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介绍了SE水煤浆气化相关技术特点、工艺流程和安全联锁系统,并针对SE水煤浆气化装置运行期间主要控制系统出现的问题进行了分析研究,提出了相应的优化改进方案,主要包括煤浆进料控制系统、气化喷嘴运行应急保护系统、氮气保护系统和洗涤冷却水控制系统。实际运行表明:这些优化改进提高了SE水煤浆气化装置的工艺性能、运行的稳定性,为装置的长周期运行提供了保障。  相似文献   

介绍了单喷嘴与多喷嘴水煤浆气化工艺,从工艺流程、主要特点、气化装置、主要投资、操作费用等方面入手,对单喷嘴与多喷嘴水煤浆气化工艺进行对比分析。研究表明,两种工艺各有自身特点和优势,应根据实际情况选择合适的工艺,并严格按要求操作,确保水煤浆气化工艺发挥最佳效益。  相似文献   

由兖矿鲁南化肥厂、华东理工大学、原化工部第一设计院共同承担的国家“九五”攻关项目——多喷嘴对置式新型水煤浆气化装置,近日建成并顺利通过72h运行考核。  相似文献   

介绍德士古水煤浆气化工艺,从水煤浆质量、工艺烧嘴、激冷水系统等几个方面讨论了影响装置长周期运行的因素,提出了延长气化装置运行周期的措施。  相似文献   

300 kt/a合成氨520kt/a尿素(简称"3052")生产线包含了国际先进的多喷嘴对置式水煤浆气流床加压气化装置.阐述了基于国产DCS的"3052"大化肥生产过程实时控制系统开发、设计、工程实施和应用情况.实际运行效果表明,国产系统完全能满足"3052"大化肥生产装置实时优化控制设计要求.国内自主开发的DCS首次在该类装置中成功应用,有力促进了中国石油化工行业关键装备国产化进程.  相似文献   

简要介绍齐鲁煤气化装置运行概况以及Texaco水煤浆加压气化工艺技术的关键环节,从原料煤质控制、工艺操作以及气化系统关键设备等几个方面分析了影响装置长周期运行的因素,提出了延长煤气化装置运行周期的对策措施。  相似文献   

以神华包头煤化工180万t/a甲醇项目中GE水煤浆气化装置为例,对装置开车6年来闪蒸系统频繁出现的关键问题进行了概括总结,对影响系统稳定运行的因素进行了分析研究。并结合装置运行现状,从系统水质、环保和能量高效利用角度出发,对气化闪蒸系统进行优化创新,对于气化装置安稳长满优的运行有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

通过对GSP粉煤气化、GE水煤浆气化以及Shell粉煤气化的实地考察,结合气化炉近年来的实际生产运行情况,分别从工艺流程、技术特点、操作参数、关键设备、环保指标等几个方面对三种不同类型的煤炭气化技术进行了比较探讨,得出多喷嘴壳牌粉煤气化技术性能优越,在洁净煤化工领域发展前景广阔。  相似文献   

正华东理工大学发布消息称,2016年10月1日,青海盐湖甲醇厂多喷嘴对置式水煤浆气化炉一次投料成功,并在24 h内打通流程,生产出合格的MTO级甲醇。该装置是迄今为止在高海拔地区(海拔2 800 m)建设的第一套大型煤气化装置。该项目隶属于青海盐湖工业股份有限公司,位于青海省格尔木察尔汗盐湖。项目采用华东理工大学多喷嘴对置式水煤浆气化技术和中科院大连化物所煤制烯烃技术(DMTO),年产100×10~4 t甲醇,配套生产烯烃。  相似文献   

黑水调节阀是水煤浆气化工艺关键阀门之一,其介质具有很强的腐蚀性,且含有硬质固体颗粒,由于阀门前后压差大,将导致闪蒸现象发生,阀后出现高速的汽液固三相流体。若黑水调节阀的选型或计算不当,会导致阀门不能满足工艺过程的要求,将对气化装置的稳定运行造成影响。简要介绍了水煤浆气化工艺黑水调节阀的应用工况、选型、计算及其他特殊要求,以期为同类装置提供一些参考。  相似文献   

