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GIFT,a lightweight block cipher proposed at CHES2017,has been widely cryptanalyzed this years.This paper studies the differential diffusion characteristics of round function of GIFT at first,and proposes a random nibble-based differential fault attack.The key recovery scheme is developed on the statistical properties we found for the differential distribution table of the S-box.A lot of experiments had been done and experimental results show that one round key can be retrieved with an average of 20.24 and 44.96 fault injections for GIFT-64 and GIFT-128 respectively.Further analysis shows that a certain number of fault injections recover most key bits.So we demonstrate an improved fault attack combined with the method of exhaustive search,which shows that the master key can be recovered by performing 216 and 217 computations and injecting 31 and 32 faults on an average for GIFT-64 and GIFT-128 respectively.  相似文献   

Min XIE  Jiaqi LI  Feng TIAN 《通信学报》2020,41(4):143-149
In order to evaluate the security of the lightweight block cipher FeW,a differential fault attack method was proposed and discussed using a single byte random fault model.In this method,a single byte random fault was introduced on the right side of the last round of FeW to recover the key based on the statistical characteristics of S-box difference distribution,and the difference information was obtained using the characteristics of the linear diffusion function.The experiment results show that the complete key recovery can be achieved with an average of 47.73 and 79.55 fault injections for FeW-64-80 and FeW-64-128 respectively.If 210exhaustive calculations are added to the key recovery process,the number of average fault injections required can be reduced to 24.90 and 41.50.This attack is effective on FeW.  相似文献   

提出了一种新的PRESENT密码故障分析方法——代数故障攻击。将代数攻击和故障攻击相结合,首先利用代数攻击方法建立密码算法等效布尔代数方程组;然后通过故障攻击手段获取错误密文信息,并将故障差分和密文差分转化为额外的布尔代数方程组;最后使用CryptoMiniSAT解析器求解方程组恢复密钥。结果表明:在PRESENT-80的第29轮注入宽度为4的故障,故障位置和值未知时,2次故障注入可在50s内恢复64bit后期白化密钥,将PRESENT-80密钥搜索空间降低为216,经1min暴力破解恢复完整主密钥;和现有PRESENT故障攻击相比,该攻击所需样本量是最小的;此外该代数故障分析方法也可为其他分组密码故障分析提供一定思路。  相似文献   

A novel method of fault attack based on round reduction against SM4 algorithm was proposed.Faults were in-jected into the last four rounds of the SM4 encryption algorithm,so that the number of the algorithm's rounds can be re-duced.In known-ciphertext scenario,four traces are enough to recover the total 128 bit master key by screening these faults easily.The proposed attack is made to an unprotected SM4 smart card.Experiment shows that this attack method is efficient,and which not only simplifies the existing differential fault attack,but also improves the feasibility of the attack.  相似文献   

ARIA is a Korean standard block cipher,which is flexible to provide security for software and hardware implementation.Since its introduction,some research of fault analysis is devoted to attacking the last two rounds of ARIA.It is an open problem to know whether provoking faults at some former rounds of ARIA allowed recovering the secret key.An answer was given to solve this problem by showing a novel integral differential fault analysis on two rounds earlier of ARIA.The mathematical analysis and simulating experiments show that the attack can successfully recover its secret key by fault injections.The results in this study describe that the integral fault analysis is a strong threaten to the security of ARIA.The results are beneficial to the analysis of the same type of other block ciphers.  相似文献   

基于符号变换故障攻击原理,针对采用滑动窗口算法实现点乘运算的椭圆曲线密码,当故障位于倍点运算时,给出一种能够解决"零块失效"问题的改进故障分析方法,实验结果表明15次故障注入即可恢复192bit完整密钥;当故障位于加法运算时,提出一种新的故障分析方法,实验结果表明1次故障注入可将密钥搜索空间降低27~215。该方法对其他使用滑动窗口算法的密码算法故障攻击具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Due to the strong attacking ability, fast speed, simple implementation and other characteristics, differential fault analysis has become an important method to evaluate the security of cryptosystem in the Internet of Things. As one of the AES finalists, the Serpent is a 128-bit Substitution-Permutation Network (SPN) cryptosystem. It has 32 rounds with the variable key length between 0 and 256 bits, which is flexible to provide security in the Internet of Things. On the basis of the byte-oriented model and the differential analysis, we propose an effective differential fault attack on the Serpent cryptosystem. Mathematical analysis and simulating experiment show that the attack could recover its secret key by introducing 48 faulty ciphertexts. The result in this study describes that the Serpent is vulnerable to differential fault analysis in detail. It will be beneficial to the analysis of the same type of other iterated cryptosystems.  相似文献   

