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陈秋颖  杨坤德 《电声技术》2010,34(10):65-68,72
通过分析新的SODA资料,得到西北太平洋上层海表温度时空分布特征,剖析了西北太平洋海表温度的季节变化及经纬向分布特征,得出西北太平洋声速值变化规律。资料分析表明:西北太平洋海表温度存在着显著的季节变化特征。在季节变化中,春季由于太阳辐射加强,使整个海域海表温度比冬季约高2℃,整个西北太平洋东南部SST等温线分布较为平缓;夏季SST受太阳辐射的影响而整体升高,分布均匀且南北温差较小;秋季海表温度开始降低;冬季海表温度整体降低,等温线达到全年最低,南北温差较大。海表温度基本上是纬向分布,低纬海洋温度在20~30℃之间,高纬海洋降至0~1℃,等温线在中纬度(40°N附近)最密集,南北温度梯度最大。  相似文献   

单通道物理法反演海表温度的参数敏感性分析及验证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
定量分析了反演海表温度的单通道物理法对海水比辐射率、海面风速、海水盐度、大气透过率、大气上下行辐射等参数的敏感性,发现海水比辐射率、大气透过率对算法精度影响较大,是单通道物理法反演海表温度的主要误差来源.在不同的波段,单通道物理法对参数敏感性也有较大差别,中红外波段的敏感性要小于热红外波段.为了验证单通道物理法的可行性、精度及参数敏感性分析的结果,选择墨西哥湾海域2009年全年夜间MODIS实测数据进行实验.结果表明,中红外波段的单通道物理法反演海表温度的精度高于热红外波段,达到MODIS劈窗算法海表温度标准产品同等精度,这与参数敏感性分析的结果一致.由于中红外波段单通道物理法精度较高,一方面,可以满足常规的业务观测需求,为海表温度反演提供新的技术手段;另一方面,可用来标定劈窗算法系数,弥补海洋现场观测站位空间分布不足的问题.  相似文献   

只有基于准确的地表温度反演算法计算出的产品数据,才能正确推广使用。研究基于Landsat-8、Landsat-9和气象站数据,对比了5种常用地表温度反演算法的结果,并对不同算法的反演结果和参数灵敏度进行了测试。结果表明:基于地表比辐射率参数计算的辐射传输方程和单通道算法反演结果与地面实测数据吻合较好。基于大气水汽参数计算的单窗算法和劈窗算法的反演结果均高于实测温度。基于平均温度参数计算的单窗算法反演精度误差较大。此外,比较了两种遥感数据在不同地物上反演温度的一致性。研究结果可为地表温度反演和产品选择提供参考。  相似文献   

盐度是重要的物理海洋参数,会影响海洋许多过程。基于渤海实测的海表盐度和MERIS卫星获取的遥感反射率数据,建立并检验了一种多元线性模型和人工神经网络模型。经检验,两种模型的反演均方根误差分别为0.858psu和0.689psu(psu为实用盐度单位),对应的相关系数分别为R2=0.81和R2=0.82。将模型应用于MERIS遥感数据,获取了渤海海表盐度图,能够体现渤海海表盐度的空间分布情况。两种模型均可适用于多光谱遥感数据。  相似文献   

基于高频电磁波与海洋表面的散射机制,以雷达二阶散射截面方程为理论依据。首先,进行了从高频雷达二阶海洋 回波谱中反演饱和风速的算法理论近似,讨论算法运用的前提条件;其次进行了饱和风速与二阶谱峰频率的关系式推导;然后,利用高频地波雷达模拟海洋回波谱数据对算法进行了可行性验证,证明该算法特定风速范围内有较好的反演结果; 最后,将算法应用于实测高频地波雷达海洋回波多普勒谱进行了饱和风速反演,并进行了反演结果分析与误差分析。 结果分析表明:该算法在满足理论近似条件的前提下能有效提取海面饱和风速信息。  相似文献   

