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对既有供应商的评价是供应链管理的重要内容之一。通过对选择供应商与既有供应商的评价进行比较分析,从生产制造实力、产品质量水平、质量保证能力、工程技术能力、协同能力等5个方面建立了既有供应商的评价指标体系与二级模糊综合评价模型。实证研究表明所构建的评价指标体系与评价模型能够对既有供应商的优劣做出正确的评价,为既有供应商的评价提供了科学的方法。  相似文献   

目前,我国社会信用体系建设正处于起步阶段,相关机构对食品冷链物流行业的信用评价缺乏统一的、具有行业特性的指标体系。由于我国食品冷链物流行业信用体系的缺失,企业的失信乱象滋生,行业发展遭遇瓶颈。通过建立信用评价指标体系,评价企业信用水平,对预防企业信用风险、推动行业诚信建设具有重要意义。本文从企业基础信用能力、企业服务管理能力、企业经济偿付能力、企业社会信用状况四个方面,研究构建了运输型、仓储型和综合型三种不同类型的食品冷链物流企业信用评价指标体系,并运用层次分析法(AHP)确定了各级指标的权重。  相似文献   

在现代企业中,对供应商的管理不仅仅是产品、服务、采购有关的交易,还应包括供应商评价体系的构建和及时的动态评价。对供应商进行评价的目的在于站在提高企业竞争力的角度,动态地,适时地依据评价体系、确定的指标和分配分值对供应商进行考核,确定其是否实现预期绩效,通过评价形成相应的文件,为管理者提供必要的决策依据。  相似文献   

关于构建供应商综合评价体系的初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代企业中,对供应商的管理不仅仅是产品、服务、采购有关的交易,还应包括供应商评价体系的构建和及时的动态评价。对供应商进行评价的目的在于站在提高企业竞争力的角度,动态地,适时地依据评价体系、确定的指标和分配分值对供应商进行考核,确定其是否实现预期绩效,通过评价形成相应的文件,为管理者提供必要的决策依据。  相似文献   

公共工程是日本经济结构的重要组成部分。日本的公共工程采购管理制度建设得最为完备,供应商管理、招标承包体系管理及各参加方组织管理是其核心内容。本文研究了日本公共工程采购供应商的评价标准及技术能力要求、招标承包体系的管理以及工程采购相关参加方职责和义务的界定等内容,期望能为我国工程采购质量管理制度的建设与完善提供参考借鉴,从而更好地应对国际化的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

BP神经网络及其在供应商选择评价中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
供应商选择评价方法是否得当,将直接决定企业所选供应商的优劣,并将最终影响到整个供应链的竞争能力.首先基于21世纪采购环境的变化及其对采购供应提出的新要求,结合前人的研究成果,构建了供应商选择评价指标体系,并对这些指标的内涵进行了分析.考虑到供应商选择指标之间呈现出复杂的非线性关系,而诸多的评价方法中,唯有人工神经网络具...  相似文献   

目的 为了实现快速响应、可靠高效的装备(器材)和物资保障,提高军事物流整体质量,对军品包装供应商进行科学管理。方法 构建军品包装供应商的筛选模型,确立评价指标体系,提出一种集历史、现状和未来为一体的新的综合评价方法,并进行算例验证。结果 通过采用科学的评价方法,对军品包装供应商进行综合评价和遴选,解决了军品包装产品筹措和采购环节由于供应商引起的不确定性问题,使军品包装产品质量得到了有效保证。结论 建立军品包装供应商选择和评价体系,是加强供应商管理的重要基础,也是现代军事物流的重要内容,对推动军品包装发展有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文从绿色采购角度出发,构建了供应商的选择评价指标模型,同时运用层次分析法进行了求解,证明了该方法解决绿色采购环境下的供应商选择问题的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

黄林 《中国科技博览》2012,(22):413-414
本文提出构建体育教学评价体系的原则,分析体育教学评价指标体系的维度、内容、指标与权重,最后提出构建体育教学评价体系的建议。  相似文献   

为及时有效进行采购过程质量危机预防与预警,减少与规避因采购质量而导致质量危机的发生,首先提出了采购过程质量危机预防与预警程序,形成了采购计划制定、供应商评价与选择、采购合同管理、物料供给满意度评价、内外部顾客反馈五个过程13个质量危机监控要素;其次依据13个质量危机监控要素的特点,提取出了14个能够量化反映上述要素监控结果的质量危机预防与预警指标;然后在明确质量危机5个预警等级基础上,划分了指标预警等级阈值;最后,构建了基于改进型物元可拓法的质量危机预防与预警模型,提出了五个过程及其整体质量危机预防与预警方法,并结合某公司实际进行了应用研究,以期对采购过程质量危机进行有效预防与预警.  相似文献   

一体化供应链下的项目采购管理与供应商管理战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对汽车行业讨论了产品项目开发中采购管理的重要作用,根据目前项目采购中暴露出的问题,总结出项目采购管理其实质即为对供应商战略管理的理念,从而提出在一体化供应链下项目采购管理中对供应商管理的战略模型。该模型包括四个路径:"构造供应商库,选择和评价供应商,供应商参与项目开发,定义目标供应商平台",并体现如何应用该模型以提高一体化供应链的竞争性。  相似文献   

Supplier Selection Based on Process Capability and Price Analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Supplier selection is an important part of supply chain management. Among the numerous methods that have been proposed, process capability index is considered to be the most effective technique for identifying quality parts. However, supplier selection should be carried out on the basis of quality and cost together. There is no easy tool available to evaluate the price and quality in an integrated manner. In this article, a new approach to supplier selection using capability index and price comparison (CPC) chart is presented. The CPC chart integrates the process capability and price information of multiple suppliers and presents them in a single chart. It provides a simple but effective method to consider quality and price simultaneously in the supplier selection process.  相似文献   

