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为了维系老用户,保证用户的在网率,业务部门不断推出多种创新业务,对账务赠送能力在中国联通CBSS 系统 中的应用实现提出了更高的标准和要求。研究阐述了联通广东分公司的账务赠送能力在中国联通CBSS 系统中的应用实现 方案,希望能够对其它公司账务赠送能力在CBSS 系统中的应用实现提供一些帮助和启示。  相似文献   

本刊讯记者胡敏报道8月8日,IBM在京发布CIO创新白皮书,介绍IBM关于CIO创新的最新研究,以及IBM通过提供全方位服务帮助CIO进行IT转型的成功实践。此次关于CIO创新的最新研究,是基于IBM2006全球CEO调查而形成的。IBM2006全球CEO调查显示,CEO具有迫切的创新需求。CEO的创新需求,使得CIO面临着创新课题。为此,CIO需要以业务需求为出发点,准确评估企业的IT治理成熟度,从而进行创新性的IT建设和管理,以支持企业的高效运营和业务发展。详细报道请见本期《管理》栏目。CCUIBM发布CIO创新白皮书…  相似文献   

随着企业信息化建设不断加深,企业的日常工作中需要大量的网络设备和应用系统,系统本身日益复杂,加之使用这些设备和系统的终端用户也越来越多,企业的IT维护管理问题日趋严峻。本文采用面向对象方法,结合管理需要,分析设计了企业IT维护管理系统。首先明确了系统的功能需求和非功能需求,分析了管理的业务流程,提出了系统总体设计方案,对于企业IT维护系统建设具有参考价值。  相似文献   

要优化每个流通环节以利润最大化为核心目标的企业要发展壮大,就需要迅速抢占商业网点资源,所以必然要进行扩张。随着公司的迅速发展和营销网络的扩大,原有经营理念和管理手段已经不能适应环境的变化,更加需要通过信息系统的支撑实现从传统的销售型向现代市场型分销转型。如果能让信息化建设同步,尽快地跟上规模的扩张,可以在很大程度上减少扩张对企业信息造成的损失。在企业快速发展的每一个阶段,都需要有管理能力的突破,而每一次突破都涉及到流程的改造和创新、IT系统能力的支持、企业员工素质的提升。基于信息技术的精细化管理,IT在其…  相似文献   

随着IT系统的日益庞大和业务的纷繁复杂,大型企业迫切地需要整合处理IT业务支持和系统支持的服务能力,需要通过对IT运维的统一接口管理来简化IT运维管理流程,降低故障发生频率,提高问题处理效率,需要以业务和系统为对象的服务来覆盖所支持业务运行的IT需求。本文提出的一站式运维管理服务方案很好的帮助用户解决了上述问题。  相似文献   

IT系统运维目前正面临着IT规模快速膨胀、系统架构日趋复杂、自主可控要求日益突出等众多挑战。智能运维技术作为一种利用大数据和机器学习对海量运维数据分析的手段,能够辅助运维人员更为高效地运行和维护IT系统。然而,在企业进行智能运维工程化实践的过程中,往往会遇到各种困难,需要智能运维技术的标准规范以指导企业开展智能运维的能力建设工作。为推动智能运维的标准化工作,本文对多个行业的智能运维实施单位开展了问卷调研,分析总结国内智能运维的实践现状;对国内外现行的运维标准、人工智能标准和智能运维标准进行梳理,研究智能运维的标准化工作当前进展;根据对实践现状和现有标准的调研分析结果,本文提出了智能运维的能力建设标准框架AIOps-OSA。该框架从企业建设智能运维能力的角度列举出了在组织、场景和能力上的关键要点。在实际标准的编制过程中通过对AIOps-OSA内各项要点提出具体的规范要求,可形成对企业具有指导作用的智能运维标准规范。  相似文献   

经过多年信息化建设,企业广泛存在系统数量爆炸式增长与重复建设问题,存在IT对多样化业务发展的敏捷响应能力不足的问题,新时期推动公司数字化转型,需要以体系化方法来推动业务与IT的融合。本文基于企业数字化治理模型研究,重点从推动架构管控与项目管控的融合,理顺项目全生命周期流程,实现需求扎口与统筹管理、流程贯通、数据一致等,研究企业如何建立架构治理机制,将架构评审融入信息化生命周期的关键环节。通过研究,为企业推动架构能力建设、推动架构治理与信息化全生命周期的融合提供借鉴。  相似文献   

