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以水热因素的地带性分异规律为依据、以局部环境条件为制约,以有利于高速公路建设和管理为前提,将山西省高速公路路域分为3个植被区、11个植被亚区。从宏观上反映了山西省从北到南,从东到西气候和植被类型的经向、纬向地带性分布及各区域的海拔、地貌特点。  相似文献   

风景园林地域中的山林植被规划   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
胡京榕 《中国园林》2002,18(2):59-60
在山地型公园或风景区的规划设计中,如何做好植被规划目前尚无定规可依,多数园林工作也很难下手。故本文从分析浙江省地带性植被及各种常见植被类型八手,并结合风景游憩要求,对规划中经常涉及的问题提出一些个人见解。  相似文献   

百花山公路边坡植被恢复与重建效果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北方地区干旱石质边坡的植被恢复一直是难题,选择北京百花山自然保护区公路边坡开展植被恢复试验,对试验地土壤的理化性状以及植被恢复情况进行调查,结果表明,采用边坡生态工程技术可大大缩短植被重建时间,高次团粒喷播改进技术优于厚层基质喷附技术,喷播的草本植物第1年生长良好,盖度达100%,第2年下降至80%左右,喷播与移栽的木本植物,萌发率与成活率低,生长慢,形成了一年生种子植物占绝对优势的草本群落,而当地自然恢复的灌丛,结构合理,景观效果好,建议植被重建应以地带性植物群落为目标,以乡土植物为主,合理搭配植物种类,保证建群种的良好生长,加强后期养护工作.  相似文献   

江堃 《园林》2009,(2):42-43
生态型绿化的概念和原理 通过生态型绿化建设“近自然”群落是植被恢复的一种新理念,它以生态学的潜在自然植被和群落演替的基本理论为依据,选择乡土树种(即当地自然植被的主要乔、灌木种类)、应用容器育苗等“模拟自然”的技术和手法,通过人工营造与植被自然生长的完美结合,超常速、低造价地建造以地带性植被类型为目标、群落结构完整、物种多样性丰富、生物量高、趋于稳定状态、后期完全遵循自然循环规律的“少人工管理型”绿地。  相似文献   

我国城镇园林绿化树种区划研究新探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在借鉴中国植被已有区划研究工作的基础上,以水热因素的地带性分异规律为依据、以区域环境整体植被景观为参照、以城市气候环境背景为基础、以城镇园林绿化建设为导向,将我国划分为11个城镇园林绿化树种区域,从宏观上反映了我国从东到西、由北向南城市气候和园林绿化树种类型的经向、纬向地带性分布.根据植物物种的生态适应性和园林绿化特点,在大量调研和文献整理的基础上,甄别选择适合各区域的园林绿化树种.  相似文献   

以位居草原化荒漠区的达尔其和桑合油区为对象,分析了内蒙探区石油勘探开发过程中占地和污染物两大因素的影响程度、可逆性及时效性,提出了预防管理、工程治理、植被恢复和施工期治理等综合防治措施,并进行了6 a的跟踪监测。结果显示:丰富度、盖度、生物量等生态指标随恢复年限呈增长趋势;在植物品质分析中,铅、砷含量自然恢复曲线与背景恢复曲线基本吻合,证明所用原辅物料中没有加入铅、砷等有毒有害材料;因固化作用,人工恢复植被中铅、砷含量分别低于背景值13%和18%。表明人工恢复措施可加快生态恢复效应,3~4 a可恢复至背景值。  相似文献   

大运会期间深圳地区少花现状及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖洁舒  徐艳 《风景园林》2011,(4):103-106
针对8月份深圳地区开花植物较少的实际情况,通过对8月份深圳城市园林中开花植物种类的调查,初步掌握了8月份期间深圳园林植物的开花状况及主要应用形式。在此基础上,为2011年深圳世界大学生运动会比赛期间的城市绿化、美化工作提供了详实的基础资料和参考依据,同时根据深圳地区地带性植被资源的优势及园林绿化水平的现况,提出了解决8...  相似文献   

以内蒙古赤峰市喀喇沁旗南山生态公园规划为例,具体探讨了针对北方半干旱山区,利用潜生植被理论进行生态和景观重建的方法。强调在符合当地植被的自然演替规律以及重建地带性植被为最终目标的基础上,进行植被规划。通过人为干扰为植被演替创造有利条件,缩短植被重建的时间,使重建地植被尽快恢复到自然演替的中间阶段,朝向顶级植物群落正常发展。同时本着保持原生景观的原则进行景观规划,保证生态重建与地域文化重建的统一。  相似文献   

田旗 《园林》2006,(2):42-43
上海属北亚热带湿润性季风气候带,四季分明,具有夏热、冬冷、春秋温暖的特征,与此相适应的自然植被是以落叶阔叶群落为主的常绿落叶阔叶混交林。由于长时期的农业开发与城市化,上海的自然植被多已消亡,仅从零星分布在丘陵上的少量地带性植被能反映上海自然植被的特点。大金山岛的中亚热带植被大金山岛位于上海西南角的杭州湾中部,由于受海洋性气候的影  相似文献   

