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Online stickiness: its antecedents and effect on purchasing intention   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Website stickiness, the website's ability to retain online customers and prolong his/her duration of each stay, is one of the key factors to e-commerce success. However, how to make customers stick around is still unclear to online retailers. This paper examines the antecedents as well as effect of customer's intention to stick on a website. A model is developed and tested using a survey of 434 web users. The results confirm that the web user's willingness to stick to a website is a strong predictor of his/her intention to transact. Web managers thus need to put emphasis on the creation of the website stickiness. The results of this study also suggest that the formation of the stickiness is affected by web user attitude towards a website, trust in a website and the quality of website content. Implications of these findings are discussed for researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

Website stickiness, the website's ability to retain online customers and prolong his/her duration of each stay, is one of the key factors to e-commerce success. However, how to make customers stick around is still unclear to online retailers. This paper examines the antecedents as well as effect of customer's intention to stick on a website. A model is developed and tested using a survey of 434 web users. The results confirm that the web user's willingness to stick to a website is a strong predictor of his/her intention to transact. Web managers thus need to put emphasis on the creation of the website stickiness. The results of this study also suggest that the formation of the stickiness is affected by web user attitude towards a website, trust in a website and the quality of website content. Implications of these findings are discussed for researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了建设图书馆网站的重要性及作用,其次结合笔者的建站经历介绍了动易内容管理系统在网站建设中的强大功能及应用。  相似文献   

Previous research confirms there are differences between men and women concerning website design preferences. A few researchers have further suggested website preferences based on gender (i.e. whether one is a man or a woman) differ in countries that are typically considered higher in masculinity versus higher in femininity. As such, this supposes fewer differences exist between men and women in more feminine societies, while more significant differences occur in more masculine societies. To test this assumption, we survey a total of 955 participants located in six countries. More particularly, we examine design constructs of Information Content, Navigation Design, Visual Design modeled to Website Trust and Website Satisfaction. We are interested to determine if gender differences are strong in higher masculinity countries and weak in lower masculinity countries. We also investigate if gender moderates the various relationships in our model. As predicted, in higher masculinity countries there are more differences between men and women, and gender is more likely to moderate the relationships in the model. This research has implications for the complexity of website design preferences, and extends earlier work on website design in a multiple country sample where masculinity–femininity differs. Theoretical contributions and design issues are elaborated.  相似文献   

随着Web标准在国内的逐渐普及以及很多业内人士的大力推行,采用CSS DIV对网站重构日趋被大家重视起来了,很多大型网站已经完成了重构工作。Web标准提出将网页的内容与表现分离,同时要求HTML文档要具有良好的结构。在Web标准下,制作网站需要一定的知识和技巧,还有一定的流程。要制作一个具有特色的网页也是需要一定方法与技巧。本文在这里主要探讨了,在Web标准下,网站建设和网页制作应考虑的几个问题。  相似文献   

Web technology is changing rapidly every day and the internet has become a lifestyle for people all over the world. The power of the web has changed the way people communicate and do business. With the advance of the internet era, a successful website becomes a critical factor for the success of most businesses. Website design is not only about the look of the website. There are many other factors to consider. A well-designed site can induce users to engage in the website, help them find what they are looking for, and understand where exactly they are on the website. This study investigates the user’s perception disorientation, engagement, and intent to use a website in the future by manipulating these three basic factors into eight different experimental conditions. With 2 × 2 × 2 experimental design with content familiarity, site breadth, and media richness in website systems, this study suggests that both the main effects and the interaction effects of the experiment factors are significant. This implies that one or more factors can compensate for the weakness of other factors. Furthermore different people have preferences for different factors; therefore website design should not solely focus on a single factor, but should address all of these factors in accordance with the objective of the business.  相似文献   

The study investigates the mediating effect of website quality on Internet searching behavior. The research model incorporates three dimensions, namely (1) Internet attitudes of the Internet users, (2) website quality, including the system quality, service quality and information quality, and (3) Internet searching behavior demonstrated by the general population of Internet users. A survey instrument was used to gather data to exam the relationships in the proposed model. The collected online surveys (n = 856) are used to test the relationships among the three dimensions expressed in the proposed structural equation model. The results show that website quality has a mediating effect on Internet searching behavior. It is also discovered that there is significant correlation between Internet attitudes and website quality. This study contributes empirical data to the predominantly theoretical literature on Internet searching behavior in general and Internet attitudes and website quality in particular. It is, to a certain extent, common sense that website quality has a positive impact on Internet searching behavior. This paper takes an important step forward by detailing how website quality affects the Internet searching behavior via enhancing the effect of users’ Internet attitudes.  相似文献   

校园网网站群平台建设模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析了高校校园网网站建设中长期采用条块孤立建设暴露出缺点的基础上,提出了统一开发网站群平台建设的新理念,从而实现网站群集中规范管理、站点间信息共享、内容发布及时准确、网站设计维护方便,以及网站的高安全性等功能。  相似文献   

