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关于我国矿泉水生产现状问题的思考和探讨李正明上海轻工业高等专科学校1.我国矿泉水生产现状问题我国天然饮用矿泉水现状堪忧,目前在宏观调控、产品质量和行业管理几个方面问题颇多,天然矿泉水的鉴定在有些省过多过滥,资源环境没有得到很好的保护,劣质和假冒矿泉水...  相似文献   

本文在对低温灭菌技术系统研究的基础上,针对目前国内天然饮用矿泉水生产中灭菌工艺所存在的问题,结合笔者多年矿泉水生产的工艺实践,提出了实用有效的矿泉水生产新工艺,实践证明,按此新工艺,配合严格的生产管理,可以确保生产出绝对无菌的饮用矿泉水。  相似文献   

海口市1991—1992年矿泉水抽样检测调查分析海口市卫生防疫站符卫东1991年,海口市开始了勘察评价与开发利用矿泉水的热潮。在矿泉水生产过程中,遇到不少问题,其中微生物超标问题很突出,因此,加强矿泉水卫生监督监测,成为食品卫生工作的重要内容。现将海...  相似文献   

本文针对矿泉水生产中的染菌问题,介绍了臭氧灭菌技术如何应用于矿泉水生产工艺中。  相似文献   

本文较系统地叙述了在矿泉水生产过程中使用臭氧发生器时几种常见的问题。分析了影响矿泉水卫生质量的常见环节,并且就解决上述问题提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

本文较系统地叙述了在矿泉水生产过程中使用臭氧发生器时几种常见的问题。分析了影响矿泉水卫生质量的常见环节,并且就解决上述问题提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

我国天然矿泉水行业的发展与管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国矿泉水行业自改革开放以来取得了很大发展。然而由于在资源的勘察、评价和生产的规范管理等方面存在不少问题,我国矿泉水行业的发展步履维艰。国内外矿泉水行业发展的对比分析启示我们:加强行业管理、完善法规建设、重视资源保护、优化产业政策、采用先进设备、借鉴国外经验是我国矿泉水行业走出困境、走向繁荣的必由之路  相似文献   

臭氧用于重碳酸钙镁型矿泉水生产中出现的问题及解决方法的探讨任宇内蒙古金川纯天然矿泉水有限公司前言:随着我国瓶装矿泉水事业的蓬勃发展,市场竞争日愈激烈。各地矿泉水厂家纷纷将臭氧用于水处理工艺中,以提高产品质量,增强市场竞争力。但是经验告诉我们,臭氧由于...  相似文献   

瓶装矿泉水生产中的微生物污染问题及其对策曾超鹏,罗聪彪,黄元新,覃宝健,姚秀芬(广西区卫生防疫站)(茶花矿泉饮料有限公司)全凤英,黄广文(恭城县矿泉水有限公司)(博白县地矿局华山矿泉水有限公司)随着改革开放的不断深入,人民生活水平不断的提高,健康长寿...  相似文献   

本文主要探讨了HACCP管理系统在矿泉水生产过程中质量控制方面的应用,为保证矿泉水的安全性和品质提供了科学的管理方法,并为矿泉水生产的规范化和标准化与国际接轨,具有一定的参考和实用价值:  相似文献   

We evaluated the microbiological safety of bottled mineral water products commercially available in Japan. Of 10 bottled mineral water products manufactured in Japan, no bacteria or fungi were detected in 9 (90%), but 1 (10%) contained 1.8x10(3) colony-forming units (cfu)/mL. Of 12 bottled mineral water products manufactured in the EU, 11 (91.7%) contained 23-3.5x10(4) cfu/mL. On the other hand, of 5 bottled mineral water products manufactured in North America, 2 (40%) contained 2.3x10(2)-2.5x10(3) cfu/mL. The detected microorganisms were glucose-nonfermentative Gram-negative bacilli such as Brevundimonas vesicularis, Moraxella spp., and Burkholderia cepacia, but Pseudomonas aeruginosa was not detected in any product. For immunocompromised host patients being managed in ultra-clean rooms, the examined bottled mineral water products manufactured in Japan, except 1, were microbiologically safe.  相似文献   

