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分布式供能技术的发展现状与展望   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
在能源结构调整中,分布式供能技术引起了世界能源界的广泛关注,在国家大电站和电网能基本保证供电的情况下,分布式供能和中央电站供能的结合,对于保障国家供应和经济的发展将发挥重要作用。对分布式供能、分布式电力、分布式能源资源的概念进行了详细的说明,指出分布式供能技术就是以一些小型发电设备技术进步为依托,以靠近用户侧建立小型电站为主,并结合热电(冷)联产等应用拓展为前提的整体供能系统。对于该技术发展的经济和社会动力进行了分析说明,对分布式供能技术的特点、应用领域、涉及的主要技术内容和具体特性进行了介绍,最后对其发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

大力推进分布式供能系统提高能源利用效率   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了上海市推广应用燃气分布式供能系统历史、现状和发展,重点介绍了黄浦中心医院、浦东国际机场、金桥体育休闲中心的分布式供能系统,总结分析了项目实施的成功经验及教训,同时对加快上海市分布式供能系统的发展提出了有益的建议,有利于促进分布式供能系统的健康发展,提高能源利用效率。  相似文献   

先进微型燃气轮机的特点与应用前景   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
先进微型燃气轮机是一类新型热机,作为一种清洁高效、低成本高可靠的供能系统,得到了高度关注和迅速发展。文中结合国外微型燃气轮机的研发及应用情况,叙述了先进微型燃气轮机的技术进展及特点,对以微型燃气轮机为核心的小型分布式能源系统和微型燃气轮机-燃料电池混合系统进行了探讨,展望了微型燃气轮机在我国的应用前景。  相似文献   

能源是城市经济发展和社会稳定的生命线。城市化加速,突发事件频现,对能源的应急供给和保障提出了挑战。分布式能源因其靠近负荷中心、灵活高效、安全可靠等特点,可与集中电网有效互补,并在应急供能领域发挥其优势。对自然灾害、瘟疫、战争、恐怖袭击、重大活动等应急用能场景及分布式能源作为应急供能的可行性进行分析,以昆山福伊特项目为例介绍分布式能源在应急供能领域的效果。建议分布式能源行业从能源清洁化和多样化、分布式与移动能源互补、信息化和可视化等方面提升能源弹性,保障供能安全。  相似文献   

分析了世界及我国目前能源的利用状况:提出了新能源开发利用的迫切性:介绍了分布式发电技术以及几种常见的分布式电源;阐述了分布式发电的重要意义;指出目前我国分布式发电技术应用的主要障碍和瓶颈:展望了新能源分布式发电的应用前景。  相似文献   

根据"十一五"规划要求,上海市的节能减排任务十分艰巨,分布式供能技术为上海寻找新的节能减排突破口提供了契机。通过对分布式供能系统主要特点的介绍,参考国内外的发展情况,结合本市具体实际,指出推广分布式供能系统对上海的电力安全、能源结构、节能环保等方面有着积极的意义,并提出了相关建议和发展方向。  相似文献   

以活性物质溴化锌为电解液主要成分的锌溴液流电池,其电极及隔膜材料均由塑料构成,具有低成本,长寿命,绿色环保等特点,适合进行大规模的电能存储,在可再生能源接入,分布式发电及智能电网等领域有着巨大的发展潜力.本文介绍了锌溴液流电池的技术原理与组成,分析了其技术特点,概述了目前的研究开发状况,对未来的前景进行了展望,指出进行关键材料的自主研发及批量化生产,优化电堆及系统的结构,控制产品生产工艺质量等是未来研究工作的重点.  相似文献   

吸收式热泵是余热利用的有效手段,可以对提高系统或过程的节能率发挥重要作用。介绍吸收式热泵的原理,分析了两类热泵的流程特点,并概述了该技术在热力学研究、新工质开发、循环的改进等方面的国内外进展,还介绍了吸收式热泵技术在冷热电联供、工艺过程中的应用情况,最后提出了该技术在民用和工业领域发展应用的前景及展望。将为城市能源系统供能方式改进和工业企业节能提供新思路。  相似文献   

