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简谱是大家非常熟悉和常用的乐谱之一,但是在目前光学乐谱识别领域中对它的研究几乎空白,研究的焦点都集中在五线谱识别上。在深入分析简谱特征的基础上,提出了一整套简谱识别的实现方法。输入的光学简谱经预处理后,首先通过每行的小节线特征提取出简谱部分,然后通过投影法和种子填充算法定位出简谱符号基元的位置,并由此采用不同的识别算法识别出每个简谱符号基元的类型,最后通过组装把各个简谱符号组装成音乐特征符,形成数字化乐谱。实验表明,这套方法对印刷乐谱的识别达到了令人满意的效果,是一项有意义的研究。  相似文献   

最近刚喜欢上了吉他,可以看五线谱弹奏歌曲,但是网上不好找音乐的五线谱。请问,有没有好用的五线谱搜索工具?  相似文献   

孙敏 《电脑迷》2012,(13):52
遇到简谱,音乐造诣较深的人能够轻松哼出曲调,造诣较差的人也能利用身边的乐器弹出来。可遇到五线谱,即便是音乐造诣较深的人,也需要费点儿功夫了。今天给大家介绍一款有趣的软件SnapNPlay,它可以把拍摄下来的五线谱直接转换为音乐播放出来,  相似文献   

电脑音乐是通过MIDI接口接收音乐键盘弹奏的音乐信息,待电脑编辑制作好这些信息后,又通过此接口将全部音乐控制信息传送给合成器和音源设备使之发音,再经过各种声音加  相似文献   

美妙的音乐能够让人心旷神怡,如果您想亲自制作一首悠美的音乐可不是件容易的事。目前国内音乐类软件缺乏,它们中多数软件在功能和操作上都存在这样或那样的不足,因此目前仍旧主要是个别国外软件唱主角,并且计算机辅助音乐教学也缺乏一个平台。不过在国产软件中也有少数不错的音乐软件,《乐音》就是其中一款, 它是一款功能强大的支持简谱/五线谱直接转换的MIDI编辑、打谱软件。 《乐音》的最大特点就是操作简便、易学易用,您可以在短时间内熟悉乐音的创作风格。《乐音》支持五线谱、简谱两种作曲方式,并可以在五线谱、简谱作曲…  相似文献   

音乐小制作 《音乐小制作》是北京鸿达电子新技术研究所开发制作的在Win 95上运行的音乐播放及编曲软件,它主要适用于非专业的音乐爱好者,把五线谱变成不同可爱的小动  相似文献   

将标准普通话语音数据训练得到的声学模型应用于新疆维吾尔族说话人非母语汉语语音识别时,由于说话人的普通话发音存在较大偏误,将导致识别率急剧下降。针对这一问题,将多发音字典技术应用于新疆维吾尔族说话人汉语语音识别中,通过统计分析识别器的识别错误,建立音素混淆矩阵,获取音素的发音候选项。利用剪枝策略对发音候选项进行剪枝整合,扩展出符合维吾尔族说话人汉语发音规律的替代字典。对三种剪枝方法产生的发音字典的识别结果进行了对比。实验结果表明,使用相对最大剪枝策略产生的发音字典可以显著提高系统识别率。  相似文献   

现有的语音识别系统尽管功能强大,但没有对发音练习方面进行开发和优化.本系统在良好的英语口语发音识别功能基础上,加入了对发音的错误识别,结合实际应用的需求,设计与开发了一套完整的发音错误识别系统.  相似文献   

设计了一款便携式音乐分析仪,对一段音乐信号进行音高和时值特征分析,将分析结果以 MIDI 格式符号记录下来,通过 MIDI 音频合成芯片回放音乐旋律的同时可将音符信息解析成五线谱并由 LCD 显示。介绍了部分主要硬件电路接口和核心算法的软件设计。  相似文献   

钢琴卷帘谱是电脑音乐的一种常用的形象记谱方法,它是音乐的视觉体现,换句话说就是通过它我们可以用眼睛去“看”音乐,因而可以帮助我们更深刻地理解和掌握音乐表现。同时,比起其它记谱方法(如五线谱,简谱),它更精确直观,并能描述绝大多数的音乐表现,而最重要的是它适合于用电脑音乐软件对其进行编辑。  相似文献   

嵌入式MIDI文件格式解析设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立在嵌入式系统平台上的电子乐谱阅读器可以代替传统纸质乐谱和谱架的组合成为乐谱阅读的理想方式,因此在嵌入式系统上阅读MIDI等文件格式的数字乐谱具有重要的意义。本文详细说明了从一个MIDI文件解析出五线谱信息的全过程,介绍了MIDI文件格式以及在MIDI格式读取的过程中遇到的种种问题的解决方法。  相似文献   

