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多投影显示墙的全局颜色校正   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
画面校正是实现无缝多投影显示墙系统的关键环节,针对此,提出了一种基于参数估计和统计思想的全局颜色校正方法.首先根据采样点的粗略分布建立亮度响应曲线的经验参数模型,并通过采样数据来确定该曲线的参数;然后依据亮度响应曲线,引入统计算法来调整投影仪输入,从而实现视觉上无缝的多投影拼接显示.最后在2×2和3×5多投影显示墙上进行了该算法的可行性和效果测试.结果表明,该算法比现有颜色校正算法的画面质量更好,亮度更高.  相似文献   

光学校正对多投影无缝显示非常重要.用照相机作为测量工具,提出三阶段法构建三个显示模型解决多投影显示中遇到色度不一致和亮度不均匀的问题.三个模型分别被命名为单投影机模型、标准投影机模型和显示墙模型.单投影机模型描述投影机光学成像过程,标准投影机模型对每个投影机做规一化操作,显示墙模型中重新定义多投影显示的光学模型以达到无缝显示.给出不同品牌投影机协同工作的实验结果,表明方法对于多投影显示光学校正的有效性.  相似文献   

由投影仪阵列组成的多投影显示墙是目前实现高性能、低成本大型绘制平台的首选解决方案。为了保证多投影显示墙画面的完整性,需要通过一定的方法来预补偿由于投影仪特性差异造成的画面几何扭曲与色彩不均衡。结合实际研究工作,从多投影显示墙存在的问题、几何变换矩阵求取、颜色模型估计和全局颜色校正等几个方面对多投影显示墙画面校正的研究情况进行综述, 讨论了存在的问题和进一步的发展方向。  相似文献   

多投影显示墙的几何校正   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着大屏幕拼接技术的日益发展,多投影显示墙的几何校正成为备受关注的研究课题.在分析多投影显示墙几何校正中关键技术的基础上,提出了一种健壮的校正图案,并通过处理数码相机拍摄的该图案信息,提出一种高精度的平面幕几何校正算法;然后根据双目视觉的立体显示原理,将上述平面幕校正方案推广到立体平面幕系统,给出一种新颖的立体平面幕几何校正方法.  相似文献   

基于多投影仪的无缝拼接显示是对图形、图像、视频等进行大范围、高分辨率显示的一种有效实现方式。多投影仪无缝拼接显示的一个关键是解决颜色失调问题,而现有的颜色失调原因的分析结果可归纳为投影仪输出颜色的变化特性和投影屏幕与投影环境的影响两个方面。近年来,为解决该问题已提出了多种颜色校正技术,而根据解决颜色失调问题的原理和实现方法的不同,这些技术可分为基于边缘融合的校正技术、基于单一投影光源的校正技术和基于颜色/亮度输出匹配的校正技术3类,并对这3类技术在无缝拼接显示效果、可维护性和可扩展性等方面的优缺点进行了较详细分析,该领域下一步的研究将会朝着兼顾不同投影机类型、不同形状和反射特性的投影屏幕和考虑运动中观察者的实时颜色校正方向发展。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的高速发展以及信息量的急速膨胀,具有多个输出画面的多通道计算机系统得到了广泛应用。多显示器/拼接单元系统无法生成大尺寸高分辨率的无缝画面,多投影显示系统可克服这类系统的不足。提出一种基于视频捕获的多投影显示系统,它将多通道的画面显示与画面生成相分离,从而避免显示系统对画面生成系统的影响。该系统针对VGA模拟视频信号输入,给出基于三维查找表的颜色校正技术;针对非参数化成像模型的投影仪,给出多投影系统颜色校正的三阶段模型及其求解方法;针对工程实际,设计了基于自由曲面变形的交互式网格编辑工具进行多投影系统的几何校正。实验结果表明本系统及其关键技术切实有效,适用于构建投影数量中等规模的显示系统。  相似文献   

目的 针对背投式多投影系统中存在的各向异性问题,提出一套行之有效的解决方案.方法 首先,为了解决以静态观众为主体的多投影系统各向异性问题,基于反馈机制提出了以特定位置为中心的“最佳观测域”,并在该区域内实现了真正的视觉无缝画面校正;然后,基于视觉人体跟踪技术进一步提出了以特定交互者为中心的“动态最佳观测域”框架,并结合模糊预测控制思想从人体重心检测、跟踪和投影仪亮度实时补偿等3个方面对该框架内的各个组成模块的关键技术进行了阐述.结果 实验结果显示,利用交互者运动的时空连续性优化后的动态最佳观测域算法,具有较好的鲁棒性和实时性.同时,与其他类似方法相比获得了更好的视觉无缝校正效果,其中观测距离为1 m、3 m和5 m时,对应的亮度样本标准差分别为17.11、13.17和9.2.结论 提出的各向异性解决方案,将实时反馈信号引入校正过程中,有效提高了输出画面质量.通过实验测试和性能评估,验证了文中方法的可行性.  相似文献   