基于多相质点网格(MP-PIC)方法建立了三维流化床内的生物质气化反应模型,考虑蒸发、挥发分析出以及均相、非均相反应等子模块,研究了松木屑在气-固强非线性耦合作用下的空间分布特性和高温热传递过程中的热物性分布规律,探究了不同的空气当量比(ER)、蒸汽生物质比(SBR)、气化温度对气化性能和气相热物性的影响规律。结果表明:可燃气体和焦炭的氧化反应促使气相温度升高,而低温蒸汽将自由空域的温度降低至约900 K;ER的增加提升了炉内的气化温度,减小了气体密度和比热容,然而过量的空气会降低气化性能和炉内温度;SBR的增大稀释了气化产物浓度;增加气化温度提升了H2产率,但抑制了C2H4的生成。  相似文献   

Gasification technology is suggested to utilize asphalt particles, which are produced in the heavy oil deep separation process of using coupled low temperature separation of solvent and post extraction residue. In this work, the asphalt particles were first slurried with water and then gasified to produce synthesis gas. The gasification process of asphalt water slurry in an entrained flow gasifier was simulated using a three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model based on an Eulerian- Lagrangian method. The trajectories and residence time of asphalt particles, and the reaction rates, gas species distribution, temperature field and carbon conversion in the entrained flow gasifier were obtained. The predicted results indicated that the asphalt water slurry was a good feedstock for gasification. Moreover, the effects of particle size, oxygen equivalence ratio, and mass content of asphalt particles on the gasification performance of asphalt water slurry were investigated. These results are helpful for industrial application of asphalt water slurry gasification technology.  相似文献   

热管式生物质气化炉的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
将高温热管技术引入生物质气化中,开发了一种间接供热的热管式生物质气化炉,对高温热管的传热性能和4种生物质原料(木屑、玉米秆、稻壳和稻草)的水蒸气气化特性进行了研究。实验结果表明,气化炉内床层轴向和径向温度的变化趋势与高温热管启动温度的变化趋势基本一致。反应温度和原料种类影响气体产物的组成。在反应温度为650~950℃时,4种原料的气体产物中H2体积分数均为50%~60%,且随反应温度的升高而增加,H2含量增长率的大小顺序为:木屑>玉米秆>稻壳>稻草;CO2体积分数为15%~30%,且随反应温度的升高而减少,木屑和玉米秆的气体产物中CO2含量高于稻壳和稻草;CO和CH4含量随反应温度的升高变化较小,原料种类对CH4含量影响较小,稻壳和稻草的气体产物中CO含量比木屑和玉米秆高。  相似文献   

目前下吸式生物质气化炉是使用最多的生物质气化设备之一,其结构简单、操作方便,得到许多研究者关注。本文重点综述了下吸式生物质气化炉结构的研究进展,包括供气系统和进出料系统等结构。供气系统包括多级进气结构、预热结构和进气喷嘴型式,进出料系统包括进料结构、炉排结构和出灰结构。总结得出加料结构使用螺旋、气动、带式输送机可提高加料速度,供气系统采用多级送风、预热和进气喷嘴型式结构能提高气化炉温度并降低焦油含量,使用振动炉排、旋转炉排或往复炉排能防止架桥现象的出现,出灰结构采用螺旋和带式输送机可提高出灰速度。最后指出原料适用性广、可连续生产和具备高度的自动化是未来下吸式气化炉研究和发展的方向。  相似文献   