为做好企业信息化工作,以信息化推动企业体制创新、技术创新和管理创新,提高管理水平和市场竞争力,结合企业本身管理实际和信息化建设需要,做好规划,有步骤、有针对性地进行信息化建设,保证有效推进建设工作。  相似文献   

如何理解IT咨询汉普陈向阳:IT咨询不仅是针对企业IT系统的研发、设计与实施,更要涵盖对企业战略层面、业务层面,以及企业整体信息化发展趋势等多方面支持,最终帮助企业建立一个满足企业经营发展需求的IT系统。信息化是为了企业的管理现代化服务,IT建设也是为了提升企业管理水平,因此,做IT咨询就必须了解企业管理层面的问题和需求。厂商要为企业做IT咨询,首先需要了解企业管理状况和管理需求,其次才是信息化方面的能力。中钢李红:我们理解的IT咨询就是信息化加上管理,其核心就是帮助用户用信息化的手段来满足各种管理需求。IT咨询要…  相似文献   

通过近二十年的信息化建设,北京通信认识到,IT系统的建设不仅仅是帮助企业建立一套信息系统,更重要的是引入先进的现代管理思想和方法;通过业务重组、组织重组和管理重组,建立一套符合市场经济体制要求的现代企业管理模式。因此进行IT系统的建设,首先要以业务流程为目标,进行业务流程的优化与改进。IT系统的建设依赖于企业管理机制、业务流程的改善和规范,也必将推动企业的管理创新与服务创新。在通信市场格局巨变的大环境下,北京通信提出了“一切从客户需要出发,一切落实到企业效益”的经营理念和“用2 ̄3年的时间,实现从任务型企业向服…  相似文献   

随着信息化在企业中的深入运用,传统IT架构慢慢显现出弊端:基础资源利用率偏低、管理上太分散;面对管理或业务出现变化时,旧的业务系统难以快速响应.怎样实现业务同IT建设的协同,怎样对IT系统现有数据进行利用,这些都成为当下企业立刻要解决的.“云计算”作为眼下信息领域炙手可热的技术,一方面它能对现有IT资源进行很好地整合,另一方面面对业务变化时它能实现IT建设的迅速响应,因此它的研发为解决企业的上述难题提供了希望.  相似文献   

基于电力企业组织围绕“大云物移”等新兴技术,立足岗位、立足专业、立足企业开展项目创新,本文重点关注了企业大数据现状与对下一步发展方向的影响。随着数字时代的到来,数字已经成为企业运营的基本要素,是企业发展的重要驱动。大数据的核心是建立在相关关系分析法基础上的预测,在诸多领域,大数据发展正引致颠覆性创新,随着建设“数字中国”的浪潮推动,国家电网也提出了要建设“数字国网”的新要求。大数据作为一个很好的视角和工具,从其拥有的数据规模、数据活性和企业运用、解释数据的能力即可判断公司的核心竞争力。通过电力系统大数据与运营监测分析、同业对标及卓越绩效管理与评价的有效结合,从管理、运营和战略方向等方面提出了大数据能为电力企业提升核心竞争力提供可靠价值。  相似文献   

《Information & Management》2016,53(7):915-928
In this study, we investigated the organizational factors that influenced Indonesian companies in their decision to adopt software as a service (SaaS). Based on a multiple-case study of 18 Indonesian companies, we identified three patterns: Top management support is an enabler for SaaS adoption; small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are more likely to adopt SaaS than large companies; and organizational readiness is not an enabler for SaaS adoption. The last two patterns contradict existing information technology (IT) innovation adoption research. We explain this by examining the nature of SaaS as an IT innovation and the characteristics of Indonesia as a developing country.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, there has been a growing interest in component-based software system (CBSS) development both in academia and in industry. In CBSS development, it is common to identify software modules first. Once they are determined, we need to select appropriate software components for each software module. However, very few research works so far have addressed the theoretical aspect especially in the optimization of software component selection for CBSS development. Previous studies of CBSS development seldom considered the influence of software components on coupling and cohesion of software modules. In this paper, the formulation of an optimization model of software components selection for CBSS development is described. The model has two objectives: maximizing the functional performance of the CBSS and maximizing the cohesion and minimizing the coupling of software modules. A genetic algorithm (GA) is introduced to solve the optimization model for determining the optimal selection of software components for CBSS development. An example of developing a financial system for small- and medium-size enterprises is used to illustrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

