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唐琳  刘仕良  杨波  马良良 《铁合金》2007,38(2):5-9,18
中频感应炉将不锈钢生产中产生的烟尘冶炼镍铬铁,技术上可行,社会效果和经济效益显著。该项目通过科技创新,发展循环经济资源再生利用,具有广阔前景。  相似文献   

<正>在不锈钢生产过程中通常会产生大量烟尘,为了减少气相污染及回收镍、铬及铁资源,烟尘一般采用布袋除尘来收集。2015年中国不锈钢粗钢产量已达2200万t,占世界不锈钢总量的52.2%。通常,每生产1t不锈钢粗钢大约可产生含铬、镍烟尘约40kg,这类烟尘中含大量铬、镍等重金属元素和可溶性盐类。早在1976年美国环境保护局就已经将EAF烟尘列为代号  相似文献   

回收不锈钢粉尘中镍、铬资源,实现循环利用,对不锈钢产业可持续发展意义重大,既可实现资源回收利用,又减轻环境污染.本文在对不锈钢粉尘化学组成、物理特性研究基础上,研究富氧竖炉(Oxycup)工艺回收不锈钢粉尘中镍、铬资源的机理及工业试验.该工艺首先将不锈钢粉尘制成含碳块,随后把含碳块加入富氧竖炉冶炼,生产含铬、镍铁水.铬镍铁水可作为原料返回不锈钢冶炼,实现含镍、铬废弃资源的循环利用,并降低不锈钢生产成本.  相似文献   

宝钢不锈钢分公司电炉低镍生铁使用量不断提高,目前月用量达1万吨。为控制不锈钢冶炼成本,宝钢不锈钢分公司炼钢厂在相关部门的协同支持下,于2007年初成立了《低镍含量镍资源在电炉中的应用和研究》课题组,寻求以低成本镍资源替代镍铁的最佳方法。  相似文献   

太钢二钢厂依靠技术创新和精细化管理,在不锈钢冶炼中使用铬镍生铁,极大地降低了冶炼成本,2007年创造效益约10亿元。 使用铬镍生铁是太钢降低成本的重要措施,对大幅降低不锈钢生产成本,有效支撑公司镍资源需求,打破国际大镍矿公司对镍资源的垄断具有重大的战略意义。在过去的一年里,  相似文献   

锌工业是重要的国民经济基础产业,对于国家的经济发展有着不可忽视的重要作用。锌有着广泛的用途。但我国锌的综合利用率较低,本文将从锌的冶炼方法入手,分析锌冶炼废渣的资源再生,以及含锌烟尘的资源再生。  相似文献   

低品位氧化镍矿(俗称红土矿)和铬粉矿的合理利用是解决我国不锈钢产业镍、铬资源缺乏的重要出路之一。文章提出以镍硅铁合金熔体为主原料的300系列不锈钢短流程冶炼工艺技术思路,即用矿热炉将红土矿炼制成高硅低碳镍硅铁合金中间产品,采用电炉—摇包工艺使其与铬矿—石灰熔体发生脱硅增铬反应,生产出镍、铬不锈钢母液,继而与AOD、VOD工艺衔接,完成300系列不锈钢钢液的冶炼过程。  相似文献   

本文研究了在不锈钢生产中,利用低镍生铁的成本优势,对不锈钢炉料结构进行优化,使用低成本的低镍资源生产不锈钢母液,并对电炉使用大量重料炉料后的冶炼工艺进行改进,取得了良好的工艺效果和较大的经济效益。  相似文献   

第一节概述一、砷害与精矿脱砷砷是冶炼过程中极有害的元素,不仅严重影响冶炼工艺的回收率和制酸工艺的产品质量以及金砷资源的开发利用,而且产生大量含砷废气、废水、废渣和烟尘,对自然环境和生态平衡造成巨大危害。据统计,世界  相似文献   

唐琳  邬生荣 《铁合金》2010,41(1):32-36
叙述了对不锈钢生产时产生的废弃物的利用,因废弃物中含有镍、铬等有用金属氧化物,该氧化物经矿热炉冶炼还原,可生成镍铬铁,供不锈钢生产使用,实现了资源的再生利用最大化。  相似文献   