分析了3~#气化炉在运行中拱顶处温度偏高的原因,并制定了相应的对策,经过大修气化炉拱顶处温度明显降低。  相似文献   

In this research, the supercritical water gasification for a sort of heavy fuel oil, Mazut, has been investigated. Mazut was modeled with a 33-pseudo-component using the corresponding distillation curve. In a reactor, the equilibrium reactions were simulated using the Gibbs free energy minimization method. A parametric study was performed on this system. The parameters were included mass fraction of fuel and pressure and temperature of the gasifier. Two approaches were investigated, one with constant pressure (P = 22.1 MPa) and the other with constant temperature (T = 600°C), varying the other two parameters. H2 production efficiency reaches a maximum at fuel mass fraction about 30 percent and gasifier temperature in the range of 500°C to 700°C.  相似文献   

概述了对置四喷嘴水煤浆气化水洗塔出口合成气监测的各种方法。针对工艺控制需连续监测各组分体积分数的要求,结合实际工程,通过在线分析仪表的选型、取样装置、试样传输、试样预处理装置、分析仪表原理的介绍,结合水洗塔出口合成气实际工况,合理选择性价比较高的在线分析仪,投运后,合成气体积分数可在线显示到DCS,为生产安全、稳定创造了可靠的条件。  相似文献   

针对低阶煤流化床热解气化所遇到的问题,对热解炉供热模式、原料煤粒径与颗粒分级、热解气初级冷却与除尘、排灰方式等问题进行探讨,优化工艺过程。新工艺中选择高温半焦为热解炉提供热量,将原料煤磨制成亚毫米级粉粒,磨煤产生的少量粒径小于0.1 mm的细颗粒被分离出来,送往配套的气流床气化炉,与流化床气化炉气体带出的细粉一起进行熔渣气化,提高碳转化率。大量粒径为0.1~1.0 mm的颗粒进热解炉,热解炉出来的气体经适当馏分煤焦油冷却、捕集颗粒物,使温度降至350 ℃左右,采用间接换热模式进一步降温,由此将有机废水产量降至近零水平,实现清洁高效热解气化。以低阶煤4 600 t/d规模的流化床热解气化新工艺为例,干基煤粗粉进热解炉,干燥单元取水约480 kt/a,热解单元不产生有机废水,可产有效气体(氢气和一氧化碳)约1.09×109 m3/a,产煤焦油约81 kt/a,系统碳转化率大于95%,煤焦油、煤气、半焦的产率分别为8.97%,110 m3/t,67.5%,半焦气化产物气中有效气体积分数大于80%。  相似文献   

A pyrolsis gasifier was developed to make use of indigenous biomass to help solve the problem of rural energy shortage particularly in engine fuel shortage and to reduce pollution. First, (low diagram of pyrolysis gasification system was designed and the sketch of gasifier was drawn. Second, the gasifier thus drawn was made. It was successfully operated with corncob feeding. Its performance parameters were measured in an experimental scheme designed according to an orthogonal test table. A variance analysis was taken of the results were taken to sort out the best experimental condition. A run on such conditions gave a heating value of the gas as high as 12.4MJ/nm3 and without tar, a conversion rate about 60.2%, and a total energy efficiency about 59.3%. Regressive analysis of the data that shows the flow rate of the gas is an exponential function of time. Finally, explanations to the analysis results of the data and what problems of the gasiSSfier to be tackled were given.  相似文献   


A pyrolsis gasifier was developed to make use of indigenous biomass to help solve the problem of rural energy shortage particularly in engine fuel shortage and to reduce pollution. First, (low diagram of pyrolysis gasification system was designed and the sketch of gasifier was drawn. Second, the gasifier thus drawn was made. It was successfully operated with corncob feeding. Its performance parameters were measured in an experimental scheme designed according to an orthogonal test table. A variance analysis was taken of the results were taken to sort out the best experimental condition. A run on such conditions gave a heating value of the gas as high as 12.4MJ/nm3 and without tar, a conversion rate about 60.2%, and a total energy efficiency about 59.3%. Regressive analysis of the data that shows the flow rate of the gas is an exponential function of time. Finally, explanations to the analysis results of the data and what problems of the gasiSSfier to be tackled were given.  相似文献   

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