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飞行机械臂系统的接触力控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对飞行机械臂系统的接触力控制问题,本文首先从理论上证明了闭环无人机系统具有与弹簧-质量-阻尼系统一致的动态特性.基于飞行机械臂接触状态下力的分析,得到了无人机水平前向接触力与系统重力和俯仰角之间的动态关系,进而分析出接触力控制可以不使用力传感器来实现.根据阻抗控制思想,提出了飞行机械臂系统接触力控制方法,即通过同时控制位置偏差和对应姿态角度来实现接触力的控制.给出了单自由度飞行机械臂系统动力学模型,对应分析出系统的稳定性.开发了基于四旋翼飞行器的单自由度飞行机械臂系统,并进行了实际的飞行实验,验证了所提出接触力控制方法的有效性,同时也证实了所开发系统的可靠性.  相似文献   

顾玥  宋光明  郝爽  毛巨正  宋爱国 《机器人》2023,(5):523-531+545
传统欠驱动旋翼无人机的动力单元推力方向平行,无法在不改变姿态的情况下产生横向推力,限制了飞行机械臂的交互能力与应用场景。针对此问题,本文设计了一种全驱动旋翼飞行机械臂,通过倾斜动力单元的安装角度改变推力的方向,根据该结构设计了控制分配矩阵进而验证其全驱动特性,并从控制结构上实现了位置与姿态的独立控制;提出了用于接触作业的飞行机械臂的接触力控制方法,将接触检测任务分为接近阶段与移动接触阶段,采用力/运动混合控制器完成接触面法线方向上的力控制。户外实验结果表明,所设计的全驱动旋翼飞行机械臂实现了稳定飞行和移动接触作业,与欠驱动平台相比,飞行过程中的位置移动不依赖于姿态改变,姿态角稳定在±1.5?以内,且在移动接触过程中实现了接触面法线方向上的接触力控制。  相似文献   

考虑机械臂末端轨迹跟踪控制问题,以跟踪逆运动学求解出的末端期望轨迹对应的各关节期望角度为控制目标.设计了一种基于三步法的控制器,该控制器由类稳态控制、可变参考前馈控制和误差反馈控制3部分组成.证明了该控制器可以通过控制机械臂的各关节力矩实现各关节实际角度对期望角度的状态跟踪,进而使得末端轨迹渐近跟踪期望轨迹,并且跟踪误差是输入到状态稳定的.仿真表明基于三步法控制器的空间机械臂末端可以渐近跟踪期望轨迹,并且该算法可以克服系统的末端负载质量变化等不确定性的影响.  相似文献   

以位置控制为主的机械臂控制方法已不能满足某些复杂环境(装配、抛光、去毛刺)的应用要求,控制机械臂与环境间的接触力已成为机器人学研究的一个热点。提出一种在Matlab/SimMechanics环境下平面二自由度机械臂力控制的仿真研究方法。在平面中模拟机械臂与环境的接触面,设计振荡抑制控制器,实现机械臂与环境间接触力的控制,以及机械臂与刚性环境碰撞接触过程中冲击振荡阶段的振荡抑制,生成机械臂期望的运动轨迹。仿真结果表明,该方法可实现特定作业下机械臂与环境间接触力的控制。  相似文献   

针对人-机械臂交互的不确定性以及环境的未知性,提出了一种基于速度控制的方法来研究人、机械臂和环境三者之间的交互问题.首先通过在机械臂末端安装2个6维力传感器来实现交互力的检测,并在末端工具连接处增加单自由度柔性环节来实现机械臂的柔顺性.其次,基于i Ta SC(instantaneous task specification using constraints)方法对机械臂与工具系统的柔顺度建模,在输出空间中建立起速度/位置与力的关系,实现机械臂与环境之间接触力的控制,通过刚度矩阵实现人对机械臂的拖动控制.另外结合力/位/阻抗混合控制方法实现了在安全区域约束下人拖动机械臂来完成一系列基于位置/力的任务,并与未知环境之间达到一个良好的交互.最后将提出的算法在UR5机械臂上进行轮廓跟踪任务的验证,实验结果表明该方法能达到一个较好的交互控制效果.  相似文献   