1 加强树种调查与树种发展规划,丰富生物多样性 加强城市园林绿化树种调查与树种发展规划,是每个地区、每个城市绿化建设的一项至关重要的工作。它不仅是建设生态园林速度快慢、质量高低、效果好坏及成功与失败的关键所在,而且是城市绿化生态化总体规划与建设中一个非常重要的环节。 上海植被区系成分,按《中国植被区划图》划归中亚热带常绿阔叶林地带,松江区的佘山和金山区的大金山岛现存的半自然状态的植物区系成分,基本上反映了本地区地带性植被类型的基本特点。但是城市环境中的植被分布现状与上述结论并不符合。调查发现,上海常用绿化植物为382种,其中乔  相似文献   

结合雁门关隧道施工实例,对其施工场地、弃渣场等进行恢复耕地、恢复植被的有效治理措施作了介绍,较好地解决了因施工对环境造成的不良影响,可供工程施工与研究人员参考。  相似文献   

丁小明 《山西建筑》2007,33(29):71-72
从建设地点的自然环境和社会环境出发,分析了影响高层建筑设计的地域因素,指出在高层建筑设计中应该形成系统的地域性原则,以此去认识和解决高层建筑与地域环境协调的问题,并总结了高层建筑设计与地域环境结合的要点。  相似文献   

A collection of sepia photographs, taken during Great Britain's military expedition to Abyssinia in 1868, are the oldest landscape photographs from northern Ethiopia, and have been used to compare the status of vegetation and land management 140 years ago with that of contemporary times. Thirteen repeat landscape photographs, taken during the dry seasons of 1868 and 2008, were analyzed for various environmental indicators and show a significant improvement of vegetation cover. New eucalypt woodlands, introduced since the 1950s are visible and have provided a valuable alternative for house construction and fuel-wood, but more importantly there has also been locally important natural regeneration of indigenous trees and shrubs. The situation in respect to soil and water conservation measures in farmlands has also improved. According to both historical information and measured climatic data, rainfall conditions around 1868 and in the late 19th century were similar to those of the late 20th/early 21st century. Furthermore, despite a ten-fold increase in population density, land rehabilitation has been accomplished over extensive areas by large-scale implementation of reforestation and terracing activities, especially in the last two decades. In some cases repeat photography shows however that riparian vegetation has been washed away. This is related to river widening in recent degradation periods, particularly in the 1970s-1980s. More recently, riverbeds have become stabilized, and indicate a decreased runoff response. Environmental recovery programmes could not heal all scars, but this study shows that overall there has been a remarkable recovery of vegetation and also improved soil protection over the last 140 years, thereby invalidating hypotheses of the irreversibility of land degradation in semi-arid areas. In a highly degraded environment with high pressure on the land, rural communities were left with no alternative but to improve land husbandry: in northern Ethiopia such interventions have been demonstrably successful.  相似文献   

为明晰植被混凝土生态护坡技术的专利研发态势,为我国该技术研发和专利布局提供参考,利用专利分析方法,采用智慧芽(PatSnap)专利分析平台,结合人工标引和统计,对中外植被混凝土生态护坡技术专利进行系统分析,包括发展态势、专利类型和法律状态、地域分布、重点技术领域、技术功效、专利创新机构与主要发明人等。结果表明,我国植被混凝土生态护坡技术处于高速发展期,专利研究方向集中在水利工程土方开挖边坡修护、硅酸盐水泥制备植被混凝土工艺等方面。研究发现,该技术在西北地区和交通、矿山护坡领域专利布局较少,建议加大这几方面的研发力度。  相似文献   

在青海省实施绿色勘查既有生态效益,又有经济效益。通过理论与实践相结合的方法,选取青海省具有代表性的四种景观区类型之一的植被覆盖区为研究对象,选择代表性矿区,总结了生活区修筑、道路修筑、工作区修筑3种在地质岩芯钻探施工过程对地表植被影响较大的工序应遵守的基本原则以及具体施工过程;总结了对泥浆优选和钻井液回收、加强对废弃物的管理的基本原则以及具体施工过程;对比分析了绿色勘查地质岩芯钻探和常规地质岩芯钻探的经济效益,通过对比分析,相比常规勘查方式,绿色勘查方式人员费增加44.2%、材料费增加18.1%、总成本增加121.5%,通过常规勘查方式和绿色勘查方式成本的对比,可为下一步预算标准的编制提供参数支撑。  相似文献   

