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现有的网络管理模型一般都侧重网络设备本身的管理,不太适应现在越来越复杂的网络管理。基于用户行为的网络管理模型从用户行为管理的角度出发,关联分析出网络中的用户行为,并根据用户行为管理策略规范用户的网络行为,从而消除不良网络行为对网络性能和安全的影响,使网络能安全稳定地运行,并可大幅度减轻网络管理员的负担。本文讨论基于用户行为的网络管理模型要解决的关键问题,提出并分析模型应具备的4个能力:感知能力、控制能力、取证能力和告知能力,最后讨论它们在实际网络管理中的应用情况,并证明它们的可用性。  相似文献   

网络管理是网络稳定运行的必要条件,它是一个包含多种领域的问题,既有技术性问题,也包含法律、管理、心理学等非技术性问题。网络的核心是人,网络的故障大部分都是由使用网络的人的无意或有意的行为造成的,只要管理好了网络用户的行为,网络基本上就能稳定地运行。用户行为管理的核心是用户行为危害评价,只有正确评估用户行为对网络造成的影响与危害,用户的行为管理才有实际意义。本文提出一个基于LEC方法的园区网用户行为危害评价模型,并介绍它在网络管理系统中的实际应用。  相似文献   

任元彪  李颂华  黄儒乐 《计算机科学》2012,(Z2):201-205,218
在园区网络的用户规模和网络结构日渐扩大的同时,园区网络的使用效能能否按照设计之初的功能充分发挥,成为了目前网络性能管理的一个主要问题。本文对园区网络设备的运行指标进行了全方位的分层次分析统计,通过神经网络运算模型进行结果分析,从而得到网络性能的科学评价指标,为园区网络的管理者提供了有效科学的管理决策支持。  相似文献   

随着园区网络的不断扩大化、复杂化,如何进行有效的精细化控制园区网络数据的安全性成了网络管理员急需解决的问题。网络中常说的ACL是Cisco IOS所提供的一种访问控制技术,ACL可以实现网络流量限制,提高网络性能,还可以提供网络访问的基本安全级别。本文阐述了ACL技术的基本原理,并采用ACL技术对园区网络具体实现了用户访问控制列表、实现园区网的流量控制、虚网的单向访问和网络设备的管理四大方面的园区精细化控制。  相似文献   

现有的网络管理系统对于园区网中的终端用户缺乏有效的管理手段,满足不了当前园区网用户管理的需要。将Web技术与SNMP网络管理技术相结合,提出了一种基于B/S结构的网络管理模式,并采用ASP.net MVC3框架设计和实现了一个基于SNMP协议的Web网络用户管理系统,在Web平台上将设备管理与用户管理统一结合,通过软硬结合加强对网络用户的管理,减轻网络管理员的负担。  相似文献   

分析了目前园区网广泛存在的一些网络行为控制的难点,提出一种基于NDIS架构的网络行为控制客户端系统设计思路,利用NDIS架构开发一个专用客户端程序,实现并发连接数控制、本地访问控制、本机网络病毒扩散抑制等功能模块,规范园区网内用户的网络行为,能达到有效降低接入服务器负载,降低网络病毒对园区网内部的冲击,规范用户行为的目的。  相似文献   

基于参数测量的园区网可靠性分析系统的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着园区网的快速发展,网络运行状况及关键业务的服务质量已经成为园区网管理与维护必须要考虑的重要因素,通过对网络流量与性能参数的分析来评价网络性能已经成为网络可靠性研究的重要手段.从研究网络可靠性入手,运用SNMP流量监控技术,提出了基于宏观流量分析的园区网可靠性分析策略.系统采用集中式控制、分布式测量的体系结构,运用监测服务器逻辑分层的方法和区域代理监测技术进行网络可靠性监测,实现了网络设备信息显示、宏观流量监控和异常流量预测与报警等功能.实验表明,所设计的系统能较好地分析网络可靠程度,及时了解网络的负载状况、快速发现网络性能瓶颈,并能根据分析结果找到可靠度下降的原因.  相似文献   

