个污染源,即未经处理而直接或间接漏入各河道的污水和污水厂尾水。深圳特区正在实施一系列的截污工程,对该流域污染负荷的预测数据则为截污工程的规划和实施奠定了基础。  相似文献   

<正>我国城市河道、湖库等景观环境水体水质状况不容乐观,而且久治不愈。究其原因:我国城市环境水体不仅受到部分污水的污染,还受到全部雨水径流的污染,而且我国城市雨水径流污染物浓度比国外大几倍至十几倍,致使城市水体的污染负荷很重,往往为劣五类及以下水质。当前海绵城市建设方兴未艾,这能较大程度上控制雨水径流量,降低城市内涝风险,并能一定程度地缓解雨水径流对城市水体的污染,对城市水环境的改善大有裨益,但是我国城市水体污染既有增量污染,也有存量污染,所以必须有针对性地采取城市水体的强化净  相似文献   

从流域治理角度提出了一种基于水量水质的污水收集处理系统效能分析方法,并以沙河流域为例,系统调查典型排水户、管网及污水处理厂的水量水质特征,分析污染物沿程“损失”率,计算各片区污水及污染物的实际收集处理率,识别出重点问题区域,以期为流域治理及提质增效提供参考。研究表明,沙河流域的污水处理厂总体进水浓度偏低,其中管网是造成污染物沿程“损失”的关键环节,“损失”率在61%~69%;降雨对污水厂进水水量和水质影响较大,部分片区没有处理超量混合污水的能力,雨季溢流污染问题突出;污水及污染物收集处理率可作为城市污水收集处理系统效能定量评价的重要参考,经计算,沙河流域的污水收集处理率为71%,COD、NH3-N、TN和TP的收集处理率分别为59%、50%、55%和62%,符合流域水环境质量及污水管网建设的实际情况。  相似文献   

初期雨水污染物质的输入逐渐成为城市地表水体污染的重要来源,对其进行溯源可为源头控制和精细化管理提供依据。为此,考察了HZ市某区域雨水径流中氮、磷、有机碳浓度的变化规律,采用初期冲刷比值FFn分析了其初期效应,结合可溶性有机物(DOM)的荧光光谱平行因子分析(EEM-PARAFAC)与主成分分析(PCA),探究初期雨水污染的主要来源,并利用绝对主成分线性回归法(APCS-MLR)分配来源比例。结果表明,前30%的降雨径流中携带了超过50%的污染负荷(FF30=1.7),径流存在一定的初期效应。初期雨水径流中的磷和有机碳污染主要来自城市绿地(74%和85%),少部分来自居民区(19%和6%);氮污染也主要来自城市绿地(52%),但有少部分来自生活污水(28%),其中氨氮主要来自生活污水(69%)。  相似文献   

由于人口集中、生产生活活动强度大,汕尾市黄江河(西闸断面以上)流域存在突出的生活污水直排、畜禽养殖面源污染等问题,再加上河道自净能力不足,西闸国控断面水质在枯水期为地表Ⅳ类或Ⅴ类,主要污染指标为COD、NH3-N、TP。为实现断面水质达到地表Ⅲ类水目标,针对水质评价结果、污染源特征,系统性提出了流域综合治理技术路线,采取了消除镇区生活污水直排口、治理畜禽养殖污染、收集处理农村生活污水等控源截污工程措施,河道清淤、支流水质净化等内源治理工程措施,以及河滨带植被恢复、河道生态补水等生态修复工程措施。这些工程措施实施后,黄江河入河污染物大幅削减,水体自净能力显著提升,西闸国考断面水质稳定达到地表水Ⅲ类标准。  相似文献   

污染源情况调研不足是黑臭水体整治技术方案缺乏针对性和连续性的基本原因,导致工程实施后出现治理效果不明显甚至重复黑臭等问题,需建立科学、有效的污染源解析方法,进而得到污染物的分布状态和污染源致黑致臭的影响度排序。通过排查,确定某试验渠的污染源并进行长期的污染负荷监测,采用特征比值法进行数学解析发现:试验渠存在溢流口溢流、临时处理站尾水补水、水体底泥、干湿沉降、岸带径流等污染源;以化学需氧量(COD)、氨氮(NH_3-N)和总磷(TP)为特征指标,溢流口入河污染均是最主要污染源,对水质的影响极大;地表径流向水体释放的COD和TP较多,对藻类的爆发提供了充分的营养物质,水质影响较大;降水降尘携带的NH_3-N负荷比COD和TP负荷大,但相对于其他污染源最小。特征比值法作为可靠的数学解析方法,可以用于表征黑臭水体中各类污染源的污染负荷和水质影响。  相似文献   

为了提升水环境质量,减少初期雨水冲刷地面导致的初期雨水径流污染,笔者分析了现有的排河口净化截污技术,重点阐述了水力旋流技术及其应用前景,并以北方某市护城河排河口改造项目为例,详细介绍了初期雨水径流污染控制措施、水力旋流技术的设计方案。通过对降雨初期水力旋流分离器进、出水水质的检测分析发现,水力旋流分离器对SS和COD具有较好的去除效果,峰值去除率均超过90%,平均去除率分别为60%和31%,出水水质均明显优于进水水质。由此可见,水力旋流技术可以有效削减初期雨水径流污染,且水力旋流分离器还具有结构简单、无需电耗、运行维护简单、占地面积小等优点,因此,水力旋流分离器是一种非常适用于排水管网径流污染控制的措施。  相似文献   