针对传统控制方法难以解决自由漂浮空间机器人(free-floating space robot, FFSR)轨迹跟踪过程中的各类约束的问题,采用模型预测控制对自由漂浮空间机器人的轨迹跟踪问题进行了研究.在自由漂浮空间机器人拉格朗日动力学模型的基础上,建立了系统伪线性化的扩展状态空间模型;在给定系统的性能指标和各类约束的情况下,基于拉盖尔模型设计相应的离散模型预测控制器,并证明控制器的稳定性,控制器中引入任务空间滑模变量实现了对末端期望位置和期望速度的同时跟踪;以平面二杆自由漂浮空间机器人为例,对无约束末端轨迹跟踪和有约束末端轨迹跟踪两种情况进行对比仿真验证.仿真结果表明,该模型预测控制器不仅可以实现对末端期望轨迹的有效跟踪,还能满足各类约束.  相似文献   

作业型飞行机器人是指能够对环境施加主动影响的飞行机器人, 它通常由旋翼飞行器与机械臂组合而成. 本文针对作业型飞行机器人在动态飞行抓取后, 重心位置变化产生的系统控制难题, 设计了有效的跟踪控制策略. 首先, 在系统建模时引入重心偏移系统参数和重心偏移控制参数, 并考虑惯性张量不为常数, 提高了系统建模的精度. 然后, 在姿态解算时, 考虑重心偏移对系统性能的影响, 构建包含重心偏移系统参数的解算方法, 得到更高精度的期望翻滚角和期望俯仰角. 接着, 设计了基于滑模控制的重心偏移补偿位置控制器, 实现了有效的位置跟踪控制. 同时, 在姿态反演控制器的基础上, 加入自适应律估计重心偏移控制参数和变化的惯性张量, 再通过小脑神经网络逼近惯性张量的真实值, 提高姿态控制器的精度. 最后, 给出了所设计控制器的稳定性证明, 并在仿真环境下验证了所提出的方法的有效性和优越性.  相似文献   

面向飞行机械臂的飞行抓取作业,提出了一个由六旋翼飞行机器人和7自由度机械臂组成的飞行机械臂系统.系统采用分离式控制策略,即飞行机器人和机械臂各有一个控制器.机械臂运动所引起的系统质心和转动惯量的变化量及其导数被用来估计机械臂对飞行机器人的扰动力和力矩.为了减弱机械臂扰动对六旋翼飞行机器人的飞行控制性能的影响,提出了扰动补偿H∞鲁棒飞行控制器.实验结果表明,与没有扰动补偿的控制器相比,当机械臂运动时所提出的扰动补偿H∞鲁棒控制器对系统的飞行控制性能有明显的提升效果.最后,目标物抓取作业实验验证了所提出的飞行机械臂系统的可靠性.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于约束预测控制的机械臂实时运动控制方法.该控制方法分为两层,分别设计了约束预测控制器和跟踪控制器.其中,约束预测控制器在考虑系统物理约束的条件下,在线为跟踪控制器生成参考轨迹;跟踪控制器采用最优反馈控制律,使机械臂沿参考轨迹运动.为了简化控制器的设计和在线求解,本文采用输入输出线性化的方式简化机械臂动力学模型.同时,为了克服扰动,在约束预测控制器中引入前馈策略,提出了带前馈一反馈控制结构的预测控制设计.因此,本文设计的控制器可以使机械臂在满足物理约束的条件下快速稳定地跟踪到目标位置.通过在PUMA560机理模型上进行仿真实验,验证了预测控制算法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