赵现斌  严卫  艾未华  陆文  马烁 《雷达学报》2019,8(3):391-399
多普勒中心偏移是合成孔径雷达(SAR)反演海面风场、海表流场的重要参数。该文针对机载正侧视提出一种多普勒中心偏移计算方法,分别利用载机运动状态数据和海洋探测回波数据计算多普勒中心频率,再作差求解多普勒中心偏移,并在多普勒谱分析中加入小波分析去除噪声的影响来提高计算精度。以CDOP经验模型计算结果作为比对真值,机载SAR飞行探测试验结果表明,9组探测数据多普勒中心偏移计算误差的绝对值均小于2 Hz,均方根误差为1.4 Hz,满足海洋环境要素反演的精度要求。实验表明高精度的平台运动状态数据和探测回波数据是多普勒中心偏移海洋应用的关键。   相似文献   

利用MODIS影像数据,采用劈窗算法来反演安徽地区的地表温度。结合Sobrine、覃志豪等人提出的NDVITEM方法和地物监督分类方法,对地表比辐射率进行了估算,将反演结果与NASA的地表温度产品进行比较,平均误差在1 K左右。同时利用卫星过境当天从安徽省高密度自动监测站获取的实时数据对反演结果进行验证,发现反演温度与地面实测数据的曲线走势具有高度的一致性且有较高的相关性,能直观地反映安徽地区地表温度的空间分布。  相似文献   

基于岸基实测数据的FY-3A近红外通道海洋大气水汽反演   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用全自动太阳光度计(CE-318)野外定点长时间序列现场观测数据,验证传统大气水汽反演算法,结果表明,反演结果精度较低,不适于该研究区域大气水汽含量反演.因而给出了近红外波段大气水汽含量探测的原理,对自主卫星FY-3A中分辨率成像光谱仪MERSI(Medium Resolution Spectral Imager)反演大气水汽含量算法作了推导、分析.基于长时间序列现场观测数据集,建立了局地化的FY-3A海洋大气水汽反演算法,并用于研究区实际大气水汽含量反演.通过双通道比值法和三通道比值法反演结果与现场实测数据比较,得出以下结论:模型受下垫面反射率影响较大;三通道比值法较双通道比值法反演结果精度更高,双通道比值法误差为16.1%,三通道比值法误差为14.3%;实测数据验证和改进后算法精度更高.  相似文献   

钠多普勒激光雷达大气参数反演方法   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
钠多普勒激光雷达以75~110 km大气层中的Na原子为示踪物,由接收到的共振荧光散射回波光子数反演该高度范围内大气温度、风场及钠原子数密度廓线.研究钠激光雷达大气风场和温度反演的方法,分析激光雷达光子计数中的脉冲堆积效应和钠层吸收对反演结果的影响,并提出改正方法.将该方法用于美国伊利诺斯大学激光雷达实测数据的反演,反演结果与该大学的结果相符合,验证了反演方法的正确性.最后对测量数据进行了误差分析,给出噪声光子数引起的误差剖面及实验测量精度.  相似文献   

云和气溶胶探测激光雷达( Cloud-aerosol lidar with orthogonal polarization, CALIOP)能够发射532 nm 和 1064 nm 两种波长激光脉冲,主要用于大气中云和气溶胶的探测。532 nm激光脉冲在海洋表面有很好的穿透性,能获得海表以下的 后向散射信号。利用CALIOP数据对直接提取水下信号和瞬态响应校正提取水下信号两种方法进行对比研究。首先,反演 得到海洋次表层水下信号,进而反演海洋颗粒物后向散射,并与中分辨率成像光谱仪(Moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer, MODIS)反演的颗粒物后向散射进行对比。颗粒物后向散射差值的均值分别为0.0035、0.0027; 标准偏差分别为0.4004、0.0042。表明校正方法反演的颗粒物后向散射与MODIS反演颗粒物后向散射更为接近。  相似文献   