浅议网站的安全及应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网站发展的迅猛,虽然方便了很多行业,但同时安全隐患也随之而生。病毒、黑客程序、邮件炸弹、远程侦听等日益猖獗,由此引起网站安全问题日益严重。如何保护计算机信息安全,也即信息内容的保密问题显得越来越重要。本文介绍了目前网站中主要存在的不安全因素,并在提出了相应有利于保护网站的安全应对策略。  相似文献   

简单介绍了ASP技术的特点,指出在强大的网络平台上,企业网站以网络资源库为依托,通过广泛的信息渠道,使得一切活动都在网络上就可以实现。ASP技术对建设企业网站,促进企业发展起着很好的作用。  相似文献   

As the general and working populations age in most developed nations, the study of website usability for older adults is becoming increasingly relevant. Website usability is concerned with both utilitarian (i.e. functional) and hedonic (i.e. pleasure-related) aspects. A new website usability model is proposed that considers the effects of age on website usability through cognitive antecedents that are most relevant to age-related effects. Specifically, spatial ability is the declining cognitive skill of particular interest in this research. A laboratory experiment was conducted where younger and older participants interacted with an experimental website. The results suggest that age has a pronounced impact on performance as a mediated effect through declining levels spatial ability and mental model accuracy as well as through a direct effect suggesting the presence of other objective and subjective changes associated with aging that could impact performance. Perceived disorientation was also examined within the proposed website usability model, revealing both expected and surprising findings.  相似文献   

Company websites are an important instrument for relationship marketing activities. We present a methodological framework that aligns website performance assessment and marketing intelligence for evaluating the performance of relationship marketing activities. In this context, we develop an extended web mining approach that integrates managerial perspectives in the analyst’s investigation of the customer-website interaction based on historical clickstream data.This approach enables quantification of the moderating effect of a website’s structure and content regarding website-based relationship marketing. The applicability of our approach is demonstrated by clickstream data of 477,471 visitor sessions on a software developer’s website. The results provide detailed insights into the usage behavior on a website and the mechanisms to enhance e-commerce efficiency via website optimization.  相似文献   

精品课程是衡量学校办学水平的重要标志,网站则是课程呈现的重要平台,起着对外交流和展示特色的关键作用,因而网站建设应具有鲜明的特色与亮点。该文从分析网站建设的栏目设置、内容选择和界面设计入手,突出精品课程网站建设需要注意的特色与亮点,便于学习者掌握课程核心要素,从而为培养生产、建设、服务和管理第一线高素质技能型专门人才提供特色教学平台。  相似文献   

一种支持动态网站生成的模型与系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先对互联网上带有后台数据库的动态网站进行考察,发现占有相当比例的动态网站结构具有共同性。从而提出了一种对此类动态网站按照功能模块进行纵向划分的结构体系,以及与之相应的功能组装式的开发方式,并实现了一个有效、简单的系统,使一般不懂数据库的用户也能够开发带有后台数据库的动态网站。  相似文献   

陈玮 《办公自动化》2012,(20):35-36
政府网站是电子政务的重要组成部分,我国政府网站在界面上同样存在着"门难进,脸难看"的情况。解决方法一是对分类进行科学设置,二是对内容的呈现进行合理编排。  相似文献   

在以往的网站开发中,网站导航的实现是以大量代码的重写和很高的维护成本为代价的,随着动态网页技术的进一步的发展和Web2.0时代的到来,以及ASP.NET2.0的推出,网站导航模块的实现从原来的大量的代码重写中解放了出来,结构更加清晰,开发的成本更低,维护也更加简单了。本文主要分析和介绍ASP.NET2.0中网站导航是如何实现的。  相似文献   

高校图书馆网站是校园网的信息中心,文章通过分析图书馆网站面临的网络风险,提出了高校图书馆网站保护的安全策略。  相似文献   

The information displayed on a website is a critical factor that affects the cognition of internet users. This study adopted a between‐subjects design to examine the effect of the information design of a website and the involvement of internet users on purchasing cognition. The results indicated significant differences between high‐ and low‐quality diagnostic information on the purchasing cognition of subjects. The subjects had better purchasing cognition when navigating a high‐quality diagnostic information website than when navigating a low‐quality diagnostic information website. In addition, there was a significant interactive effect of different qualities of nondiagnostic information and subject involvement on purchasing cognition. Namely, the subjects who had low involvement had better purchasing cognition when navigating a website with high‐quality nondiagnostic information than when browsing one with low‐quality nondiagnostic information, but there was no significant difference between navigating websites with high‐ and low‐quality nondiagnostic information if the subjects had high involvement.  相似文献   

由于越来越多的跨国公司需要跨语言的Web应用,所以本地化工作变得尤其重要,该文介绍了网站本地化行业现状以及网站本地化的定义,详细的阐述了实现网站本地化的技术方案,给出了解决方案中的部分实现代码,使网站开发人员更容易、更快速的实现网站本地化。  相似文献   

该文设计的《数字电路》课程教学网站采用了目前流行的.NET技术,在网站中引入了WebServices、XML等具有良好扩展性的技术。页面布局采用DIV+CSS,利用ADO.NET访问数据库。网站教学内容利用flash技术建立虚拟实验室,模拟实际实验环境。该网站适应现代教育的需要,对教师的教学改革及促进学生的自主学习有积极的意义。  相似文献   

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