A fixed 16 km link (immersed tunnel, artificial island and peninsula, bridges) to connect the Scandinavian countries of Denmark and Sweden is being constructed during the period 1995-2000. The link crosses Oresund, one of the three sounds connecting the brackish Baltic Sea to the oceanic North Sea. Dredging of approximately 8 x 10(6) m3 of limestone bedrock and clay till is being carried out during the construction phase. Environmental planning and management when constructing the fixed link were heavily dependent on extensive sedimentological and biological research prior to construction. Base-line turbidity and seabed sediments were investigated, and sediment spill parameters were measured during test dredging and test reclamation, in addition to the environmental impact. Now, when dredging and reclamation have been finalised in Oresund, it is clear that the environmental management approach used during construction of the fixed link has safeguarded the marine environment in Oresund. At the same time it has allowed the dredging and reclamation works to be carried out within the planned time period and expenses. A detailed base-line monitoring of the regional turbidity regime and the regional sedimentation regime in Oresund made post-dredging evaluation of the regional effects possible. The measurements in Oresund showed that the construction caused no permanent regional change in turbidity and sedimentation, as the base-line conditions did not change.  相似文献   

Ski slope construction is one of the major anthropogenic factors responsible for ecosystem degradation in mountain areas in Finnish Lapland. Mt. Ylläs has been used as a downhill skiing slope for about 30 years. Until 1992, the ski slopes were kept in their natural condition: there was no removal of vegetation and soil above the tree line. After 1992, Mt. Ylläs went through an extensive construction, the ski slopes were machine-graded and machine-levelled, which caused damage to both vegetation and soil. The aim of the study presented here was to examine nutrient status of various soils on the machine-graded and machine-levelled ski slopes in relation to their potential use as a substrate for revegetation practices.Soil organic matter and nutrient status were analysed in three sites on the slopes of Mt. Ylläs in the tree line zone (transit zone between wooded vegetation and treeless alpine vegetation): (1) reference site on the undisturbed area between the ski-runs (Control); (2) disturbed site on the ski-run area (DSP — ‘DiSturbed Podzol’, DSL — ‘DiSturbed Leptosol’ and DSB — ‘DiSturbed Bare soil’); and (3) Revegetation study Plots established on the ski-runs (RP). The analysis of element concentrations and their relative proportions allow us to conclude that only DSP and DSL can be considered as potentially appropriate for unassisted ecosystem recovery on the ski-runs. Presence of native plant species on these patches supports our conclusion. As a recommendation for revegetation of ski-runs, we propose implementation of substrate composed of upper layer of initial soil. Such substrate can be collected during the construction work on ski slopes or on building sites in the area with similar soils. Uncomposted substrate or at least short period of composting is preferable.  相似文献   

道路与交通对城市生态环境的影响和防治措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究分析了道路交通在建设和运行阶段对自然和环境的影响。论述了生态型城市建设中道路交通废气、噪声和粉尘的污染与控制对策;道路交通对动植物、水系、土壤与植被、水土流失、景观环境的影响和保护措施。  相似文献   

森林植被固碳服务是生态系统服务评估的重要内容之一,在区域碳中和发挥着重要的碳汇作用。以生物量法和CASA模型法相结合,评估杭州市三江汇地区森林植被固碳能力;采用CEADs县级碳排放清单估算三江汇地区的能源碳排放量;综合碳汇和碳排评估该地区森林植被固碳对能源碳排放量的抵消率。从碳减排和增汇2个方面,对森林植被抵消能源碳排放的能力进行未来情景预测。研究结果表明:1)2017年三江汇地区森林植被固碳量为4.98×104t,能源碳排放量为2.07×106t,森林植被能源碳排放的抵消率为2.41%,三江汇森林植被能源碳抵消率呈现出“东低西高、北低南高”的空间格局;2)研究设置9个情景对2030年森林植被碳抵消率进行定量预测,预测结果显示研究区森林植被面积增加有利于提升森林植被对能源碳排放量的抵消能力,森林面积每增加5%,森林植被对能源碳排放量抵消率可提高0.12%~0.29%;减少人均能源碳排放对提高森林植被碳抵消能力的效果更为显著,人均能源碳排由2.77t/人降低为0.90和0.72t/人,森林植被碳抵消率可分别提高2.21%~2.43%和3.36%...  相似文献   

海南南山佛教文化区植被调查及景观构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张德顺 《中国园林》2012,28(7):75-79
20世纪90年代初期,为形成南山佛教文化区的概念规划,采用普遍踏查和样方调查相结合的方法,对海南南山岭一带的植被和土壤进行了详细调查。该地域次生植被主要分为滨海移动荒原植被群落型、山麓热带季雨林植物群落型、村落周围栽培植被群落型、山岳次生林植被群落型等类型。在保护现有植被的基础上,结合创造佛教文化景观的主题特点,对佛教文化园、南海风情园、民俗民居区和福寿文化园的植物景观构建进行了探讨。进而从地形改造、景石设计、建筑小品、水景布设及园路分级等造景手法进行了阐述。  相似文献   

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