This paper presents the detection of sea surface temperature (SST) and salinity in the Gulf of Bohai Sea of China using thermal infrared (TIR) data of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Both AVHRR and MODIS imageries are evaluated as main data sources for monitoring SST as a measure of upwelling's dynamic. The relationship between SST and salinity in the area is also discussed during 1997-2000 derived from AVHRR data and then examined using MODIS data of 2000. The obtained results indicated that both AVHRR and MODIS are useful to detect SST and salinity in the study area.  相似文献   

南海海温年际变化的均方差分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈秋颖  杨坤德 《电声技术》2010,34(11):72-75
利用新的SODA海表温废资料,研究了2002~2007年南海表层水温(SST)的均方差特征,探讨其对声速变化的影响。分析结果表明:在所选取的南海海域中,南海SST均方差随季节和纬度都有所变化,整个南海SST均方差值变化范围为1—6。1~3月高于18°N海域,海温年际变化较大,基本接近4.低于18°N海域均方差值随月份减弱;4~6月南海海域海温年际变化小,随月份和纬度增大而略微增大;7~9月海温变化不明显,基本保持同样的变化趋势;10~12月在高于12°N附近海域,海温均方差值先变小,到12月份又开始增大,低于120N附近海域,均方差值保持在1左右变化。南海海表声速较大,但随季节变化不明显,夏、秋两季比春、冬两季较高。  相似文献   

Using brightness temperature Tb measurements from L-band airborne microwave radiometers, with independent sea surface temperature (SST) observations, sea surface salinity (SSS) can be remotely determined with errors of about 1 psu in temperate regions. Nonlinearities in the relationship between Tb, SSS, and SST produce variations in the sensitivity of salinity S to variations in Tb and SST. Despite significant efforts devoted to SSS remote sensing retrieval algorithms, little consideration has been given to deriving density D from remotely sensed SSS and SST. Density is related to S and T through the equation of state. It affects the ocean's static stability and its dynamical response to forcings. By chaining together two empirical relationships (flat-sea emissivity and equation of state) to form an inversion algorithm for sea surface density (SSD) in terms of Tb and SST, we develop a simple L-band SSD retrieval algorithm. We use this to investigate the sensitivity of SSD retrievals to observed Tb and SST and infer errors in D for typical sampling configurations of the airborne Salinity, Temperature, And Roughness Remote Scanner (STARRS) and satellite-borne Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) and Aquarius radiometers. We then derive D from observations of river plumes obtained using STARRS and demonstrate several oceanographic applications: the observations are used to study variations in T and S effects on D in the Mississippi plume, and the across-shelf density gradient is used to infer surface geostrophic shear and subsurface geostrophic current in the Plata plume. Future basin-scale applications of SSD retrievals from satellite-borne microwave radiometers such as SMOS and Aquarius are anticipated.  相似文献   

基于TRMM/TMI卫星遥感海表面温度(SST)数据,采用谐波分析方法和经验正交函数分解(EOF)方法对南海SST的季节内变化规律进行了分析,探讨了其对声速变化规律的影响。结果表明:南海SST季节内空间分布的第一模态呈现南北负正反对称分布;第二模态的空间分布为以越南外海的负值为中心。分析相应的时间系数功率谱可知其显著周期为5、6、8、11、12周。分析表明SST的季节内振荡与纬向风分量、经向风应力有密切关系。探讨潜热通量可发现其显著周期为54~69天,存在显著的季节内变化;冬夏季变化的最大区域分别集中在越南外海和南海北部,且第一模态的时间函数与潜热通量的最大相关系数可达到40%,相关系数的大值区域主要集中在越南上升流区域。南海海表声速较大但随季节变化不明显,与温度同相变化与盐度反相变化。  相似文献   