设计了一种拼接显示墙颜色自动校正系统。介绍了拼接显示墙颜色调整的原理和方法;阐述了系统配置和颜色自动调整的实现流程。通过该自动颜色调整系统,可以调整不同显示屏之间的亮度差异和色彩差异,较好地解决了传统拼接显示墙屏体间的色彩差异问题。该自动校正系统也可以大幅提高拼接显示墙颜色校正的精度和效率。  相似文献   

近年来,以多点触控和互动投影为代表的基于投影显示的交互展示系统得到广泛应用。这类系统通常使用一台PC来驱动单台投影设备,系统扩展性不强,画面面积不够大,分辨率也不高,不能满足新的应用要求。提出一种基于多路视频捕获的分布式互动投影系统,使用多台PC和多投影无缝拼接技术,提升系统扩展性,增加画面面积和显示分辨率;采用基于自由网格的红外相机标定技术,获得更精确的交互分析结果;利用视频帧之间的连贯性,设计了区域更新机制减少网络带宽需求;设计并实现了分布式交互展示系统开发工具集,开发人员能够使用此工具集将单机版交互展示程序修改为分布式版本。系统已成功应用于2010年上海世博会西藏馆超大尺寸互动地面投影系统等实际项目。  相似文献   

一种实用的多投影仪显示墙色彩校正方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对多投影仪显示墙系统色彩不均匀性的问题,提出一种快速、实用的独立于几何校正结果的色彩校正方法。该方法利用细分网格变形技术将现有针对平面投影屏幕的色彩校正方法推广到适应任意光滑曲面投影屏幕,同时利用加权最小二乘曲线拟合思想降低色彩测量数据量。实际进行色彩校正时,采用可编程图形处理单元(GPU)的像素着色器对投影图像的每个像素进行实时校正计算,并在实际多投影仪显示墙系统中验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

In remote collaborative work via WAN, sharing and recognizing various high-quality visual contents such as photography, visualization image, and real video streaming is extremely important. Supporting a high-quality display of these contents on a large-scale display system is necessary to support intellectual remote collaborative work. However, these contents are currently magnified in low resolution on a general projector used as large-sized display equipment, and these equipments are difficult to display the contents with sufficient quality. In this paper, we have focused on the tiled display wall technology which configure a wide-area screen with two or more LCD and tried to display realistic high-resolution visual contents to solve these issues. We have constructed a tele-immersive environment with a tiled display wall, and have studied the availability for intuitive remote collaborative work by implementing various collaborative applications for the effective display of high-resolution contents as well as developing interaction techniques for enormous visual contents in this environment. As a result, we have showed that the practical use of a tiled display wall is useful in the construction of intellectual remote collaborative environment.  相似文献   

从硬件选择、几何校正、边缘融合、颜色校正和软件环境等5方面系统地研究了构建大规模立体显示墙系统的关键技术.采用并行绘制技术和基于计算机视觉的自动校正,由Linux集群驱动多台普通投影仪拼接成一个统一的高分辨率、大规模的被动立体显示系统.  相似文献   

Modeling Color Properties of Tiled Displays   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concept of tiled displays can be successful only if such displays are made to look like a single display perceptually. The two issues that need to be solved to achieve this goal are geometric correction and color seamlessness of images spanning across tiles. Geometric correction algorithms borrow pin‐hole camera models to model projector display geometry. In this paper, we introduce an abstract modeling function that describes the color seen by a viewer when displayed by a display device. Though this function can be used to model color displayed by any common display device, in this paper, we use it to model color in multiprojector display systems. We use the model to explain the reasons for different types of color variations in a multiprojector display, to compare different color correction algorithms, and to derive such algorithms directly from the model.  相似文献   

