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碳交易是为促进全球温室气体减排,减少全球CO2排放所采用的市场机制。联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会把市场机制作为解决CO2为代表的温室气体减排问题的新路径,即把CO2排放权作为1种商品,形成CO2排放权的交易,简称碳交易。  相似文献   

辽宁省是东北老工业基地,历史的原因形成了设备陈旧、技术落后、能源消耗大,CO2排放量多,其减排任务十分艰巨.据辽宁各市排放清单数据,2004年全省温室气体排放总量为3.47亿t CO2当量,其中电力、水泥和钢铁行业CO2的排放量为2.18亿t CO2当量,占全省总排放量的62.77%,成为减排的重点.提出了在电力行业发展风电和核电等新能源、开发热电联产和引进清洁煤发电技术;在水泥行业推广使用替代燃料、替代原料和余热利用技术;在钢铁行业坚决淘汰高能耗、高物耗、高污染的落后工艺,实现国家颁布的清洁生产技术等减排措施.通过与发达国家的CDM项目合作,获得出售CER所带来的经济效益.  相似文献   

碳中和是指国家、企业、产品、活动或个人在一定时间内直接或间接产生的CO2或温室气体排放总量,通过植树造林、节能减排等形式,以抵消自身产生的CO2或温室气体排放量,实现正负抵消,达到相对“零排放”。碳达峰,就是指在某一个时点,CO2的排放不再增长达到峰值,之后逐步回落。  相似文献   

轿车柴油机燃用生物柴油时温室气体排放特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
对轿车柴油机燃用大豆酸化油制生物柴油进行了试验研究,探讨了在外特性、标定转速负荷特性及最大扭矩转速负荷特性下尾气中CO2、CH4、N2O及当量CO2温室气体排放的变化规律.结果表明:轿车柴油机的CH4和N2O排放量均很小,CO2是其主要温室气体排放;随着生物柴油混合比例的增加,发动机的CO2和CH4排放降低,N2O升高,生命周期当量CO2排放降低.大豆酸化油制生物柴油能在一定程度上降低轿车柴油机的温室气体排放.  相似文献   

中国能源温室气体排放与可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球气候变化对经济社会的可持续发展带来严重挑战。影响温室气体排放的因素主要有经济增长、人口、能源消费强度、能源结构等。预计中国2005~2020年GDP年均增长率为8.0%~8.6%。基准情景下,中国2050年能源需求总量达到66.19×108t标煤,人均能源消费量4.4t标煤,CO2排放量117.3×108t,能源消费弹性系数0.42,2020年CO2排放强度比2005年下降43%~48%;减排情景下,中国2050年能源消费量50.4×108t标煤,人均能源消费量3.5t标煤左右,CO2排放量70.7×108t,人均CO2排放量4.8t左右,能源消费弹性系数0.32,2020年CO2排放强度比2005年下降48%~52%,若能实现减排情景,则意味着中国已做到了低碳经济;而从可预见的技术条件以及清洁能源和可再生能源利用的规模来看,实现低碳情景难度很大。中国正处于工业化中期的发展阶段,能源需求增加是客观存在的,应力争转变经济增长方式,优化产业与产品结构,减少与控制高耗能产品出口,提高非化石能源比重和能源利用效率。发展中国家在应对全球气候变化行动中应制定中、短期目标与长期目标。中、短期目标即相对减排,中国政府制定的2020年CO2排放强度相对2005年降低40%~45%的约束性目标就属于相对减排;长期目标指的是当发展中国家实现工业化后,若全球技术发展迅猛,这时发展中国家温室气体的总量控制与减排才有可能做到。  相似文献   

沼气发酵猪粪管理系统对温室气体排放的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于生命周期清单分析以及清洁发展机制,引入"碳足迹"概念,对我国散养猪以及规模化养猪场引入沼气发酵系统后猪粪管理系统温室气体排放及减排进行了估算。农户散养猪粪处理系统中,12 m3沼气池厌氧发酵过程碳足迹为223.40 kg CO2e/a,沼气代替原煤燃烧减少444.33 kg CO2e/a温室气体,沼气发酵净减少220.93 kg CO2e/a温室气体,我国散养生猪产生的猪粪以此沼气池发酵可减少温室气体20 984.62 Gg CO2e/a;分析运行规模约1 000 m3大型沼气工程的碳足迹,保守估计为2 835.32 t CO2e/a,运行沼气工程替代煤炭以及减少猪粪排放的温室气体共约2 914.23 t CO2e/a,故沼气工程年减少温室气体78.91 t CO2e,该项目共可减排1 578.20 t CO2e。在猪粪管理系统中采用沼气发酵系统可以更好地促进温室气体减排的进行。  相似文献   

