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一、造型材料,1、砂:石英砂、钙砂、匣钵砂、莫来石砂、刚玉砂、锆英砂、棕刚玉砂、橄榄石砂、陶砂、铝矾土、白云石、电熔石英、石膏、铬铁矿、叶蜡石2、粘结剂:硬脂酸、合脂、石蜡、硅溶胶、黄糊精、CMC、硅酸乙脂、沥青、耐火泥、氯化镁、硼酸、乌洛托品、氧化铝、修补膏、合箱粘结剂、泥芯膏、脱模剂可供其他各类造型材料几十个品种。  相似文献   

三届理事会理事名单(以姓氏笔划为序)丁俊德、马名明、马锡良、于流洪、孔庆夫、王檀、王万祥、王达斌、王有志文铁铮、由流、冯艾华、帅念之、刘涛、刘克忠、刘宗久、刘家润、朱章耀孙文林、吕方润、吕铸堂、肖幼泉、肖来潮、肖明伟、肖福荣、辛达夫、邵锡琪陈志敏、陈林生、谷南驹、迟景华、李壮成、李亚增、李述敬、李振华、李跃娟李鸿荣、吴益明、张策、张一华、张日选、张家树、张渭林、郑世伟、孟庆善杨宗毅、杨秉兴、杨树德、战克、唐琦、唐绍武、徐庆善、徐建华、高兴华高绍先、陶良晋、梁克钧、夏眉垂、殷瑞伍、康大韬、崔国栋、程…  相似文献   

依据山西省90年代完成的1:20万区域化探扫面成果,本文系统的统计了山西省Ag、As、Au、B、Ba、Bt、Bi、Cd、Co、Cr、Cu、F、Hg、La、Li、Mn、Mo、Nb、Ni、P、Pb、Sb、Sr、Th、Ti、U、V、W、Y、Zn、Zr、SiO_2、Al_2O_3、Fe_2O_3、MgO、CaO、Na_2O、K_2O等38元素的平均含量及其在不同地质单元中的平均含量、标准差、变异系数和浓集系数。并以Cu元素为例总结了元素的分布特征。  相似文献   

孙继青 《冶金管理》2012,(12):30-32
一、进口铁矿石的港存量逐年递增对全国铁矿石进口港口(秦皇岛、青岛港、天津港、京唐港、曹妃甸、日照港、岚山港、烟台港、大连港、丹东港、连云港、北仑港、南通港、镇江港、湛江港、厦门港、江阴港、龙口港、鲅鱼圈、防城港、蛇口港、上海罗泾港、  相似文献   

北京的街道和胡同有多少与商业、商品、饮食、服饰等五行八作有关,还从来没有人认真统计过。街道有灯市、花市、羊市、珠市、缸瓦市、菜市、骡马市、煤市、米市、西什库、海运仓、禄米仓等,胡同更多了,如果子市、果子巷、酒醋局、茶叶、干面、烧酒、官帽、卫衣、皮裤、胭脂、绒线、手帕、轿子、小市、钱市、铺陈、驴市、鹁鸽市、铸钟厂等;  相似文献   

我公司主营金、银、铜、钨、钼、镍、钴、铋、钒、‘锰、铜、钡、钙、镉、铟、铅、锌、锑、锡、碲、铁等金属及煤碳、钾、钠等非金属矿分析检测设备,同时提供仪器设备技术咨询、人员培训、仪器设备安装调试、维修及化学试剂、固(液)态标准样品(如三氧化钨、三氧化钼、锰矿标样、钼酸铵等)、  相似文献   

国家拟出台进一步加强淘汰落后产能工作的通知,协调发改委、工信部、环保部、国土部、商务部、海关总署、财政部、央行、银监会、质检总局、安监总局、工商总局、电监会、能源局等,以严厉措施,重点完成电力、煤炭、钢铁、水泥、有色、焦炭、造纸、皮革、  相似文献   

我公司主营金、银、铜、钨、钼、镍、钴、铋、钒、锰、铜、钡、钙、镉、铟、铅、锌、锑、锡、碲、铁等金属及煤碳、钾、钠等非金属矿分析检测设备,同时提供仪器设备技术咨询、人员培训、仪器设备安装调试、维修及化学试剂、固(液)态标准样品(如三氧化钨、三氧化钼、锰矿标样、钼酸铵等)、玻璃仪器(如天玻兰线酸碱滴定管)、  相似文献   

