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提起ERP、CAD、PDM或者财务软件,你总会立刻想起Oracle、SAP、利玛、并捷、和佳、金思维、用友、金蝶、UGS、PTC、欧特克、开目、艾克斯特、新洲、CAXA等等这些在行业内赫赫有名的软件厂商,但是提起OA,知道的人却少之又少,因此OA市场无“老大”也成了一个无需去争议的事实。  相似文献   

<正>1概述在现有的耕地及草场、绿化、林木、土地、山地、沙地上,按照需求布置相应测量点,对区域内不同深度的土壤温度、土壤水分等关系植、作物、林木等长势相关的土壤墒情信息,以及温度、湿度、光照、雨量、风速、风向、气压等空间环境信息的数据  相似文献   

鉴于PROFIBUS&PROFINET总线技术的先进性、成熟性和广泛的适用性,一直受到高度的关注和选择,并不断在我国石油化工、汽车、矿山、冶金、电力、交通、制药、水利、水处理、食品、楼宇等自动化领域广泛应用。国内许多自  相似文献   

正中核苏阀科技实业股份有限公司是在承袭中国核工业集团公司苏州阀门厂的品牌、质保、技术制造和管理诸优势的基础上创立的股份有限公司,拥有十五家集商贸、机械制造、生物技术、核辐射利用等子公司的大型企业。公司于1997年在深交所上市,公司证券代码000777。目前公司能制造碳钢、不锈钢、超低碳不锈钢、合金钢、蒙乃尔和钛等特殊合金材料的阀门,能够承接各类大工程阀门的订单。公司采用ANSI、API、MSS、JIS、BS、DIN、NF、GB和JB等标准进行阀门的设计、制造、测试和验收。  相似文献   

记者:CMF’08和CFF’08即将开展,请您介绍一下本届展会的最新进展情况。齐副秘书长:截止到目前,本届展览会共有90多家一流的锻压设备、模具和材料的展商,分别来自中国、德国、日本、美国、意大利、法国、瑞典、西班牙和荷兰等十几个国家,包括舒勒、金丰、小松产机、隔而固、SMSMEER、Lasco、扬锻、徐锻、稼本、理研、湖州机床、  相似文献   

低碳经济包括的领域低碳经济几乎涵盖了所有的产业的领域。著名学者林辉称之为"第五次全球产业浪潮",并首次把低碳内涵延展为:低碳社会、低碳经济、低碳生产、低碳消费、低碳生活、低碳城市、低碳社区、低碳家庭、低碳旅游、低碳文化、低碳哲学、低碳艺术、低碳音乐、低碳人生、低碳生存主义。  相似文献   

由钱林茂、肖旭东、周仲荣、雒建斌、孙庆平、温诗铸(完成人单位分别为:西南交通大学、香港科技大学、清华大学)主持完成的《纳米间隙中固一液界面微观粘着和摩擦的行为、机理与控制研究》和清华大学田煜、孟永钢、温诗铸、张敏梁、  相似文献   

正《阀门手册——选型》——本书由化学工业出版社于2013年1月出版发行,张清双、尹玉杰、明赐东主编。全书针对阀门用户的实际需求,在介绍了各种阀门选型基本知识的基础上,重点介绍了各种阀门的结构、技术特点、应用场合及选用原则等内容,阀门种类包括闸阀、球阀、蝶阀、截止阀、止回阀、旋塞阀、柱塞阀、隔膜阀、电磁阀、节流阀、蒸汽疏水阀、减压阀、安全阀、调节阀、放料阀、塑料阀门、陶瓷阀门以及供水管网、水  相似文献   

《现代科学仪器》是在国家有关领导人和著名科学家的指导和大力支持下诞生的。它是中国科技核心期刊,是国内最重要的以介绍和评论国内外仪器为主的综合性科技期刊。读者对象为各行各业实验室、试验室、研究室应用与维护仪器的科技人员及购置与管理仪器设备的人员;从事高技术及其产品研制生产的科技人员;各级有关管理决策人员;大专院校师生等。涉及物理、化学、生物、医疗卫生、制药、农业、地矿、机械、电子、石油、化工、冶金、能源、交通、环保、建筑、轻工、商检、技术监督等各项科技领域。  相似文献   

<正>成都永泰制药化工机械厂是专业生产制药机械、化工机械、食品机械成套设备的厂家。其生产的TNG系列多功能提取浓缩回收机组适用于中药、生化、食品等行业的常压、水煎、温浸、强循环渗漉、芳香油提取和有机溶媒回收及提取液、中药、植物、动物、食品、化工液料的浓缩。  相似文献   

分析了链传动在实际运转过程中,紧边链条与链轮上不同圆相切的情况,从这一角度出发,当中心距和链节数以链条松、紧边与2链轮分度圆相切为条件确定后,链条紧边与链轮不同的圆相切将导致松边垂度和张力变化。  相似文献   

为了降低较为昂贵的镜面抛光和光机装配费用,以及应对温度、重力及其他意外因素导致的镜面低阶像差,一种在被动浮动支撑结构上施加力矩以实现面型实时校正的力矩促动器在部分望远镜上已有成熟应用。本文旨在针对我国未来的大口径地基光学望远镜,对其拼接子镜力矩促动器的分布进行优化与设计。首先根据工程经验和参考文献初步确定力矩促动器所需校正能力,通过三维建模软件对拼接子镜及镜室进行建模,最后通过有限元仿真和最小二乘法拟合对力矩促动器的布局进行优化设计。计算结果表明,采用18个力矩促动器的分布方案能够对离焦、像散、彗差、三叶像差进行良好的校正。对于具有数百面子镜的拼接望远镜来说,18个力矩促动器的方案在满足光学设计需求的同时,有效节约了建设经费并降低了工艺的复杂性。  相似文献   

