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第十一届ILOPE展会于2006年12月5-7日在北京召开,此次展会包含了一个光电展览,四个技术/产业论坛和一个中外贸易交流会.吸引了来自14个国家近400家参展商,展出面积达1万多平米.国内主流的激光、光学和红外厂商悉数到场,同时国外FLIR、光谱物理、相干、镭宝、贰陆、HGH、Senko、美国Photonics、尼康等国际知名企业也携新产品、新技术参与.  相似文献   

In this paper,we focus on inferring graph Laplacian matrix from the spatiotemporal signal which is defined as“time-vertex signal”.To realize this,we first represent the signals on a joint graph which is the Cartesian product graph of the time-and vertex-graphs.By assuming the signals follow a Gaussian prior distribution on the joint graph,a meaningful representation that promotes the smoothness property of the joint graph signal is derived.Furthermore,by decoupling the joint graph,the graph learning framework is formulated as a joint optimization problem which includes signal denoising,timeand vertex-graphs learning together.Specifically,two algorithms are proposed to solve the optimization problem,where the discrete second-order difference operator with reversed sign(DSODO)in the time domain is used as the time-graph Laplacian operator to recover the signal and infer a vertex-graph in the first algorithm,and the time-graph,as well as the vertex-graph,is estimated by the other algorithm.Experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that the proposed algorithms can effectively infer meaningful time-and vertex-graphs from noisy and incomplete data.  相似文献   

人不可能两次迈进同一条河流,而8848却似乎可以。近段时间,因为速达的“收购传闻”,8848再一次成为业界关注的焦点。因为如今的8848内部风雨飘摇,外部官司缠身,它有何被收购的价值?公司总裁吕春维为何早早投怀送抱、急于为收购造势?谁是这一出“收购闹剧”的幕后主使?在诸多疑问背后,很少有人能看清事情本质。老8848的创始人王峻涛知道,但他不说,因为此8848已非当年之彼8848。几年前,盛极一时的老8848就是这样被幕后资本强行拉入分拆和兼并的资本游戏,被胜利冲昏头脑的大股东妄图运用资本力量主导企业发展,对他们来说,更重要的是上市圈钱。但因为牵扯的利益太多,诱惑太多,8848的发展最终陷入极度迷茫中,在资本疯狂追逐最大利益的时候,企业却错过了发展的最佳时机,并从此一步步走向衰微。6年来,8848经历了最辉煌的巅峰时期,同样也经历了无数是是非非。即使当时剩下的钱仍可使8848运营数十年,但是,商人们已经对8848的未来失去了耐心与信心,老8848最终难逃遭清算厄运。后来,所谓“王者归来”的新8848更是虚有其表,连核心业务也惹上纠纷,最后股东终于按捺不住……现在经常有人问王峻涛,如果当时不要上市,如果当时不分拆,如果……但王说:假设没有意义,我懂得了一点:创业者要坚持、坚持、再坚持。张朝阳也说:做自己的,不要听华尔街的。或许这就是本文要寻找的答案。  相似文献   

兰天  黄霞 《IT时代周刊》2005,(12):67-69
3G谈判受阻的主要原因是在谈判中,电信研究院作为一家研究机构实力太弱,如果能聘请外国在专利谈判上有丰富经验的律师或律师行主谈,加上中国政府的免费授权政策和运营商有关采购3G设备政策的出台,专利谈判可能是另外一个结果。  相似文献   

Passive detection of moving target is an important part of intelligent surveillance. Satellite has the potential to play a key role in many applications of space-air-ground integrated networks(SAGIN). In this paper, we propose a novel intelligent passive detection method for aerial target based on reservoir computing networks. Specifically, delayed feedback networks are utilized to refine the direct signals from the satellite in the reference channels. In addition, the satellite direct wave interference in the monitoring channels adopts adaptive interference suppression using the minimum mean square error filter. Furthermore, we employ decoupling echo state networks to predict the clutter interference in the monitoring channels and construct the detection statistics accordingly. Finally, a multilayer perceptron is adopted to detect the echo signal after interference suppression. Extensive simulations is conducted to evaluate the performance of our proposed method. Results show that the detection probability is almost 100% when the signal-to-interference ratio of echo signal is-36 dB, which demonstrates that our proposed method achieves efficient passive detection for aerial targets in typical SAGIN scenarios.  相似文献   

2007年11月17日22点35分.我站值班人员接到中国联通梅州分公司的电话投诉.称其在梅州城区的多个CDMA基站收到不明信号的干扰.严重影响CDMA用户的正常使用。接到投诉后.我站迅速组织技术力量查找干扰  相似文献   

