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在体验经济的时代环境下,探析客户端游戏产品设计中所运用的用户体验设计策 略,为今后的传统产品设计寻求新的设计视角。采用文献研究和案例分析法,以用户体验设计 发展为基础,以产品设计、用户体验设计、交互设计、设计心理学及感性工学中的方法理论为 依托,借助客户端游戏产品为研究对象,对其蕴含的用户体验设计策略进行研究。给出一种用 户体验的量化评价模型,并提出了能够提升客户端游戏产品用户体验的设计策略,在此基础上 为传统产品的创新设计提供新的启示和指导。  相似文献   

2012年9月22日,第四届GoldenFrogAward瑞德优秀毕业设计邀请赛决赛及颁奖典礼暨设计师与企业及设计新锐心路沙龙在北京建国饭店盛大开幕。一改以往设计赛的传统思路与固有风格,本届比赛以“种子”为设计主题,以原创“蒲公英”希望之灯为载体,融入新生力量,赋予更多的对工业设计的期望和对优秀设计专业毕业生的关注。  相似文献   

中西混搭设计是以实现文化上的融合为目的,而传统图案是体现文化精髓的元素,传统色彩亦是体现民族特色的灵感源泉,如何使得中西方传统纹样共生共融,如何选择搭配不同的传统色彩是文章研究混搭设计的重点。文章从解析中西方传统图案纹样,阐述中西传统色彩观及寻找其途径入手,继而总结出传统图案色彩在中西混搭室内设计的运用方法及原则。  相似文献   

针对传统片上系统(sOc)解决方案在成本、体积及功耗等方面的缺点,以转换设备为背景,提出了一种基于可编程片上系统(SOPC)的设计方法,着重讨论了系统硬件平台的设计及应用软件的开发。设计以FPGA为核心,构建了基于NiosII软核处理器的SOPC系统,在NiosⅡ集成开发环境下开发出系统的应用软件。与传统方案统相比,该方案拥有更高的集成度、以及较小的体积和功耗。  相似文献   

从我国皮影艺术现状和现代设计领域对传统文化的研究现状入手,分析了现代服饰设计中对传统文化元素的传承与创新的重要性,提出了以设计推动传承,以设计促进发展的观点。文章着重对皮影艺术与现代服饰设计进行融合的途径进行了分析,使其在展现出新的时代特色及民族传统文化精髓的同时,实现民间传统艺术元素在现代服饰作品中的应用与创新。  相似文献   

传统艺术数字化CAD技术研究*   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以剪纸传统艺术的数字化设计为例,研究了剪纸的计算机辅助技术方案。利用CAD技术辅助完成剪纸艺术中的低效、重复和非创意性工作内容,抽象出剪纸元素符号库;采用路径装饰、折叠及多方案组合设计技术,实现了基于CorelDraw的剪纸CAD原型系统,并以典型传统图案为例进行了设计过程的验证。  相似文献   

基于IP核复用的SoC设计技术探讨   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
以IP(IntellectualProperty)核复用为基础的SoC(SystemonaChip,简称SoC)设计是以软硬件协同设计为主要设计方法的芯片设计技术。本文从IP核复用技术、软硬件协同设计技术两个方面探讨了SoC设计中的关键技术。其中以OCP及Wishbone总线为例,总结了片上总线的特点及其接口技术,讨论了IP核复用技术的应用方法及优势;通过与传统的IC设计相比较,描述了软硬件协同设计的流程特征,并探讨了软硬件协同仿真技术,同时其发展趋势作了展望。  相似文献   

设计的内涵就是文化,设计若离开文化的支撑则如同无源之水。在现代文化趋同和传统文化危机论的全球化大背景下,现代产品设计,到底以什么为支撑?本文以生态设计、仿生设计、简约设计三种现代设计理念为例,阐述了这些现代设计理念对传统文化哲学思想的文脉传承,以及这些传统文化哲学与现代产品设计理念如何融合、创新。  相似文献   

采用虚拟芯片理念,以74153 为虚拟芯片设计为实例,讨论了基于LabVIEW设计数字虚拟芯片的方法,并总结 了虚拟芯片比传统物理IC更具有开放性、灵活性及更容易与现代通信网络技术相结合的特点。  相似文献   