介绍了分布式冷热电联产技术的特点,重点介绍了分布式冷热电联供系统中发电机组与余热利用装置的匹配,并通过某酒店建设工程实例对冷热电联产系统的应用进行了技术经济分析,认为分布式能源系统应用于酒店建筑节能经济环境效益明显。  相似文献   

燃料电池在家庭中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍燃料电池的特点、家用燃料电池系统的应用现状、燃料电池制冷系统和家用能源系统,并介绍国外家用燃料电池的发展状况和燃料电池家庭应用方面的前景展望.  相似文献   

俞利锋  王伟 《中外能源》2014,(1):99-103
进入21世纪以来,浙江省的大气环境质量逐年下降。同时,作为东部沿海经济发达省份,浙江省的能源需求不断增长,2012年底全省电力总装机容量达到6170×104kW,其中火电比例比世界平均水平高出很多,而天然气发电、核电及可再生能源等清洁能源所占比例明显偏少。同时浙江省的煤炭自给率不到0.1%,一旦煤炭供应紧张,将会对电力供应产生很大影响,优化能源结构成为当务之急。分布式能源是解决能源与环境问题的一个重要举措,但当前浙江省还没有真正意义上的天然气分布式能源系统投入商业运行。从严峻的环保形势和能源安全供应的角度考虑,浙江省有发展天然气分布式能源的必要性;而从气源供应、市场需求、政策导向以及管理经验和人才优势来看,浙江省已具备发展天然气分布式能源的可行性。建议要转变观念,做好规划布局,简化审批程序,健全行业立法,充分考虑天然气分布式能源的环境效益,给予装机补贴、天然气差别供应价格及税收减免等优惠政策,通过示范工程的带动效应,有序推进浙江省的天然气分布式能源建设。同时,要做好天然气资源的拓展和储备工作。  相似文献   

The concept of intelligent electricity grids, which primarily involves the integration of new information and communication technologies with power transmission lines and distribution cables, is being actively explored in the European Union and the United States. Both developments share common technological developmental goals but also differ distinctly towards the role of distributed generation for their future electrical energy security. This paper looks at options that could find relevance to New Zealand (NZ), in the context of its aspiration of achieving 90% renewable energy electricity generation portfolio by 2025. It also identifies developments in technical standardization and industry investments that facilitate a pathway towards an intelligent or smart grid development for NZ. Some areas where policy can support research in NZ being a “fast adapter” to future grid development are also listed.This paper will help policy makers quickly review developments surrounding SmartGrid and also identify its potential to support NZ Energy Strategy in the electricity infrastructure. This paper will also help researchers and power system stakeholders for identifying international standardization, projects and potential partners in the area of future grid technologies.  相似文献   

基于清洁能源发电系统的微网技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
清洁能源发电系统联网对于缓解传统电网供电压力,改变能源结构具有重要作用。通过分析以清洁能源发电为主的分布式电源大量联网的局限性,引入了微网技术,介绍了微网的相关概念及其基本结构、三种微网的基本控制模式:恒功率控制、考虑分布式电源功率限制的功率控制和联合最优功率控制.最后提出了微网研究中需要重点解决的问题。  相似文献   

屋顶分布式光伏作为可"自发自用"、"余电上网"的电源已得到广泛应用,随着国家政策的大力扶持,光伏发电技术和储能技术相辅相成逐渐成为主要产业.首先,从屋顶分布式光伏的扶持政策以及试点应用出发,然后根据当前屋顶分布式光伏发展亟待解决的问题分析,提出储能在适用于整县制屋顶光伏发展的核心技术:屋顶光伏和储能的场景生成和评价、屋...  相似文献   


The world's sustainable energy generation depends on safe and un-interrupted operations of its nuclear power plants. Nuclear power constitutes a major source of energy for many countries and its electricity generation share is around 16%. As such, global security and sustainability are hostages to nuclear safety. Without nuclear safety, in this era of proliferating nuclear weapons, global security will be a dream; and in a world with 58 still operating Soviet-designed nuclear power reactors, sustainability will only be a mirage. According to a Russian official, all the commercial nuclear reactors operating on Russian territory are nothing better than “bombs temporarily generating electricity.” The share of energy generation of these reactors in their respective countries is rather significant; and in the short run, their closure and replacement are neither realistic nor economically feasible. Human and organizational factors play a vital role in the safety of complex, large-scale technological systems. Fortunately, these days, this fact has been almost universally recognized, although not necessarily fully incorporated into the operation, by the nuclear industry around the world. In order to improve the safety problems of nuclear power, we need to improve the safety culture of this industry and proactively address human and organizational-related factors. To keep the nuclear genie bottled around the world, we need genuine international cooperation and coordination among equipment manufacturers, operating companies, operators' unions, regulatory agencies, international organizations, scientific and research communities, and affected governments.  相似文献   

