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对我国汽车生产物流行业中存在的职业性肌肉骨骼损伤(OMSD)的危险因素进行分析,发现作业中主要以手工搬运为主,并且自动化程度低。结合已有研究证明的OMSD影响因素和汽车生产物流行业现状,选择了快速上肢评估(RULA)量表进行风险评价,并对作业过程中存在的问题进行改善。得到的结论:(1)快速上肢评估量表能够与汽车生产物流作业现场实际情况相结合,能够准确的对不同的作业工种的肌肉骨骼损伤风险等进行评价。(2)汽车生产物流员工的肌肉骨骼损伤风险较高。(3)应用作业方法改善,辅助作业器具的使用和行政管理方法的调整能够有效地降低肌肉骨骼损伤风险。  相似文献   

目的为研究汽车零配件手工装配工位中"人-机-环"不协调的工效学问题。方法以LD公司ST25工位为研究对象,运用模特排时法(MOD)和快速上肢评估法(RULA)对作业姿势和工作台进行人因风险识别和评估。结果工人在操作中上肢存在高频率重复性远距离抓取的强迫体位,且下肢伸展受阻,为患肌肉骨骼损伤(WMSDs)的潜在风险部位;工作台无照明是导致工人颈部前倾的关键因素。基于以上分析,重新设计该工位物料供给方式,增加了照明装置和脚踏板。改善后物料抓取距离每班减少144 m,下肢不适感明显降低。结论操作台的工效学合理性是汽车零部件生产工人职业健康和工作效率的重要影响因素,该研究策略对同行业在生产工位的工效学改善具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

随着城市内汽车数量的不断增长,停泊在泊车位上的汽车越来越多,司机在泊车过程中会面临浪费时间和燃料等问题。由于并行泊车需要倒车,在司机把车辆停在正确位置之前,必须要用眼睛对停车路径进行多次评估,否则就有可能会导致事故的发生。与手动泊车的缺点相比,自动并行泊车系统凭借自身安全快速的一键式泊车服务受到用户的喜爱。设计一个基于Arduino控制的自动并行泊车系统,该系统可以在最短时间内检测出可用的泊车位并进行自动泊车操作,将汽车正确地停放在检测到的泊车位上。该系统集成超声波传感器和Arduino对车辆的运动轨迹进行控制,该文还探讨了相应的泊车策略和算法。  相似文献   

新建高铁桥梁与既有高速公路临近并行的状况对桥梁结构、列车运行及汽车行驶安全性的影响尚不明确,也未见针对性的分析和评估。在考虑临近并行高铁桥梁与高速公路相互影响特性的基础上,识别了关键风险因素,建立了此类问题评估过程的总体框架。以一实际工程为例,通过理论分析、数值模拟和现场实测等手段,深入研究了高速公路车辆撞击、爆炸、火灾对高铁桥梁及列车运行安全的影响以及高铁列车通行引发的气流、眩光、噪声对高速公路行车安全的影响。根据建立的风险矩阵,综合考虑发生概率及损伤后果,对每种风险因素的风险等级做出了评价和判定,依据评判结果,提出了多种有效措施来降低高铁桥梁与高速公路临近所带来的不利影响。  相似文献   

公共空间的碎片化和忽视行人更加剧了人们的心理影响。以机动车交通为核心的都市蔓延模式还增加了社会排斥,使城市肌理产生了无序和断裂迹象。因此自打有了汽车以来,规划师的作用日益凸现;有了人车矛盾以来,建筑师的职业也被赋予了新的任务。  相似文献   

该文针对岸桥起重机设计了一种以STM32系列单片机为核心处理芯片的岸桥司机驾驶技术评估系统。系统通过加速度传感器和倾角传感器,实时采集岸桥吊具的加速度信号和倾角信号,并对信号进行分析处理,得出评估结果,利用无线传输的方式将评估结果发送到显示模块,司机能够在驾驶室中通过显示模块查看自身驾驶技术的评估结果。该系统能够准确评估岸桥司机的驾驶技术,并能针对司机的驾驶习惯和行为给出合理的建议,帮助司机提高自身的驾驶技术。  相似文献   

公共自行车是市民出行的重要交通工具,为提升公共卫生安全以及降低公共自行车骑行人员出行风险,杭州研制了《疫情期间城市公共自行车卫生防控规范》。该标准明确了疫情期间公共自行车卫生防控的等级划分、运营、物资和信息管理的要求,从硬件、人员、服务等方面予以防控规范。尤其在防控等级的划分上,结合浙江省风险评估五色地图区域的规定,以服务站点为单位,根据区域位置、运营情况等将站点疫情防控等级分为高、较高、中、较低和低风险五个等级。在对骑行人员的管理上,设置与"杭州健康码"相结合的验证方式租借公共自行车。在此标准的指导下,杭州公共自行车卫生防控已经规范实施到主城区和周边区县市的服务站点。  相似文献   

杨红 《中国科技博览》2014,(48):340-340
结合1828名铁路机车司机上岗前职业健康检查资料,分析了机车司机职业健康检查中在高频听力损失评价、驾驶适性异常及心理不健康者处理方面的问题,提出开展机车司机心理健康服务和工作场所健康促进工作的重要性,并建议对TB/T3091-2008补充完善。  相似文献   