丹麦现代家具设计具有就地取材、实用便利,功能性强且外形美观典雅的特点,在西方家具设计中有独特地位。文章以丹麦的历史及社会特点为背景,探讨了丹麦现代家具设计延续传统,以人为本的功能性特点和简约设计的特色。  相似文献   

Earlier research work using immersive virtual reality (VR) in the domain of cable harness design has shown conclusively that this technology had provided substantial productivity gains over traditional computer-aided design (CAD) systems. The follow-on work in this paper was aimed at understanding the degree to which various aspects of the immersive VR system were contributing to these benefits and how engineering design and planning processes could be analysed in detail as they are being carried out; the nature of this technology being such that the user’s activities can be non-intrusively monitored and logged without interrupting a creative design process or a manufacturing planning task. This current research involved the creation of a more robust CAD-equivalent VR system for cable harness routing design, harness assembly and installation planning which could be functionally evaluated using a set of creative design-task experiments to provide detail about the system and users’ performance. A design task categorisation scheme was developed which allowed both a general and detailed breakdown of the design engineer’s cable harness design process and associated activities. This showed that substantial amounts of time were spend by the designer in navigation (41%), sequence breaks (28%) and carrying out design-related activities (27%). The subsequent statistical analysis of the data also allowed cause and effect relationships between categories to be examined and showed statistically significant results in harness design, harness design modification and menu/model interaction. This insight demonstrated that poorly designed interfaces can have adverse affects on the productivity of the designer and that 3D direct manipulation interfaces have advantages. Indeed, the categorisation scheme provided a valuable tool for understanding design behaviour and could be used for comparing different design platforms as well as examining other aspects of the design function, such as the acquisition of design decision intent. The system also demonstrated the successful automatic generation of cable harness assembly and cable harness installation plans from non-intrusive user-system interaction logging, which further demonstrates the potential for concurrent design and manufacturing planning to be carried out.  相似文献   

蒙古文的每个字素在词的不同位置有着不同的书写形式,使得蒙古文字形结构多样且数量庞大,从而导致利用计算机辅助和传统人工方式设计蒙古文字体需要耗费大量的人力物力。故创建一种能自动生成蒙文字体风格的模型十分必要。国内外已有学者开展了对汉字和英文字体风格自动迁移的研究,但蒙古文领域仍处于空白阶段。因此,该文提出将条件生成对抗网络模型应用于蒙古文字体风格迁移,并给出了相关模型,实现了相应的算法和软件。在蒙古文字体数据集上进行实验,模型采用生成损失和判别损失衡量模型,Adam优化器自动调整学习率,逐渐减少差异值,直到生成器和判别器达到纳什平衡状态,可直接从蒙古文标题字体生成蒙古文手写体等字体,得到的生成字体样式基本接近真实字体样式,达到字体风格迁移的效果。  相似文献   

基于ICU的复杂文本布局引擎设计与跨平台应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ICU复杂文本布局引擎与其他应用较为广泛的复杂文本布局引擎相比的一大长处是它的开放源代码.通过分析ICU源码,并以此为基础设计新的复杂文本的布局引擎.首先简要介绍了复杂文本布局引擎的一般原理,然后以复杂文字语言蒙古文为例,详细探讨了基于ICU的复杂文本布局引擎的设计思路和方法,最后对复杂文本布局引擎的跨平台应用进行了深入研究.  相似文献   

Full-body fall-protection harnesses have been a critical work-practice control technology for reducing the number of fall-related injuries and fatalities among construction workers; yet, very little is known about the fit of these harnesses to the population that wears them. This study evaluated the fit and sizing efficacy of a harness system. Seventy-two male and 26 female construction workers participated in the study. Their body size-and-shape information was measured while they were suspended (with a harness) and standing (with and without a harness), using a 3-D full-body laser scanner and traditional anthropometric calipers. Fisher's discriminant analysis results did not point to the need for a change in the current sizing selection scheme by body height and weight for end users. However, an integrated redesign of harness components is needed because 40% of subjects did not pass fit-performance criteria in either the standing or suspended condition. A multivariate accommodation analysis has identified 15 representative body models for the 'standard-size' harness design. These models can serve as a useful population to test harness design until a larger survey of the nation's construction workers can be done. Finally, further developments in 3-D shape quantification methods are recommended to improve the harness design process; the point-to-point anthropometric information currently used seems to be insufficient for harness design.  相似文献   

