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基于波导耦合光栅的共振原理和多孔硅的光学传感特性,提出一种含多孔硅层的波导耦合光栅纳米异质结构的折射率传感模型。根据古斯-汉欣(Goos-Hnchen)位移理论和波导耦合光栅共振的相位匹配条件,建立共振波长与待测样本折射率之间的关系模型,并分析了折射率传感结构的折射率传感特性。利用多孔硅高效的承载机制,将其作为待测样本承载单元,选用不同浓度的乙二醇溶液作为待测样本,对该折射率传感结构的灵敏度和品质因数Q进行分析。结果表明,该折射率传感结构对乙二醇溶液的灵敏度为2.2nm/1%,Q值为226,证明了该传感结构的有效性,它可实现对低浓度待测样本的检测。  相似文献   

提出了一种亚波长金属光栅/电介质/金属混合波导传感结构,在结构中可产生导模共振模式、表面等离子激元共振模式和局域表面等离子体模式,模式之间互相耦合,从而在反射光谱中形成两个窄带共振缺陷峰。通过研究共振缺陷峰处磁场分布和结构参数对反射谱的影响,分析了结构中的共振模式。根据导模共振原理和表面等离子体共振形成条件,建立共振缺陷峰波长与结构参数之间的关系模型,通过观察共振缺陷峰波长的漂移实现待测样本气体浓度的动态实时监测。以多孔硅为传感载体、甲醛气体为待测样本,分析传感器的品质因数和灵敏度。结果表明,两个窄带共振缺陷峰的品质因数分别可达42.3RIU-1和78.5RIU-1,灵敏度分别为466nm/RIU和628nm/RIU。  相似文献   

基于表面等离子体极化激元的传输特性和周期性光子晶体的光学特性,提出了一种在亚波长介质光栅-金属Ag薄膜结构中产生离散态,在周期性光子晶体结构中产生连续态的亚波长介质光栅-金属Ag薄膜-周期性光子晶体混合结构。通过对该结构进行理论分析和传输特性研究,阐述了该结构中Fano共振产生的机理,建立了基于角度调制的Fano共振传感结构模型,并定量分析了结构参数对反射光谱曲线的影响。结果表明:当周期性光子晶体周期层数N=4、光栅周期Λ=258 nm和金属Ag薄膜厚度d_0=27 nm时,该结构的品质因数FOM值高达2.11×10~4,角灵敏度S=40 (°)/RIU。该结构为亚波长介质光栅结构中实现Fano共振提供了有效的理论参考,对光学折射率传感结构的设计具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

基于法诺(Fano)共振传感特性,提出了一种金属-介质-金属(MIM)波导耦合矩形腔结构,目的是为了实现高灵敏度、高可靠性的折射率传感检测。通过耦合模理论和有限元数值模拟仿真,分析了矩形腔中有无内嵌金属板两种结构的Fano透射光谱特征,并且进一步优化了矩形腔内嵌金属板结构参数,最后阐明了结构参数对其传感特性的内在影响。结果表明,当入射光以TM模式入射到矩形谐振腔时,会形成两个Fano模式共振峰:第一种模式的品质因数(FOM)达9.4×104,灵敏度为700nm/RIU;第二种模式的FOM达8.4×103,灵敏度为1200nm/RIU。研究结果表明此结构设计实现了双Fano峰检测,同时各个模式品质因数都很高,这为高性能微纳光学折射率传感器的设计提供了一定的理论参考依据。  相似文献   

为了进一步提高光学折射率传感器灵敏度,设计了一种金属-介质-金属(MIM)波导结构耦合椭圆八字形谐振腔的折射率传感器。首先,理论分析了该传感结构的原理及关键性能指标;然后,使用有限元分析仿真软件构建了仿真结构,研究其传感性能。仿真结果表明:当a=540 nm、b=340 nm、g=10 nm、l=70 nm时,所设计的传感器的灵敏度可以达到1 323 nm/RIU,对应的品质因数可以达到16。  相似文献   

基于表面等离激元在亚波长结构的传播特性,提出了一种含矩形腔的金属-介质-金属(MIM)波导与T型腔耦合的结构。T型腔形成的较窄离散态与矩形腔形成的较宽连续态相互耦合,经过干涉相消形成Fano共振。采用耦合模理论,分析了Fano共振的形成机理;运用有限元分析法对该结构进行模拟仿真,分析结构参数对其折射率传感特性的影响。结果表明,经过结构参数的优化,其优质因子可达6.04×10~4,灵敏度为1120nm/RIU,该研究结果可为光子回路的集成及纳米级传感器的设计提供理论参考。  相似文献   