目的了解全身振动职业危害对公交车司机健康的影响。方法对青岛市某路公交汽车的30名驾驶员进行全身振动的数据测量和对公交车司机进行医学查体和症状调查。结果Ahw(4)为7.4im/s2:av〉2.0m/s2,接振组腰椎退行性变的发生率、全身症状的发生率和手部症状、体征明显高于对照组(P〈0.01)。结论公车司机全身振动作业对健康有一定影响,应采取防护措施。  相似文献   

汽车悬架及司机座椅动态参数优化   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
汽车悬架及司机座椅动态参数对汽车行驶的平顺性有着重要影响。本文以八自由度三维空间质弹系统作为汽车振动系统的力学模型,用前后四轮路面随机激励作为系统输入,对车厢及司机座椅的输入功率谱进行分析,在此基础上对该模型的悬架及司机座椅动态参数进行优化,并给出悬架参数及司机座椅参数的优化结果。  相似文献   

目的本研究的第一个目的是以肌力下降、耐受时间及主观评价来比较在不同负荷水平下拉车作业造成的肌肉疲劳水平;第二个目的是建立数学模型来量化拉车作业造成肌肉疲劳的程度;最终目的为提供拉车作业工作设计的提供依据,以降低劳动者肌肉骨骼伤害的风险。方法通过设计模拟手拉叉车实验,测量两种负荷下被试的实验前后拉力值、持续施力的耐受时间以及身体疲劳主观评价的数据,进行肌肉疲劳分析。结果实验数据显示拉车作业产生肌肉疲劳,性别和负荷对耐受时间、拉力下降速率产生显着影响;性别也显著影响被试对疲劳的主观评价,身体质量指数是影响耐受时间的显著因子。结论拉车作业中肌肉疲劳会导致拉力显著下降;性别是影响肌肉疲劳的重要因子,女性被试比男性被试更易疲劳;根据预测函数模型计算的男、女被试的疲劳速率k值分别为0.071、0.099。  相似文献   



Authorizing powered two-wheeler drivers to drive in lanes reserved to buses is a measure that is sometimes mentioned to improve mobility conditions for these users. But what effect would this measure have on the safety of these users and on the safety of the other users with whom they share the traffic space?


The objective of this study is to contribute elements to help answer this question. More precisely, the objective is to estimate the risk of having an accident per kilometer driven by powered two-wheeler drivers who drive in bus lanes and to compare this risk with that of powered two-wheeler drivers who drive in general traffic lanes.


Using the bodily injury accidents recorded by the police over two years on 13 roads in the city of Marseille and a campaign of periodical observations of powered two-wheeler traffic, we estimated the risk per kilometer driven by powered two-wheeler drivers who drive in bus lanes and compared it with that of drivers who do not drive in them.


The results show that the risk for powered two-wheeler drivers who drive in bus lanes of being involved in a bodily injury accident is significantly higher than the risk run by drivers who drive in general traffic lanes. For the 13 roads studied, it is on average 3.25 times higher (95% CI: 2.03; 5.21).


In the current situation, powered two-wheeler drivers who drive in bus lanes are less safe than those who drive in general traffic lanes. The analysis of police reports suggests that part of this increased risk comes from collisions between automobile drivers turning right and powered two-wheelers driving in the bus lane who continue straight ahead.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that personality traits and attitudes toward traffic safety predict aberrant driving behaviors and crash involvement. However, this process has not been adequately investigated in professional drivers, such as bus drivers. The present study used a personality–attitudes model to assess whether personality traits predicted aberrant self-reported driving behaviors (driving violations, lapses, and errors) both directly and indirectly, through the effects of attitudes towards traffic safety in a large sample of bus drivers. Additionally, the relationship between aberrant self-reported driving behaviors and crash risk was also assessed.  相似文献   

Given that the beneficial effects of driver training on accident risk may not be an appropriate criterion measure, this study investigates whether professionally trained and experienced drivers exhibit safer driving behaviour in a simulated driving task compared with drivers without professional driver training. A sample of 54 police trained drivers and a sample of 56 non-police trained drivers were required to complete two tasks. Firstly to overtake a slow-moving bus on a hazardous stretch of single-lane road with bends and hills and secondly to follow a lead vehicle travelling at 55mph in a built-up section with a speed limit of 30mph. Results showed that in comparison with non-police trained drivers, police drivers were significantly less likely to cross the central division of the road at unsafe locations during the overtaking task and reduced their speed on approach to pedestrians at the roadside in the following task to a greater extent. Police drivers also adopted a more central lane position compared with non-police trained drivers on urban roads and at traffic lights during the following task. Driver group differences in simulated driving performance are discussed with reference to the implications for driver training assessment and skill development.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Studies have demonstrated that the fatality risk for motor vehicle crashes (MVCs) is higher in rural than urban areas. The purpose of this study was to quantify the risk of a fatal outcome associated with a crash by the urban/rural classification of the driver's county of residence and the county of crash before and after adjusting for potentially confounding factors. METHODS: County of crash and driver's county of residence were classified as urban or rural for 514,648 Utah crash participants. Multivariate regression analysis was used to assess the impact of rural versus urban crash location on fatality outcomes for both urban and rural drivers. RESULTS: Before adjusting for confounding factors the relative risk of fatality in a rural versus urban crash was 9.7 (95% CI: 8.0-11.7) for urban drivers and their passengers compared to 1.8 (95% CI: 1.3-2.6) for rural residents. Adjustment for behavioral, road, and crash characteristics reduced risk estimates to 2.8 (95% CI: 2.2-3.5) and 1.2 (95% CI: 0.8-1.7), respectively. CONCLUSION: Urban and rural drivers may have distinct risk factors for MVC fatality in rural areas. Interventions to reduce the risk of fatality in rural areas should evaluate the needs of both urban and rural drivers.  相似文献   

