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0概述 世界乳业形势一走向新的市场?同几年前相比,国际乳业市场已经发生了根本性变化。近几年来,乳制品需求已经超过了乳制品产量。这一形势首先导致价格的缓慢上涨,其次使国际市场价格上扬的周期更长。  相似文献   

2006年,国内的乳品企业的日子并不好过,一方面,乳制品市场竞争更加激烈,产品升级一日千里,而与此同时,各家企业还要承受着来自国际市场乳制品原料涨价的压力。不容乐观的是,作为国际上主要的乳制品出口国的澳大利亚和新西兰,干旱仍然在持续,导致原奶产量持续锐减,而与此同时,主要乳制品生产国如美国、欧盟等内需依然旺盛,这都加剧了国际市场乳制品供应的紧张局面。同时,国际乳业集团开始更多的参与并融合到中国乳业市场之中,中国乳业与世界乳业的的交融变得越来越紧密,中国乳业的发展与世界乳业的大环境愈发相互影响;国内的乳品企业之间以及与国外的乳品企业之间,也正朝着在多层面上展开亦竞争亦合作的关系迈进,与国际上企业之间的关系模式向趋同。"再没有100%的竞争对手与100%的合作伙伴"。  相似文献   

2006年,全球牛奶产量继续保持上涨趋势,而且在增长幅度上高于2005年。根据国际乳业联合会(IDF)近期所做的一份报告中的数据,2006年,全球牛奶产量  相似文献   

国际乳业联合会(Internbtional Dairy Federation,简称IDF)是全世界乳的生产与加工业的权威性协调机构。它有两类主要的出版物,一是不定期的连续性出版物——国际乳业联合会公报(IDF Bulletin),简称IDF公报。这种公报每期一般只涉及一个专题,各个专题可以是科学技术方面的,也可以是市场销售情况或年度统计数  相似文献   

在世界多地出现奶粉限购举措之后.国际乳业巨头纷纷看好国内市场,悄然发力转型。日前,美赞臣公司新任高级副总裁、大中华区总经理游佩瑜透露,  相似文献   

在加入WTO后,中国乳品市场已经由原先相对封闭的市场面越来越快地融入国际市场,正在成为国际乳业市场中重要的一员。在这样的转折面前,国际乳品企业怎样看待中国市场?中国乳业应该如何打造自已的核心竞争优势?如何迎接国际市场竞争的考验?  相似文献   

近期,雀巢、美赞臣等国际乳业巨头再次提高在国内市场销售的部分奶粉产品价格,这是继去年底惠氏、美素等多个“洋奶粉”提价后,进口奶粉在3年内的第四次调价,年均涨幅已达到15.5%。面对消费者的质疑,企业所谓的“成本涨价说”早已不具说服力,而国际巨头力图控制中国奶粉市场定价权,并“谋篇布局”中国市场的企图或才是其涨价的真因。  相似文献   

相关统计显示,目前中国已超越美国,成为全球第一大婴幼儿奶粉消费国。在世界多地出现奶粉限购举措之后,国际乳业巨头纷纷看好国内市场,悄然发力转型。而国内奶粉市场的整治和提升正在进行到关键时刻,在业内看来,这次洗牌将更加残酷和彻底,很多中小企业的出局在所难免。  相似文献   

<正> 在4月18日至20日举办的第二届中国(内蒙古)国际乳业展览会上,利乐公司精彩亮相。作为全球著名的液态食品加工及包装系统供应商,利乐自进入中国市场以来,始终伴随着中国乳业的发展脚步,为中国乳业的快速成长提供了坚定的支持。尤其是利乐包装(呼和浩特)有限公司的厂房建设自2007年3月开工以来,更是牵动着社会的广泛关注。近期,该厂项目负责人邹希先生向媒体介绍了工  相似文献   

