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任克强  余建华  谢斌 《电视技术》2015,39(13):69-72
为了降低无线传感器网络(WSN)的能耗,延长网络的生存周期,提出一种多簇头双工作模式的分簇路由算法.算法对低功耗自适应集簇分层(LEACH)协议作了以下改进:采用多簇头双工作模式来分担单簇头的负荷,以解决单簇头因能耗较大而过早消亡的问题;选举簇头时充分考虑节点位置和节点剩余能量,并应用粒子群优化(PSO)算法优化簇头的选举,以均衡网络内各节点的能耗;建立簇与簇之间的数据传输路由,以减少簇间通信的能耗.仿真结果表明,算法有效降低了网络的能耗,延长了网络的生存周期.  相似文献   

在交通路灯监控系统中为节省网络节点能耗和降低数据传输时延,提出一种无线传感网链状路由算法(CRASMS)。该算法根据节点和监控区域的信息将监控区域分成若干个簇区域,在每一个簇区域中依次循环选择某个节点为簇头节点,通过簇头节点和传感节点的通信建立簇内星型网络,最终簇头节点接收传感节点数据,采用数据融合算法降低数据冗余,通过簇头节点间的多跳路由将数据传输到Sink节点并将用户端的指令传输到被控节点。仿真结果表明:CRASMS算法保持了PEGASIS算法在节点能耗方面和LEACH算法在传输时延方面的优点,克服了PEGASIS 算法在传输时延方面和LEACH算法在节点能耗方面的不足,将网络平均节点能耗和平均数据传输时延保持在较低水平。在一定的条件下,CRASMS算法比LEACH和PEGASIS算法更优。  相似文献   

一种基于ARMA的WSN非均衡分簇路由算法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
韩志杰  王汝传  凡高娟  肖甫 《电子学报》2010,38(4):865-0869
 针对无线传感器网络中分簇路由算法中存在的“热区”问题,提出了一种基于虚拟区域划分的非均衡簇路由算法。算法将簇划分的任务交由能量无限制的汇聚节点完成,使得靠近汇聚节点的内层簇的规模小于外层簇的规模。在簇的结构中引入了主、从簇头节点,从而实现了分布式簇头选举工作,同时在分簇过程中避免了每个阶段的能量消耗。将ARMA预测模型引入到主簇头节点的更换过程中,从而避免了主簇头因为能量完全消耗而死亡,也避免了因为主簇头死亡而造成网络分割,降低网络的生存时间,利用NS2.31仿真平台对基于虚拟区域划分的非均衡簇路由算法进行了仿真验证,结果表明与传统路由算法相比,该算法延长了WSN的生存时间,有效提高了WSN网络健壮度。  相似文献   

交通路灯监控系统的无线传感网链状路由算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在交通路灯监控系统中为节省网络节点能耗和降低数据传输时延,提出一种无线传感网链状路由算法(CRASMS)。该算法根据节点和监控区域的信息将监控区域分成若干个簇区域,在每一个簇区域中依次循环选择某个节点为簇头节点,通过簇头节点和传感节点的通信建立簇内星型网络,最终簇头节点接收传感节点数据,采用数据融合算法降低数据冗余,通过簇头节点间的多跳路由将数据传输到Sink节点并将用户端的指令传输到被控节点。仿真结果表明,CRASMS算法保持了PEGASIS算法在节点能耗方面和LEACH算法在传输时延方面的优点,克服了PEGASIS算法在传输时延方面和LEACH算法在节点能耗方面的不足,将网络平均节点能耗和平均数据传输时延保持在较低水平。在一定的条件下,CRASMS算法比LEACH和PEGASIS算法更优。  相似文献   

针对三维水声传感器网络,在研究水声信道能耗特性的基础上,设计了一种能量高效的路由算法Hybrid LEACH。它基于经典的LEACH算法,而在簇间传输中使用一种树状路由取代簇头与汇聚节点直接通信,减少了簇头节点的能耗,达到延长网络生存时间的目的。仿真结果显示,Hybrid LEACH算法在网络规模较大的情况下可以有效延长网络生存时间。  相似文献   

孙振  王凯  王亚刚 《电子科技》2019,32(8):27-32
为平衡无线传感器网络中的簇头负载并进一步降低多跳传输能耗,文中提出了一种改进的基于时间竞争成簇的路由算法。该算法通过限制近基站节点成簇入簇,以防止近基站节点成簇入簇的节能收益无法补偿成簇入簇能耗;利用基站广播公共信息和基于时间机制成簇,以减少节点基本信息交换能耗;通过候选簇头中继来平衡簇头负载。候选簇头的评价函数综合考虑了剩余能量和最优跳数的理想路径,以期在保持中继负载平衡的基础上尽量降低多跳能耗。仿真结果显示,该算法较LEACH和DEBUC算法延长了以30%节点死亡为网络失效的网络生存周期,表明该算法在降低节点能耗和平衡负载方面是有效的。  相似文献   

