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通过南昌西客站地下车道具体实例设计,并分析机动车在地下车道的分类,及不同分类下的通风量计算,来探讨地下车道通风量标准,和讨论地下车道可借鉴应用的空气质量标准。  相似文献   

城市地下道路横断面设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,地下道路的建设已成为解决城市交通拥堵的重要手段,而科学、合理地进行地下道路横断面设计是控制建设规模和工程投资、促进地下道路快速发展的关键.文章介绍了地下道路横断面组成,分析了西方发达国家地下道路横断面的设计标准.阐述了我国城市地下道路的功能定位和分类,并结合我国实际,提出了单车道和多车道两种典型的地下道路横断面布置型式,对地下道路机动车车道宽度的确定、横坡设计、紧急停车带设置的方法等问题进行了有益的探讨,以期对我国地下道路的建设和发展起到一定的参考和借鉴作用.  相似文献   

以城市地下车道为例,利用FDS进行火灾数值模拟,研究火源功率为15 MW和30 MW,纵向通风速率分别为1、2、3、4 m/s的情况下,地下车道内火源附近、顶棚和车道上方2 m高度处温度场的纵向分布规律以及各工况下的烟气蔓延状况.结果表明:随着纵向通风速率的增大,地下车道内温度逐渐降低,烟气影响范围逐渐减小;随着火源功率的增大,地下车道内温度逐渐升高,烟气影响范围逐渐增大.宜按最不利火灾荷栽设计地下车道纵向通风风速.  相似文献   

郭鑫  邹惠芬 《河南建材》2021,(8):141-143
随着科技发展速度的加快,现代化程度的增加,城市家庭拥有小型汽车数量的与日俱增.地下车库加速开发用已解决地上土地资源的紧张,但地下车库与外界的联通较少,大多处于与外界封锁状态,难以与外界进行充分的通风换气.其中建筑材料,汽车尾气及室外污染物对地下空间造成的影响也再日益增大.文章对地下车库可能产生的空气污染物种进行了分类并分析来源,提出了影响各类污染物的因素并对各类污染物治理提出了部分方案.  相似文献   

通过对西安市某地下停车场污染物的监测,得到了各污染物的浓度,并分析了净化地下停车场空气的策略,指出在通风系统或地下停车场内设置复合净化器,是去除地下停车场污染物的有效方式。  相似文献   

基于箱式模型的地下车库通风量确定方法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
根据全面通风的质量平衡定律,基于室内空气污染物质量平衡方程的箱式模型,采用视车道为线源的污染物点源计算方法计算出地下车库内汽车尾气CO的排放量,由此推导出地下车库通风量的动态计算公式。结合某一具体工程进行计算和分析表明:该方法较以往各国常用的体积换气次数法和单位地面面积法更能真实反映地下车库通风量的动态变化,切合实际。说明本文提出的基于箱式模型的地下车库通风量确定方法及其结构是正确的,为在实际条件下方便而正确地得到用于通风节能控制目的的地下车库通风量确定找到了一种新的方法。本文的实验测量和理论分析方法都比较简单,可以直接推广于工程实际中。  相似文献   

地上地下双层道路不在久的将来将会大面积的实施,为此我们应该不断完善双层道路的设计理念,尤其是地下车道的设计。本文结合现状,分析现有道路存在的缺点,结合隧道设计的理念,分析地下车道的设计要点及注意事项,解决全路段地下车道设计存在的缺陷及不足:地下通风、地下采光、地下照明、地下车道车道设计、地下道路出口设计等等,希望能够进一步完善地上地下双层道路的设计理念。  相似文献   

诱导式通风和风管式通风作为2种常用的通风系统,在地下车库通风设计中得到了广泛的应用.本文以某地下车库为载体,首先对诱导式通风系统和风管式通风系统进行了数值模拟计算.而后从气流组织、污染物浓度分布和经济性方面对2种通风方式进行分析评价,得出诱导式通风系统在气流分布方面虽不如风管式通风系统均匀,扰动较大,但有利于污染物的排放;同时,该系统运行经济,节省费用可观,综合考虑可知诱导式通风系统拥有较大的优势,具有很好的推广前景.  相似文献   

