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《新唐书·卷五四·志第四十四·食货四》云:“唐有盐池十八,……蒲州安邑、解县有池五,总曰‘两池’”。两池即河东盐池。 河东盐池在唐朝时期主要有大盐池、女盐池和六小池。大盐池即安邑池(现运城盐池),女盐池即硝池。在大盐池西约五里的地  相似文献   

叙述了江苏海盐产区结晶池现状,分析了盐池板在提高海盐产量、提升质量方面所起的作用,提出盐池板的铺设和维护保养方法。  相似文献   

据《镇番遗事历鉴》等记载,明清至民国期间,河西走廊民勤地区盐池较多,而且这些盐池分布发生了较大变迁。在明代中期以前,这一地区的盐池主要分布在民勤地区北部,以鱼海盐池和青土湖盐池为主。明代中期到清代中后期,青土湖盐池逐渐消失,而鱼海盐池继续得到开发,同时该地区中部与南部出现了一系列的新盐池,其中最重要的就是汤家海盐池。自清代中期至民国年间,鱼海盐池也逐渐消失,汤家海盐池继续得到开发,同时该地区西南部出现了马莲泉盐池,南部出现了苏武山盐池。总的来看,在此期间,民勤地区盐池变迁的趋势是由北向南移动;变迁的原因与当地农业开发引起的河流下游水资源补给减少以及河流上游新盐池的形成和开发有关。  相似文献   

从现有的文献资料和考古资料来看,先秦时期我国至少已经有了海盐、池盐、井盐、崖盐四个盐种的食盐生产。海盐产地有青州、幽州、吴国、越国、闽越等5处;池盐产地有安邑盐池、羌塘、哈姜盐池、茶卡盐池、凉州青盐池等5处;井盐产地有巫载国、巴国、蜀国3处;崖盐产地有凉州盐山1处。这是先秦时期食盐产地分布概况。先秦时期食盐产地的分布为秦汉以后食盐产地的发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

《辽史·食货志》所载辽代食盐产地很不全面。据笔者研究,辽代开发的盐池至少有8个,海盐产地有6处。其中,只有炭山盐池等少数几处为老产地,其余大多数都是新产地。辽代对于我国古代北方池盐产地和海盐产地的开发有过重要贡献。  相似文献   

花马、北大二池相邻,池盐生产历史悠久,向为边地番、汉民户生计之所赖,在西北边防和盐课收入中占有重要地位。本文根据有关文献资料和考古资料,对二池沿革试作探讨。笔者认为,花马池,汉代称为"龟兹盐池",北魏称为"黑盐池",唐宋称为"乌池",明代以后称"花马池";唐宋时期称北大池为"白池",明、清时期称为"锅底池"和"西黑图池",清末以后始称"北大池"。  相似文献   

运城盐池与中国文明起源的关系非常密切。运城池盐行销区域是新石器时代文化遗址最密集的地区,陶唐古国的兴起和唐虞古国的盛衰与运城盐池密切相关。运城盐池的池盐生产和销售是唐虞古国的经济命脉,唐尧和虞舜对运城盐池非常重视,他们采取了有效措施,牢牢地控制运城盐池,充分发挥运城盐池的社会作用,唐虞古国出现了繁荣局面。夏朝控制运城盐池以后,唐虞古国都城逐渐衰落。夏朝是在唐虞古国的基础之上建立的,运城盐池的池盐生产和销售促进了人类进步和社会发展,在中国文明起源过程中起了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

锡林郭勒盟食盐产地分布和变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
锡林郭勒盟位于内蒙古自治区中部,幅员辽阔,食盐产地众多,自古至今食盐产地共有18处。其中,池盐产地17处,土盐产地1处。该盟最大的盐池是额吉淖尔,目前仍在进行大规模池盐生产。  相似文献   

西北地区,由于其独特的自然条件和地质构造,盐业资源丰富,开发历史悠久。有的盐池在西汉就已经开发利用,历经千年而不衰,有的至今还在开发。丰富的盐业资源,不仅保障了百姓生活而且促进了当地经济的发展,同时也为西夏政权的生存与发展提供了财政支撑。本文结合相关史料,对西夏时期分布在陕、甘、宁的夏州、灵州、盐州、西安州、会州、甘州、肃州、沙州及银州等地的盐池进行了考证。  相似文献   

