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目前,在建设过程中参与者之间由于存在各自的相关利益,无法做到基于项目共同价值的管理及决策,现有项目管理模式中还存在工作效率低、超预算、超工期、安全事故时有发生等弊病,这些弊病的产生和现有的项目管理模式有密切关系。以综合项目交付理论为基础,提出以建筑信息模型为核心的建设项目综合项目交付管理模式,并构建建设项目IPD协同管理框架,为进一步研究建设项目IPD协同管理提供了新的方法。  相似文献   

Project management is a critical organizational capability in the engineering construction sector: the development of that capability through continuing professional development (CPD) is, therefore, of substantive interest to practitioners and researchers alike. The aim of this investigation was to explore current practice in CPD in engineering construction. This was achieved by undertaking a cross-case analysis of the experiences of project management CPD in 17 organizations. The analysis revealed a highly unsystematic approach to CPD and a very limited adaptation of CPD to the engineering construction context. The impact of introducing more structured and contextualized approaches to CPD on the effectiveness of project managers needs to be investigated further.  相似文献   

IPD 模式是一种新型的项目交付模式,其核心支撑技术是 BIM 技术和精益建造技术。通过文献阅读,归纳出 BIM在 IPD 模式中的应用体系:BIM 为 IPD 模式提供数据的储存和交换服务、BIM 帮助 IPD 进行法律事务处理、BIM 帮助 IPD完成设计施工任务和 BIM 有助于 IPD 组织文化的形成。研究 IPD 模式中主要使用的两种精益建造工具——末位计划者系统(LPS)和目标价值设计(TVD),提出两种工具的具体流程和步骤。针对 BIM 技术和精益建造技术,通过实际案例进行阐述,为国内应用 IPD 模式奠定理论基础,具有实践指导意义  相似文献   

IPD 模式是一种以信任、协作与集成为思想基础的先进的项目交付模式,其为建设工程项目进行过程中由于各参与方间存在敌对关系而导致的项目风险控制效率较低的问题提供了新的解决思路。提出IPD 模式下的组织体系、操作系统及合同环境是实现有效风险控制的基础、保障与重要条件,厘清了IPD 模式下工程项目风险控制的原理。在理论分析的基础上,利用社会网络分析方法对IPD 模式风险控制系统中的组织体系进行深入研究,结果证明IPD 模式下的组织体系在项目风险控制方面具有显著优势。因此,工程项目参与方应增加彼此间的沟通与交流以进一步提高项目参与者间的信任程度,为工程项目实现高效风险控制提供牢固的组织关系基础。  相似文献   

Research on integrated project delivery (IPD) has considered collaboration satisfaction as an important factor for improving project outcomes. Yet, the potential mechanism influencing it remains unexplored in construction project management, especially in the aspects of human skills. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether leadership styles mediate the link between the emotional intelligence (EI) of authorized leader and four collaboration satisfaction outcomes perceived by other participants in an integrated team: performance contribution satisfaction (PCS), efficiency satisfaction (ES), relationship satisfaction (RS), and interests satisfaction (IS). Data was collected from 365 samples including project leaders and scholars who possess experience of IPD in China. The results show that transformational and active-transactional leadership fully mediate the relationships of EI with PCS, ES, and IS, and were partial mediators between EI and RS. In addition, the partial mediation role of passive-transactional leadership in the relationships of EI with RS and IS were identified, but its mediating effects between PCS and ES were not found. Similarly, owing to the non-significant effects of laissez-faire leadership on dimensions of collaboration satisfaction, this leadership style does not play mediating role in the relationships of EI with four dimensions of collaboration satisfaction. This paper makes contribution to the mediating mechanism research of revised full range leadership model by proposing collaboration satisfaction criteria and EI model in IPD project.  相似文献   

Although many sources describe the project delivery methods available to owners, there is little empirical data on their defining characteristics. The objective of this research was to examine patterns in contract arrangements, procurement practices and compensation terms used in the US building construction industry. Survey data were collected for projects completed between 2008 and 2013 (N = 204) from owners and contractors belonging to large US professional organizations. A latent class analysis was used to identify five distinct patterns or ‘classes’ based upon eight characteristics of the project delivery process. These classes were defined as: (I) late builder and trade involvement, with an open, cost-based selection and lump sum contract (9% of projects in sample); (II) late builder and trade involvement, with a prequalified, cost-based selection and lump sum contract (19%); (III) early builder and late trade involvement, with a prequalified non-cost based selection and guaranteed maximum price (GMP) contract (26%); (IV) early builder and trade involvement, with a prequalified, cost-based selection and lump sum design-build (DB) contract (27%); (V) early builder and trade involvement, with a prequalified, non-cost based selection and GMP DB contract (18%). Compared to existing classifications of project delivery methods, these classes are data-driven typologies that represent how participants are procured and organized into a project team. The findings have implications as an alternative classification system in project delivery research and as guidance to owners considering their project delivery options.  相似文献   