High penetration of wind generation in electrical microgrids causes fluctuations of tie-line power flow and significantly affects the power system operation. This can lead to severe problems, such as system frequency oscillations, and/or violations of power lines capability. With proper control, a distribution static synchronous compensator (DSTATCOM) integrated with superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) is able to significantly enhance the dynamic security of the power system. This paper proposes the use of a SMES system in combination with a DSTATCOM as effective distributed energy storage (DES) for stabilization and control of the tie-line power flow of microgrids incorporating wind generation. A new detailed model of the integrated DSTATCOM-SMES device is derived and a novel three-level control scheme is designed. The dynamic performance of the proposed control schemes is fully validated using MATLAB/Simulink.  相似文献   

This article attempts to highlight the technical and economical issues related to decentralized power generation in India using biomass gasification. Biomass-based energy has several distinct advantages such as wide availability and uniform distribution that puts it ahead among the renewable energy options for India. The estimated potential of power generation through renewable sources in India is 85 GW with biomass power contributing approximately 20 GW. Especially, in the remote areas and hilly terrains of India, biomass gasification-based power generation offers a highly viable solution for meeting energy demands of small villages and hamlets, which would not only make them independent but will also reduce burden on state electricity boards. This paper reviews various technical options for biomass gasification-based low-, medium- and large-scale power generation. We essentially discuss the merits and demerits (operational and other problems) of different systems. Further, we also deal with economics of these systems and discuss principal factors influencing the viability of the biomass-based power generation. Finally, we review some case studies of biomass-based power generation for meeting energy needs, both thermal and electrical.  相似文献   

Because of the pressing need for maintaining a healthy environment with reasonable costs, China is moving toward the trend for generating electricity from renewable resources. Both solar energy and wind power have received a tremendous attention from private associations, political groups, and electric power companies to generate power on a large scale. A drawback is their unpredictable nature and dependence on weather. Fortunately, the problems can be partially tackled by using the strengths of one source to overcome the weakness of the other. Especially, a large fraction of the solar resource is available at times of peak electrical load. However, the complexity of using two different resources together makes the hybrid solar-wind generation systems more difficult to analyze. Accordingly, this paper first briefly introduces the solar-wind generation system and next develops its critical success criteria. Then, a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process associated with benefits, opportunities, costs and risks, is proposed to help select a suitable solar-wind power generation project.  相似文献   

中国燃煤发电节能技术的发展及前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周一工 《中外能源》2011,16(7):91-95
我国一次能源结构决定了发电以煤电为主的基本格局,当前国内火力发电行业需要解决的两大突出问题是高能耗和严重的环境污染。2009年全国发电机组平均供电煤耗341g/(kW.h),高于330g/(kW.h)的国际平均水平。大力发展新型高效节能性火力发电技术,对进一步提高我国火力发电机组的发电效率,减少燃煤大气污染物排放具有十分重要的意义。发达国家正积极发展更高参数的超超临界火力发电技术(600℃/700℃),我国也把"超(超)临界燃煤发电技术"列入"863计划"。可以预见,在我国近中期电力事业的发展中,会把发展更高参数的超临界技术作为火电建设的主要方向。IGCC发电技术是未来煤炭能源系统的基础,被公认为是世界上最清洁的燃煤发电技术。随着煤气化技术和燃气轮机技术的不断发展和进步,IGCC将朝着大容量、高效率、低排放的方向发展。大型直接空冷发电技术是解决我国西北部富煤贫水地区火力发电的有效手段,以2×600MW机组为例,空冷机组比湿冷机组节水约80%左右。通过对火力发电机组各系统的集成与优化,可在现有超超临界机组技术不变的情况下,最大限度地利用余热回收,提高整个机组的发电效率,从而降低煤耗,实现机组在运行过程中的节能。  相似文献   

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