LEACH是一种低功耗自适应按簇分层路由算法.为了降低节点能耗,在LEACH协议的基础上提出了在选举簇头时,改变阈值T(n)的大小以降低节点成为簇头的概率,从而节省网络因分簇而消耗的能量.同时又提出了一种基于节点剩余能量的二层簇头的算法,该算法能使节点减少将冗余信息传输到基站,从而达到降低节点消耗能量的目的.通过实验仿真,表明这些方法能使网络节点能量的消耗减少,达到了延长网络生命周期的目的.  相似文献   

针对传统的层次型网络存在的分簇不合理和能耗不均衡等问题,提出了一种基于能量和密度的动态非均匀分区成簇路由算法。该算法先根据节点与基站之间的距离将网络合理地进行动态的区域划分,在区域内成簇,使靠近基站的簇规模小于距离基站较远的簇,减少靠近基站的簇首负担和能量消耗;通过综合考虑节点剩余能量和节点密度等因素来优化簇的非均匀划分和簇首的选择,簇首间采取基于数据聚合的多跳传输机制。仿真结果表明,与经典路由算法LEACH相比,该算法能有效均衡节点能耗,延长网络生命周期。  相似文献   

传统分簇路由协议轮叫调度算法(RRCH)只进行一次簇的建立过程,当需要更换簇头时,在每个簇内选举一个剩余能量最高的成员节点作为下一轮的簇头。但是每轮只为每个簇选择一个簇头,且可能分布在簇的边缘,这将导致簇头节点能量浪费。提出了一种多簇头路由算法(MCHB),其主要思想是在簇的形成阶段为每个簇中选择2个簇头,由这2个簇头承担能耗,防止了单一簇头节点过早死亡。算法仿真结果表明,与传统算法RRCH相比,改进后的多簇头路由协议延长了约30%的网络寿命,大大降低了能耗。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络能量均衡路由算法   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
设计了一种能量均衡的路由算法.路由的建立分两个阶段,在簇头建立阶段,让候选节点在覆盖范围内以剩余能量的多少和所处位置为标准来竞选簇头,以使簇头分布均匀,平衡网络覆盖;在通信阶段,根据簇头节点的剩余能量大小和其距离基站的远近,采用多跳的簇间通信方式建立路由,以此来降低簇头节点的通信负载.仿真结果表明该算法能够有效降低网络能耗和延长网络生存时间.  相似文献   

Due to inherent issue of energy limitation in sensor nodes, the energy conservation is the primary concern for large‐scale wireless sensor networks. Cluster‐based routing has been found to be an effective mechanism to reduce the energy consumption of sensor nodes. In clustered wireless sensor networks, the network is divided into a set of clusters; each cluster has a coordinator, called cluster head (CH). Each node of a cluster transmits its collected information to its CH that in turn aggregates the received information and sends it to the base station directly or via other CHs. In multihop communication, the CHs closer to the base station are burdened with high relay load; as a result, their energy depletes much faster as compared with other CHs. This problem is termed as the hot spot problem. In this paper, a distributed fuzzy logic‐based unequal clustering approach and routing algorithm (DFCR) is proposed to solve this problem. Based on the cluster design, a multihop routing algorithm is also proposed, which is both energy efficient and energy balancing. The simulation results reinforce the efficiency of the proposed DFCR algorithm over the state‐of‐the‐art algorithms, ie, energy‐aware fuzzy approach to unequal clustering, energy‐aware distributed clustering, and energy‐aware routing algorithm, in terms of different performance parameters like energy efficiency and network lifetime.  相似文献   

In the wireless sensor networks, high efficient data routing for the limited energy resource networks is an important issue. By introducing Ant-colony algorithm, this paper proposes the wireless sensor network routing algorithm based on LEACH. During the construction of sensor network clusters, to avoid the node premature death because of the energy consumption, only the nodes whose residual energy is higher than the average energy can be chosen as the cluster heads. The method of repeated division is used to divide the clusters in sensor networks so that the numbers of the nodes in each cluster are balanced. The basic thought of ant-colony algorithm is adopted to realize the data routing between the cluster heads and sink nodes, and the maintenance of routing. The analysis and simulation showed that the proposed routing protocol not only can reduce the energy consumption, balance the energy consumption between nodes, but also prolong the network lifetime.  相似文献   