数据加密算法IDEA的错误引入攻击研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杜育松  王学理 《通信技术》2009,42(11):102-103
文中研究对IDEA的一个差分错误分析方法。它基于暂时随机的比特错误,并利用IDEA中群运算的差分特性。模拟实验表明,该攻击方法能够确定IDEA初始密钥中的62个比特。给出对IDEA的一个基于永久性错误的错误引入攻击方法。该攻击要求攻击者能够永久地毁掉密码设备中的几个寄存器,并使得它们寄存的值总为零。利用该攻击,攻击者可以找出IDEA初始密钥中的96个比特。  相似文献   

赵征洋  张道法 《通信技术》2010,43(8):175-177,180
FOX算法是用于欧洲有线电视的分组密码算法,该算法整体采用Lai-Massey结构,其中的圈函数使用SPS结构。FOX算法的设计结构比较典型,实际应用的范围很广,目前对于该算法的分析却并不多见。研究了FOX算法对于差分故障攻击的安全性。提出一种采用面向字节的随机故障模型,并结合差分分析技术的攻击方法。结果显示,差分故障攻击对于FOX算法是有效的;实验结果也验证了这一事实。该攻击方法恢复出全部密钥信息平均需要128个错误密文,计算穷举量为O(215)。  相似文献   

黄静  赵新杰  张帆  郭世泽  周平  陈浩  杨建 《通信学报》2016,37(8):144-156
提出了一种基于代数分析的PRESENT故障攻击改进方法,将代数分析用于密码和故障方程构建,通过逆向构建加密方程来加快求解速度;提出了一种故障注入后的密钥剩余熵评估方法,可评估不同故障模型下的PRESENT抗故障攻击安全性;最后对智能卡上的8位智能卡上的PRESENT实现进行了时钟毛刺故障注入,最好情况下1次故障注入即可恢复主密钥,这是PRESENT故障攻击在数据复杂度上的最好结果。  相似文献   

SHACAL-2算法的差分故障攻击   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文采用面向字的随机故障模型,结合差分分析技术,评估了SHACAL-2算法对差分故障攻击的安全性。结果显示:SHACAL-2算法对差分故障攻击是不免疫的。恢复出32 bit子密钥的平均复杂度为8个错误密文,完全恢复出512 bit密钥的复杂度为128个错误密文。  相似文献   

韩军  曾晓洋  赵佳 《通信学报》2010,31(1):20-29
提出了一种抗差分功耗分析和差分故障分析的AES算法硬件设计与实现方案,该设计主要采用了数据屏蔽和二维奇偶校验方法相结合的防御措施.在保证硬件安全性的前提下,采用将128bit运算分成4次32bit运算、模块复用、优化运算次序等方法降低了硬件实现成本,同时使用3级流水线结构提高了硬件实现的速度和吞吐率.基于以上技术设计的AES IP核不仅具有抗双重旁道攻击的能力,而且拥有合理的硬件成本和运算性能.  相似文献   

张鹏  胡予濮  张涛 《电子科技》2011,24(6):80-82,86
通过分析流密码算法Mickey-128,提出一种差分错误攻击.在密钥流生成阶段插入640次错误,需要960个密钥,可计算出寄存器R和S在密钥流生成阶段的初始状态,从而恢复整个密钥流.在得出寄存器R和S在密钥流生成阶段的初始状态的前提下,在初始化阶段最坏情况下插入416次错误,需要12480个密钥可计算出密钥种子K和初始...  相似文献   

摘 要:为了有效地抵抗线性攻击和差分攻击,基于“温顺变换”思想构造了一种非线性可逆变换,将此变换与Matsumoto-Imai (MI)方案结合,提出了一种新的扩展多变量公钥密码方案。接着,在扩展方案的基础上,设计出了新的多变量公钥加密方案和签名方案。分析结果表明:该方案继承了MI方案计算高效的优点,并且能够抵抗线性攻击、差分攻击和代数攻击。  相似文献   

