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重庆主城区梁滩河、虎溪河保护规划以建设生态河流为目标,以城乡统筹思想为引导,通过划定河流生态功能区,实行流域分区管制,构建区域生态结构与景观结构,以及通过统筹安排防污防洪等工程用地,实现污染综合防治等规划方法,切实保护了梁滩河、虎溪河流域自然生态景观 资源,改善了流域水环境质量,恢复和延续了流域生态系统,提高了城市的...  相似文献   

南京外秦淮河水污染控制对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析秦淮河流域水文特征及水污染现状的基础上,结合南京城市发展规划,探讨了外秦淮河的功能定位和治理目标,提出了控制工业污染、生活污染、农业面源污染、水上交通污染和引水增加水环境容量等方面的对策措施。  相似文献   

朱洪海 《江西建材》2023,(1):336-338+341
文中针对湖南省某流域河道存在的水污染问题,通过水环境现状调查、管网排查和污染源分析,以数字化模型(MIKE模型)为技术手段,以水环境容量控制为核心,结合既有各类规划,构建水环境综合治理方案,满足流域当前和未来发展的治理需求,实现治理和水环境功能目标。  相似文献   

王启轩  任婕 《城市规划》2021,45(2):65-72
我国流域层面的国土空间规划,已经被明确纳入国土空间规划体系框架之内.在既有规划实践中,以流域空间为主体的规划虽已存在,但内涵不一.本文研究国内外流域规划的发展概况,并借鉴发达国家流域规划经验,主要发现和启示为:我国现行流域综合规划是水资源规划体系下,以水资源利用、防洪减灾、水生态保护等为核心的规划,存在空间属性不足和管理职能错配等问题;国外流域规划多以水资源综合利用与管理为主要目标,美国田纳西河流域综合性的规划管理模式值得我国流域国土空间规划借鉴;流域国土空间规划应该以“流域”为空间主体,以水资源为核心内容,规划内容要充分体现全域空间管控的综合性,管理机构改革需重视流域治理的跨地区协调.  相似文献   

深圳河湾流域的污染负荷分布预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深圳河湾流域的污染源数量及污染负荷大小,不易实测或其实测相对滞后,但该问题对整治深圳河湾流域水环境及相关工程的规模起决定作用。调查结果显示,深圳河湾流域有两个污染源,即未经处理而直接或间接漏入各河道的污水和污水厂尾水。深圳特区正在实施一系列的截污工程,对该流域污染负荷的预测数据则为截污工程的规划和实施奠定了基础。  相似文献   

结合重庆市御临河综合治理,对三峡库区次级河流综合治理模式进行了探讨,认为应以流域为单元,立足于流域整体的生态经济系统,综合考虑与水环境有关的各个生态、资源、经济要素来规划、保护、改善和利用水环境,以求实现流域水环境的可持续发展。提出了流域化水环境综合治理的目标、原则和措施体系。  相似文献   

以前海(大铲湾)规划水质目标为目标,在充分调研流域现状的基础上,统筹截污体系完善、雨污分流改造、水动力强化、再生水回用和湾区清淤等5个方面,提出3种流域水质保障工况,并利用新建的、率定好的流域水质模型,对不同工况进行评估分析,提出较优的前海(大铲湾)水质保障工程方案,可实现规划水质目标,为后续工程的建设提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

环保总局副局长潘岳近日向新闻界通报,针对中国当前严峻的水污染形势,环保总局自即日起对长江。黄河、淮河、海河四大流域部分水污染严重、环境违法问题突出的6市2县5个工业园区实行”流域限批“;对流域内32家重污染企业及6家污水处理厂实行“挂牌督办”。潘岳表示,当前水污染持续恶化的趋势已非分割的治水管理体制所能解决,应该尽快建立跨区域跨部门的流域污染防治机制和新环境经济政策体系,坚决完成减排目标。[第一段]  相似文献   

以重庆市新华水库流域黑臭水体综合整治工程为例,针对该流域外源污染持续输入且截流困难、内源污染缺乏治理、各行政区域间缺乏联动机制等突出问题,在《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)Ⅴ类水质目标下,介绍了整治工程的技术路线和设计思路,从源头控制、中间处理、末端修复三方面详细阐述了流域的工程整治措施和强化流域联动协调等非工程措施,以期为山地城市跨区域黑臭水体的综合整治提供技术参考。  相似文献   

通化市中心的浑江流域存在着水质差、环境差等状况,分析了直排式排放、两岸建设无序以及混凝土硬化堤岸建设是影响浑江流域污染的重要因素。介绍了浑江整治目标及内容,提出了污染源控制和河道整修等治理措施。提出了维持原堤线基本不变,设计水面线按现有堤线计算;断面设计以现有河道为基础,河床宽度采取分段设计控制断面,堤防在现有高程基础上稍加高或不加高,建提升泵站等防洪安全规划。  相似文献   

山东省胶州市水污染现状分析与控制对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对山东省胶州市地表水的水质现状,分析了水体中污染物质的主要成分和来源;估算了各种污染源的污染负荷,认为农村地区生产、生活产生的面源污染是水体污染的主要原因.利用水体自净、工程截污、生态减污的市政工程与生态工程措施,可防治水环境污染,实现水资源可持续利用.  相似文献   

针对水源突发性污染频发的现状,开发和建立了南海饮用水水源突发性污染应急处理系统。在对北江水源地存在的污染物进行调查分析并确定目标污染物的基础上,研究了目标污染物的应急去除技术,建立水源水质预警系统和水厂应急强化处理系统。介绍了项目实施的技术思路以及取得的主要技术成果,可为同行业其他企业提供参考。  相似文献   