针对双连杆刚柔机械臂,提出一种基于轨迹规划的无残余振动位置控制方法,在将机械臂的末端执行器从任意初始位置移动到目标位置的同时,确保系统没有残余振动产生.首先,建立系统的动力学模型,并通过分析该模型得到系统的状态约束方程.其次,基于状态约束方程,运用双向轨迹规划方法规划一条系统前向轨迹和一条系统反向轨迹.然后,利用时间倒转方法及基于遗传算法的轨迹优化方法对两条轨迹进行拼合,得到一条从系统初始状态到目标状态的期望轨迹.最后,设计轨迹跟踪控制器使系统沿期望轨迹到达目标状态,实现系统的无残余振动位置控制目标.仿真结果验证了本文所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper describes a camera position control with aerial manipulator for visual test of bridge inspection. Our developed unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has three‐degree‐of‐freedom (3‐DoF) manipulator on its top to execute visual or hammering test of the inspection. This paper focuses on the visual test. A camera was implemented at the end of the manipulator to acquire images of the narrow space of the bridge such as bearings, which the conventional UAV without the camera‐attached manipulators at its top cannot achieve the fine visual test. For the visual test, it is desirable that the camera is above the body with enough distance between the camera and the body. As obvious, the camera position in the inertial coordinate system is effected by the movement of the body. Therefore we implement the camera position control compensating the body movement into the UAV. As a result of an experiment, it is assessed that the proposed control reduces the position error of the camera comparing the one of the body. The mean position error of the camera is 0.039 m that is 51.4% of the one of the body. Our world‐first study enables to acquire the image of the bearing of the bridge by a camera mounted at the end effector of aerial manipulator fixed on UAV.  相似文献   


This paper describes the contact force control on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) developed to inspect the floor slabs of bridges. Our UAV is equipped with a three degree-of-freedom manipulator on top of the UAV body. To control the UAV for stable contact with the slab surface, the impact force should be considered. The impact force is modeled based on Hertzian contact stress. The control strategy of the UAV is cascade control separated into attitude control and position-force control. The attitude, position and force feedback are PID control. The force feedback is integrated into the position feedback seamlessly, and the output of the force feedback is added to the desired end-point position of the manipulator. This paper focuses on contact of the UAV and the floor slab. Therefore, the UAV is modeled considering the impact force in the vertical direction. The control method in the vertical direction is described, and then the altitude control and the contact force control are assessed. The altitude of the UAV was controlled with a 0.45?[sec] delay during ascending and 1.76?[sec] during descending. The UAV could control the contact force with mean error 1.61 ± 1.08?[N] while the desired contact force was 3?[N].  相似文献   

The effect of robotic manipulator structural compliance on system stability and trajectory tracking performance and the compensation of this structural compliance has been the subject of a number of publications for the case of robotic manipulator noncontact task execution. The subject of this article is the examination of dynamics and stability issues of a robotic manipulator modeled with link structural flexibility during execution of a task that requires the robot tip to contact fixed rigid objects in the work environment. The dynamic behavior of a general n degree of freedom flexible link manipulator is investigated with a previously proposed nonlinear computed torque constrained motion control applied, computed based on the rigid link equations of motion. Through the use of techniques from the theory of singular perturbations, the analysis of the system stability is investigated by examining the stability of the “slow” and “fast” subsystem dynamics. The conditions under which the fast subsystem dynamics exhibit a stable response are examined. It is shown that if certain conditions are satisfied a control based on only the rigid link equations of motion will lead to asymptotic trajectory tracking of the desired generalized position and force trajectories during constrained motion. Experiments reported here have been carried out to investigate the performance of the nonlinear computed torque control law during constrained motion of the manipulator. While based only on the rigid link equations of motion, experimental results confirm that high-frequency structural link modes, exhibited in the response of the robot, are asymptotically stable and do not destabilize the slow subsystem dynamics, leading to asymptotic trajectory tracking of the overall system. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

考虑由载体和机械臂组成的空间机器人系统的协调控制问题,提出了一种新的协调 控制策略.该策略首先利用简单的变结构控制器粗略控制载体的运动,进而设计机械臂控制 器以保证手端精确跟踪其期望的运动轨迹.应用该策略分别对手端自由运动和受限运动设计 了相应的控制器,并对两杆平面空间机器人系统进行了仿真,证实了控制策略的有效性.  相似文献   

