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紫薯经过益生菌发酵并作为主要基料,研制紫薯风味冷冻饮品。采用正交实验设计并以感官得分作为评价标准,得到最优配方组合为:紫薯酸奶9%,复配增稠剂0.36%,果葡糖浆15%,柠檬酸0.3%,在此优化条件下可研制出组织形态、色泽和口感均匀优良的益生菌发酵紫薯风味冷冻饮品。  相似文献   

刮刀式搅拌器,冰淇淋甜品机,移动式冰淇淋机,一种冰淇淋制作机中小车部件的清洗装置,多功能榨汁刨冰机,一种巧克力涂层冷冻甜食,一种用于棒式冷冻饮品的安全棒扦。  相似文献   

近年来冷冻饮品不断出现新品种,现介绍一种品质高档的日本软冰淇淋和一种奶昔产品,供国内同行借鉴。  相似文献   

国家质检总局的调查为火热的冷饮市场带来了一丝凉意,也给消费带来消费要理性的提醒。据了解,近几年曾对冷冻饮品产品进行了6次国家监督抽查,产品抽样合格率一直徘徊在60%左右,这表明我国冷冻饮品行业的整体质量水平仍有待提高。抽查结果表明,不合格产品存在的主要问题有以下几种。微生物指标超标,部分产品的理化指标达不到标准要求,  相似文献   

冷冻饮品的微生物污染是制约冷冻饮品质量安全的主要因素,探讨冷冻饮品中微生物的污染概况,并进行原因分析,提出应对措施,对提高冷冻饮品的产品质量和标准制修订具有参考意义。  相似文献   

介绍了我国与国际组织以及欧美等国家关于冷冻饮品标准的状况,对比分析我国冷冻饮品标准与国外标准之间的差异,为改进和完善我国冷冻饮品标准体系提供参考。  相似文献   

盛灿梅  王凯 《食品与机械》2007,23(2):102-104
1 冷冻饮品产品的强制检验要求 冷冻饮品是指以饮用水、甜味剂、乳品、果品、豆品、食用油等为主要原料,加入适量的香精、着色剂、稳定剂、乳化剂等食品添加剂,经配料、灭菌、凝冻而制成的一类冷冻固态饮品(根据GB2759.1——2003的定义)。  相似文献   

冷冻酸奶生产工艺的研制   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
冷冻酸奶又称酸奶冰淇淋,是当今社会发展最快的一种具有保健作用的冷饮品。论述了冷冻酸奶的生产工艺及两种冷冻酸奶的生产配方与要求,以适应冷饮市场上升的趋势与活力,满足人们的消费需求。  相似文献   

为了掌握市售冷冻饮品卫生质量情况,1999年8月~1999年10月我们对北京市门头沟区市售的共计55种冷冻饮品进行了采样检验,并按照GB27591—1996《冷冻饮品卫生标准》进行了评价。调查后发现,现行国家标准GB27591—1996《冷冻饮品卫生标准》已不能完全适应市场产品的现状,应进行必要的修订。1 试样与方法11 试样 试样采自门头沟区市售的三大类冷冻饮品(含乳蛋类,含豆类,含淀粉或果类)共计25个生产企业的55个品种。65件试样。12 方法及评价121 试样采集 按GB47891—94《食品卫生微生物学检验总则》的规定采样、送检。并按试样的包装…  相似文献   

冰淇淋制造用果冻的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文主要研究了一种低凝胶温度、适于在冷冻饮品中应用的果冻的配方及其生产工艺。  相似文献   

小麦胚芽蛋白饮料的研究与开发   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
以制粉业的副产品小麦胚芽为原料,开发研制符合人们生理健康需要的植物蛋白饮料。首先对麦胚原料进行了基础研究,其次研究和确定了麦胚蛋白饮料的生产工艺,采用浸泡后分离浸泡液再磨浆的方法,可以获得乳白色、风味良好的小麦胚芽蛋白饮料,浸泡液经加热、过滤、调制等处理后,又是另一种澄清透明的清凉饮料。  相似文献   

以南瓜和大豆为主要原料,探讨了南瓜豆乳复合保健饮料的配方及影响其稳定性和风味的因素。结果表明,以南瓜浆和豆乳混合比例为2∶1,添加CMC-Na0.06%、黄原胶0.06%、海藻酸钠0.02%以及蔗糖10%、柠檬酸0.025%,并在60~70℃、20~25MPa压力下进行两次均质,罐装,于121℃杀菌35min,获得风味和感官良好的饮料。  相似文献   

