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面向军事物流需求的军品包装发展研究   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
阐述了军品包装与军事物流的基本概念和相互关系,探讨了军品包装与军事物流各环节间的关系,以及军品包装对军事物流的重要意义,从整体上研究了与军事物流发展相适应的我军军品包装的发展趋势.  相似文献   

宋克超  朱霞 《包装工程》2020,41(1):202-206
目的介绍智能包装的概念、分类以及应用,为智能包装在军事物流中的应用提供参考,为我军加快军品智能包装的应用提出建议。方法分析军品智能包装为军事物流现代化带来的影响,探索分析军品智能包装在军事物流中的应用场景。结果智能包装作为一种新型包装技术,其未来应用领域非常广阔,军品包装应当向智能化方向发展。结论军品智能包装应当加快开发新技术,创新军品智能包装应用模式,制定军品智能包装相关标准,促进军品智能包装军地结合发展。  相似文献   

张春和 《包装工程》2006,27(6):227-228,273
探讨了军品包装系列化与单元化对现代军事物流的影响,提出了加强军品包装系列化与单元化工作是构建经济、快速、高效的现代军事物流保障的前提和基础的观点.  相似文献   

目的 针对现代战争对装备物资器材的保障需要,系统研究论证新时代军品包装发展方向,为下一步军品包装发展提供借鉴参考.方法 通过需求论证和对比分析,厘清装备(器材)物资保障和现代军事物流建设对军品包装的需求,结合现代战争新样式新特点,按照不同需求、不同领域、不同层次,提出未来一段时期内军品包装的关注重点和发展动向.结果 军品包装要适应新时代军事战略方针,聚焦实战要求,坚持创新驱动,向综合防护、现代军事物流包装、智能化、功能性、绿色方向发展.结论 军品包装与装备(器材)物资效能发挥、战斗力提升息息相关,要紧扣需求、紧贴战场、紧盯前沿,大力推动军品包装新质保障力生成.  相似文献   

非战争军事行动对我军军品包装发展的影响与对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分析了我军在执行非战争行动任务中面临的军品包装问题。从标准化、制度化、信息化建设3个层面,提出了以下对策:紧盯世界军事发展趋势,建立全军军品包装标准的系统平台;重视军品包装在现代军事物流中的作用,理顺军品包装体制,将包装与军品设计相统一;加强信息技术的应用。对军品包装未来发展作了展望。  相似文献   

新时期军品包装材料与包装技术的发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘振华  刘小平  陈文阁  周昕 《包装工程》2011,32(23):157-160
包装材料和包装技术作为军事技术保障的重要因素,发展趋势受保障形态、储运环境、物流发展、国家政策等方面的影响。介绍了新时期军品包装材料与包装技术的趋势:材料技术性能提升、单一防护向综合防护、集装化储运包装、组合配套包装、材料节能环保、信息技术不断应用等。  相似文献   

军用物流包装系统的生态设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王作雨  彭国勋 《包装工程》2014,35(9):140-146
目的从生态文明角度进行军品物流包装系统的设计。方法就军品物流包装的绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展等方面的内涵进行全面分析,阐述实现减量化、再利用、资源化、环保低碳等有关的实用技术方法。使用计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助工程、有限元仿真分析等实用技术方法进行军品物流包装的生态设计。结论运用生态设计方法对军用物流包装系统进行优化设计,是军工部门推进生态文明建设的关键。  相似文献   

杨澄懿  于明媛  赵雁武 《包装工程》2019,40(13):191-200
目的 针对军队第三方物流供应商的选择问题,从风险视角对供应商完成军事保障任务过程中可能存在的风险进行识别和评估,以降低军事物流外包风险,为军队第三方物流供应商决策提供方法和思路。方法 提出可将FMEA技术运用于军队第三方供应商选择中的操作性框架,按照框架流程确定评价标准、识别潜在失效模式、决策分析,可更加全面、科学地对军队第三方供应商做出选择。结果 在不考虑风险的情况下,5家候选供应商中E的原始评分最高,D排名居中,但经过FMEA分析后,由于E在单项评价指标上的风险比例太大,而D的各项指标风险比原始排名靠前的供应商小很多,因此D成为军队最终选择的供应商。结论 利用FMEA分析军队第三方物流供应商选择问题,可以起到事先识别可能出现的失效模式,分析产生原因和可能导致的后果以及现有措施的可控程度,从而评估每位候选供应商在确定的评价标准中的风险大小,最后综合原始评分得出了供应商选择的结果。该方法操作简单、计算方便,能比较全面衡量军队第三方物流供应商的综合水平,有助于提高军队物资保障效率,降低物资保障风险。  相似文献   

周代芳 《包装工程》2022,43(9):275-280
目的 介绍军品智能包装的发展趋势和类型,为国防和军队现代化建设背景下军品智能包装的发展提出建议。方法 分析军品智能包装的防护多重性、标准统一性和封存长效性的发展趋势;阐述军品智能包装在储存包装和物流包装2种途径上的具体应用。结果 利用活性包装材料和现代信息技术,能够实现军品包装储存的智能化;利用物联网、大数据、人工智能、区块链等核心数字技术,能够实现军品包装物流的智能化。结论 加快了我军军品智能包装建设军民一体化、绿色生态化的发展道路。  相似文献   