In this paper, a neural network approach is presented for the motion control of constrained flexible manipulators, where both the contact force everted by the flexible manipulator and the position of the end-effector contacting with a surface are controlled. The dynamic equations for vibration of flexible link and constrained force are derived. The developed control, scheme can adaptively estimate the underlying dynamics of the manipulator using recurrent neural networks (RNNs). Based on the error dynamics of a feedback controller, a learning rule for updating the connection weights of the adaptive RNN model is obtained. Local stability properties of the control system are discussed. Simulation results are elaborated on for both position and force trajectory tracking tasks in the presence of varying parameters and unknown dynamics, which show that the designed controller performs remarkably well.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the perception, control, and trajectory planning for an aerial platform to identify and land on a moving car at 15 km/hr. The hexacopter unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), equipped with onboard sensors and a computer, detects the car using a monocular camera and predicts the car future movement using a nonlinear motion model. While following the car, the UAV lands on its roof, and it attaches itself using magnetic legs. The proposed system is fully autonomous from takeoff to landing. Numerous field tests were conducted throughout the year‐long development and preparations for the Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics Challenge (MBZIRC) 2017 competition, for which the system was designed. We propose a novel control system in which a model predictive controller is used in real time to generate a reference trajectory for the UAV, which are then tracked by the nonlinear feedback controller. This combination allows to track predictions of the car motion with minimal position error. The evaluation presents three successful autonomous landings during the MBZIRC 2017, where our system achieved the fastest landing among all competing teams.  相似文献   

Control of manipulators during execution of tasks that require the end-effector to come into contact with objects in its work environment represents an important class of control problem. Hybrid control, a concept which defines the architecture of a class of control laws has been proposed as a method with which to solve this control problem. One interpretation of the hybrid control method is within the framework of constrained motion control. Constrained motion occurs during contact by the manipulator end-effector with rigid objects in the workplace, hence the motion of the manipulator is kinematically constrained. Papers have appeared in the robotics control literature addressing hybrid control within the constrained motion context which do not explicitly use the constrained dynamic formulation that correctly describes the dynamic behaviour of the manipulator. This article serves to link results from constrained motion control and the existing literature on the hybrid control method. In this article a formulation of the constrained manipulator dynamics is presented in which the hybrid control design is most naturally carried out. This formulation of the manipulator dynamics, previously proposed in the robotics literature, is such that the generalized force and position coordinates to be controlled are mutually orthogonal. Hence, the hybrid selection matrices, a key element of the hybrid control design philosophy, are implicit in this coordinate representation. A hybrid control design methodology is then formulated based on this development. Two hybrid control laws are proposed. For each hybrid control law, the global asymptotic stability is readily established due to the natural coordinate representation. One of these hybrid control laws, a constrained motion control law already proposed in the literature, is given to illustrate the equivalence of the hybrid control design and certain existing constrained motion control methods. Finally, a concrete example of a three-degree-of-freedom robotic manipulator illustrates the hybrid design methodology proposed.  相似文献   

本文主要针对利用四旋翼无人机清洗绝缘子时受到的回冲力干扰及姿态控制问题,提出了一种用于清洗绝缘子的无人机抗回冲力控制方法.对于无人机系统,本文运用非线性控制方法中的反步法来设计姿态控制器,使其达到输入状态稳定,并对外部扰动具有鲁棒性.本文首先根据无人机运动模型建立了其动力学方程.之后,运用动量定理和流体力学中的伯努利方程对所受的回冲力进行建模.然后,运用反步法设计姿态控制器并证明其稳定性.最后,运用MATLAB对无人机系统进行仿真实验,其结果证明了文中所提出的控制方法的有效性和鲁棒性.本文所提出的控制方案可以避免目前已有的一些技术存在的缺陷,并且为无人机抗扰动控制和绝缘子冲洗都提供了发展空间.  相似文献   

Real‐life work operations of industrial robotic manipulators are performed within a constrained state space. Such operations most often require accurate planning and tracking a desired trajectory, where all the characteristics of the dynamic model are taken into consideration. This paper presents a general method and an efficient computational procedure for path planning with respect to state space constraints. Given a dynamic model of a robotic manipulator, the proposed solution takes into consideration the influence of all imprecisely measured model parameters, making use of iterative learning control (ILC). A major advantage of this solution is that it resolves the well‐known problem of interrupting the learning procedure due to a high transient tracking error or when the desired trajectory is planned closely to the state space boundaries. The numerical procedure elaborated here computes the robot arm motion to accurately track a desired trajectory in a constrained state space taking into consideration all the dynamic characteristics that influence the motion. Simulation results with a typical industrial robot arm demonstrate the robustness of the numerical procedure. In particular, the results extend the applicability of ILC in robot motion control and provide a means for improving the overall trajectory tracking performance of most robotic systems.  相似文献   

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