为了提高无线传感器网络的生存时间,针对当前LEACH算法存在的能量不均衡难题,提出一种能量均衡的无线传感器网络节点路由算法。首先将监测区域看成以基站为中心的扇形区域,并将扇形区域分割成不同大小的弧形方块,每个弧形方块中的节点组成一个簇,根据节点剩余能量产生簇头,然后采用单跳和多跳相结合的簇间通信机制,最后采用仿真实验测试算法的性能。结果表明,本文算法有效提高了网络的能量利用率,能够实现节点之间的能耗均衡,使无线传感器的网络生存时间得到延长,适用于对网络生命周期要求较高的应用。  相似文献   

魏然  李貌 《数字通信》2013,(6):33-36
为了延长无线传感网络的生存时间,需要设计满足高效率、低功耗的路由算法。一种CMRA(intercluster head multi-hop routing algorithm)算法被提出来,这种算法通过节点通信能量消耗模型建立最小能量路径树,但CMRA对于簇头选择的能量分配不均衡,造成簇头结点负载过重。提出一种新的路由算法CMRA-EE(CMRA-energy efficient),在簇头选举阶段引入节点能量参数,同时将簇头节点能量与距离作为代价参数,从而平衡了网络节点能耗。通过仿真对CMRA-EE算法进行性能分析与评价,结果显示,CMRA-EE算法在延长无线传感网有效生存时间方面比CMRA算法有了明显的改善。  相似文献   

The paper proposes an energy efficient quality of services (QoS) aware hierarchical KF-MAC routing protocol in mobile ad-hoc networks. The proposed KF-MAC (K-means cluster formation firefly cluster head selection based MAC routing) protocol reduces the concentration of QoS parameters when the node transmits data from source to destination. At first, K-means clustering technique is utilized for clustering the network into nodes. Then the clustered nodes are classified and optimized by the firefly optimization algorithm to find cluster heads for the clustered nodes. The transmission of data begins in the network nodes and TDMA based MAC routing does communication. The observation on KF-MAC protocol performs well for QoS parameters such as bandwidth, delay, bit error rate and jitter. The evaluation of proposed protocol based on a simulation study concludes that the proposed protocol provides a better result in contrast to the existing fuzzy based energy aware routing protocol and modified dynamic source routing protocol. With KF-MAC protocol, the collision free data transmission with low average energy consumption is achieved.  相似文献   

Clustering and multi-hop routing algorithms substantially prolong the lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). However, they also result in the energy hole and network partition problems. In order to balance the load between multiple cluster heads, save the energy consumption of the inter-cluster routing, in this paper, we propose an energy-efficient routing algorithm based on Unequal Clustering Theory and Connected Graph Theory for WSN. The new algorithm optimizes and innovates in two aspects: cluster head election and clusters routing. In cluster head election, we take into consideration the vote-based measure and the transmission power of sensor nodes when to sectionalize these nodes into different unequal clusters. Then we introduce the connected graph theory for inter-cluster data communication in clusters routing. Eventually, a connected graph is constituted by the based station and all cluster heads. Simulation results show that, this new algorithm balances the energy consumption among sensor nodes, relieves the influence of energy-hole problem, improve the link quality, achieves a substantial improvement on reliability and efficiency of data transmission, and significantly prolongs the network lifetime.  相似文献   

A routing algorithm, based on a dual cluster head redundant mechanism combined with compressive sensing data fusion algorithm, is proposed to improve reliability and reduce data redundancy of the industrial wireless sensor networks. The Dual cluster head alternation mechanism is adopted to balance the energy consumption of cluster head nodes. Through the compressive sensing data fusion technology to eliminate redundancy, effectively improve the network throughput of the sensor network. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is able to enhance the networks performance, significantly reduces the number of lost packets and extend the network’s lifetime.  相似文献   

通过分析无线传感器网络的电路模型和能量消耗情况,结合LEACH算法,提出一种基于最小能耗的无线传感器网络路由算法。网络运行时首先将其划分为若干个子区域,再进行簇首节点的选取,这样取代了传统LEACH算法对整片网络随机选取簇首节点的做法,使得簇首节点分布更加均匀。同时,在选取簇首节点之前对每个节点的剩余能量进行判断,低于阈值的采取休眠处理,这样保证了簇首节点选取的有效性。以上两点措施使区域内节点负载分配更加合理,有效地提升了整个网络的生存时间。  相似文献   

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