正《西夏盐业史论》由中国经济出版社于2016年10月出版。该书著者通过对陕西、甘肃、宁夏地区的实地考察,详细而全面地考证了西夏时期盐池的具体位置,从盐业生产管理、流通贸易和惩罚措施等方面对西夏盐政进行了全方位的梳理。该著以盐业贸易为主线,对西夏与周边政权,尤其对宋、辽、金的经贸关系、国家战略进行了研究,就盐业在西夏的社会、经济、政治、对外关系中的作用作了深入而全面的分析。  相似文献   

唐代鄂尔多斯高原地域的盐、夏、灵诸州分布着众多的盐池,成为唐代第二大池盐生产地。隋唐时期生产技术明显发展,垦畦吹晒法的普遍推行使该地域的池盐产量和质量不断提高。对于该地域的盐业管理,经历了前后两个明显不同的时期。唐代前期继承隋代宽松的盐业政策,允许私人生产和销售池盐。唐代后期则经过几次盐法改革,开始逐步实行食盐专卖制度,由国家垄断盐利。  相似文献   

运城盐湖芒硝生产工艺探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以芒硝析出原理为基础,详细介绍了运城盐湖的芒硝生产工艺,并剖析了其存在的问题,提出了运城盐湖“分池制卤,集中存贮,移地结晶”的芒硝生产新工艺。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether measurable differences existed between farms with and without cooling ponds. Data from Dairy Herd Improvement records for 1999 through 2002 were obtained on 42 herds located in North Central Texas. Nineteen herds had installed cooling ponds, whereas 23 herds had not. Monthly somatic cell counts for each herd were obtained from the Federal Milk Market Administrator. Data were analyzed using the PROC MIXED regression model of SAS. Within and across herd groups, milk production from June to October was significantly lower compared with milk production for the rest of the year. Although there was numerically higher average milk production per cow per day throughout the year for herds that used cooling ponds, differences between herd groups that used or did not use cooling ponds were significant only for August production. Herds without a cooling pond had 4.8 kg/d per cow lower production in August than in the cool-season months of November to May (26.4 ± 0.6 vs. 31.2 ± 0.5 kg/d), whereas the difference in August production was only 2.9 kg/d per cow in herds that used cooling ponds (29.0 ± 0.7 vs. 31.9 ± 0.6 kg/d). Differences caused by seasonal use of a cooling pond in culling, days to first service, days open, percentage of estruses observed, and somatic cell counts were not significant. Bulk tank milk samples cultured for 10 different bacteria showed no difference between cooling pond and noncooling pond herds in 2002. Also, there was no difference in incidence of violations from the Texas Department of Health for herds that used or did not use cooling ponds. However, herds with cooling ponds did have a lower percentage of successful breedings, fewer days dry, and a higher percentage of cows in milk compared with dairy herds that used other forms of cooling. Such differences may or may not be attributed to seasonal use of a cooling pond. Therefore, cooling ponds may provide relief from heat stress without adversely affecting most important measures of herd performance.  相似文献   

在明朝,按其食盐生产地域,分为两淮、两浙、河东、山东、长芦、福建、两广、云南、四川、辽东等若干盐区,其中,除了池盐、井盐等内地产区外,两淮、两浙、山东、长芦、福建、两广、辽东盐区均属海盐区。海盐区地域广袤,有丰富的土地资源和卤矿资源,煎盐灶户和其他身份的社会成员曾在明代较多地开发盐区荡地,他们不仅利用沿海疆土制造食盐,而且进行大量垦殖,开展农业经营,生产粮草、棉花、果蔬等物品。如此行为,既将食盐制造业与种植业结合在一起,而同时又引发了二者的矛盾和冲突,以至后来导致盐政的改革。  相似文献   

We report time-series data collected over two years for delta18O, delta2H, and Ca, Mg, K, and Cl, concentrations for 10 ponds in, and upflow of, an As-polluted region of southern West Bengal. We compare the compositions of As-polluted groundwaters from wells with the compositions of waters in ponds upflow, and within the range of influence, of the wells. Conservative tracers (delta18O, delta2H, K), and other tracers (Ca, Mg) that are likely conservative in the waters, showthat pondwater and groundwater are distinct and do not overlap in composition. These data show that water from ponds cannot be identified in As-polluted groundwater, so putative DOC in pondwater cannot be mixing into the As-polluted groundwater we have sampled. Separate estimates of the degree of recharge from ponds to groundwater, using calculations based on temporal variations in salt content and isotopic composition in ponds, and salt-balance, show that insignificant amounts of As-polluted groundwater are derived via pond recharge. It follows that pondwater in the study area does not contribute significant mass to arsenic-polluted groundwater and so does not provide organic matterto aquifers in amounts sufficientto drive reduction of iron oxyhydroxides and hence arsenic pollution.  相似文献   