中国农村能源温室气体主要减排技术评价及潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村能源减排技术是优化能源结构,减少温室气体排放的重要途径之一,有利于实现国家温室气体减排的目标。文章综合分析评价了农村能源温室气体减排技术,计算减排效果并估算未来的减排潜力。结果表明,2009年中国主要农村能源技术温室气体减排量为8 529万tCO2,测算到2020年,中国农村能源温室气体的减排潜力约为2.97亿t CO2。农村户用沼气、生物质固体成型燃料、太阳能热利用等农村节能减排技术已基本成熟,实现了产业化应用,且减排潜力较大,是未来推广的重点。  相似文献   

根据《省级温室气体清单编制指南(试行)》,福建省能源活动温室气体包括化石燃料、生物质燃料燃烧活动产生的CO2、CH4和N2O排放及煤矿和矿后活动、石油和天然气系统产生的CH4逃逸排放。界定福建省能源活动过程温室气体的排放源及温室气体种类;给出各排放源相关的温室气体排放量估算方法,确定活动水平数据及排放因子,并估算各排放源温室气体的排放量;汇总化石燃烧排放的CO2量,化石燃料燃烧、生物质燃料燃烧、煤炭开采和矿后活动逃逸、石油和天然气系统逃逸排放的CH4量,化石燃料燃烧和生物质燃料燃烧排放的N2O量;生成福建省能源活动温室气体清单汇总,并根据福建省地区生产总值GDP得出碳强度趋势。  相似文献   

蒋小谦  康艳兵  刘强  赵盟 《中国能源》2012,34(9):17-21,36
我国水泥行业的CO2排放仅次于电力行业,约占全国排放总量的15%。分析水泥行业的CO2排放趋势和减排路径对实现我国温室气体排放控制目标有着重要的现实意义。本文从影响水泥行业排放的主要影响因素着手,分析了水泥产量和单耗的现状及未来发展趋势,计算了水泥行业的历史排放、发展趋势以及减排潜力,指出了实现减排潜力面临的挑战和障碍,以及相应的措施建议。  相似文献   

固体CaO颗粒吸收CO2特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着温室效应对全球气候的影响越来越显著,世界上将有更多国家关注温室气体的排放问题.温室气体中CO2的排放量最大,被认为是引起全球变暖的主要原因,有在短期内改变气候的可能.现今许多国家都在研究减排与隔离CO2的措施,希望能够开发一种高效、低成本的CO2吸收技术.相对于其它的吸收剂,CaO具有高吸附量、低制备成本、较长循环使用寿命及良好抗磨特性而成为优选的高温CO2脱除剂,CaO循环吸收CO2技术在工业操作中也较为简单.主要通过分析煅烧/吸收温度、添加剂、CaO颗粒内部孔结构和分布以及烟气中其它主要成分对CaO吸收性能的影响,为CaO吸收CO2性能的改善提供一定的理论基础.  相似文献   

火电厂节能工作浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文探讨了火电厂节能基本程序和工作方法,分析节能工作要从基础工作、技术创新、设备整治、燃烧管理等方面入手的论述.  相似文献   

如何合理使用磨合期的汽车,使其摩擦机件的磨损量能够平稳、均匀地磨合而不至于过度磨损,对汽车实际使用寿命有着重要的意义。从机器磨合期的特点和磨损机理出发,对汽车磨合期如何正确使用进行了有实际意义的探讨。  相似文献   

SFR Yugoslavia has natural hot water springs practically all over its territory, indicating the presence of geothermal reservoirs underground. There is no final estimate of how much energy can be expected from this new resource, except for figures based on the results of studies and investigations.The first use of geothermal energy in Yugoslavia in numerous spas dates back to the 19th century. Some remarkable examples of central heating are known, but the most widespread use is in agriculture (in greenhouse heating, farm heating and drying of agricultural products).  相似文献   

In this study, various energy conservation measures (ECMs) on heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) and lighting systems for a four-storied institutional building in sub-tropical (hot and humid climate) Queensland, Australia are evaluated using the simulation software called DesignBuilder (DB). Base case scenario of energy consumption profiles of existing systems are analysed and simulated first then, the simulated results are verified by on-site measured data. Three categories of ECMs, namely major investment ECMs (variable air volume (VAV) systems against constant air volume (CAV); and low coefficient of performance (COP) chillers against high COP chillers); minor investment ECMs (photo electric dimming control system against general lighting, and double glazed low emittance windows against single-glazed windows) and zero investment ECMs (reset heating and cooling set point temperatures) are evaluated. It is found that the building considered in this study can save up to 41.87% energy without compromising occupancies thermal comfort by implementing the above mentioned ECMs into the existing system.  相似文献   