结合淮安某国际酒店地下车库,使用换气次数法和稀释浓度法两种通风量计算方法计算了地下车库的通风量,并利用CFD仿真技术模拟计算了两种计算方法下的地下车库污染物浓度场.结果表明,两种计算方法均能将地下车库内污染物浓度稀释到允许范围内,但稀释浓度法计算的通风量约为换气次数法计算的通风量的52%,非常有利于地下车库通风的节能运行.  相似文献   

城市典型地下空间的空气污染特征及其净化对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以现场测试数据和对我国城市地下空间空气质量的相关文献分析为基础,总结了地下商场、地铁车站、地下车库3类典型地下空间内部的空气污染状况,并以图表的形式给出了目前我国典型地下空间中的CO2,CO,可吸入颗粒物PMIO,细菌,甲醛,氡等特征污染物的浓度分布数据,并分析其成因.根据目前通风、常用空气净化技术现状以及各类地下空间的污染特征,分析指出去除地下商场和地铁车站内部污染物宜采用控制污染源、通风稀释和复合净化有机结合的技术路线,并指出研发方便、高效的复合净化技术是今后解决城市地下空间污染物净化问题的重要方向.  相似文献   

One of the costs of Taiwan's massive economic development has been severe air pollution problems in many parts of the island. Since vehicle emissions are the major source of air pollution in most of Taiwan's urban areas, Taiwan's government has implemented policies to rectify the degrading air quality, especially in areas with high population density. To reduce vehicle pollution emissions an on-road remote sensing and monitoring system is used to check the exhaust emissions from gasoline engine automobiles. By identifying individual vehicles with excessive emissions for follow-up inspection and testing, air quality in the urban environment is expected to improve greatly. Because remote sensing is capable of measuring a large number of moving vehicles in a short period, it has been considered as an assessment technique in place of the stationary emission-sampling techniques. However, inherent measurement uncertainty of remote sensing instrumentation, compounded by the indeterminacy of monitoring site selection, plus the vagaries of weather, causes large errors in pollution discrimination and limits the application of the remote sensing. Many governments are still waiting for a novel data analysis methodology to clamp down on heavily emitting vehicles by using remote sensing data. This paper proposes an artificial neural network (ANN), with vehicle attributes embedded, that can be trained by genetic algorithm (GA) based on different strategies to predict vehicle emission violation. Results show that the accuracy of predicting emission violation is as high as 92%. False determinations tend to occur for vehicles aged 7-13 years, peaking at 10 years of age.  相似文献   

陈金华  王勇  付祥钊  肖益民 《暖通空调》2006,36(10):42-44,41
针对民用建筑工程设计中遇到的防排烟及通风空调系统防火问题,分析了现行国家标准关于内走道排烟、通风空调系统防火阀设置、地下室及半地下室竖向疏散通道正压送风系统设置等的相关规定,并提出了个人见解。  相似文献   

刘杰 《工程机械》2012,43(2):35-38
根据某型井下胶轮车油气悬架系统的结构特点和工作原理,阐述其在减振和调节车高两方面存在的问题和不足,提出新的油气悬架系统方案.详细分析新方案的工作原理,采用多体系统动力学的方法,在ADAMS中建立胶轮车油气悬架系统二自由度动力学振动模型,通过仿真分析,表明新油气悬架系统能够有效发挥阻尼阀的作用,对胶轮车振动的衰减更为显著,有利于改善胶轮车的行驶平顺性.  相似文献   

该文分析了当前我国城市化进程中地下空间建设的现状特点,提出利用地下空间建设完善城市中心区的慢速交通体系,以改善城市拥堵。主张从地下空间机动车道及停车位的社会化、地下空间机动车道与地面道路有效衔接、利用地下空间开发来建设多种等级和类型的机动车道。在城市详细规划阶段结合地下空间进行地块出让的要点设置等措施入手,全面完善地面、地下一体化的城市中心区慢速交通体系。  相似文献   

本文以天津西站交通枢纽的地下出租车蓄车区为研究对象,建立了通风系统的数学模型,并用Airpak软件对其在不同换气次数工况下的污染物及温度分布进行了模拟分析。模拟结果表明:综合考虑空气品质、舒适性以及节能运行,得到最佳换气次数为10次/h;排风口位置对空气中污染物浓度没有显著影响,受热气流影响,将排风口设置在车辆集中区域上方的排风效果更好;由于污染源种类比较单一且空气流速较大,CO和CO2的浓度分布相似。本文结论对天津西站地下出租车蓄车区通风系统设计具有一定指导意义,也可为同类型建筑的通风系统设计提供参考。  相似文献   