《Information & Management》2019,56(4):526-535
Recent literature analyses the economic effects of employee downsizing on organizations under a contingent framework. Information technology (IT) can be considered a relevant factor for organizations that downsize. IT could enhance knowledge management, innovation management and organizational learning. Given the damage produced by downsizing on these organizational capabilities, the aim of this research is to study the moderating role of the implementation level of IT in the relationship between downsizing and organizational economic performance. Analyzing Spanish chemical industry, our results show that this negative effect can be mitigated by IT implementation.  相似文献   

《Information & Management》2005,42(1):227-242
While the number of articles on IT evaluation and benefits management has been substantial, limited attention has been given to these topics in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly the construction industry. This paper presents findings from a questionnaire survey that sought to examine the approaches used by 126 construction organisations to evaluate and justify their IT investments, as well as the benefits and costs that they have experienced due to IT implementation. The analysis of their responses identified three key findings. Firstly, different organisation types significantly differ in the amount they invest in IT and their firm size (in terms of turnover and number of employees) does not influence investment levels in IT. Secondly, the evaluation process adopted by construction SMEs is used as for both control and learning. Thirdly, a major barrier to justifying IT investments was attributed to having no strategic vision. While organisations experienced no significant differences in the tactical and operational benefits incurred after the adoption of IT, differences were found with respect to the strategic benefits. If construction SMEs are to leverage the benefits of IT, then this should form an integral part of their business strategy. Considering this, recommendations for IT evaluation for construction SMEs that are also pertinent for SMEs operating in other industry sectors, are presented.  相似文献   

个体软件过程(Personal Software Process:PSP)和团队软件过程(Team Software Process:TSP)在国外许多著名软件企业得到了广泛应用,并由此带来了令人瞩目的成效,但他们在我国的实际应用还刚刚起步。作者根据在实际应用中的结果,对PSP和TSP的优缺点以及与CMMI的关系进行了系统地分析,对他们在我国软件项目管理方面的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

目前,IT服务管理在国内已经存在了近十年,并且已得到许多大型企业的重视,由于随着对信息化依赖程度的提高,因此需要一种规范化的IT服务管理来保障IT服务对业务的服务与支持。本文主要阐述ITSM核心思想及其服务管理在实施方面存在的问题。  相似文献   

Data warehousing (DW) has emerged as one of the most powerful technology innovations in recent years to support organization-wide decision making and has become a key component in the information technology (IT) infrastructure. Proponents of DW claim that its infusion can dramatically enhance the ability of businesses to improve the access, distribution, and sharing of information and provide managerial decision support for complex business questions. DW is also an enabling technology for data mining, customer-relationship management, and other business-intelligence applications. Although data warehouses have been around for quite some time, they have been plagued by high failure rates and limited spread or use. Drawing upon past research on the adoption and diffusion of innovations and on the implementation of information systems (IS), we examine the key organizational and innovation factors that influence the infusion (diffusion) of DW within organizations and also examine if more extensive infusion leads to improved organizational outcomes. In this paper, we conducted a field study, where two senior managers (one from IS and the other from a line function) from 117 companies participated, and developed a structural model to test the research hypotheses. The results indicate that four of the seven variables examined in this paper-organizational support, quality of the project management process, compatibility, and complexity-significantly influence the degree of infusion of DW and that the infusion, in turn, significantly influences organization-level benefits and stakeholder satisfaction. The findings of this paper have interesting implications for both research and practice in IT and DW infusion, as well as in the organization-level impact of the infusion of enterprise-wide infrastructural and decision support technologies such as DW.  相似文献   

本论文从实用及研发角度出发,借助IT技术的飞速发展与应用,将许多先进的管理思想变成现实中可实施应用的ERP系统.为企业提供了信息化集成的最佳方案,它将企业的物流、资金流和信息流一起来进行管理,适应持续创新过程造成的市场需求的变化及其对企业生产流程不断调整的要求,一步提高企业管理效率,以适应市场竞争并取得竞争优势.  相似文献   

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