集成项目交付,即IPD 模式的出现为建筑业长期存在的因各参与方信息流通性差、专业之间缺乏合作、利益方目标与项目目标不一致等原因导致的项目实施效率低下、工期延误、成本失控问题提供了新的解决思路。分析了IPD 模式的基本特征、将其与传统的项目交付模式比对,IPD 模式更加关注通过参与方协同工作,利益方目标与项目目标绑定提升项目效率。从项目组织结构、合同协议、实施过程、技术支撑4 个方面构建了IPD 模式的管理框架,以期实现良好的项目合作氛围,优化项目管理过程,并指出IPD 模式在我国的发展与应用的障碍。工程参与者应尽快转变传统的固化思维,主管部门主动引导项目参与方广泛合作交流,积极从政策和法律层面上营造该模式在我国实施的大环境。  相似文献   

工程交易模式,不仅定义了工程项目参与各方的角色和责任,同时也为项目的设计、采购、建设提供了框架。选择适当的工程交易模式是业主进行工程项目决策的关键问题。网络分析法(ANP)是层次分析法(AHP)的延伸,不仅考虑了综合因素,同时考虑了各因素之间的相互影响关系。在已有的研究基础上统计出影响工程交易模式选择的主要因素,建立了多层次的ANP 模型,并将三角模糊数引入到模型的求解过程,增加了评估的准确性,为业主进行工程交易模式的选择提供了一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

工程项目建设环境的日益复杂和项目本身复杂程度的增加,要求充分发挥各利益相关方之间的协同作用以提升项目的绩效。这就要求在选择工程项目交付模式时,考虑各方的观点以确定合适的交付模式。通过考虑工程项目中各利益相关方的不同偏好及立场,在确定了要研究的交付模式,运用社会网络分析法对项目交付过程中各利益相关方组成的网络关系进行了分析并确定了各利益相关方权重。通过文献归纳,确立了各利益相关方对项目交付模式进行选择时所考虑因素集合。并运用多参与方多因素分析的方法选择协同环境下的项目交付模式。各参与方对交付模式的选择结果表明不同参与方对各交付模式的偏好程度不同,虽然 IPD 是大多数参与方的最优选择,但综合各种因素,对于一些参与方而言,IPD 并非其最优选择。  相似文献   

This article addresses the full integration of both drawn and written information into an automated process. The methods and processes showcased rely heavily on two types of platforms: (1) BIM applications, used for the development of design drawings; construction technical information standardization and generation protocols, to support the development of written documentation.This article expands the subject by exploring the key topics behind each type of platform and by theorizing on the ideal framework to approach a real application scenario. Additionally, it reports on a case study in which an integrated workflow is tested using examples of said platforms and thus exposing the strengths and limitations of the currently available tools. The results are then used to make a requirements analysis and a framework for this type of scenario.The authors conclude that while the platforms may not be formally compatible, they are still functionally compatible through the use of third party formats and a carefully developed framework. For the integrated project delivery (IPD) process to be able to evolve, some changes and additions are required, both structurally and in the functionalities of the applications that support it.  相似文献   

To improve efficiency and reduce waste in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) projects, Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) has been proposed and used in some projects, revealing great advantages. However, IPD depends heavily on “big room” collaboration, which requires the constant presence of nearly all participants and is particularly difficult for small or medium projects. To overcome this problem, this research aims to develop a dedicated collaboration platform for IPD to achieve more efficient collaboration and replace the highly resource-consuming “big room”. Based on requirement analysis and design of the system architecture, a prototype system is developed and tested in a virtual IPD project. When combined with a few meetings, this collaboration platform can replace the “big room”. This will significantly reduce the difficulty associated with implementing IPD projects and thus promote the adoption of IPD.  相似文献   

IPD(Integrated Project Delivery, 综合项目交付)作为一种全新的工程项目交付模式, 已经在美国、澳大利亚和英国等发达国家得到应用, 并趋于成熟。但是, IPD在我国还没有实际应用案例, 其本身仍然存在着定义模糊、法律合同体系不完善等问题。BIM(Building Information Modeling, 建筑信息模型)技术的出现为推进IPD的发展和完善提供了条件。本文在广泛文献调研的基础上, 首先回顾了IPD的发展历程, 介绍了IPD的定义、特征及其应用的关键—专属工程合同体系并总结了IPD在工程实践中面临的主要问题, 之后归纳了采用BIM技术解决IPD现有问题、提升IPD实施效果的可行途径。本文对在我国利用IPD具有参考作用。  相似文献   

