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本文从亚里士多德反对"一致性"、允许充分讨论政事、以及限制儿童接触不良作品等的思想中来探讨他对言论自由的看法和观点,意在抛砖引玉,以就教于各界专家.  相似文献   

网络言论自由在监督公共权力、约束私人行为、汇集社情民意等方面具有重要的时代价值.与此同时,网络言论自由也存在损害公民的隐私权、名誉权、生活安定权等实然弊端.推行信息公开、健全财产公示制度、依法规制网络言论自由权、加强网络文明建设,是网络言论自由规范化的有效路径.  相似文献   

<红高粱>是莫言作品中很有代表性的一部,它将"我爷爷"和"我奶奶"的故事娓娓道来,为读者讲述了当年"我爷爷"余占鏊和"我奶奶"戴凤莲的爱情故事以及"我爷爷"他们在高密东北乡一代抗击日寇的传奇.作品以粗犷凌厉、无拘无束、洒脱豪放的叙事方式和富有张力的语言呈现在读者面前,为读者提供了不同寻常的阅读感受.就这部作品来说,可挖掘的东西非常多,而笔者决定将视角集中在穿插于作品中的反讽上,并对其进行详细剖析,从语言反讽、人物反讽和主题反讽三个维度来探究<红高粱>的文字张力,并进一步探究这样的反讽运用为作品带来的实际效果.  相似文献   

严复是近代历史上第一个系统介绍西方自由主史思想的启蒙思想家.他提出了著名的"自由为体,民主为用"的思想.其自由思想主要涵盖个人自由,思想言论自由和政治自由三个方面.  相似文献   

武维屏教授是北京中医药大学东直门医院呼吸科主任医师、教授,第四批全国老中医药专家学术经验继承工作指导老师.武教授业医40余年,在肺系疾病治疗方面造诣颇深,尤其在支气管哮喘的中医药防治方面见解独到.她认为哮喘以痰浊、瘀血、风邪、气滞气逆为标实一面,以体质虚弱,或气虚、或阴虚、或气阴两虚、或阴阳两虚为本虚一方,标本相合而发哮喘.关于哮喘的治疗,武教授在朱丹溪所提出的"未发以扶正气为主,既发以攻邪气为急"的基础上进一步深化,提出"未发扶正补脾肾,既发祛邪理肺肝"的观点.本文就武教授该学术观点予以总结,与同道分享.  相似文献   

正10月31日,国家重点研发计划"材料基因工程关键技术与支撑平台"重点专项"航空用先进钛基合金集成计算设计与制备"项目启动会在中国科学院金属研究所(以下简称"金属所")召开。工信部产业发展促进中心衣丰涛处长,项目责任专家、上海交通大学曾小勤教授,中国航发北京航空材料研究院张国庆研究员、清华大学段文晖教授、中南大学杜勇教授、上海交通大学汪洪教授等专家组成员,东北大学宗亚平教授、中科院网络信息中心杨小渝研究员  相似文献   

《粉末冶金钛基结构材料》由中南大学刘咏教授、西北有色金属研究院汤慧萍教授著成的《粉末冶金钛基结构材料》一书已由中南大学出版社出版。该书为国家出版基金项目"有色金属理论与技术前沿丛书"之一,主要针对粉末冶金方法制备的钛合金和钛铝金属间化合物,结合作者所在团队多年来在国家重点基础研究发展规划  相似文献   

《粉末冶金钛基结构材料》由中南大学刘咏教授、西北有色金属研究院汤慧萍教授著成的《粉末冶金钛基结构材料》已由中南大学出版社出版。该书为国家出版基金项目"有色金属理论与技术前沿丛书"之一,主要针对粉末冶金方法制备的钛合金和钛铝金属间化合物,结合作者所在团队多年来在国家重点基础研究发展规划(973  相似文献   

正2016年10月31日,国家重点研发计划"材料基因工程关键技术与支撑平台"重点专项"航空用先进钛基合金集成计算设计与制备"项目启动会在金属所召开。工信部产业发展促进中心衣丰涛处长,项目责任专家、上海交通大学曾小勤教授,中国航发北京航空材料研究院张国庆研究员、清华大学段文晖教授、中南大学杜勇教授、上海交通大学汪洪教授等专家组成员,东北大学宗亚平教授、中科院网络信息中心杨小渝研究  相似文献   

星野昭吉的全球政治理论是在批判和超越传统国际政治理论基础上形成的.传统国际政治理论的主体结构是建筑在民族国家的现实基础上的,是以国家利益至上、国家间关系无序的无政府假说为前提的.星野昭吉则提出,只有超越个别的国家、地区和集团利益,超越一切民族、宗教、社会团体的利益,以全球公益即全人类的共同利益为最高价值,通过全球治理,才能彻底解决所有全球性问题,实现全球社会(人类社会)最终的持久和平.由此,他摆脱了"一国中心"、"大国中心"、"均势"等权力与利益的思考定式,确立了以实现全球和平为目标、以全球公益价值取向为中心、以全球政治体系结构分析为基础、以变革现状势力与维持现状势力之间力量变化为动力、以倡导多层面协调合作全球治理为解决方案的全新理论范式.  相似文献   