<正>在国际乳业竞争对手接踵而至、加大投入中国乳业市场的当下,国内乳企应该如何谋求进一步发展?如何在竞争市场全球化、行业利润微薄的情况下,保持自身的健康快速的均衡发展?在营销模式乏善可陈、品牌诉求非一日之功的时候,产品如何发力才能立足市场?我想这些是国内乳企都必须直面和思考的课题,生存和发展始终是中国不同规模乳企必须面对的问题。在国内众多的乳企中,伊利始终是备受行业认可、消费者认同的行业领先者,其稳健的发展步伐一直业内所羡慕和敬重的。而伊利的发展状态和发展模式也一直受到行业的关注和借鉴。  相似文献   

概述了《中新自贸协定》实施前后我国主要乳制品进口,尤其是奶粉进口变化情况,分析了近年来对从新西兰进口奶粉实施特殊保障措施的启动情况,以及2009年和2010年特殊保障措施启动前后国内奶粉进口的变化,并在此基础上进一步判断2011年我国即将启动的奶粉特保措施可能会对奶粉进口的影响。  相似文献   

<正> 当前,我国奶业经过连续多年高速增长后,正处于转型的关键时期。因此,深入分析我国奶业的发展形势,把握其正确的发展方向,事关整个奶业产业的生存与发展。我国奶业发展的主要特点(一)原料奶生产能力显著增强我国奶业经过10多年的超常规发展,目前已成为仅次于印  相似文献   

World trends in milk products and the present increase in milk yield with the availability of food supplies and nutrition in both developed and developing countries are evaluated. The problems of price setting, and price fluctuation in a world market are shown and the need for stable prices recognized. The necessity for technological expertise in dairy processing and quality standards for dairy products shows an essential aspect of future development.  相似文献   

Dairy is highly regulated in many countries for several reasons. Perishability, seasonal imbalances, and inelastic supply and demand for milk can cause inherent market instability. Milk buyers typically have had more market power than dairy farmers. Comparative production advantages in some countries have led to regulations and policies to protect local dairy farmers by maintaining domestic prices higher than world prices. A worldwide consensus on reduction of border measures for protecting dairy products is unlikely, and dairy will probably be an exception in ongoing World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations. Under the Doha Round framework agreements, countries may name some products such as dairy as "sensitive," thereby excluding them from further reforms. However, new Doha Round framework agreements depart from the current WTO rule and call for product-specific spending caps. Such caps will greatly affect the dairy sector because dairy accounts for much of the aggregate measure of support (AMS) in several countries, including the United States and Canada. Also, the amounts of dairy AMS in several countries may be recalculated relative to an international reference price. In addition, all export subsidies are targeted for elimination in the Doha Round, including export credit programs and state trading enterprises, which will limit options for disposing of surplus dairy products in foreign markets. Currently, with higher domestic prices, measures for cutting or disposing of surpluses have been used in many countries. Supply control, which is not regulated by WTO rules, remains as an option. Although explicit export subsidies are restricted by WTO rules, many countries use esoteric measures to promote dairy exports. If countries agree to eliminate "consumer financed" export subsidies using a theoretical definition and measurements proposed herein as Export Subsidy Equivalents (ESE), dairy exports in many countries may be affected. Although domestic supports and export subsidies will be reduced in the Doha Round, possible exclusion of "sensitive" products from tariff reduction will help some countries' dairy sectors survive after those final agreements. A key concern for those countries will be the simultaneous restriction of surplus-disposing measures. With fewer marketing options for surpluses, countries that continue border protection and high internal prices will likely be forced to use domestic supply control programs in the future.  相似文献   

Several factors at present influence the dairy trade. The Milk Marketing Scheme within the UK conflicts with normal EEC arrangements and is a source of friction; the change in the price support system, and particularly the differences between the systems for butter and powder, and for cheese, has caused difficulties; the original balance between buyers and sellers in price negotiation has been disturbed; and the market is changing rapidly with increases in shop cartoned-milk sales and in the demand for reduced fat milks. Surplus of milk production within the EEC is likely to continue, and the effect of this on market prices will be transferred to the UK via imports. Ultimately producer milk prices will have to be contemplated in relation to the development of new products to extend the market. Health considerations must be taken into account, but it is important that the quality and purity connotations of dairy products are not eroded.  相似文献   