M. Koseki    A. Nakagawa    Y. Tanaka    H. Noguchi    T. Omochi 《Journal of food science》2003,68(1):354-358
ABSTRACT: The sensory evaluation of alkali‐ion water and bottled mineral water was performed by panelists and their preferences for the taste of alkali‐ion water was surveyed. Consequently, alkali‐ion water made from tap water was found to taste better than any bottled mineral water; however, the activated carbon filtration water, which was also made from tap water, was found to taste better than alkali‐ion water. Furthermore, smell, taste, feeling in the throat, aftertaste, and general impression of the mineral water, alkali‐ion waters, and activated carbon filtration water were evaluated using the 1‐pair comparison method. Consequently, alkali‐ion water and activated carbon filtration water were more highly rated than commercial bottled mineral water.  相似文献   

Bottled water has become very popular for quenching thirst and as a dietary (mineral) supplement. The plethora of natural mineral waters precludes any unequivocal system of classification, which makes it difficult for the consumer to choose a water with properties that suits him/her exactly. The ever-increasing popularity of bottled waters means that it is of the utmost importance to determine not only their mineral content, but above all, the content of possible contaminants, especially organic ones. In this respect bottled waters are a special case, because apart from organic contamination from the environment, the water may become secondarily contaminated as a result of its being improperly transported and stored. Pesticides, volatile organic compounds, and carbonyl compounds have been detected in samples of bottled water. This overview shows the available published information on levels of inorganic constituents and organic contaminants in samples of bottled water in the context of sample preparation procedures and analytical techniques.  相似文献   

中国矿泉水的发展概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 天然矿泉水是一种宝贵的矿产资源,就其资源分布情况、埋藏特征,以及它的形成机理、化学成份等等,地矿部门几十年来一直在全国进行大量的调查、勘探、分析和评价,积累了丰富的资料,为当今开发利用这一矿产资源打下了良好的基础。 矿泉水的发展 从各方面有关矿泉水的资料记载,国外矿泉水工业的发展是从饮用天然矿泉水丌始的。l 765年,欧洲一些国家随即开始把矿泉水装瓶或装罐并运到各地出售。直至1776年,英国化学家把碳酸气加入水中,  相似文献   

The ability of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) to survive in bottled mineral and spring water at common storage temperatures was investigated. Filtered mineral and spring waters were inoculated with EAEC (ca. 10(4) CFU/ml) and stored at 4, 10, and 23 degrees C. Water samples were analyzed every 3 days for viable EAEC by plating on tryptic soy agar plates over 60 days of storage. EAEC survived for the duration of the study in both mineral and spring waters. EAEC survival levels were significantly higher (P < 0.01) at 23 and 10 degrees C than at 4 degrees C. Furthermore, EAEC survival levels were significantly higher (P < 0.01) in mineral water than in spring water at 4 and 10 degrees C. The results of this study indicate that EAEC can survive in bottled mineral and spring waters for long periods of storage at 4, 10, and 23 degrees C. The ability of EAEC to survive in bottled water indicates that the source water for bottling industries must be kept free of contamination. Furthermore, the refrigeration of bottled water is recommended to minimize the growth of EAEC in water.  相似文献   


Microplastics have been ubiquitously found and identified in aquatic and terrestrial environments for several years. Due to their occurrence in the oceans, microplastics were also found and characterised in seafood products and in other foods and beverages such as beer, honey and table salt. Very recently, microplastic particles were also determined in bottled mineral water. The objective of this publication is to present and discuss a compilation of the currently available literature data on microplastics in bottled mineral water. The related oral exposure of the consumer from substances present in microplastics and from the plastics particles themselves is estimated and toxicological arguments for and considerations on risk assessment from the consumption of bottled mineral water containing microplastics are presented. Exposure estimations based on the reported microplastic amounts found in mineral water and the assumption of total mass transfer of small molecules like additives and oligomers present in the plastic would not raise a safety concern. Available toxicokinetic data suggests that marginal fraction of the ingested low amount of microplastics can be absorbed, if at all, the conclusion is very likely that the reported amounts present in bottled mineral water do not raise a safety concern for the consumer. Considering the use of plastic materials in our daily life, occurrence of microplastics in beverages is likely a minor exposure pathway for plastic particles. Due to recent progress in analytical methods and the public discussion on plastics marine litter, public concern about eating and drinking microplastics with food, and related safety issues was raised. However, a better data basis for exposure estimates and risk assessment would be very helpful to better accommodate consumer concerns. The intention of this paper is to deliver a contribution to this topic taking the bottled mineral water as a case example.  相似文献   