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) studies product labels from the United States (U.S.) food supply through the Food Label and Package Survey (FLAPS) to monitor industry responses to FDA regulations and policies on foods. The 2006-2007 FLAPS data were analyzed to obtain prevalence, food sources, and claim types of structure function (SF) claims. The SF claims describe the role of a nutrient or food component intended to maintain the normal structure or function of body (e.g., calcium builds strong bones). FDA selected regulated food products from the ACNielsen Strategic Planner sales database of the U.S. retail stores using a stratified, two-stage design with selection probabilities proportional to nationally estimated sales dollars. Products were purchased from retail stores across the U.S. and the detailed product label information was recorded. FDA calculated product sampling weights based on sales data so that the FLAPS estimate will be generalizable to the foods sold in all U.S. retail stores The FLAPS database contains label information for 1,227 foods in 57 product groups. The weighted prevalence of the FLAPS foods with at least one SF claim was 5.5%, of which approximately 1/3 had two or more SF claims. There were about 30 different types of SF claims and commonly found SF claims include claims about healthy bones and teeth, baby's brain and eye development, healthy weight, immune system, and healthy cholesterol level. The SF claims were found commonly in the following product groups: infant formulas, cheeses, yogurts, cold cereals, refrigerated and shelf-stable juices and drinks. These results demonstrate the usefulness of the FLAPS data as an FDA's monitoring tool to assess compliance with food label-related laws and regulations and to plan for future policy making.  相似文献   

基于Weibull分布函数的双孢菇热泵干燥特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提升双孢菇干制品品质,采用热泵式冷风干燥对双孢菇进行脱水处理,以双孢菇热风干燥和冷冻干燥为参照实验,对不同热泵式冷风干燥条件下(进口风速、干燥温度)双孢菇的干燥耗时、干燥能耗、产品硬度以及产品白度进行研究;利用Weibull分布函数对双孢菇热泵式冷风干燥过程中的水分扩散机制进行分析;基于干燥效率指标和产品品质指标,采用加权综合评分法对双孢菇热泵式冷风干燥过程进行评价。实验表明:加快进口风速干燥耗时最小值比最大值降低9.09%,提升干燥温度干燥耗时最小值比最大值降低27.27%;干燥温度对双孢菇热泵式冷风干燥能耗、产品硬度和产品白度影响更为显著(p<0.05);Weibull分布函数能够准确描述(R2>0.99)双孢菇热泵式冷风干燥过程,不同干燥条件下双孢菇冷风干燥的形状参数均小于1,整个干燥主要受内部水分扩散控制;相对于冷冻干燥,双孢菇热泵式冷风干燥耗时及能耗分别降低了50%和26.35%;而相对于热风干燥,冷风干燥技术将双孢菇干制品的产品硬度降低13.44%,同时干制品产品白度提升了59.92%;实验操作条件范围,双孢菇冷风干燥最佳干燥条件为25 ℃干燥温度和2 m/s进口风速。结论:热泵式冷风干燥技术能够提升双孢菇干制品品质同时降低干燥耗时和能耗。  相似文献   

以北部湾地区水产冷库及其冷冻冷藏技术为研究对象,客观地分析其"建筑形式和规模"、"冷冻冷藏技术"、"制冷设备及系统"和"冷链物流功能"四个方面的发展现状,并由此从"整合冷库资源"、"开展水产品深加工"、"扩宽冷冻冷藏的‘温度带’"、"冷库及冷冻冷藏设施的现代化建设"及"加强水产品安全及环境保护"五个方面探索了其未来可能的发展趋势。最后表明,正确认识这一发展现状,把握未来发展趋势,对于加快北部湾地区水产品冷冻冷藏技术的现代化进程,促进区域经济发展,提高市场竞争力具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