In recent years, high-resolution displays have become increasingly important to decision makers and scientists because large screens combined with a high pixel count facilitate content rich, simultaneous display of computer-generated imagery and high-definition video data from multiple sources. Tiled displays are attractive due to their extended screen real estate, scalability, and low cost. LCD panels are usually preferred over projectors because of their superior resolution. One of the drawbacks of LCD-based tiled displays is the fact that users sometimes get distracted by the screens' bezels, which cause discontinuities in rendered images, animations, or videos. Most conventional solutions either ignore the bezels and display all pixels, causing objects to become distorted, or eliminate the pixels that would normally fall under the bezels, causing pixels to be missing in the display of static images. In animations, the missing pixels will eventually reappear when the object moves, providing an experience that is similar to looking through a French window. In this paper, we present a new scalable approach that leads neither to discontinuities nor to significant loss of information. By projecting onto the bezels, we demonstrate that a combination of LCD-based tiled displays and projection significantly reduces the bezel problem. Our technique eliminates ambiguities that commonly occur on tiled displays in the fields of information visualization, visual data analysis, human-computer interaction, and scientific data display. It improves the usability of multimonitor systems by virtually eliminating the bezels. We describe a setup and provide results from an evaluation experiment conducted on a 3 times 3 and on a 10 times 5 tiled display wall.  相似文献   

Cluster-based tiled display walls can provide cost-effective and scalable displays with high resolution and a large display area. The software to drive them needs to scale too if arbitrarily large displays are to be built. Chromium is a popular software API used to construct such displays. Chromium transparently renders any OpenGL application to a tiled display by partitioning and sending individual OpenGL primitives to each client per frame. Visualization applications often deal with massive geometric data with millions of primitives. Transmitting them every frame results in huge network requirements that adversely affect the scalability of the system. In this paper, we present Garuda, a client-server-based display wall framework that uses off-the-shelf hardware and a standard network. Garuda is scalable to large tile configurations and massive environments. It can transparently render any application built using the Open Scene Graph (OSG) API to a tiled display without any modification by the user. The Garuda server uses an object-based scene structure represented using a scene graph. The server determines the objects visible to each display tile using a novel adaptive algorithm that culls the scene graph to a hierarchy of frustums. Required parts of the scene graph are transmitted to the clients, which cache them to exploit the interframe redundancy. A multicast-based protocol is used to transmit the geometry to exploit the spatial redundancy present in tiled display systems. A geometry push philosophy from the server helps keep the clients in sync with one another. Neither the server nor a client needs to render the entire scene, making the system suitable for interactive rendering of massive models. Transparent rendering is achieved by intercepting the cull, draw, and swap functions of OSG and replacing them with our own. We demonstrate the performance and scalability of the Garuda system for different configurations of display wall. We also show that the server and network loads grow sublinearly with the increase in the number of tiles, which makes our scheme suitable to construct very large displays.  相似文献   

In this paper, a haptic-based NVE (networked virtual environment) supporting high-resolution tiled display is proposed with a resource management scheme for future home applications such as a haptic-based networked game. Although NVEs with haptic interaction and immersive display have been developed in previous studies, they usually require expensive system configurations. In order to implement a cost-effective system, our proposed design includes a tiled display supporting high-resolution with several low-cost LCDs. The display nodes of the tiled display also have low processing and storage resource requirements because they only need to handle display-ready pixels received from the application node. The proposed resource management scheme, called as an object-based display scheme, reduces the resource requirements of the application node that would otherwise require significant resources to manage all the display nodes and to provide a user with haptic feedback. The proposed scheme segments graphic scenes into several pixelated virtual objects and assigns different frame rates to each object according to the interest of user. Experimental results confirm that the proposed scheme reduces the required network bandwidth and appropriately assigns the limited processing resources to graphic and haptic renderings for a high-level visual and haptic quality.  相似文献   

High-resolution display environments built on networked, multi-tile displays have emerged as an enabling tool for collaborative, distributed visualization work. They provide a means to present, compare, and correlate data in a broad range of formats and coming from a multitude of different sources. Visualization of these distributed data resources may be achieved from a variety of clustered processing and display resources for local rendering and may be streamed on demand and in real-time from remotely rendered content. The latter is particularly important when multiple users want to concurrently share content from their personal devices to further augment the shared workspace. This paper presents a high-quality video streaming technique allowing remotely generated content to be acquired and streamed to multi-tile display environments from a range of sources and over a heterogeneous wide area network.The presented technique uses video compression to reduce the entropy and therefore required bandwidth of the video stream. Compressed video delivery poses a series of challenges for display on tiled video walls which are addressed in this paper. These include delivery to the display wall from a variety of devices and localities with synchronized playback, seamless mobility as users move and resize the video streams across the tiled display wall, and low latency video encoding, decoding, and display necessary for interactive applications. The presented technique is able to deliver 1080p resolution, multimedia rich content with bandwidth requirements below 10 Mbps and low enough latency for constant interactivity. A case study is provided, comparing uncompressed and compressed streaming techniques, with performance evaluations for bandwidth use, total latency, maximum frame rate, and visual quality.  相似文献   

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