交换式园区网访问控制技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卿华  晏蒲柳  郭成城 《计算机工程》2002,28(4):165-167,170
定义了适用于交换式园区网的访问控制策略,从网络设备自身安全问题和端口安全、虚拟局域网、包过滤技术等关键技术出发,阐述了利用交换机和路由器提供的功能实施这些访问策略的方法,以确保园区网及其网络设备的访问安全,并给出了相应的部分配置命令。  相似文献   

为了解决现有网络安全管理中存在的不足,应对网络安全威胁,华为3Com公司推出了端点准入防御(EAD)解决方案,做为下一代企业网NGeN架构中安全渗透网络(SPN)的一个关键组件,该方案从网络用户终端准入控制入手,整合网络接入控制与终端安全产品,通过安全客户端、安全策略服务器、网络设备以及第三方软件的联动,对接入网络的用户终端强制实施企业安全策略,严格控制终端用户的网络使用行为,从而加强网络用户终端的主动防御能力,保护网络安全,实现了安全因子有机地向网络渗透。据介绍,EAD解决方案提供了企业网络安全管理平台,通过整合孤立的单…  相似文献   

潘煜  惠燕  王建国 《微计算机信息》2007,23(15):106-107
传统的网络性能管理是以网络中的设备作为主要被管理的对象,但是网络设备的正常运行并不意味着网络业务的正常运行。在网络的使用中,用户更关心网络上运行的业务的状态与效率。本文将面向业务与主动网技术引入网络性能管理中,提出了一种基于主动代码的面向业务的网络性能管理体系结构模型,使用户可以直观的了解到网络业务的运行状态。  相似文献   

需求管理、配置管理和项目范围管理在软件项目管理中具有重要的地位和作用。透彻分析了需求管理、配置管理和项目范围管理知识理论中的基本概念,有助于形成对需求管理、配置管理和项目范围管理的深刻理解,有利于规范和促进日常项目管理工作。  相似文献   

Charette  R.N. 《Software, IEEE》1996,13(4):110-117
Because large-scale software projects increasingly affect the public good, the “normal science” paradigm is proving insufficient to model their complexity and potential consequences. The “postnormal science” paradigm offers a better fit, using a robust management approach predicated on a risk-taking ethic  相似文献   

Summary Database management systems today face a rising demand for higher transaction rates and shorter response time. One of the essential requirements for meeting this demand is appropriate operating system support for database management functions. This paper proposes the introduction of the concept of consistency-preserving containers into data management in order to improve data management support for database management. Moreover, it presents the formal definition of a transactionoriented interface between data management and database management based on this concept, and introduces a locking scheme allowing high concurrency of transactions while guaranteeing consistency. Logging and recovery aspects of the concept are discussed.  相似文献   

Knowledge Management (KM) addresses the critical issues of organizational adoption, survival, and competence in the face of an increasingly changing environment. Knowledge management embodies organizational processes that seek a synergistic combination of the data and information processing capabilities of information and communication technologies (ICT), and the creative and innovative capacity of human beings. Knowledge is rapidly becoming the most important asset of virtually all organizations. Manufacturing is no exception. The ability to manage and exploit knowledge will be the main source of competitive advantage for the manufacturing industry of the future. In that role, knowledge management will improve production management and avoid or minimize losses and weakness that usually come from poor performance as well as increase the competitive level of the company and its ability to survive in the global marketplace. In this article, we are concerned with the improvement of production management theory, in the manufacturing context, through the application of some core principles. The best production practices worldwide have a common core. The cores principles investigated are the reduction of cycle time, reduction of variability, increase in transparency, and build of continuous improvement into the process. The fundamental rationale underlying these principles is the concept of flow, where production is seen as composed of waiting, transporting, inspecting, and transformation (processing) activities. According to this concept, transformation activities are the only ones that actually add value. Hence, all other activities should be reduced or eliminated from the flow while increasing the efficiency of transformation activities. We develop a knowledge management perspective in production management appropriate for the manufacturing industry. It is anticipated to serve as a foundation for wider applications of knowledge management in other sectors of the manufacturing industry. We also argue for more than simply gathering data to be utilized and managed in the form of tacit and explicit knowledge. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Hum Factors Man 15: 249–257, 2005.  相似文献   

