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基于现有的Turbo乘积码的编译码方法,提出一种附加删余的Turbo乘积码编译码算法,介绍其编码器的构造方法,阐述了译码算法及实现框图,分析了删余信息对传输帧长的影响,仿真了其误码性能,并与未删余的Turbo乘积码做比较。分析和仿真结果表明,附加删余的Turbo乘积码可满足特定系统传输速率及帧长的需要,在相同的信噪比下,删余Turbo乘积码的误码性能优于未加删余的误码性能。  相似文献   

通信系统中在不同的信道条件下常采用不同的编码速率,删余码是实现这种策略的有效方式。该文基于高斯近似思想,分析了高斯白噪声信道上删余LDPC码的消息传递译码算法,并在推导出消息均值迭代公式的基础上提出了一种优化删余分布的方法。仿真结果表明,根据此优化方法设计的删余LDPC码在消息传递译码算法下,消息均值增长较快并且消息传递译码算法具有较快的收敛速度。  相似文献   

基于DRP交织器的Turbo码码率设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郑丽敏  张卫党  董艳 《通信技术》2009,42(8):180-182
删余是构造不同码率Turbo码的主要方法,删余方案和交织器类型对于Turbo码的性能有重要影响。本文使用DRP交织器,分析其算法。然后以周期删余得到不同的码率,但性能降低。通过比较各个删余方案的Turbo码的低码重分布,选择出有最大最小码重值的方案,系统性能得到提高。仿真结果表明,基于DRP交织器的Turbo码和删余方案相结合实现了不同码率的输出,同时可以使系统性能提高。  相似文献   

根据删余卷积码具有较低的译码复杂度这一特征,提出了一种适用于普通高码率卷积码的低复杂度译码方法。通过多项式生成矩阵表示法,推导了删余卷积码的等效多项式生成矩阵,给出了等效多项式生成矩阵的计算准则。在分析删余卷积码与相同码率普通卷积码的等效关系和区别的基础上,提出了高码率卷积码的删余等效并给出了计算高码率卷积码删余等效后原始码和删余矩阵的方法。以原始码和删余矩阵构成的删余等效结构为译码基础,实现了高码率卷积码的低复杂度译码,其译码复杂度与原始码相当。仿真结果表明,删余等效译码方法相对于正常译码方法,其性能损失很小。  相似文献   

在直升机卫星通信系统(HSCS)中,如何克服由于旋翼遮挡导致的系统性能恶化是一个亟需解决的关键问题。旋翼遮挡相当于对码字信息的成片删除,通过分析删余Turbo码中删余矩阵的设计准则,首先对Turbo码的编码结构进行改进,并提出了一种适用于直升机旋翼遮挡环境下的交织器。它满足以下特性:将删除均匀分散在整个码字序列中,变突发错误为随机错误;码字中每个信息位与其对应的2比特校验位中最多只删1位;与被删比特组相邻的两个比特组保留;删除部分中以信息位-校验位1-校验位2的模式循环,这些特性保证了删除信息的可靠恢复。最后对不同遮挡比例下新型交织器与传统交织器进行仿真比较,结果表明采用新型交织器改善了数据传输的误码率(BER)性能,提高了HSCS系统的可靠性。  相似文献   

张旺  肖勇 《山西电子技术》2012,(3):48-49,87
针对低载噪比下突发直扩信号扩频码相位估计问题,通过分析扩频码自相关函数Hilbert变换后特性,基于现有前馈估计方法,采用删余的思想改进得出了一种性能更优的前馈估计算法。仿真表明,与现有的几种前馈估计方法相比,本文算法码相差估计误差低于现有几种算法,可以有效提高低载噪比下码相差估计性能。  相似文献   

一种Turbo码的编码算法仿真实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对Turbo码的编码的基本原理及编码中的关键元件和技术做了介绍,其中包括交织器的原理,最主要的是对Turbo码在CDMA2000中的编码进行了Matlab仿真,在Turbo码编码的设计仿真过程中对交织器和抽取器进行了算法的实现,模块的封装,计算结果与理论值较接近,有助于对Turbo码的进一步研究.  相似文献   

对Turbo码的编码的基夺原理和对编码中的关键元件和技术做了介绍,其中包括交织器的原理,最主要的是对Turbo码在CDMA2000中的编码进行了Matlab仿真,在Turbo码编码的设计仿真过程中对交织器和抽取器进行了算法的实现,模块的封装,计算结果与理论值较接近,有助于对Turbo码的进一步研究。  相似文献   

考虑Turbo码的删截周期对汉明重量在删截位置上的分布的影响,得出删截方案的优选对性能的改善程度取决于删截周期的结论,最后通过计算机仿真进行了验证。这一结论对高码率Turbo码的删截方案的优选有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

针对目前标准非删余极化码盲识别存在的算法复杂、误码适应能力不足等问题,首先证明了能够表征极化码码长、码率关系,区分信息子信道和冻结子信道的定理与命题,并基于此提出了一种高效的盲识别算法.该算法只需设定可能的最大码长,构建对应的软判决码字矩阵与克罗内克矩阵,利用所证明的定理与命题对两矩阵校验关系进行判决,估计码率及冻结比...  相似文献   