为了研究海表面温度(sea surface temperature,SST)对低空大气波导数值模拟的影响,针对南海海域基于天气研究与预报(weather research and forecasting,WRF)模式开展了不同SST对低空大气波导数值模拟的影响研究.结果表明:精确的SST对低空大气波导数值模拟影响最大,...  相似文献   

The feasibility of the ERS-1 Wind Scatterometer (WS) for monitoring the boreal forest zone is investigated, concentrating on soil frost and soil moisture monitoring. The ERS-1 WS measures the target area with coarse spatial resolution (about 50 km) using three separate antenna beams and a wide angular range. The investigations are concerned with the boreal forest zone using data (1) from test areas located in Finland and (2) covering the whole northern European boreal forest zone. The seasonal behavior of WS data is studied and a semiempirical forest backscattering model-based inversion method for the retrieval of soil moisture and for soil frost monitoring from WS data is developed. The developed inversion method employs nearly simultaneous three-beam measurements and a varying incidence angle. Promising results were obtained in the monitoring of soil frost, and the retrieval of soil moisture also appears to be a feasible field of application. The applicability of the instrument for forest biomass retrieval using single images was found to be limited to long-term change detection  相似文献   

Sea surface temperature (SST) is an important input for regional and global weather modeling, but timely high- resolution SST data from either in situ or satellite sources are limited. A regional near-real-time aqua moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) 1-km-resolution SST composite has been developed by the NASA Short-term Prediction and Research Transition (SPoRT) program to provide continuous high-resolution SST fields twice daily for regional weather applications. The SPoRT Aqua MODIS SST composite is inter- compared to both half-degree-resolution real-time global (RTG) SST analysis and a 6-km-resolution geostationary operational environmental satellite 12 (GOES) Imager SST analysis and validated against buoy data for the month of May 2004. The SPoRT MODIS composite provides more accurate and detailed spatial information than the RTG-SST or GOES products during this period. Compared to limited buoy data, the daytime MODIS composites for May 2004 were found to have an average cool bias of -0.09degC, and the nighttime composites an average cool bias of -0.29degC, with both day and night composites having correlation values of approximately 0.90. A comparison of the MODIS SST composite to the more recent and higher resolution 12th-degree RTG-SST analysis and the 20th-degree resolution operational sea surface temperature and sea ice analysis indicated that the SPoRT MODIS composite provides additional spatial and diurnal cycle information on a regional scale.  相似文献   

This paper describes a snow parameter retrieval algorithm from passive microwave remote sensing measurements. The three components of the retrieval algorithm include a dense media radiative transfer (DMRT) model, which is based on the quasicrystalline approximation (QCA) with the sticky particle assumption, a physically-based snow hydrology model (SHM) that incorporates meteorological and topographical data, and a neural network (NN) for computational efficient inversions. The DMRT model relates physical snow parameters to brightness temperatures. The SHM simulates the mass and heat balance and provides initial guesses for the neural network. The NN is used to speed up the inversion of parameters. The retrieval algorithm can provide speedy parameter retrievals for desired temporal and spatial resolutions, Four channels of brightness temperature measurements: 19V, 19H, 37V, and 37H are used. The algorithm was applied to stations in the northern hemisphere. Two sets of results are shown. For these cases, the authors use ground-truth precipitation data, and estimates of snow water equivalent (SWE) from SHM give good results. For the second set, a weather forecast model is used to provide precipitation inputs for SHM. Additional constraints in grain size and density are used. They show that inversion results compare favorably with ground truth observations  相似文献   

This paper presents the detection of sea surface temperature (SST) in the Gulf of Finland using infrared band data of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR). AVHRR imagery is evaluated as a main data source for monitoring SST as a measure of upwelling's dynamic. Sea surface effects (SSE), however, cause a temperature difference between the sea surface skin and water below the surface. Therefore, SSE is taken into account as one of the major error factors in the SST esimation. Further studies will be investigated using both AVHRR and MODIS in the future.  相似文献   

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