Music representation utilizes a fairly rich repertoire of symbols. These symbols appear on a score sheet with relatively little shape distortion, differing from the prototype symbol shapes mainly by a positional translation and scale change. The prototype system we describe in this article is aimed at recognizing printed music notation from digitized music score images. The recognition system is composed of two parts: a low-level vision module that uses morphological algorithms for symbol detection and a high-level module that utilizes prior knowledge of music notation to reason about spatial positions and spatial sequences of these symbols. The high-level module also employs verification procedures to check the veracity of the output of the morphological symbol recognizer. The system produces an ASCII representation of music scores that can be input to a music-editing system. Mathematical morphology provides us the theory and the tools to analyze shapes. This characteristic of mathematical morphology lends itself well to analyzing and subsequently recognizing music scores that are rich in well-defined musical symbols. Since morphological operations can be efficiently implemented in machine vision systems that have special hardware support, the recognition task can be performed in near real-time. The system achieves accuracy in excess of 95% on the sample scores processed so far with a peak accuracy of 99.7% for the quarter and eighth notes, demonstrating the efficacy of morphological techniques for shape extraction.  相似文献   

In this study, a device for measuring the action potential of cardiac cell sheets was developed. The action potential was measured using a device comprising a 2-µm-thick parylene film with a silver electrode printed on it, which was referred to as the “electronic sheet.” The thin parylene film exhibits high biocompatibility and flexibility. Therefore, it demonstrates promise for biomedical microelectromechanical system applications. In this study, a cell sheet was used because the interest it had garnered in regenerative medicine for creating cardiac tissue in vitro similar to that in vivo. A high-efficiency drug development system can be realized by combining cell sheet technology and fabricating a flexible electronic sheet. The action potential of a cardiac cell sheet from a rat was measured using the as-developed flexible electronic sheet.  相似文献   

在电子出版及许多音乐研究中,均需将原文乐谱转化为被计算机可读的数据。本文提出一种用字符识别方法的乐谱图象识别系统。它基于拆分结构技术,将原文转换为局部结构图切分乐符,有效地减少了数据量,且不受图象弯曲和倾斜的影响。文中给出了识别结果的文本输出及其图象恢复。  相似文献   

Material published on the subject of Acquisition, Representation and Reconstruction of printed music by computer is reviewed.The paper is divided into three sections. 1. Acquisition covers music data entry by automatic pattern recognition, directly-connected keyboard, soundtrack analysis, purpose-built hardware and other, compromise, methods. 2. Representation deals with Music Representational Languages (with particular reference to DARMS, MUSTRAN and ALMA), their background, structure, software support, and associated problems concerning score reconstruction. 3. Reconstruction discusses briefly the hardware available for computerized printing of sheet music.An Appendix is included which lists a representative selection of the most significant computer systems for printing music. The Bibliography contains nearly 200 references from diverse publications.N. P. Carter and T. Messenger are in the Music Department, and R. A. Bacon in the Physics Department, all at the University of Surrey, Guildford, England.  相似文献   

Eric Foxley 《Software》1987,17(8):485-502
This paper describes a language which has been devised to facilitate the inclusion of printed music in the output of a typesetting system. The music program acts as a preprocessor to troff, which is the typesetting program associated with the UNIX system. The design of the music input language has concentrated on the simplicity of the process of transcribing and typing in data from a standard music score, yet still allowing some of the complex requirements of serious music scores to be handled.  相似文献   

This article represents a comprehensive review of the research carried out on analytical and numerical methods modeling of electromagnetic band‐gap (EBG) structures used in around last two decades. Because of the unique characteristics of the surface wave reduction as well as perfect magnetic conductor (PMC) like behavior, the EBG structures have created their separate existence in antenna engineering society. These structures are being widely used in designing of several microwave planar circuits including printed antennas, printed microwave filters, etc. The purpose of this article is to present an inclusive review of analytical methods as well as numerical methods in the context of modeling of EBG‐structures. Such a review process is rarely carried out in the open literature to the best of authors' knowledge. The review exercise might be helpful to the researchers working on modeling of EBG‐structures as well as of EBG‐structured printed antennas, microwave planar filters, etc.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new rhythm based game for tutored music learning is presented. The main differences with similar existing systems are: i) songs can be automatically extracted from any music file or printed score; ii) it works with multiple interfaces, ranging from any MIDI controller to most popular game controllers; iii) note sequences are obtained from the melody itself rather than from time features alone. The whole system has been successfully tested for different songs using different combinations of music instances and game controllers.  相似文献   

计算机光学乐谱识别技术   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
计算机光学乐谱识别是计算机技术在音乐领域的发展和应用,主要利用图像处理,模式识别,文档图像分析等相关技术,把乐谱图像转化成通用的数字音乐格式,OMR实现传统乐谱数字化,在计算机音乐、计算机辅助音乐教学,数学音乐图书馆等众多领域有着广泛的应用前景,OMR包括乐谱图像预处理,谱线检测与删除,原始音符对象识别和特征音符对象解释与重组等主要过程,音符对象的识别,解释与重组是其中的难点和关键。  相似文献   

如今社会的生活节奏越来越快,随着硬件移动设备的越来越先进,人们对移动设备的要求也越来越高,从以前的追求技术到现在的追求视觉,因此,也逐步的提高了对系统的要求。的音乐播放器采用了Android开源系统技术,Android是一种以Linux为基础的开放源代码操作系统,在android平台下设计和实现音乐播放器,利用java语言和Eclipse编程工具实现。通过设计播放器能够实现音乐的播放、暂停、上一曲、下一曲、音乐列表、声音控制等功能,性能良好,在Android系统中能独立运行。  相似文献   

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