基于光子晶体光学塔姆态的耦合分析,提出了一种含金属插层的折射率传感结构。对该光子晶体结构中光学塔姆态的形成机理进行了分析,并调整金属插层的厚度来实现两个光学塔姆态的耦合。建立缺陷峰波长与待测溶液折射率的关系模型,并分析其折射率传感特性。通过对光子晶体周期数和入射角度的讨论,可以得到,增加光子晶体周期数(或入射光的入射角度)可减小缺陷峰的半峰全宽(FWHM),从而提高传感器的灵敏度和折射率的分辨率。以乙二醇为待测样本,可得该传感器的灵敏度为445.45 nm/RIU(折射率单元),品质因数(Q值)可达1259.45。该传感器结构具有制备工艺简单和结构紧凑等优点,可为高Q值和高灵敏度折射率传感器的设计提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

利用纳米压印结合溅射和反应离子刻蚀工艺制备了具有高深宽比的金光栅,使用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪测得了反射谱线.测量结果显示,只在p偏振光垂直于光栅矢量方向入射条件下才存在共振反射峰,证明了“伪表面等离子体激元波”的存在.基于严格耦合波分析理论计算了金属光栅的反射率,研究了其作为中红外波段波长调制型表面等离子体共振传感器的可行性.数值计算表明负级次衍射光波对应的共振反射峰的移动能获得较高的波长灵敏度.对于深宽比为10的金光栅结构,+1级次和-3级次衍射光波对应的波长灵敏度分别为1600 nm/RIU和5000 nm/RIU,品质因子分别为20 RIU-1和60RIU-1.  相似文献   

提出一种基于双长周期光纤光栅(LPFG)的边孔光纤微流传感器。该边孔光纤(SHF)内有2个空气孔,是天然的微流体通道,该微流传感器可进行温度补偿。利用CO2激光器在边孔光纤上写入双LPFG,其共振波长分别为1 268.7 nm和1 385.8 nm。实验结果表明,当传感器置于折射率1.335~1.395的甘油水溶液中,2个LPFG共振峰的折射率灵敏度分别为88.724 nm/RIU和79.474 nm/RIU,温度灵敏度分别为52.0 pm/℃和55.7 pm/℃,利用折射率和温度灵敏度可推导出传感器的传感矩阵。该文所提出的带有温度补偿的微流传感器具有良好的线性响应度,可实现折射率和温度的同时测量,在环境监测和食品安全领域有潜在价值。  相似文献   

基于周期压力单模光纤长周期光栅的折射率传感特性研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
利用交替放置的两个相同周期性刻槽板,对放置于套管中的单模裸纤和待测媒质施力,形成了具有复合光波导结构的长周期光纤光栅(LPFG)。实验研究了不同折射率待测媒质对LPFG传输谱的影响。结果表明:复合波导光栅的光谱呈现双谐振峰现象,且中心谐振波长随待测媒质折射率增大向短波长方向移动;包层模阶次越高,其中心谐振波长移动量越大。当折射率从1.33变化到1.43时,LP14包层模的中心谐振波长变化了7.2nm,所对应的传感器折射率灵敏度约为2.78×10-4 RIU。  相似文献   

Features of resonance power absorption in a lossy dielectric resonator shaped as a rectangular trapezium in a rectangular waveguide are studied. It is found that such a resonator can provide strong absorption (or reflection) of the TE10-mode input from the straight (or inclined) interface port. The maximum absorption is observed when the sum of the coupling coefficients equals unity. Simple formulas relating the scattering and absorption coefficients with the coupling coefficients at the resonance frequency are presented. The physical mechanism of resonance absorption is discussed.  相似文献   

吴斌  王庆康 《微纳电子技术》2007,44(12):1063-1067
介绍了集成波导型表面等离子体共振传感器工作原理和基本结构,用传统波导模式的分析法结合表面等离子体波的色散方程,计算集成波导型表面等离子体共振传感器理论模型的共振波长。通过基于菲涅耳方程的解析分析,得到了含有表面等离子体共振吸收峰的透射谱。通过比较不同折射率被测物的透射谱,粗略确定了集成波导型表面等离子体传感器的检测范围。  相似文献   

Experiments using a parallel plate waveguide as the measurement medium have revealed a strong dependence of RF absorption in rats and biological-phantom prolate spheroidal bodies upon the frequency and polarization of electromagnetic fields. The results correlate well to those of free space irradiation. Strongest power deposition is observed for fields polarized along the long dimension of the bodies for frequencies such that the major length is about one-quarter wavelength of radiation. At resonance, an effective absorption area of 2.5 to 3.5 times the shadow cross section is measured.  相似文献   