青海察尔汗盐湖开采晶间卤水 ,通过盐田滩晒析出光卤石 ,然后从盐田采收光卤石输送到加工厂生产钾肥。盐田生产的好坏直接制约着加工厂工艺流程的选择、产品质量和成本。因此盐田管理是钾肥生产的龙头。目前盐田工艺控制主要以Na+ 、K+ 、Mg+ + / /Cl-—H2 O四元水盐体系相图理论为基础 ,但在实际应用中发现该相图仅能进行定性控制和分析 ,不便于操作与定量管理。文章结合该体系相图理论数据和实际试验数据 ,应用数理统计和计算机 ,建立了其数学模型 ,对生产管理具有较强的可操作性和较高的精度 ,期望能对推动察尔汗盐田工艺技术管理的进步有所裨益  相似文献   

Ponds receiving latrine effluents may serve as sources of fecal contamination to shallow aquifers tapped by millions of tube-wells in Bangladesh. To test this hypothesis, transects of monitoring wells radiating away from four ponds were installed in a shallow sandy aquifer underlying a densely populated village and monitored for 14 months. Two of the ponds extended to medium sand. Another pond was sited within silty sand and the last in silt. The fecal indicator bacterium E. coli was rarely detected along the transects during the dry season and was only detected near the ponds extending to medium sand up to 7 m away during the monsoon. A log-linear decline in E. coli and Bacteroidales concentrations with distance along the transects in the early monsoon indicates that ponds excavated in medium sand were the likely source of contamination. Spatial removal rates ranged from 0.5 to 1.3 log(10)/m. After the ponds were artificially filled with groundwater to simulate the impact of a rain storm, E. coli levels increased near a pond recently excavated in medium sand, but no others. These observations show that adjacent sediment grain-size and how recently a pond was excavated influence the how much fecal contamination ponds receiving latrine effluents contribute to neighboring groundwater.  相似文献   

探究金刚虾(Penaeus monodon)不同养殖模式下肌肉营养成分的组成,旨在为后续产业精加工提供理论依据,并根据需要选择合适模式的金刚虾。以低盐土池养殖(盐度:8.3‰,简称低盐土池组)、低盐高位池养殖(盐度:7.8‰,简称低盐高位池组)和高盐高位池(盐度:23.4‰,简称高盐组)养殖3种养殖模式下的金刚虾为试验对象,通过对肌肉营养成分的分析比较,研究金刚虾肌肉在不同养殖模式下的营养差异。结果表明,在常规营养成分方面,高盐组金刚虾肌肉水分含量显著低于低盐高位池组和低盐土池组(P<0.05),低盐高位池组粗蛋白含量显著低于高盐组和低盐土池组(P<0.05),高盐组粗脂肪、灰分含量最高,与其他两组差异显著(P<0.05)。在氨基酸组成方面,3种养殖模式饲养的金刚虾肌肉均含17种氨基酸,高盐组金刚虾肌肉必需氨基酸含量、鲜味+甜味氨基酸含量、氨基酸总量均最高。在必需氨基酸评价方面,高盐组金刚虾肌肉必需氨基酸总量(2336.27 mg/g N)和必需氨基酸指数(76.15)最高,低盐高位池组次之,低盐土池组最低。在脂肪酸组成方面,共检测出17种脂肪酸,3种养殖模式下金刚虾肌肉中均为C16:0(棕榈酸)含量最高,EPA+DHA的含量以高盐组最高。结果表明,高盐高位池养殖模式下的金刚虾肌肉营养成分齐全,具有较高的食用价值。  相似文献   

金代是中国封建社会后期继契丹族之后由女真族建立的一个封建王朝,它统治中国淮河以北广大地区长达100多年。自金太宗天会五年(1127)正月金军攻取河东,解州盐池即归金朝统辖。金初,解州盐池的生产仍实行集工捞采的原始方法,进行粗放劳动,产销由政府垄断。到蔡松年任户部尚书时才恢复了北宋范祥的钞引法,改官运官销为商运商销。河东盐(解盐)的管理,初期多循辽之旧规,其后多仿宋制。盐课在政府财政收入中占有举足轻重的地位。金后期对食盐课以重税,导致盐价一涨再涨。由于商运商销政策的实施,金代中期以后,河东盐池附近也出现了一定数量的以运销解盐为生计的专业的运盐商队。  相似文献   

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