In the United States, foundry facilities produce huge quantities of by-products to be disposed of annually. These by-products are broadly divided into three waste streams: sand, dust, and slag. To characterize foundry by-products in terms of waste streams helps beneficially manage and reuse foundry by-products based on individual environmental characteristics. One thousand one hundred eighty two data sets addressing bulk and leaching characterization of up to 24 metallic elements in sand, dust, and slag are collected and assessed using statistical methodologies. Findings indicate that sand is not hazardous with high confidence per metallic elements, and a leaching program is not mandatory in assessing whether sand is hazardous or not regarding metallic elements. No evidence indicates that dust and slag are nonhazardous materials. Only a fraction of metallic elements are extracted from as-received waste streams. Through comparisons of statistical parameters including estimated means, 95th percentiles and data distributions, sand is found less contaminated by most metallic elements than dust and slag, but metallic elements in sand leachate are in the similar levels as those in dust and slag leachates. Fe, Zn, and Al are highly concentrated in dust and slag on average, which suggests their potential reclamations.  相似文献   

一钢公司不锈钢炉渣处理工艺设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一钢公司不锈钢炉渣处理选用了一种适合大规模钢铁生产、先进可靠的新工艺。通过一次喷水冷却、二次金属回收、尾渣综合利用等一系列处理流程,充分回收不锈钢渣中的铁及镍、铬等其它贵重金属,综合利用非金属尾渣,而且能使粉尘、噪音及Cr^6 有害物降至最低。  相似文献   

In present,the wet-based pattern is mainly adopted to deal with the steel slag by steel plant at home and abroad,the wet-based technology has some defects;Wasting of water,pollution of the environment,and the slag has not been fully recycled.This paper presents a new method,which is aimed to realize dry granulation,waste heat recovery and comprehensive utilizing the steel slag.According to the ideas of wind quenching granulation,the heating slag from the converter furnace,was bring to the granulation heat exchange system,through the process of breaking in a container,the granulation heat exchange system has the functions of feeding continuously and heat exchange.The heat air,through the diversion tubes,could be recycled in removing the dust.The granulation slag could be bring to a confined roller,granulating and cooling secondarily.The roller export was connected to a magnetic separator.The separated iron could be recycled,and the remaining slag could also be reused as building materials,in process of stabilization and secondary magnetic separation.The heated air could be guided into the boiler to generate the steam,which can be used to generate electricity,or use as cleaned energy,realizing the target to recycle the waste heat in steel slag.The highlights of the new method are dry granulation and waste heat recovery.This paper states the process of heat exchange between the air and the steel slag in the system of granulation heat exchange in the new technical process.In theory,it has been proved reasonable with the the system of granulation heat exchange,and also the work conditions has been optimized.  相似文献   

In the metallurgical plant of LARCO at Larymna, approximately 200000t/y of nickelferrous dust are collected in the gas cleaning systems of the Rotary Kilns (R/Ks) corresponding to an annual production of 100000t FeNi20%. In addition, a stockpile of one million tons of old R/K dust lies close to the plant and the community of Larymna. A “one‐stage” environmentally friendly process has been developed for the recycling of this dust by direct reduction smelting in a DC arc furnace. The industrial adaptation of this process was tested in the 125t DC‐HEP (Direct Current — Hollow Electrode Powder) furnace at Georgsmarienhütte steelwork (GMH) in Germany. About 70t of dust were directly smelted by injection through the hollow electrode of the furnace. The nickel recovery in the metal bath was 93‐99.9%. Final products were low nickel alloyed steel grades and slag suitable for special cement types production. Main cause of the dust generation in the R/Ks is the disintegration of laterite and the ore fines fraction after the ore crushing. Their separation, collection and metallurgical exploitation prior to their feeding in the R/Ks would significantly reduce the amount of the generated dust. Therefore, the smelting of untreated laterite ore fines in the DC‐HEP furnace was also indicatively tested. Thus, a zero residues industrial production process was developed for the recycling of nickel bearing dust and ore fines by smelting in a DC‐arc furnace, since the finally produced FeNi‐alloy and slag are 100% utilized in the steel and cement industry respectively.  相似文献   

从硫化锌精矿中直接回收砷   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在沸腾炉中,利用弱氧焙烧使As和S从硫化锌精矿中脱除,再经过二次燃烧室使As和S得到充分燃烧后全部进入烟气,烟气经余热锅炉和电收尘脱除大部分烟尘,通过收砷设备冷凝沉降后得到As2O3粗烟尘。最佳条件表明,As2O3回收率在98%以上,粗烟尘经砷提纯装置使As2O3含量达到98%以上。提纯过程中的砷渣返回原料工序循环使用,烟气经脱砷处理后用于制酸,整个生产过程为全封闭自动化流水线作业。  相似文献   