This study reports the results of a simulator-based assessment of driver response to two different urban highway work zone configurations. One configuration represented an existing design which was contrasted with a second configuration that presented a reduced taper length prototype work zone design. Twenty-one drivers navigated the two different work zones in two different conditions, one with and one without a lead vehicle; in this case a bus. Measures of driver speed, braking, travel path, and collision frequency were recorded. Drivers navigated significantly closer to the boundary of the work area in the reduced taper length design. This proximity effect was moderated by the significant interaction between lead vehicle and taper length and such interactive effects were also observed for driver speed at the end of the work zone and the number of collisions observed within the work zone itself. These results suggest that reduced taper length poses an increase in risk to both drivers and work zone personnel, primarily when driver anticipation is reduced by foreshortened viewing distances. Increase in such risk is to a degree offset by the reduction of overall exposure to the work zone that a foreshortened taper creates. The benefits and limitations to a simulation-based approach to the assessment and prediction of driver behavior in different work zone configurations are also discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research has provided little insight into factors that influence the probability of bus drivers being at-fault in bus-involved accidents. In this study, an analysis was conducted on accident data compiled by a bus company that include an assessment on whether the bus driver was deemed by the company to hold primary responsibility for accident occurrence. Using a mixed logit modelling approach, roadway/environmental, vehicle and driver related variables that were identified to be influential were road type, speed limit, traffic/lighting conditions, bus priority, bus age/length and driver's age/gender/experience/historic at-fault accident record. Results were indicative of possible confined road-space issues that bus drivers face along routes with roadside traffic friction and point to the provision of exclusive right of way for buses as a possible way to address this. Results also suggest benefits in assigning routes comprising mainly divided roads as well as newer and shorter buses to less experienced drivers.  相似文献   

Cross-cultural differences in driver risk-perception   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This study investigated differences in risk-perception among U.S., Spanish, West German, and Brazilian drivers. Subjects estimated the risk involved in slide-projected traffic scenes. The scenes, photographed in the United States and Spain, were rated for the amount of risk by using a seven-point scale. The subject groups in each country included younger, middle-aged, and older nonprofessional drivers, as well as middle-aged professional (bus, taxi, or truck) drivers. In the data analyses, the independent variables were subjects' country, age, professional driving experience, and sex, and 23 dichotomously coded characteristics of the traffic scenes. The following are the main findings: (1) Spanish drivers reported the highest risk, while U.S. drivers reported the lowest risk; (2) younger drivers tended to report lower risk than middle-aged and older drivers; (3) nineteen of the 23 analysed characteristics of traffic scenes contributed significantly to risk ratings, even after simultaneously controlling for the effects of all other scene characteristics; (4) ten scene characteristics had a differential effect on the risk ratings in the four tested countries; (5) two scene characteristics had a differential effect on the risk ratings in the four tested subject groups; (6) none of the variables affected differentially the risk ratings of professional vs. nonprofessional drivers and males vs. females. These findings provide information concerning the desirable country- and age-specific emphasis in driver education, driver licensing, and public information campaigns.  相似文献   

This study aimed to quantify the association between pedestrian- and driver-related factors and the risk of causing road crashes involving pedestrians in urban areas in Spain between 1993 and 2011. From the nationwide police-based registry of road crashes with victims in Spain, we analyzed all 63,205 pairs of pedestrians and drivers involved in crashes in urban areas in which only the pedestrian or only the driver was at fault. Logistic regression models were used to obtain adjusted odds ratios to assess the strength of association between each individual-related variable and the pedestrian’s odds of being at fault for the crash (and conversely, the driver’s odds of not being at fault).The subgroups of road users at high risk of causing a road crash with a pedestrian in urban areas were young and male pedestrians, pedestrians with psychophysical conditions or health problems, the youngest and the oldest drivers, and drivers with markers of high-risk behaviors (alcohol use, nonuse of safety devices, and driving without a valid license). These subgroups should be targeted by preventive strategies intended to decrease the rate of urban road crashes involving pedestrians in Spain.  相似文献   

Previous research has found that only older drivers with low annual driving mileages had a heightened crash risk relative to other age groups. These drivers tend to drive mainly in urban areas, where the prevalence of complex traffic situations increases crash risk. However it might also be that some drivers may have reduced their driving due to perceived or actual declines in driving fitness.  相似文献   

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