自由间接引语是隐蔽的叙事声音的重要标识,是一个较难把握的概念.要进一步对日本古典文学作品进行读解,更好地理解作者的创作意图,就必须直视该方面的研究.从叙事学的视角来剖析文本自由间接引语是隐蔽叙事者叙事声音的重要标识,隐蔽叙事者叙事声音的出现弥补了第三人称限知视角叙事的缺陷.隐蔽叙事者叙事声音与小说人物声音的交织使得文本叙事更为巧妙,更有韵味、更为耐读.早在千余年前日本古典小说<源氏物语>已是充分使用了这一技巧,表现出作者紫氏部高超的叙事技艺.  相似文献   

Data from Haan, Smith, and Block's (1968) study of the relation of moral reasoning to sitting-in during the Free Speech Movement protest at the University of California in 1964 was reanalyzed using the current moral judgment scoring system. The original authors had found a bimodal pattern. In their study, more than half of the subjects who reasoned at both the lowest and highest levels of moral development sat in compared with 11% of the subjects reasoning at the middle level. Results of the current reanalysis show a monotonic pattern. At each higher stage of moral reasoning represented in the sample, a greater proportion of subjects sat in (i.e., Stage 3, 10%, Stage 3/4, 31%, Stage 4, 44%, Stage 4/5, 73%). Although moral stage was the most theoretically important correlate of sitting in, it was not the largest. Political identification, deontic choice, and moral type were even more strongly related to sitting in than was moral stage. An effect of sex on moral stage was found but there was no sex effect on sitting in or on the Stage?×?Sitting-In interaction. The data are discussed in terms of a more general model of moral reasoning and moral action. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

佳能公司董事长兼首席执行官御手洗富士夫先生担任日本机械联合会会长时间有四年.直到去年才卸任。担任日本机械联合会会长期间,他多次来中国访问。并得到了温家宝总理的接见.探讨如何巩固和加强两国的双边关系。今年5月12号。也就是上个星期。御手洗先生被中日协会授予中日友谊使者的称号.  相似文献   

Comment by John L. Boland, Jr. on the statement called Principle 5.43 in "Psychology and Its Relations with Other Professions." Boland argues that Principle 5.43 suggests that speech pathologists (speech therapists, speech correctionists) "do not assume the responsibilities for professional decisions" and therefore do not have professional status. Speech pathology is, I infer, a sort of limbo for psychologists with limited training. If this is not true, I see no reason why this publication should take upon itself the job of defining the job of the speech pathologist. The kindest thing Boland can say about Principle 5.43 is that it is almost unbelievably snobbish. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease is not only a disorder affecting locomotion, but often also causes speech problems. Functional impairment of articulation, phonation, prosody and also respiration may occur. Speech disorder is frequent in Parkinson's disease and often has an impact on the quality of life. Speech therapy is by no means offered as a matter of course to these patients. This article outlines the different approaches of speech therapy regarding respiration, loudness, articulation, prosody, and intonation. Speech therapy seems to be useful in patients with Parkinson's disease only if there is no cognitive impairment; success also depends on motivation and eventual frequent repetition of therapy series.  相似文献   

To test age-linked predictions of node structure theory (NST) and other theories, young and older adults performed a task that elicited large numbers of phonological and morphological speech errors. Stimuli were visually presented words containing either /p/ or /b/, and participants changed the /p/ to /b/ or vice versa and produced the resulting word as quickly as possible. For example, the correct response was "bunk" for the stimulus PUNK, and "ripped" for RIBBED. Consistent with NST predictions, the elicited speech errors exhibited selective effects of aging. Some error types decreased with aging. For example, young adults produced more nonsequential substitution errors (as a percentage of total errors) than older adults (e.g., intended bills misproduced as "gills"). However, other error types remained constant or increased with aging. For example, older adults produced more omission errors than young adults, especially omissions involving inflectional endings (e.g.. intended ripped misproduced as "np"). In addition, older adults exhibited special difficulties with 2 types of phonological and morphological sequencing processes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

 The machinability of 4Cr13 steel was improved obviously by adding Cu and S. The effect of copper addition on the machinability of 4Cr13 was similar to that of sulphur addition. By means of SEM, EBSD, and HREM, the distribution and size of the free cutting phase in the steel 4Cr13Cu were studied. The results showed that the free cutting phase was copper rich phase. The copper rich phases dispersed in the steel and were determined to have about 10 nm in diameter. The content of copper in the copper rich phase was over 70%.  相似文献   

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