合同条件是保证(IPD)模式成功实施的重要手段。通过阐述关系型合同区别于交易型合同的特点及优势,基于AIA、ConsensusDOCS 和定制型(以 IFOA 为例)三类典型合同文本,对过渡型、多方型和 SPE 型 3 种 IPD 合同的管理和决策制定、成本控制、成本补偿与激励、风险分配与控制和争议处理等关键要素进行分析,归纳出不同 IPD 合同类型所蕴含的管理理念,以利于 IPD 参与方对合同的理解和选择,为 IPD 模式在中国的应用与发展提供借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

综合项目交付(IPD)由于其相对传统交付模式的优势正得到愈加广泛的应用。建筑信息模型(BIM)的工程数据存取、分享功能与 IPD 模式高度匹配,能有效提升项目表现。但不成熟的利益分配机制却阻碍了 BIM-IPD 的推行。因此,本文在分析当前 IPD 工作模式的基础上,充分考虑项目表现指标及 BIM 应用水平,利用数据包络算法(DEA),计算参与方投入产出效率,作为收益分配主要依据,提出了 BIM-IPD 项目的利益协同系统框架,为未来 IPD 项目的合同拟定提供了参考  相似文献   

IPD 模式按照集成程度从低到高分为过渡型、多方合同型和单一实体型(SPE 型),相对而言多方合同型 IPD 模式应用较广。美国建筑师协会(AIA)颁布的 C191 合同属于多方合同型 IPD 模式标准合同文本,是 IPD 模式规范化应用的基础,可以作为 IPD 模式在中国应用的重要参考。通过系统梳理多方合同型 IPD 模式的合同结构,对合同文本进行深入挖掘,整理归纳业主、设计单位、承包商在项目各阶段的工作内容,对激励报酬、风险分配和争议处理等具体合同条款进行分析,为中国情景下采用多方合同型 IPD 模式提供借鉴。  相似文献   

集成项目交付(IPD)模式主要有 3 种类型:过渡型 IPD 模式、多方合同型 IPD 模式和单一实体型(SPE)IPD 模式。目前适用于 SPE 型 IPD 模式的合同范本是美国建筑师协会颁布的 AIA C195 系列合同。通过文献阅读和翻译,归纳出SPE 型 IPD 模式主要参与方的合同结构;对 C195 系列合同下的两层次组织结构——治理委员会和项目管理团队进行分析,并介绍了 C195 系列合同决策方式的 3 个特点。将项目全周期划分为 8 个阶段,对各个阶段的集成项目交付服务范围进行阐述。旨在完善国内 IPD 模式合同文本的理论研究,为行业实践提供理论支持。  相似文献   

For an organization to create optimal value from its investment in projects there must be a clear link between the outputs created by the projects and the requirements of the organization's business strategy. This means that organizations that have a structure in place for aligning the project deliverables with their organizational goals will be better placed to realize their investment in projects, and achieve the value defined by their business strategies. This paper examines existing research, ideas and concepts of project governance and enterprise project management, and offers a framework to build on current theory development and practice. Synthesizing existing literature of project/program management, governance and portfolio management, this paper proposes four key elements to improve the performance of projects and hence create value for organizations. These four elements are (1) portfolio management: focused on selecting the right projects and programs to support the organization's strategy, and terminating ones that no longer contribute to the business success of the organization; (2) project sponsorship: providing the direct link between the executive and the project or program manager, focused on the whole project lifecycle; (3) Project Management Office (PMO): providing oversight and strategic reporting capabilities; (4) projects and program support: the effective support and management of projects and programs are the measures of an effective governance system. The purpose of the framework described in this paper is to provide guidance to organizations in the development of effective project governance to optimize the management of projects.  相似文献   

为进一步推动 PPP 项目在我国基础设施建设领域的发展,提出将先进的 IPD 模式应用于我国的 PPP 项目管理。从IPD 模式应用于 PPP 项目的契机出发,探索了 IPD 模式能够应用于 PPP 项目的法律依据,并提出了两种可操作的应用模式。在此基础上,从 PPP 项目收益、民营企业对 PPP 项目的参与及 IPD 模式的推广 3 个角度分析了 IPD 模式应用于 PPP 项目所能带来的机遇;同时,从法律制度、技术平台和理论指导 3 个方面指出了该应用所面临的挑战。对推动 IPD 模式应用于我国的 PPP 项目有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

与传统的项目交付模式相比,综合项目交付模式(IPD)能极大地缩短工期、减少成本。IPD模式是目前工程项目管理的发展趋势,其精髓是要求各参与方协同合作。因此,参与者间的合作关系对IPD模式成功实践具有重要作用。通过分析各参与者之间的收益和成本,构建出IPD团队进行合作关系的得失矩阵,应用演化博弈理论构建出复制动态方程,并进行了局部稳定性分析,得到整个过程的演化稳定策略(ESS)以及影响演化方向的关键因素,包括各参与者对收益的依赖程度、目标的一致性、信任等。  相似文献   

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