胡延平  张天骐  白杨柳  周琳 《信号处理》2021,37(11):2207-2215
摘 要:无法获得完整的递归系统卷积码(Recursive System Code,RSC)码字,传统的盲识别方法就不适用于删余型Turbo码的识别。于是该算法在识别序列的构造上进行了改进,针对Turbo码在删余位上的码字与对应的RSC码有所区别的情况,将该位上的码字视为“0”和“1”等概率出现的误码,从而对删余位进行归零处理并选取合适的截取序列进行匹配度计算,根据最后匹配度的总分布情况对删余型Turbo码分量编码器的参数进行识别。仿真结果表明针对码长为256,码率为1/2的删余型Turbo码,在最大误比特率不超过0.033的情况下正确识别率能保持在80%以上。   相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a generalized formula for generating puncturing patterns for block-type low-density paritycheck (B-LDPC) codes with dual-diagonal parity structure. The proposed formula distributes punctured bits uniformly in the zigzag edge connections, as well as maximizes the minimum recovery speed and the reliability of each punctured node. Also, the proposed puncturing can be applied to any B-LDPC code with dual-diagonal parity structure and can provide efficient bitwise puncturing patterns even when the number of puncturing bits is not equal to an integer multiple of the block size. Simulation results show that the proposed punctured B-LDPC codes are better than existing punctured B-LDPC codes and even dedicated B-LDPC codes used in commercial standards.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an efficient puncturing method for LDPC codes. The proposed algorithm provides the order of variable nodes for puncturing based on the proposed cost function. The proposed cost function tries to maximize the minimum reliability among those provided from all check nodes. Also, it tries to allocate survived check nodes evenly to all punctured variable nodes. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm prevents the formation of a stopping set from the punctured variable nodes even when the amount of puncturing is quite large. Simulation results show that the proposed punctured LDPC codes perform better than existing punctured LDPC codes.  相似文献   

This paper first introduces an improved decoding algorithm for low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes over binary-input-output-symmetric memoryless channels. Then some fundamental properties of punctured LDPC codes are presented. It is proved that for any ensemble of LDPC codes, there exists a puncturing threshold. It is then proved that for any rates R1 and R2 satisfying 012<1, there exists an ensemble of LDPC codes with the following property. The ensemble can be punctured from rate R1 to R2 resulting in asymptotically good codes for all rates R1lesRlesR2. Specifically, this implies that rates arbitrarily close to one are achievable via puncturing. Bounds on the performance of punctured LDPC codes are also presented. It is also shown that punctured LDPC codes are as good as ordinary LDPC codes. For BEC and arbitrary positive numbers R12<1, the existence of the sequences of punctured LDPC codes that are capacity-achieving for all rates R1 lesRlesR2 is shown. Based on the above observations, a method is proposed to design good punctured LDPC codes over a broad range of rates. Finally, it is shown that the results of this paper may be used for the proof of the existence of the capacity-achieving LDPC codes over binary-input-output-symmetric memoryless channels  相似文献   

A flexible rate Slepian-Wolf (SW) code is constructed, which is vital for wireless sensor network applications. The proposed solution is based on an efficient and practical algorithm to compute the syndrome of the rate-compatible convolutional codes (RCPC). Using this algorithm, there is no need to compute the syndrome of punctured version of the mother code for each puncturing matrix, which is complex. Instead, the syndrome of the punctured code is the punctured version of the syndrome of the mother code using the same pattern of puncturing. The algorithm is general for all convolutional codes in Zq. The strategy is also generalized for parallel and serial concatenated convolutional codes. For the cases, where the dependencies among sources are modeled as a virtual discrete channel, a simplified decoding scheme is suggested. This method is generalized to achieve all points on the SW boundary using a simple code design technique. Simulation results demonstrate the performance and effectiveness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the use of punctured recursive systematic convolutional codes for turbo coding in a 2-user binary adder channel (2-BAC) in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise, aiming to achieve a higher transmission sum rate with reduced decoding complexity. The encoders for the 2-BAC are assumed to be block synchronized and to employ identical puncturing patterns. Iterative decoding combining the Bahl Cocke Jelinek Raviv algorithm and a two-user punctured trellis is employed. For each user and for a fixed puncturing pattern, random interleavers of length 256 bits or 1024 bits, respectively, are simulated and corresponding curves relating bit error rate versus signal to noise ratio are presented for performance comparison purposes. Computer simulation indicates that the loss in performance of a punctured turbo code can be negligible when longer interleavers are used for both users, similarly to the single user case.  相似文献   

该课题研究构造了纠错能力强、编译码复杂度低的中短码长的率匹配多进制LDPC码。提出了一种校验位高效编码删余算法,以得到高性能的多进制RC-LDPC码。该删余算法以设计的高性能中短码长、中等码率(1/2码率)的多进制LDPC母码为基础,采用高效的结构化编码删余算法,实现比较宽的速率范围(例如1/10到9/10)内设计高性能的纠错码。仿真结果表明,此算法性能优于传统的随机删余和节点分组与排序删余算法。  相似文献   

The performance of punctured low-definition parity-check (LDPC) codes under maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding is studied in this correspondence via deriving and analyzing their average weight distributions (AWDs) and the corresponding asymptotic growth rate of the AWDs. In particular, it is proved that capacity-achieving codes of any rate and for any memoryless binary-input output-symmetric (MBIOS) channel under ML decoding can be constructed by puncturing some original LDPC code with small enough rate. Moreover, it is shown that the gap to capacity of all the punctured codes can be the same as the original code with a small enough rate. Conditions under which puncturing results in no rate loss with asymptotically high probability are also given in the process. These results show high potential for puncturing to be used in designing capacity-achieving codes, and in rate-compatible coding under any MBIOS channel.   相似文献   

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