Autonomous guided vehicles are becoming extremely important in the mining industry. The underground environment is unique and complex in that the lighting conditions are poor, the roads are difficult to traverse, and no GPS can accurately receive signals in these areas. This paper analyzes the characteristics of commonly used positioning methods given that ordinary positioning and navigation methods do not work effectively underground. We outline the composition and principles in underground guidance of autonomous vehicles using the laser-based positioning system. This system is unique in that it draws on the premise of barcode theory, which allows for a feasible relative navigation system even without a GPS. Algorithms were developed to provide real-time control for an autonomous guided scraper. In the vehicle experiment, the scraper was able to autonomously move along the simulated laneway, and the trial average range longitudinal error was only 15 cm in a 40-m distance. Hence, this new type of positioning and navigation system can accurately and reliably guide vehicles.  相似文献   

李钢 《山西建筑》2009,35(20):18-19
结合住宅小区如何根据周边环境进行合理的人车分流及“人性化”的地下车库设计,阐述了住宅小区内地下车库的行车便捷性、停车环境的舒适性及车库管理的安全性等人性化设计,以解决居住区内机动车的停放问题。  相似文献   

以成都地铁10号线地下(线上)列检库为例,成都地铁10号线一期工程具有初期列车少、列车运行间隔大的特点,考虑地下空间的规模、形态和功能,提出:在运营初期利用车站配线修建地下列检库承担工程月检,定修由7号线车辆基地解决,厂架修由快线网厂架修基地解决,远期车辆的检修任务改由板桥车辆基地解决。该方案实现了资源共享及地下空间利用的可持续发展。详细阐述了地下(线上)检修库的建筑空间设计与功能布局、建筑防火与特殊构造设计,以“空间换时间”的创新思路建设全国首座地下(线上)列检库,为轨道交通地下空间建设利用及建筑设计提供可借鉴样本。  相似文献   

This study measured PCDD/F concentrations in tunnel air and vehicle exhaust. The ambient air samples were collected with air samplers (Tisch PS-1) complying with USEPA TO-9A. The results indicate that the tunnel air had a PCDD/F TEQ concentration about two times as high as that of outside air (47.3 and 57.1 fg-I-TEQ/m3 for tunnel air vs. 37.1 fg-I-TEQ/m3 and 23.3 fg-I-TEQ/m3 for outside air, respectively). This provides the direct evidence that PCDD/F compounds are emitted from the combustion processes in gasoline- and diesel-fueled engines. According to the tunnel study, the emission factors ranged from 5.83 to 59.2 pg I-TEQ/km for gasoline vehicles and 23.32 to 236.65 pg I-TEQ/km of diesel vehicles. This indicates that the dioxin emission factor in Taiwan is lower than that measured in USA, Norway and Germany. When the speed of the diesel vehicle was set at 40 km/h, the dioxin concentration emitted from diesel vehicle was 278 pg/m3 (6.27 pg-I-TEQ/m3) from tailpipe testing. However, when the diesel vehicle was idled, the dioxin concentration increased greatly to 4078 pg/m3 (41.9 pg-I-TEQ/m3). From the results of tunnel air sampling, the PCDD/Fs emission from automobiles in Taiwan was estimated as 3.69 g I-TEQ per year.  相似文献   

Potential health effects of material emissions in new motor vehicles are of great public concern in China. To estimate the pollution levels, air samples were taken from 802 new cars parked in a well-ventilated underground parking garage in Beijing, China. These vehicles were all manufactured in and after 2003, and represented three different price ranges. For comparison, 20 older vehicles (manufactured before 2003) were also examined. Monitoring items included benzene, toluene, xylene, and formaldehyde. Preliminary results indicate that 82% of the vehicles studied had toluene levels exceeding the Chinese National Indoor Air Quality Standard. For benzene, xylene, and formaldehyde, the rates of noncompliance were 75%, 25%, and 24%, respectively. For all the pollutants, newer vehicles had higher concentrations than older ones. There seems a connection between the types of interior materials used in the passenger cabins and the concentrations of certain air pollutants.  相似文献   

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