确定供应商评价指标权重的一种方法   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:24  
首先分析了供应链管理中供应商选择和评价的重要意义,然后对选择供应商的评价指标及权重的确定问题进行了分析;根据已有的评价方法中确定指标权重方法的某些不足,提出一个灰关联分析模型,试图从灰色系统理论角度来探讨这个问题,最后,选择了质量、成本、交货期3个常用指标,建立起了供应商选择和评价的指标权重灰关联分析模型,给出了一个数据计算过程示例,并对计算结果进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

一个实用的供应商选择模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究可获得的指标权重信息仅为指标相对重要性排序的供应商选择问题.首先,构建线性规划模型以确定供应商综合评价值的取值范围;其次,通过简单的变量变换,并根据线性规划的对偶理论得到了模型最优解的显式表达式;最后,利用区间数的排序公式,由综合评价值的区间范围得到各供应商的排序权重.实例分析表明了模型的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

The purchasing function is central to the strategic operations of effective supply chain management. This centrality is mainly due to the significant impact of material costs on profits, increased investments in inter-organizational advanced manufacturing and information technologies, and a growing emphasis on the just-in-time operations philosophy. The critical business processes of the purchasing function include supplier selection, negotiation of supply contracts, monitoring supplier performance, and acting as an interface between an organization and its suppliers. Within these core processes of purchasing, this paper narrows its scope to focus upon the supplier performance evaluation and monitoring process, which assists in maintaining effective customer-supplier linkages. While price has been traditionally considered as the single most important factor in evaluating suppliers, it has been agreed upon that value performance emphasis needs to include other important factors such as quality, delivery and flexibility. Given this evolving business competitiveness environment, the contribution of this research is threefold. First, it applies a new multi-criteria evaluation model for supplier performance evaluation by considering various performance criteria. Second, a proposed application extension of this model serves as a monitoring and control mechanism for the performance of suppliers, thus supporting continuous process improvement to achieve efficient customer-supplier relationships. Third, the paper presents this technique as a new methodological extension to data envelopment analysis research by improving the discriminatory power of an existing variable returns to scale model. The model and its application are demonstrated through a previously published illustrative case example.  相似文献   

Outsourcing decisions in global supply chains are critical to a business’ competitiveness. This study investigates and compares the supplier management in Taiwanese enterprises under different outsourcing strategies. Base on an empirical study through questionnaires, we investigate the supplier management and critical success factors of the Taiwanese enterprises. It is shown that different outsourcing strategies should be deployed by different types of industries, and a good working relationship with suppliers and customers are paramount to success. The important issues related to supplier management include supplier capability to deliver on time, long term contract strategy with suppliers, supplier evaluation, and quality of material from suppliers.  相似文献   

In the competitive global business environment of the 21st century, enterprises must respond effectively to customer demands. The selection of suppliers and the evaluation of their performance are becoming major challenges that face manufacturing managers. Assessing a group of suppliers and selecting one or more of them is a complex task because various criteria must be considered in the decision making process. Quality is an essential factor in qualifying a corporation to enter the marketplace. In fact, the quality of parts obtained from suppliers determines the quality of the finished product. Hence, quality is the fundamental factor for supplier evaluation among various criteria. This study applies the process incapability index Cpp to develop an evaluation model that assesses the quality performance of suppliers. The model simplifies the evaluation of suppliers, facilitates their effective selection, and provides insights into the process situation of suppliers who may enter into a long-term partnership with a company.  相似文献   

Growing inter-organizational dependence within business ecosystems necessitates more intensive cooperation between various organizational functions, not only sales and purchasing. Engineering management is one of the functions typically regarded as an in-house activity. Prior research acknowledges certain cooperative forms such as early supplier involvement, but it falls short on identifying practices of grass-roots level cooperation. However, it is the quality of the interaction between supplier and customer that is decisive if the advantages of collaboration are to materialize. This study aims to fill this obvious gap in both theory and practice by developing and testing an inter-organizational practice for co-ideation in a supplier-customer relationship. Specifically, a way of working for idea generation to improve inter-organizational learning within specific Design for Manufacturing meetings between an industrial corporation and two of its important suppliers is developed. The evaluation of the tested co-ideation practice indicated that, in comparison to the traditional way of working, the new practice contributed to a greater number of generated ideas, was found useful in practice, and expert ratings suggested that the ideas generated were of adequate quality. The implication for practice is the proposed procedure that aims to build a safe psychological environment and help participants to transcend existing behavioral roles as representatives of suppliers and customers.  相似文献   

Operations managers rely on the purchasing function to obtain production inputs from suppliers and to ensure supplier performance. The link between supplier development activities performed by buying firms with their suppliers, in terms of operational outcomes and impact on competitive advantage for the buying firm has been well documented. However, a buying firm should, prior to setting up a supplier development program and investing in supplier development activities, establish goals it wants to achieve and determine how to achieve these goals. Until now, supplier development goals in general and their relationship with supplier development activities have received little research attention. The results from this empirical study suggest that the relationship between the goal to improve a supplier's capabilities and knowledge transfer from the buyer to the supplier firm is moderated by the degree of human interaction. Buying firms pursuing the strategy to improve supplier capabilities rely more intensively on training and co-location of buyer and supplier employees to leverage the knowledge transfer to the supplier firm.  相似文献   

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