乳品在全球范围内生产和消费,受到广泛且持续的关注,蛋白质是乳品评价最重要的指标之一。毛细管电泳技术(capillary electrophoresis, CE)具有样品用量少、分离模式多、分析效率高的优势,在乳品蛋白质分析方面具有巨大的应用潜力。本文简要介绍了CE技术检测乳品中蛋白质的特点和难点,总结了毛细管凝胶电泳法、涂层毛细管电泳法、胶束电动毛细管色谱法、免疫亲和毛细管电泳法、毛细管区带电泳法等模式在乳品蛋白质分析中的优劣势,列举了CE技术在乳品品质鉴定、过敏原分析、真伪鉴别、蛋白质糖基化分析、乳品处理和蛋白水解过程等相关生产和质控环节的应用情况,展望了CE技术在乳品分析应用中的发展趋势。  相似文献   

This review examines the global market for dairy ingredients by assessing the global demand for dairy products in relation to major dairy ingredient categories. Each broad category of dairy ingredients is reviewed including its definition, production and trade status, key applications, and future trends. Ingredient categories examined include whole and skim milk powders (WMPs, SMPs), whey protein concentrates (WPCs) and whey protein isolates (WPIs), milk protein concentrates (MPCs) and milk protein isolates (MPIs), caseins, and caseinates. Increases in world population and improvements in socioeconomic conditions will continue to drive the demand for dairy products and ingredients in the future. Dairy proteins are increasingly recognized to have nutritional and functional advantages compared to many protein sources, and the variety of ingredients with different protein concentrations, functionality, and flavor can meet the needs of the increasingly global dairy consumption. A thorough understanding of the variety of ingredients, how the ingredients are derived from milk, and how the demand from particular markets affects the supply situation are critical elements in understanding the current ingredient marketplace.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的迅速发展,计算机信息技术的应用越来越广泛,计算机在食品质量安全管理方面的应用也日趋迫切。本文主要对乳制品质量安全追溯体系、计算机信息技术在奶源品质管理及乳制品生产过程中的应用进行了概述。将计算机信息技术应用于乳品质量安全追溯体系可以发挥其优点,实现从研究开发、原料获取、生产加工、流通消费、监督管理到信息服务等各个环节的高效管理,将计算机信息技术与乳制品质量安全追溯体系相结合,能够在源头上遏制问题产品的扩散,确保乳制品质量安全。  相似文献   

Enhancing the quality and safety of dairy food is critical to maintaining the competitiveness of dairy products in the food and beverage market and in reinforcing consumer confidence in the dairy industry. Raw milk quality has a significant effect on finished product quality. Several microbial groups found in raw milk have been shown to adversely affect the shelf life of pasteurized milk. Current microbiological criteria used to define milk quality are based primarily on culture-dependent methods, some of which are perceived to lack the desired sensitivity and specificity. To supplement traditional methods, culture-independent methods are increasingly being used to identify specific species or microbial groups, and to detect indicator genes or proteins in raw milk or dairy products. Some molecular subtyping techniques have been developed to track the transmission of microbes in dairy environments. The burgeoning “-omics” technologies offer new and exciting opportunities to enhance our understanding of food quality and safety in relation to microbes. Metagenomics has the potential to characterize microbial diversity, detect nonculturable microbes, and identify unique sequences or other factors associated with dairy product quality and safety. In this review, fluid milk will be used as the primary example to examine the adequacy and validity of conventional methods, the current trend of culture-independent methods, and the potential applications of metagenomics in dairy food research.  相似文献   

食品法典标准与我国乳制品标准的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乳和乳品是中国近年来农产品生产、消费中比例较大的产品,但乳品工业在我国是一个新兴产业,由于整体基础薄弱,因此存在许多亟待解决的问题,其中尤其值得关注的是乳制品的标准问题。根据世界贸易组织(WTO)的协议,国际食品法典委员会(CAC)制定的法典规范或准则被视为衡量各国食品是否符合卫生、安全要求的尺度。本文通过将CAC法典中的第12卷《乳及乳制品法典标准》与我国乳制品标准进行五个方面的对比,分析了目前我国乳制品标准与CAC乳与乳制品标准的差异和其中存在的问题,并对我国乳制品标准的修改和制定提出建议。  相似文献   

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