Heating is arguably one of the most difficult sectors to decarbonise in the UK's energy system. Meeting the 80% greenhouse gas emission reduction target by 2050 is likely to require that heat related emissions of CO2 from buildings are near zero by 2050, and there is a 70% reduction in emissions from industry (from 1990 levels). Though it is clear that the use of the natural gas network will reduce over time, recent modelling suggests a limited residual role for gas by 2050 to help meet peaks in heat demand. High levels of uncertainty about the way in which heat will be decarbonised present a number of challenges to policy makers. This paper will explore the risks and uncertainties associated with the transition to a low carbon heat system in the UK as outlined by the 4th carbon budget review. The potential impact of key uncertainties on the levelised costs of heat technologies and the development of energy networks are explored using a sensitivity analysis approach. Policy changes required to decarbonise the heat sector are also examined.  相似文献   

Solar drying in sludge management in Turkey   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two main wastewater treatment plants in Bursa city in Turkey will start to operate and produce at least 27,000 tons of dry solids per year by the end of 2006. The purpose of this study was to investigate an economical solution to the sludge management problem that Bursa city would encounter. The general trend in Turkey is mechanical dewatering to obtain a dry solid (DS) content of 20%, and liming the mechanically dewatered sludge to reach the legal landfilling requirement, 35% DS content. This study recommends limited liming & solar drying as an alternative to only-liming the mechanically dewatered sludge. Open and covered solar sludge drying plants were constructed in pilot scale for experimental purposes. Dry solids and climatic conditions were constantly measured. Faecal coliform reduction was also monitored. The specially designed covered solar drying plant proved to be more efficient than the open plant in terms of drying and faecal coliform reduction. It was found that, if the limited liming & solar drying method was applied after mechanical dewatering instead of only-liming method, the total amount of the sludge to be disposed would be reduced by approximately 40%. This would lead to a reduction in the transportation, handling, and landfilling costs. The covered drying system would amortize itself in 4 years.  相似文献   

Viscous heating in liquid flows in micro-channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many experimental works on forced convection through micro-channels evidenced that when the hydraulic diameter is less than 1 mm, conventional theory can no longer be considered as suitable to predict the pressure drop and convective heat transfer coefficients. This conclusion seemed valid for both gas and liquid flows. Sometimes the authors justified this claim by invoking “new” micro-effects. On the contrary, in this paper the explanation of the experimental results obtained for micro-channels in terms of friction factors will be researched inside the conventional theory (Navier-Stokes equations). In particular, this paper will focus on the role of viscous heating in fluids flowing through micro-channels. A criterion will be presented to draw the limit of significance for viscous dissipation effects in micro-channel flows. The role of the cross-sectional geometry on viscous dissipation will be highlighted and the minimum Reynolds number for which viscous dissipation effects can no longer be neglected will be calculated as a function of the hydraulic diameter and of the micro-channel geometry for different fluids. It will be demonstrated how viscous effects can explain some experimental results on the Poiseuille numbers in micro-channels, which recently appeared in the open literature.  相似文献   

A.R. Rao 《Energy》1985,10(5):681-682
Energy consumption in rural transportation has been computed, taking into account the energy embodied in vehicles or bullocks, as well as the fuels or feeds and food (of operators). Bullock cart transport consumes over four times more energy than vehicles. However, animal transport will continue to be preferred because of its availability.  相似文献   

A third of electricity in India is lost each year, where losses refer to power that is supplied but not billed. Utilizing data from the power corporation of Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous state, we study the politics of electricity losses. Examining annual data over four decades, we document that UP's electricity losses tend to increase in periods immediately prior to state assembly elections. Drawing upon geographically disaggregated data for the period 2000–09, we observe higher line losses just prior to the 2002 and 2007 state elections. Our analysis shows that the incumbent party was more likely to retain the assembly seat as line losses in the locality increased. We interpret these results as corroboration that political parties deliberately redirect electricity to flat rate and unbilled users in a context of chronically inadequate supply. Political factors appear to affect line losses in ways that technical and economic factors alone cannot explain.  相似文献   

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