基于多样化军事任务的军品包装需求分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了多样化军事任务主要特点,从可靠、快速、一体、、精确和经济保障5个方面系统分析了多样化军事任务对军品包装提出的要求,在此基础上,提出对策,全面提升军品包装水平。  相似文献   

Decision-making techniques are used to help evaluate the current suppliers’ aim at classifying performance of individual suppliers against desired levels of performance, so as to design suitable plans to increase the performance and capabilities of suppliers. In this study, an integrated model is introduced and proposed for increasing the supplier selection and evaluation quality. The methodology is composed of two steps. The first stage is fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory method in which the interactions between the evaluation criteria and the criteria weight have been computed. At the second stage, performances of suppliers are assessed using both the criteria weights obtained at the first stage and fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm by classifying the vendors according to their performances. Obtained results show that the proposed model is very well suited as a decision-making tool for supplier selection decisions.  相似文献   

基于FAHP的军品包装外包商的选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的确定军品包装外包商评价指标权重。方法尝试根据军品包装外包的特殊性,建立一个包含企业绩效、生产能力、研发能力、风险、资质认证和环境条件在内的指标评价体系,用模糊层次分析法FAHP法求出军品包装外包商的评价指标权重。结果综合权重较大的4项指标分别为企业信誉、质量、质量资格认证和生产状况。其中企业信誉所占权重最大,为0.168,其次是质量,综合权重为0.096,质量资格认证和生产状况均为0.08。结论企业信誉、质量、质量资格认证和生产状况等4项指标在选择军品包装外包商时应优先考虑。  相似文献   

对于中国造船企业,构建完整的供应商管理体系是其从分散型采购体系向一体化采购体系整合的关键步骤之一。本文主要针对中国造船工业供应商管理的特点以及所存在的不足,将质量、交付能力、价格、服务能力和持续改进这5个定量评价指标与供货商关系指标和供货商管理能力指标这2个定性评价指标相结合,运用AHP法,构建了造船行业的供应商评价指标体系,并依据这一指标体系,构建了与造船行业集中化采购体系相适应的供应商管理体制。  相似文献   

The problem of part supplier selection is a major concern for all manufacturers when seeking to enhance the products’ quality and productivity. The objective of this paper is to propose an integrated genetic algorithm based grey goal programming (G3) approach to solve the part supplier selection problem. The main factor in part supplier selection is the assembly relation of the parts so as to find the suitable suppliers combination for the parts of a product. We first identify the main factors affected on supplier selection. We then present a grey-based goal programming model to work as the fitness function to evaluate the suppliers with respect to the total deviation the factors have from the ideal values. Since the objective is to find the best solution, a genetic algorithm is used to solve this problem for faster and better evaluation. The novelty of this integrated approach is to apply both qualitative and quantitative factors at once in one model and to use the grey theory to cover the lack of information of qualitative factors in order to find a solution in a near real situation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to study the packaging supplier and the integration of integrating packaging suppliers into the supply and demand chain (SDC). The packaging industry has been analyzed using a structured market analysis, and the companies studied have been positioned in an integration model for packaging suppliers. In addition, case studies were conducted to study the development of the packaging industry and its integration within the SDC in the Scandinavian region. The analysis shows that there are gaps in the business relations between the packaging companies studied and the SDC. Most of the packaging suppliers were not integrated into the SDC. Valuable information, available in the network, seldom reaches the packaging supplier who holds the knowledge necessary to create and offer innovative packaging solutions. The article provides an empirical exploration into the field of packaging, logistics and SDC integration and an original conceptual framework that could serve as a theoretical framework for future research work applied in the packaging industry and an interesting business model to the increase understanding of packaging supply chain integration. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Supplier Selection Based on Process Capability and Price Analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Supplier selection is an important part of supply chain management. Among the numerous methods that have been proposed, process capability index is considered to be the most effective technique for identifying quality parts. However, supplier selection should be carried out on the basis of quality and cost together. There is no easy tool available to evaluate the price and quality in an integrated manner. In this article, a new approach to supplier selection using capability index and price comparison (CPC) chart is presented. The CPC chart integrates the process capability and price information of multiple suppliers and presents them in a single chart. It provides a simple but effective method to consider quality and price simultaneously in the supplier selection process.  相似文献   

王强  刘红利 《包装学报》2021,13(3):51-56
在现代包装产业链中,对包装产品质量评价是包装个性化与智能化发展中亟待解决的关键问题.在系统研究包装产品质量特征及其相互作用的基础上,从印刷、结构、交互体验、应用安全和可循环利用5个维度,构建了现代包装产品质量评价的指标体系及其17个关键技术指标,提出了3种包装质量评价方法及其算法模型,即主观评价方法、客观评价方法、综合评价方法.这种主客观相结合的评价体系能够较为科学地评价现代包装产品质量.  相似文献   

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