An approximate analytical approach to the torsion of thin-walled beams of open cross-section with influence of shear is presented. It is assumed that the normal stresses in the cross-section contour direction are small compared to the normal stresses in the beam longitudinal direction that can be ignored in the stress–strain relations. The stresses and displacements are obtained in the closed analytical form. It is assumed that transverse load can be reduced to moments of torsion only, with respect to the cross-section shear centre. The beam will be subjected to torsion, with respect to the shear centre, i.e. the principal cross-section sectorial coordinate, in the case of cross-sections with two axes of symmetry; to torsion and bending in the case of cross-sections with one axes of symmetry and to torsion, bending and tension in the case of general cross-sections. An illustrative example of beam with one axis of symmetry is given.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, the Ritz method with simple algebraic polynomials as trial functions was used to obtain an eigenvalue equation for the free vibration of a class of homogeneous solids with cavities. The method presented is here extended to the study of a class of non-homogeneous solids, in which each solid is composed of a number of isotropic layers with different material properties. The Cartesian coordinate system is used to describe the geometry of the solid which is modelled by means of a segment bounded by the yz, zx and xy orthogonal coordinate planes and by two curved surfaces which are defined by fairly general polynomial expressions in the coordinates x, y and z. The surface representing the interface between two material layers in the solid is also described by a polynomial expression in the coordinates x, y and z. In order to demonstrate the accuracy of the approach, natural frequencies are given for both a two- and three-layered spherical shell and for a homogeneous hollow cylinder, as computed using the present approach, and are compared with those obtained using an exact solution. Results are then given for a number of two- and three-layered cylinders and, to demonstrate the versatility of the approach, natural frequencies are given for a five-layered cantilevered beam with a central circular hole as well as for a number of composite solids of more general shape.  相似文献   

一种外啮合齿轮泵在某些特殊的环境下连续长时间工作后会发生泄漏,针对该现象展开深入的分析,发现外界环境的振动是导致该齿轮泵泄漏的主要原因之一,尤其发现前后两个端盖以及端盖与外部接头的连接处是容易发生泄漏的区域。借助大型有限元分析软件ANAYS,建立该类型齿轮泵的有限元模型,并且对该泵壳体进行动力学分析,提取前八阶模态,找出其振型和频率。  相似文献   

KC-500A无心外圆磨床是用来磨削铁路货车轴承的专用设备。对该设备进行了改造,使之可加工其它类型的产品,并扩大了加工范围,达到了加工产品的工艺要求。  相似文献   

根据所表征镀层的力学性能和实际应用之间的关系,将表征方法分为两类:基本性能与使用性能的表征。综述了这两类常用的性能表征方法及其优缺点。初步讨论了一些新方法如镀层冲击试验和超声波冲蚀试验,前者可用来分析膜基体系的结合强度或冲击韧度,后者可提供膜基结合强度的更多信息。还介绍了台架试验与实物试验。  相似文献   

流固耦合现象是指流体与固体相互作用的现象,其具体表现为流体作用于固体,使之变形或位移,同时固体反作用于流体,引起流场的变化.在阀门中,当流固耦合现象达到一定程度时,会对阀门及与阀门相连的多种部件产生损伤,并最终导致阀门工作效率下降乃至失效.为更全面地认识阀门中的流固耦合现象,本文从流固耦合理论、试验方法和数值模拟3方面...  相似文献   

A hole-flanging operation on a flat circular sheet with a hole in the center is simulated by an incremental elasto-plastic finite-element method, which incorporates strain-hardening and anisotropy in the direction normal to the sheet, with care taken to describe the boundary conditions of penetration, separation and the alternation of the sliding—sticking state of friction. The simulation clearly demonstrates the processes of generation of deformation shape until unloading. The calculated sheet geometries and the relationship of punch load to punch stroke are in good agreement with the experimental data.The stress at the hole periphery in the flange is assumed to a state of circumferential uniaxial tension, in order to simplify the fracture mode as a simple tension test. By making use of the instability of uniaxial tension, an approximate relationship to determine the onset of necking of the hole periphery in the hole-flanging process is derived and it is found to be influenced by the process geometry and the plastic properties of the material, such as the stress-concentration factor K, strain-hardening n and normal anisotropy R, and the estimated value, being obtained by the derived equation, agrees well with the experimental data.It is noted that the derived relationship for estimating the instability of the hole-flanging process can be combined into the developed finite-element model to simulate the critical condition of the limiting deformation of the hole-flanging process. This combined method could possibly be applied towards improving both the manufacturing process and the design of tools for the hole-flanging operation.  相似文献   

结合钻井工程实际与套管磨损分析技术,从影响套管防磨工具选择的因素及其构成关系入手,运用层次分析法对套管防磨工具的最优使用效果进行了综合评价,并建立了套管防磨工具的资料数据库。利用Visual C++编制了套管防磨工具使用效果评价软件。该软件不仅具有套管防磨工具使用效果综合评价的功能,而且还具有信息的存储、修改等功能,其界面比较友好,操作比较方便,便于工程技术人员掌握,具有很好的实用价值。  相似文献   

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