Too often in the software industry, organizations approach project management in the same way a desperate gambler approaches the tables at Las Vegas or Monaco-with only one thought in mind: roll the dice. In a dice-tossing project, there is nothing you can do to improve your odds. Of course, that is not true for your software projects, but nothing you can do will make your risks go away completely. You can ignore them or you can deal with them explicitly. If you ignore your project's risks, all your other efforts will be for naught. Your project's success is based on opportunity and benefit, on cost and risk. Opportunity and benefit address the value of the delivered software. Cost and risk address the minimum and variable costs-in units of money, time and effort-that are necessary to deliver that product. Any form of risk management is better than none. If you have project management responsibilities, who should be dealing with the inherent risks of your project if not you?  相似文献   

Current distributed, heterogeneous database management systems (DBMSs) address the issue of distributed transaction management (DTM) in two different ways: some systems rely solely on unmodified local transaction managers (LTMs), thereby helping preserve local DBMS autonomy, but limit functionality (e.g. allow only unsynchronized retrievals, preclude distributed updates, etc.); others maintain full functionality but require the (re)design of the LTMs to enforce homogeneous DTM across all heterogeneous DBMSs, thereby giving up most of the local DBMS autonomy.

The goal of the work presented here is to establish the minimum set of modifications to LTMs that allow synchronized retrievals and distributed updates (whenever semantic conflicts can be resolved), and will continue to maintain a high degree of local DBMS autonomy. The problems of: (1) distribution of responsibility between DTM and LTMs, (2) concatenation of functionally-equivalent LTM mechanisms, and (3) providing compensation mechanisms for functionally-limited LTMs are introduced. Solutions to the above problems are shown to exist. However, the interconnection of autonomous, heterogeneous DBMSs is significantly more difficult than anticipated, despite communication standardization and current optimism.  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的快速发展,企业的信息化建设步伐在不断的加快,企业的信息安全问题也逐步显现,信息安全所面临的危险已渗透到企业生产经营管理的各个方面,加强企业信息安全管理刻不容缓。文章对企业的信息安全现状和管理对策进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

对简单网络管理协议中管理信息和协议数据单元进行扩充,设计并实现面向应用软件的网络监控系统。该系统提供对应用程序类中成员变量和成员函数的监控功能。研究管理站点和管理代理监控信息的交换和传输方式,包括网络应用软件监控系统协议栈的定义、通讯协议的设计等。阐述监控信息传输时报文分组和重组的必要性,并设计相应的算法。研究结果表明:该网络监控系统可用于实现管理站点和管理代理间监控信息实时、准确的交换与传输。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,信息时代和大数据的到来,各行各业对信息管理系统性能要求越来越高。而在信息管理系统中大型数据库管理系统的应用,不仅能够提高信息管理系统的性能,而且对提升信息的利用率也具有重要的作用。下面本研究首先分析了信息管理中大型数据库管理系统的特点,然后详细分析了信息管理中大型数据库管理系统的具体应用,以供参考。  相似文献   

《Computers in Industry》2014,65(9):1301-1315
Facility management (FM) or technical property management is an approach to operate, maintain, improve and adapt buildings and infrastructures of organizations. A FM project requires the cooperation of many actors from different domains so it has to be automated in a constrained collaborative environment. This paper proposes a new approach for ontology change management applied on facility management of such projects. The industrial challenge is, firstly, to ensure consistency of a FM project knowledge from the construction phase to the technical property management phase (after delivery). Secondly, it has to provide to each actor of the project a personal up-to-date “view” of the building knowledge related to its business profile and allow its evolution. The scientific approach, called OntoVersionGraph, is a change management methodology for managing ontology life cycle including ontology evolution and versioning features, in conjunction with contextual view modeling. Its contribution is the impact management of changes between the ontology and its different views.  相似文献   

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