刘胜涛  王凯  朱利 《中国冶金》2018,28(11):73-88
主要论述了在大力推广钢铁企业绿色可持续发展的大背景下,首秦对厂内资源类固废回收利用的探索和实践。除小部分固废可直接回吃外,首秦通过厂内自建加工线进行加工回吃,实现了大部分固废的回收利用,提高了自消纳率,为企业创效的同时,也为环境作出了积极贡献。2013年以来资源类固废回吃比例达到72%,比2012年提高2.3%。高炉渣通过自建水渣超细磨工艺实现年产水渣微粉约60万t。钢渣通过自建钢渣处理生产线,对渣钢进行干磨深加工,精选出水磨豆钢及钢渣水磨粉两种产品分别返回炼钢和烧结回收利用。烧结和高炉无法自回收利用的烧结机头三电厂除尘灰、高炉布袋灰与炼钢OG泥、氧化铁皮等固废配加一定燃料和皂土烧成红泥砖,烧成砖后破碎成一定粒度,返回炼钢作为冷却剂使用,破碎后的粉末返回烧结使用,后期该工艺改? AЫ豪涔糖蛲殴ひ眨档图庸し?0元/t。  相似文献   

不锈钢400系除尘灰配加氧化铁冶炼低镍铬生铁的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张军山 《铁合金》2013,(5):16-19
阐述了不锈钢厂对400系除尘灰(Cr9%、Ni0.8%、Fe38%)和氧化铁(Cr11%、Ni5%)按比例混和预处理,以焦炭为还原剂,渣碱度控制在1.3~1.7后,生产出Ni≥2.3%、Cr≥18%、Si≤4%、P≤0.045%的低镍铬生铁,实现不锈钢除尘灰和固体废渣氧化铁的再生利用.  相似文献   

基于竖炉工艺,以不锈钢除尘灰、铁鳞、红土镍矿、铁精矿和铬矿为主要原料,采用小型试验竖炉进行高温冶炼模拟试验,探索竖炉工艺冶炼含Cr和Ni的铁水的可行性。研究结果表明:采用竖炉法处理不锈钢除尘灰,能实现除尘灰中Fe,Cr和Ni等有价元素的回收。Ni元素基本上全部进入铁水,其回收率高达99.80%,Cr的回收率也可达到95.82%。竖炉全红土矿冶炼含Cr和Ni的铁水是可行的,而且将红土镍矿球团和不锈钢除尘灰球团搭配入炉,不仅可充分回收Fe,Cr和Ni等元素,还可减少渣量、降低焦比。竖炉采用铬矿配加铁精矿球团和铁鳞球团冶炼含Cr铁水时,铁水中Cr质量分数可达到17.5%,最高可达20.48%,Cr回收率稍低,为87.15%,但有进一步提高的可能;随着铁水中Si含量的增加,Cr的回收率逐渐提高,磷的分配比逐渐减低;当铁水Si质量分数从1.38%提高到3.73%时,Cr的回收率和磷的分配比变化不大。  相似文献   

钢渣处理与余热回收技术的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国外和中国钢渣处理的余热回收技术和余热回收装置应用案例进行了大量列举、系统比较和分析。通过比较和分析表明:熔融钢渣中的余热可以通过各种不同的钢渣处理工艺,结合科学、经济、合理的热能回收技术将余热加以回收和利用,成果十分显著。同时,指出了由于受钢渣固有特性和物化条件的制约,目前钢渣余热资源的回收存在着许多问题,有待于钢铁行业和热能开发领域的研究者继续探讨和解决。最后,对钢渣余热回收的前景进行了展望,建议政府和相关领域予以足够的重视和支持。  相似文献   

红土镍矿资源的处理在过去的很长一段时期内一直存在着能耗高,金属回收率低,辅助材料消耗大,资源未充分利用,排渣占地等问题;其高效利用在产业化上存在困难。现江锂公司利用其自创的低压酸浸资源高效利用技术在保证镍回收的基础上,综合回收出红土镍矿中的镁、硅、铁等有价资源,使红土镍矿资源的高效利用产业化得以实现。  相似文献   

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