Hsiao H  Bradtmiller B  Whitestone J 《Ergonomics》2003,46(12):1233-1258
Full-body fall-protection harnesses have been a critical work-practice control technology for reducing the number of fall-related injuries and fatalities among construction workers; yet, very little is known about the fit of these harnesses to the population that wears them. This study evaluated the fit and sizing efficacy of a harness system. Seventy-two male and 26 female construction workers participated in the study. Their body size-and-shape information was measured while they were suspended (with a harness) and standing (with and without a harness), using a 3-D full-body laser scanner and traditional anthropometric calipers. Fisher's discriminant analysis results did not point to the need for a change in the current sizing selection scheme by body height and weight for end users. However, an integrated redesign of harness components is needed because 40% of subjects did not pass fit-performance criteria in either the standing or suspended condition. A multivariate accommodation analysis has identified 15 representative body models for the 'standard-size' harness design. These models can serve as a useful population to test harness design until a larger survey of the nation's construction workers can be done. Finally, further developments in 3-D shape quantification methods are recommended to improve the harness design process; the point-to-point anthropometric information currently used seems to be insufficient for harness design.  相似文献   

国际化标准框架下蒙文操作系统的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒙文操作系统实现较为复杂的原因在于两个方面:①传统蒙文采用自顶向下竖写、每列从左向右排列的书写方式;②蒙文字符在不同文本上下文中采用变化相当复杂的显现字形.基于操作系统国际化体系结构,从蒙文字符集、蒙文字符的变形显现、蒙文文本的垂直显示、蒙文独特的图形用户界面等多个方面阐述了传统蒙文操作系统实现中面临的难点和技术方案;简要介绍了基于QtKDE桌面系统的实现;最后提出了蒙文操作系统实现仍需要解决的问题.  相似文献   

本文主要讨论蒙古族典型民居形式语言的再设计,探寻传统蒙古包在现代城市的创新之途。并强调在当今社会与科技背景下,少数民族地区将地域性、民族风格与时代特征结合在一起才是建筑设计的发展方向。  相似文献   

该文针对传统蒙古文与西里尔蒙古文设计开发了一个功能完备的信息检索系统。在网页抓取方面,采用MD5算法对爬虫进行了改进,提升了爬虫的速度。在预处理阶段,对蒙古文文档进行了编码转换、词缀切分转换等操作。在检索方面,使用向量空间模型实现了对蒙古文文档的检索。在该文系统中加入了西里尔蒙古文到传统蒙古文转换和更新统计等模块,最终搭建了一个可以达到应用要求的蒙古文信息检索系统。  相似文献   

传统蒙古文和西里尔蒙古文分别是在中国和蒙古国使用的蒙古文,它们的口语基本相同,但是书写形式完全不同。结合传统蒙古文和西里尔蒙古文的构词特点,提出了基于联合序列模型的传统蒙古文和西里尔蒙古文相互转换方法,并做了大量的相互转换实验。实验中,传统蒙古文到西里尔蒙古文转换系统的词误识率和字母误识率分别达到了18.38%和6.75%,西里尔蒙古文到传统蒙古文转换系统的词误识率字母误识率分别达到了18.77%和7.14%,基本达到了实用要求。  相似文献   

线束预装配是线束生产的重要环节,论文通过总结线束工艺设计中的工程 语义约束信息,建立装配关联图模型,提出了一种线束预装配自动规划方法。该方法通过主 件选择、最大子装配体提取、工程语义约束检测来实现对预装配序列自动规划,而无需与用 户进行交互。最后的实例表明该方法是有效可行的,能较好的解决大线束图纸中装配序列规 划问题。  相似文献   

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