为提高污水厂出水水质,寻求适合处理污水厂尾水滤膜的再生方法,采用超滤—纳滤双膜工艺,针对辽宁省本溪市某城市污水厂二级尾水开展深度处理研究。考察了进水流速、累积过滤水量(超滤进水流速为25 L/min,纳滤进水流速为4 L/min)对膜分离效果的影响,同时开展了超滤和纳滤膜再生方式及效果研究。结果表明:在考察范围内,超滤装置的分离性能受进水流速影响较小,主要与进水污染程度有关,对COD、TP、氨氮的平均去除率分别为48%、55%、27%。当纳滤单元进水流速为4 L/min时,双膜法对COD、TP、氨氮的平均去除率分别为87%、96%、68%。双膜法对COD、TP的去除率随着进水污染程度的减轻而降低,氨氮去除率受累积过滤水量的影响较小,这与原水污染程度有关。随着累积过滤水量的增加,膜分离性能呈减弱趋势。超滤膜轻微污染时采用物理清洗效果良好,严重污染时需采用化学清洗的方法。超滤有效延缓了纳滤膜污染,纳滤膜轻微污染时采用酸碱浸泡法再生效果良好。  相似文献   

深圳河水体污染特征分析及整治措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高深圳河的水环境,在水体污染特征分析及污染源解析的基础上,对污染物削减目标进行了估算,并提出了最大日负荷总量(TMDL)水质改善措施。结果表明,水体中DO浓度较低,71%的断面水体中氨氮和总氮浓度超出地表Ⅴ类水质标准,且氨氮和总氮浓度均沿河流方向升高。各行政区中生活和工业废水及河道底泥是水体污染的主要来源,福田区污染贡献占比最大,生活污水排放占比为33%,工业废水排放对河道COD、氨氮的贡献率分别达到42%、44%,是溯源截污的重点区域。通过截污清淤、海绵调蓄、生态修复及景观营造等措施,可以实现2020年全面消黑及2025年水质达到Ⅴ类水的目标。  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial distribution and apportioning the sources of water pollution are important in the study and efficient management of water resources. In this work, we considered data for 13 water quality variables collected during the year 2004 at 46 monitoring sites along the Qiantang River (China). Fuzzy comprehensive analysis categorized the data into three major pollution zones (low, moderate, and high) based on national quality standards for surface waters, China. Most sites classified as “low pollution zones” (LP) occurred in the main river channel, whereas those classified as “moderate and high pollution zones” (MP and HP, respectively) occurred in the tributaries. Factor analysis identified two potential pollution sources that explained 67% of the total variance in LP, two potential pollution sources that explained 73% of the total variance in MP, and three potential pollution sources that explained 80% of the total variance in HP. UNMIX was used to estimate contributions from identified pollution sources to each water quality variable and each monitoring site. Most water quality variables were influenced primarily by pollution due to industrial wastewater, agricultural activities and urban runoff. In LP, non-point source pollution such as agricultural runoff and urban runoff dominated; in MP and HP, mixed source pollution dominated. The pollution in the small tributaries was more serious than that in the main channel. These results provide information for developing better pollution control strategies for the Qiantang River.  相似文献   

Methylmercury (MeHg) and total mercury (THg) inputs to the Mississippi River from a large metropolitan wastewater treatment plant were measured to characterize the relative contribution of the treatment plant to in-stream loads of these contaminants. Concentrations of MeHg and THg were determined in filtered and unfiltered whole water samples collected weekly from the treatment plant effluent stream and from the river upstream of the plant discharge. Unfiltered MeHg concentrations in the plant effluent ranged from 0.034 to 0.062 ng L(-1) and were always less than those in the river (range: 0.083-0.227 ng L(-1)). The MeHg loading to the river from the treatment plant ranged from 0.026 to 0.051 g d(-1) and averaged 0.037 g d(-1) over the 13-week sampling period. The in-stream MeHg load in the river upstream varied widely depending on hydrologic conditions, ranging from 0.91 to 18.8 g d(-1) and averaging 4.79 g d(-1). The treatment plant discharge represented 1.6%, on average, of the in-stream MeHg load, ranging from 0.2 to 3.5% depending on flow conditions in the river. MeHg in treatment plant effluent was primarily in the filtered phase (mean: 57%, <0.2 microm), but in the river the filtered/unfiltered ratio (F/UF) was typically less than 30% except during a major precipitation runoff event, when F/UF increased to 78%. The MeHg/THg ratio in unfiltered treatment plant effluent varied little (range: 1.6-1.9%), suggesting that THg concentration can serve as a relatively accurate proxy for MeHg concentration in this effluent stream. Supplemental sampling of the treatment plant influent stream showed that removals of MeHg and THg across the treatment process averaged 97% and 99%, respectively. These results show the treatment plant to be effective in removing MeHg and THg from wastewater and in minimizing its impact on Hg levels in the receiving water.  相似文献   