As bottled mineral water market is increasing in the world (especially in emergent and developed countries), the development of a simple protocol to train a panel to evaluate sensory properties would be a useful tool for natural drinking water industry. A sensory protocol was developed to evaluate bottled natural mineral water (17 still and 10 carbonated trademarks). The tasting questionnaire included 13 attributes for still water plus overall impression and they were sorted by: colour hues, transparency and brightness, odour/aroma and taste/flavour/texture and 2 more for carbonated waters (bubbles and effervescence). The training lasted two months with, at least, 10 sessions, was adequate to evaluate bottled natural mineral water. To confirm the efficiency of the sensory training procedure two sensory groups formed the whole panel. One trained panel (6 persons) and one professional panel (6 sommeliers) and both participated simultaneously in the water tasting evaluation of 3 sample lots. Similar average scores obtained from trained and professional judges, with the same water trademarks, confirmed the usefulness of the training protocol. The differences obtained for trained panel in the first lot confirm the necessity to train always before a sensory procedure. A sensory water wheel is proposed to guide the training in bottled mineral water used for drinking, in connection with their chemical mineral content.  相似文献   

瓶装矿泉水异物检测旨在查找出矿泉水中的异物杂质,在矿泉水制造业具有重要的应用价值。然而,传统的机器视觉检测精度较低,受背景的干扰较大、且漏检率和误检率较高。为解决上述问题,提出小尺度特征提取的瓶装矿泉水异物检测算法。该算法主要包含判别性特征学习模块,数据增值模块以及细粒度信息获取模块。在判别性特征学习模块中,针对矿泉水异物,利用聚类的方式设计合理的先验框尺寸并对特征图进行处理,通过对网络的输出结果进行损失约束以赋予模型提取判别性特征的能力。样本数量的增加能够对算法检测性能的提升起积极作用。为此,构建数据增值模块。在该模块中,利用通道随机打乱和重组的方式对自建数据集进行扩充。进一步,在细粒度信息获取模块中,采用小尺度特征学习的机制对异物进行表征。实验结果证明了该研究提出算法的优越性和有效性。瓶装矿泉水异物检测平均准确率可达96.22%,m AP值为83.84%,召回率为86.31%,检测速度为50 f/s。因此,该研究能够为瓶装矿泉水异物检测提供可靠的技术支持。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effect of water hardness on the taste of alkaline electrolyzed water (AEW) was examined by sensory evaluation. Sensory test 1 of commercial bottled mineral water to which calcium and/or magnesium salts had been added was performed by panelists who evaluated the effect of hardness on the taste of water using a scoring method (hedonic scaling test) and a 1-pair comparison method. The water, in which the calcium concentration and the magnesium concentration was 20 mg/L and 2 mg/L, respectively, was found to taste better than any water containing other concentrations of calcium and magnesium. Sensory test 2 of bottled mineral waters having hardnesses of 30 mg/L to 290 mg/L, of activated carbon filtration water having a hardness of 50 mg/L, and of AEWs was performed by panelists using a scoring method (hedonic scaling test) and a pair test, and their preferences for the taste of AEWs was surveyed. The taste of AEW made by electrolyzing activated carbon filtration water did not differ from that of the water before it was electrolyzed. The same was true of AEW made by electrolyzing bottled mineral water having a hardness of 80 mg/L. However, 3 kinds of AEWs made by electrolyzing bottled mineral waters having hardnesses of 30 mg/L, 170 mg/L, and 290 mg/L were found to taste less pleasant than each bottled mineral water before being electrolyzed. The results of sensory tests 1 and 2 show that good-tasting AEW could be produced by an alkaline water electrolyzed from most tap water of Japan because its hardness varies from approximately 50 mg/L to 80 mg/L.  相似文献   

目的了解和分析黑龙江省瓶(桶)装饮用水中阴离子检测结果。方法按照《食品安全国家监督抽检和风险监测计划》要求,对全省流通和生产加工环节的瓶(桶)装饮用水的水中阴离子进行检测分析。结果共抽检486批次样品,总合格率为96.5%。按照不合格率由高到低,依次为瓶装饮用水5.6%,纯净水1.96%,矿泉水1.67%;不合格项目为亚硝酸盐、溴酸盐和硝酸盐,不合格率分别为0.62%、3.9%、0.83%。结论黑龙江省生产和流通环节饮用水水中阴离子情况整体较好,但仍需加大监管监测力度,尤其是对瓶装饮用水需要进行重点监测,对于溴酸盐和硝酸盐2种离子也要进行重点监测。  相似文献   

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