1刊登范围和要求 本刊主要刊登钼及其共(伴)生金属(钨、铼、金、银、铂、镍、钯、铱、铜、铁、、锌、钙、铅、铀、锡等)的地质、采矿、选矿、冶炼、合金、加工、化工、有价金属回收与利用、设备、分析检测等领域内的”四新”(新产品、新工艺、新技术、新材料)科技与成果,还报道钼市场动态、行业信息、专利技术等。  相似文献   

1刊登范围和要求 本刊主要刊登钼及其共(伴)生金属(钨、铼、金、银、铂、镍、钯、铱、铜、铁、、锌、钙、铅、铀、锡等)的地质、采矿、选矿、冶炼、合金、加工、化工、有价金属回收与利用、设备、分析检测等领域内的”四新”(新产品、新工艺、新技术、新材料)科技与成果,还报道钼市场动态、行业信息、专利技术等。  相似文献   

废水循环利用技术在电解锰生产中的实践应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
湿法冶炼电解金属锰生产过程中,需要使用大量的水进行冷却、冲氨、清洗等,水资源消耗量大,同时产生大量的工业废水,对环境保护造成极大的压力。对中信大锰矿业有限责任公司大新电解金属锰厂采用“零排放”废水处理工艺作了介绍,对工业废水实行源头控制、分类处理、循环使用,废水的处理取得了一定效果。  相似文献   

Rat dams, given intravenous injections of heat-killed Streptococcus mutans 6715, mutant C211 demonstrated significant agglutinin activity to the homologous S. mutans in colostrum, milk, and serum. This antibody activity was associated with the immunoglobulin G (IgG) class. High titers of anti-S. mutans antibody associated with the IgG class were also exhibited in the sera and saliva of the offspring that suckled these dams. After challenge with the homologous, live S. mutans, these offspring developed significantly fewer caries on all molar surfaces than did nonimmunized infected controls. A secretory immune response (manifested by the presence of specific IgA antibody to S. mutans in colostrum and milk) was elicited (i) in rat dams locally injected, in the region of the mammary gland, with heat-killed S. mutans antigen, and (ii) in other rat dams that were provided formalin-killed S. mutans in their drinking water. Offspring suckling these dams were challenged with virulent S. mutans before weaning and developed significantly fewer caries than did their infected controls. These findings clearly suggest that passively derived IgG or IgA antibodies to S. mutans are protective against dental caries.  相似文献   

Helping patients stop smoking is one of the most important--and frustrating--services primary care physicians can provide. Many physicians are reluctant to spend time talking about tobacco use with patients who show little or no interest in changing their habits. Fortunately, specific technique have been identified that can make the task easier. This article from the distinguished Nicotine Dependence Center of the Mayo Clinic looks at the "best practices" for dealing with nicotine dependence.  相似文献   

Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) enzymes catalyse the formation of gamma-aminobuturic acid (GABA), which is a major transmitter in the central nervous system but also exerts functions in peripheral organs. Recent-molecular analyses have revealed surprising new roles for the GAD isoforms in human diseases of autoimmune character including neurological disorders and insulin-dependent diabetes. In the 1995 Frontiers in Medicine Symposium, the co-authors of this review discussed the genetics, cell biology, molecular immunology and the role of GAD as autoantigens in human autoimmunity. Studies on disease diagnosis, prediction, and prognosis have revealed unique patterns of reactivities in both cellular and humoral immune responses. Further work will be needed to establish whether the GAD molecules can be used to treat autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Replies to the objections of A. Hyman (1981) and S. M. Levy (1981) concerning the author's (see record 1980-10503-001) rejection of psychotherapy as the treatment of choice in health-habit modification (HHM). The case is restated for a shift away from an emphasis on intrapsychic variables in HHM. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To test the hypothesis that an interactive multimedia-based computer application may be used to teach urology to undergraduate medical students. METHODS: Third-year medical students rotating on their urology clerkship were studied. Student knowledge was measured with a multiple choice test administered in a pretest-post-test experimental design. The educational intervention was a multimedia-based application that presented a clinical module on hematuria, using natural language-like entries. Student attitudes toward the multimedia application were assessed by a survey. RESULTS: Twenty-three consecutive third-year medical students participated. Mean pretest and post-test scores +/- standard deviation were 35%+/-11% versus 74%+/-17%, respectively, P<0.0001. Student questionnaire responses indicated highly positive opinions that the multimedia-based module was easy to use, was fun, provided natural patient responses, had clear exercises, provided immediate feedback, was educational, and had a nonthreatening format, and that the multiple choice questions were clear and fair. CONCLUSIONS: Multimedia-based education may be used to teach urology to undergraduate medical students.  相似文献   

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