在福建省环境保护厅公布的近5年(2007~2011)福建省环境公报基础上,分析了福建省11个主要湖泊水库水环境污染现状及其变化趋势;重点介绍了4个水质未达到相应的水域功能要求的湖泊水库(福州东张水库、福州山仔水库、厦门筼筜湖和泉州山美水库)的基本概况、水质现状和主要污染物及其来源;针对水质未达标湖泊水库探讨了水环境污染防治措施;结果可为福建省主要湖泊水库水环境污染防治提供参考。  相似文献   

In the process of industrialization, Hong Kong has created an ever deteriorating environment. The increase in GDP is paralleled by a corresponding surge in the quantity of pollutants generated. Government initiatives to assess the gravity of the problem and to protect the environment began in the 1970s. The fear that too stringent control of the environment may stifle the industrial and business sectors has resulted in ineffective policies and inadequate environmental protection. Presently, Hong Kong is faced with poor air quality in most urban areas, streams polluted by livestock waste, beaches with excessive bacterial and toxic chemical concentrations, land pollution resulting from lack of space for solid waste disposal, and a high noise level from road traffic, construction and, in particular, aircraft traffic because of the location of the airport in the midst of a residential and industrial district. In a recent White Paper, Government outlined the new strategies to combat environmental pollution, which include a restructuring of the policy branch on environmental issues under the scope of planning and land use, upgrading of the sewage system, relocation of the airport, and the reduction of the sulphur content of industrial fuel. In the years ahead, Hong Kong is faced with new challenges. Environmentally, the commissioning of the nuclear plant at Daya Bay poses a risk of ionizing radiation. The construction of the new airport, together with extensive reclamation of the harbour and expansion of seaport facilities, will create changes in the tidal flow and the ecological system. The negative effects on the environment must be considered together with the potentially beneficial effects, economical and environmental. To achieve maximum impact in environmental protection, community participation is essential. To this end, education on the conservation of the environment should be expanded and specially targeted at schoolchildren, in whom environmental education has been neglected.  相似文献   

To deal with the water environmental degradation and ecological damage of the Xiaonanhai Lake watershed in Songzi City of Hubei Province, China, this study first divided the watershed into 32 control units according to the administrative division and catchment zones, then analyzed the pollution source and load and calculated the water environmental capacity of the watershed with the water environment system model coupled by the Soil and Water Assessment Tool model and the MIKE 21 model. To better deal with different pollutants and divide the responsibility more efficiently, the study proposed a control-unit-based system of five ecological restoration measures including the three-stage constructed wetland, the natural wetland, the clean water corridor, the lakeshore buffer zone, and the emerged and floating plant belt. Finally, the performance evaluation of these measures was conducted under the “Dual Control” system of concentration control and total load control of pollutants. The result proved that the five measures could effectively reduce the total amount of COD, TN, TP, and NH3-N to improve the water quality, meeting the Surface Water Class Ⅲ Standard.  相似文献   

改善南四湖水质的关键问题分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为落实南水北调东线工程的战略规划,南四湖地区已积极开展了“治、用、保”并举的小流域综合治污计划,根据目前南四湖流域治污工程的建成率及南四湖水质现状,通过分析现有资料数据和总结实际工程中出现的问题,分析了工业污染源、城市环境基础设施、水资源循环利用、工程经费、面源污染、考核督办机制等6项影响南四湖水质改善的关键问题,并提出了相应的措施及建议。  相似文献   

The concept of "renovation and restoration" marks the transformation from urban and rural planning and construction to intensive development mode and to quality improvement stage.The environmental imbalance problem of emphasizing development and neglecting ecology in the past has become the focus of the current urban quality improvement stage.Rivers are related to the origin,development and evolution of cities,affect the layout,transportation and environment of cities,and bear the culture,economy and characteristics of cities.Taking the Linjing River of Yongchuan in Chongqing as an example and taking the concept of "renovation and restoration" as the guidance of the design of the overall environmental quality improvement of the river,this study analyzed and summarized the problems to be solved in the improvement of the environmental quality of the river based on the four river environmental impact factors of water pollution,water resource supply and demand,ecological environment and shore water waterfront type and the strategies of optimizing the aquatic environment management,constructing the ecological landscape pattern,shaping the regional cultural landscape and combining the economic development along the river were put forward in order to improve the overall environmental quality of Linjiang River and provide reference for relevant planning and design.  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国土壤污染防治法》的颁布标志着中国将形成完善的土壤污染防治法律体系,建立从污染土壤调查、修复、风险防控、监测到场地再利用,从环境标准到规划管理的全方位制度。生态文明制度建设的宏观背景,再加上中国土壤污染严重、规模大、修复难、成本高、周期长等特征,将导致大量污染场地转变为绿地或生态用地,最终对绿地系统的数量与规模、布局与功能、规划与管理、环境质量标准等多个维度产生实质性影响。分析这一趋势,对其影响提出预判,最终提出对策建议。  相似文献   

穆鹏志 《山西建筑》2014,(24):211-212
以某工程的施工为例,在对该工程施工阶段环境污染问题状况分析的基础上,对环境污染问题的根源进行了探讨,针对空气、噪声、废水、固体废弃物等影响因素提出了环境污染问题的控制措施。  相似文献   

邓少林 《山西建筑》2010,36(20):352-354
在分析我国部分城市环境污染现状的基础上,提出了环境保护规划的主要内容,指出了城市大气、水体、固体废物和城市声环境发展的远景目标,阐明了城市规划中环境保护规划的重要作用。  相似文献   

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