An explanation of the mode behavior in dielectric waveguides with an absorbing, high-refractive-index cladding is given. By considering the total waveguiding system as two separate waveguides, it is possible to attribute the behavior of the complex refractive index of the guided modes to the mixing of the modes of both waveguides. For systems with absorption, so-called quasi-leaky waves are observed in the total system for finite thicknesses of the overlay. For absorptionless systems these leaky waves are found only for infinite thicknesses of the overlay. The occurrence and behavior of these quasi-leaky waves versus the increasing overlay thickness are interpreted. A method for calculating the coupling efficiency of modes at the junction unclad waveguide-clad waveguide, taking into consideration waveguides with absorption, is presented. An experimental method for measuring the absorption coefficient for the guided modes in the cladded waveguide and the coupling losses at the unclad-clad waveguide junction was developed. The measured values are in a good agreement with the theoretical calculations  相似文献   

A parallel-plate waveguide is used to determine wide-band RF (285 to 4000 MHz) absorption characteristics of 96- to 390-g rats and biological-phantom prolate spheroidal bodies. The results compare well to those of free space irradiation. At resonance, for E along the long dimension (a) power deposition of 9 times higher then that for H||a orientation is observed.  相似文献   

该文设计了一种超薄雷达吸波超材料,从等效电路和表面电流、电场分布分析了其吸波机理,并将其应用于波导缝隙天线的带内雷达散射截面(Radar Cross Section, RCS)减缩。该吸波材料仅由两层金属及中间的有耗介质板组成,厚度约为/175,最大吸波率达99.9%,且具有入射角和极化稳定吸波特性。将该吸波材料加载到波导缝隙天线上,实验结果表明:加载后的天线,回波损耗和增益几乎不变,在21~21角域,天线带内RCS减缩均在3 dB以上,法线方向RCS减缩最大超过17 dB。  相似文献   

We calculate the high-speed modulation properties of an electroabsorption modulator for /spl lambda/=1.55 /spl mu/m based on Stark shifting an intersubband resonance in GaN-AlGaN-AlN step quantum wells. In a realistic simulation assuming an absorption linewidth /spl Gamma/=100 meV we obtain an RC-limited electrical f/sub 3dB//spl sim/60 GHz at an applied voltage swing V/sub pp/=2.8 V. We also show that a small negative effective chirp parameter suitable for standard single-mode fiber is obtained and that the absorption is virtually unsaturable. The waveguide is proposed to be based on the plasma effect in order to simultaneously achieve a strong confinement of the optical mode, a low series resistance, and lattice-matched cladding and core waveguide layers. Extrapolated results reflecting the decisive dependence of the high-speed performance on the intersubband absorption linewidth /spl Gamma/ are also given. At the assumed linewidth the modulation speed versus signal power ratio is on a par with existing lumped interband modulators based on the quantum confined Stark effect.  相似文献   

This paper gives an analysis of E-plane waveguide ferrite limiters under subsidiary resonance conditions. Since Suhl's high-power damping term is power sensitive, it is necessary to evaluate it in every part of the ferrite structure before forming the dispersion relation. This is done in this paper by dividing the waveguide assembly in small elements transverse and parallel to the direction of propagation and calculating it in each region. The dispersion relation in each section along the direction of propagation is then formed in conjunction with the appropriate Suhl damping constant by establishing the transverse resonance condition. The total output power is obtained by forming the input/output relation for each section one at a time along the structure. The theory has been found useful in describing both the onset of limiting and the dynamic range of a ferrite limiter mounted on one of the narrow walls of the waveguide.  相似文献   

The authors report on measurements of large optical nonlinearities in GaAs-GaAlAs multiple quantum-well hetero-nipi (MQW-H nipi) waveguides using a Mach-Zender interferometer. At normal operational powers and absorption levels the lateral spreading of the photogenerated carriers is so large that the nonlinearity must be defined from the ratio between the total optical power and the width of the MQW-H nipi region rather than from the optical intensity alone. The study concludes that the nonlinearity measured in a GaAs-GaAlAs MQW-H nipi waveguide at a wavelength far below the absorption edge where the absorption coefficient is in the range 10-20 cm-1, is on the order of 10 -5 cm2/W. This value is two to three orders of magnitude larger than the optical nonlinearity measured in a typical MQW p-i-n diode waveguide at similar absorption, but the increased nonlinearity is obtained at the expense of speed  相似文献   

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