介绍了新塘河取水泵站及水处理场将部分出水用于新城范围内的道路清扫、绿化浇灌及景观换水等,避免了资源的浪费,真正做到了低水低用,高水高用。供水流量Q=100L/s,供水水质基本达到城市城镇杂用水质控制指标。  相似文献   

Surfactants are high production volume chemicals that are used in a wide assortment of “down-the-drain” consumer products. Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) generally remove 85 to more than 99% of all surfactants from influents, but residual concentrations are discharged into receiving waters via wastewater treatment plant effluents. The Trinity River that flows through the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area, Texas, is an ideal study site for surfactants due to the high ratio of wastewater treatment plant effluent to river flow (> 95%) during late summer months, providing an interesting scenario for surfactant loading into the environment. The objective of this project was to determine whether surfactant concentrations, expressed as toxic units, in-stream water quality, and aquatic habitat in the upper Trinity River could be predicted based on easily accessible watershed characteristics. Surface water and pore water samples were collected in late summer 2005 at 11 sites on the Trinity River in and around the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area. Effluents of 4 major waste water treatment plants that discharge effluents into the Trinity River were also sampled. General chemistries and individual surfactant concentrations were determined, and total surfactant toxic units were calculated. GIS models of geospatial, anthropogenic factors (e.g., population density) and natural factors (e.g., soil organic matter) were collected and analyzed according to subwatersheds. Multiple regression analyses using the stepwise maximum R2 improvement method were performed to develop prediction models of surfactant risk, water quality, and aquatic habitat (dependent variables) using the geospatial parameters (independent variables) that characterized the upper Trinity River watershed. We show that GIS modeling has the potential to be a reliable and inexpensive method of predicting water and habitat quality in the upper Trinity River watershed and perhaps other highly urbanized watersheds in semi-arid regions.  相似文献   

The coastal water quality of Mumbai is deteriorating by receiving partially treated effluent from wastewater treatment facilities, sewage discharges from ocean outfalls and discharges from point and non‐point sources in the creek and coast. A novel approach of object‐based image analysis has been used in this research study to assess the extent of sewage pollution in the coastal environment of Mumbai. For this, Indian Remote Sensing P6 Linear Imaging Self Scanning IV image was used for multiresolution segmentation and rule‐based image classification as per normalised difference water index and normalised difference turbidity index. Water quality regions as per classification were strongly correlated with observed water quality parameters. Based on classified regions and water quality parameters, extent of sewage pollution in the coast was ranked from high to least polluted. The approach developed in this methodology should be tested in similarly polluted waters to ascertain its adaptability for assessing the spatial extent of sewage pollution.  相似文献   

Untreated wastewater discharges may have significant short term and long term effects on the quality of a river system. Present study was undertaken to assess the present status of the water quality of the River Kabul near Peshawar in Pakistan. Seven sites were sampled upstream and downstream in the River Kabul in 2009. Samples were also taken from waste water channel (Budni Drain) that carries waste-water of Peshawar Industrial Estate as well as the domestic sewers to assess the pollution contribution of these sources to the River Kabul. Physico-chemical and microbiological parameters of the samples were analyzed during the study, as well as possible sources of contamination were investigated. The study showed that the pollution level in river is rising from upstream (at city entrance) to downstream (at city exit) due to discharge of domestic waste water effluents, agricultural activities, and solid waste dumping directly into the river.  相似文献   

基于污染负荷控制的屋面初期径流弃除量探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
初期径流污染是城市面源污染的主要组成部分,但目前对初期径流的定义、弃除量等都没有统一的说法,而且影响初期效应的因素多而复杂,并与地区特性紧密相关。通过对北京雨水利用示范区降雨及屋面径流水质监测数据的分析,初步探讨了不同初期径流弃除量对污染负荷的削减效果。在不同降雨特性下,屋面产流后弃除2 mm雨量可削减20%~45%的污染负荷,故建议北京市屋面初期径流弃除量标准按2 mm雨量考虑。  相似文献   

天然气净化厂废水水质、水量波动大且含有大量难降解物质,难以稳定达标.采用水解酸化-好氧工艺处理天然气净化厂废水,出水可以稳定达到<污水综合排放标准>(GB 8978-1996)的一级标准,可回用于循环冷却、绿化、冲厕、道路冲洗等.介绍了生物处理工艺的主要设计参数、控制参数以及运行经验,为实现天然气净化厂废水处理的节能减排提供参考.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine the Po River water quality in a small stretch in Piedmont (northern Italy). In this stretch a large pollution load, derived from the wastewater treatment plant of Torino area (more than 2 million inhabitants), is discharged and diluted in the water. In this study this load has been quantified and modeled in order to understand the sources, destinations and effects of the emitted pollutants. The objective was to determine the impact produced by the Torino Wastewater Treatment Plant on the quality of the water, based on various hydrological conditions and the possible intervention on the point and diffuse loads.  相似文献   

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