为了分析ZUC序列密码算法在相关性能量分析攻击方面的免疫能力,该文进行了相关研究。为了提高攻击的针对性,该文提出了攻击方案的快速评估方法,并据此给出了ZUC相关性能量分析攻击方案。最后基于ASIC开发环境构建仿真验证平台,对攻击方案进行了验证。实验结果表明该方案可成功恢复48 bit密钥,说明ZUC并不具备相关性能量分析攻击的免疫力,同时也证实了攻击方案快速评估方法的有效性。相比Tang Ming等采用随机初始向量进行差分能量攻击,初始向量样本数达到5000时才能观察到明显的差分功耗尖峰,该文的攻击方案只需256个初始向量,且攻击效果更为显著。  相似文献   

高海英  金晨辉  张军琪 《电子学报》2014,42(9):1775-1780
为了精确地估计分组密码算法抵抗差分攻击的能力,在已知多个具有高概率差分特征的条件下,提出了基于卡方统计量的多差分攻击方法.分析了正确密钥和错误密钥对应的统计量的分布规律,给出了多差分攻击方法的成功率、数据复杂度和计算复杂度的关系.在分组密码算法的差分特征概率未知的条件下,该方法仍然是适用的.  相似文献   

LiCi是由Patil等人(2017)提出的轻量级分组密码算法。由于采用新型的设计理念,该算法具有结构紧凑、能耗低、占用芯片面积小等优点,特别适用于资源受限的环境。目前该算法的安全性备受关注,Patil等人声称:16轮简化算法足以抵抗经典的差分攻击及线性攻击。该文基于S盒的差分特征,结合中间相遇思想,构造了一个10轮的不可能差分区分器。基于此区分器,向前后各扩展3轮,并利用密钥编排方案,给出了LiCi的一个16轮的不可能差分分析方法。该攻击需要时间复杂度约为283.08次16轮加密,数据复杂度约为259.76选择明文,存储复杂度约为276.76数据块,这说明16轮简化的LiCi算法无法抵抗不可能差分攻击。  相似文献   

对简化版LBLock算法的相关密钥不可能差分攻击   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
LBLOCK是吴文玲等人于2011年设计的一种轻量级密码算法。该文利用一个特殊的相关密钥差分特征,对19轮的LBlock算法进行了相关密钥不可能差分攻击,攻击的计算复杂度为O(270.0),所需要的数据量为264。进一步,提出了一种针对21轮LBlock的相关密钥不可能差分攻击,计算复杂度为O(271.5),数据量为263。  相似文献   

谢立春  张春琴 《电信科学》2016,32(10):87-93
针对认知无线电网络中协作频谱感知容易遭受数据伪造攻击的问题,提出一种基于检验统计和极端学生化偏差检验法的协作频谱感知方案。首先,将差分进化算法与加权增益合并软决策融合方法相结合,形成一种高效的节点决策融合机制。然后,在协作感知中,根据节点的软决策数据,利用检验统计消除故障认知节点。最后,利用提出的改进型ESD检验法消除恶意认知节点,从而形成全局决策。仿真结果表明,该方案在协作感知中能够有效过滤SSDF攻击数据,具有较低的误检测率。  相似文献   

The secret key used in a cryptosystem can be retrieved by physical attacks such as side-channel analysis (SCA) and fault analysis (FA) attacks. Traditionally, countermeasures for different physical attacks are developed in a separate fashion. To lay a solid foundation for countermeasure development for the emerging combined attacks, it is imperative to thoroughly study how the countermeasure for one attack affects the efficiency of other attack. In this work, we use a FPGA-based platform to investigate whether and how the FA countermeasure can influence the efficiency of the correlation power analysis (CPA) attack. Unlike the previous work using simulations on the S-Box only, our assessments are based on the FPGA emulation of the entire AES. In addition to considering different error detection codes, we compare the key retrieval speed of the CPA attack in the scenarios of using different power models, redundancy types for fault detection, modules under fault protection, and practical FPGA synthesis optimization. Furthermore, we propose a new countermeasure that integrates dynamic masking and error deflection to simultaneously thwart CPA and FA attacks. Experimental results show that for 100,000 power traces, our method successfully prevents the key leakage while other methods leak at least five AES subkey bytes. Meanwhile, our simulation also confirms that the proposed method reduces the success rate of FA attacks by up to 90 % over the other methods.  相似文献   

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