线材在冷镦冲压成型过程中,要承受很大的变形量(50%~80%)和很高的冷镦速度(80~200个/min),对原料的质量要求很高。介绍国内研制8.8级高强度紧固件用线材的情况,安钢用转炉炼钢配合LF炉精炼,采用控轧控冷工艺,SWRCH35K线材合格率大于99.5%,尺寸精度可控制在±0.15 mm;杭钢采用电弧炉冶炼,成品ML35冷镦线材HRB值较其他钢厂同类产品低2~3,可以在不退火状态下冷镦8.8级外六角螺栓;马钢应用热机轧制技术(TMCP)开发出SWRCH35K-M免退火冷镦线材,硬度HRB值在70~75。从产品实物质量和品种方面分析存在的主要问题,提出发展建议。  相似文献   

Following the consumer demand of healthy vegetable products due to their interesting nutritional profiles and potential functionalities, the fermentation process of hazelnut milk with Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Sthermophilus was studied. The effect of different factors (glucose, inulin and inoculum contents) was analysed to ensure sufficient probiotic survivals in a minimum time. The shelf life of the optimised product was characterised in terms of its main physicochemical and quality parameters (probiotic survivals and sensory analysis). Results showed that the defined formulation allowed high probiotic survivals (≈10cfu mL?1) throughout cold storage and >60% survived to the in vitro digestion process (≈10cfu mL?1). Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG was no able to degrade inulin, which remained to exert health benefits in the host. The product was highly appreciated by the sensory panel during its shelf life despite the formation of a weak gel, which presented syneresis at the last storage time.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature and smoking schedules on the quality of Spanish mackerel was evaluated using a pilot plant model of a commercial smokehouse system. Although the final moisture contents of the products are the same, the product smoked only at high temperature (160°F) had the softest texture. Smoking only at low temperature (100°F) did not develop surface color thus resulting in a product having the poorest appearance. A process which combined smoking at both low and high temperature at 60% RH gave a product having excellent texture and appearance. High temperature smoking above 160°F darkened the surface excessively and reduced product acceptability. A holding period after brining and between the cold and hot smoking stages in the process improved appearance and smoke flavor. Water phase salt content judged to be the optimum saltiness was 3.7%. Microbiological counts in the product of the combination cold and hot smoking process were very low (< 10/g). Smoking at 90–100°F did not allow an increase in surface microbiological count. The final step in the process when carried out at 160°F inactivated most of the vegetative microorganisms inoculated on the surface. Storage life of Spanish mackerel produced by cold followed by hot smoking (160°F) was 45 days at 38°F and at least 22 wk at 10°F. This process does not meet the 30 min at 180°F minimum temperature requirement in the Good Manufacturing Practice Regulation of the Food and Drug Administration for smoked fish; therefore, frozen storage and distribution are recommended.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of crossmodal correspondence, which addresses transfer effects from one sense to another, and research that has explored the impact of touch on taste, the present study examined how the packaging materials of traditional Chinese cold tea drinks generated touch–taste associations. Blindfolded participants used a set of tasting attribute items to evaluate the taste of a liquid food product that differed only by the materials used to contain it, although they were led to believe that the products could differ. The results of Experiment 1 suggest that consumers’ haptic perception of packing materials significantly impacted their sense of the product’s SWEET dimension, but not the product’s SOUR or BITTER dimensions. Consumers rated a liquid food product’s sense of cold and ice (sub-dimensions of SWEET) higher when it was presented in a glass container rather than in paper or organic plastic containers. However, with the cups’ weight controlled, the results of Experiment 2 revealed that consumers’ haptic perception of packing materials only significantly impacted their sense of ice, but not their sense of cold. Consumers rated a liquid food product’s sense of ice higher when it was presented in a glass container rather than in an organic plastic container. The preliminary findings of both experiments indicate a crossmodal correspondence between the touch of food packaging materials and the taste of the food contained within them. Sensation transference provides the most likely explanation for the results. Affective ventriloquism effects provide another, but less likely, explanation. The study’s implications for choosing between packaging materials for liquid food products are discussed.  相似文献   

Microcapsules of gum arabic with ethyl caprylate as a model core-material were prepared by a cold dehydration process. Emulsion of the core-material in gum solutions was injected into ethanol, and the slurry of the microcapsules was then dried in a vacuum oven. Scanning electron microscopy was used to determine the effects of process parameters on the microstructure of the product. The results, which agreed well with chemical analysis of the core-material retention in the microcapsule, helped in understanding microencapsulation in general and the cold dehydration process in particular and should be useful for efficient design of successful microencapsulation processes.  相似文献   

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