2月4日,信息产业部苟仲文副部长深入省内通信运营企业现场查看了机房、通信基站和野外倒塌的电线杆,并召开座谈会,详细了解全省通信行业的受灾情况,指导江西通信业抗灾保通信畅通工作。苟仲文高度评价了江西省通信行业抗灾保通信畅通工作,对全省通信行业广大干部员工在抗雪灾行动中的无私奉献表示感谢,并勉励全省通信行业要继续战斗,做好后期的抗灾工作。  相似文献   

Boston-Power公司(Boston-Power,Inc.)是创新便携式电源解决方案的供应商,其解决方案可满足当今市场对更安全、更持久锂离子电池的需求.日前,该公司宣布募集了4500万美元的新资金.C系列融资是由Oak Investment Partners主导,并包括现有的蓝筹投资者Venrock Associates、Granite Global Ventures及Gabriel Venture Partners.  相似文献   

2008年7月11日.BIRTV2008筹备工作通报会在北京梅地亚中心召开,广电总局科技司王效杰司长、中央电视台何宗就副台长、中央人民广播电台钱岳林总工、广电总局广播科学研究院马炬院长、广播电视规划院姜文波院长、中央电视台技管办黄平刚主任以及中广国际总公司李金荣总经理等领导出席会议,与120多位参展厂家的代表和媒体界的朋友们在会上进行了座谈.  相似文献   

目前我国农业管理部门已经重视到电子商务对农村经济发展的重要性,农村信息化建设步伐加快,进一步促进农村电子商务发展.从对中国互联网认识和使用的群体来看,绝大部分都集中于受过高等教育的人口,虽然会有分布于农业行业的部分,但总体所占比率很低.全国各种涉农网站为实现农业增效和农民增收,每天都发布农产品供求信息.无论从交易规模、数量、还是经济效益来看,中国农村电子商务都滞后于其他领域电子商务的发展.……  相似文献   

针对平流层定点信息平台低空试验艇的工作特点,分析了该系统无线数据链路中上下行信道天线收发信号与平台运动方式的关系,分析表明现有天线结构存在传输信号盲区的问题。为此提出了一种基于天线分集的天线收发模型,以改善数据链路性能。该模型实现简单,仿真结果表明该结构可显著提高信噪比并有效消除信号传输盲区,实现信号的可靠传输。  相似文献   

倍频变容管的特性直接影响变容管倍频器的性能。文中介绍倍频变容管的设计 ,并制作出了与设计结果基本一致的器件。获得了输入 8GHz、5 0 0 m W,输出 16 GHz,最高倍频效率大于5 0 %的二倍频测试结果 ,并给出了 8mm四倍频器的使用结果  相似文献   

进行GSM、CDMA、PHS基站的测试是无线电管理工作中的一项重要任务,这就要求我们平时留心各种基站的有关知识,测前精心准备,测时细心操作,测试后用心编写报告。测前准备充分1.要与设台单位协商好测试的时间、数量,并签定协议书。2.要了解基站所使用的频率、工作特性;测试的项目及其指标;测试的依据和相应的无线电管理规定;做到心中有数。以PHS基站为例:PHS无线接入系统使用1900—1915MHz,由于第一信道为895.15MHz,因此我国PHS系统第一可使用的信道号为18。PHS移动接入方式采用TDMA(时分多址)/TDD(多载频时分双工)。中兴公司的5…  相似文献   

提出相关能量峰值旁瓣比最大法来确定圆谐滤波器的正确展开中心,以用于旋转不变光学图像的识别。这一新方法能保证圆谐滤波器的识别能力是最优的。另外给出了相应的计算机模拟结果。  相似文献   

Cancer immunotherapy has witnessed significant advances in the past decade, however challenges associated with immune-related adverse effects and immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment, have hindered their clinical application. Stimuli-activatable nanomedicines hold great potential for improving the efficiency of cancer immunotherapy and minimizing the side effects via tumor-specific accumulation, controllable drug release profile, and combinational therapy by integrating multiple therapeutic regimens. In this review, the recent advances of stimuli-activatable nanomedicines for cancer immunotherapy are first described, with particular focus on endogenous stimuli including pH, glutathione, reactive oxygen species, and excessive enzymes within the tumor microenvironment. Then, the endogenous stimuli-activatable nanomedicines that target tumor cells, immune cells, or periphery immune systems for eliciting sustained systemic immune activation and modulating the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment, are described. Next, the general mechanisms underlying nanomedicine-based immunotherapy by eliciting anti-tumor immune responses and overcoming immunologic tolerance are described. Further, the emerging application of bioimaging techniques for monitoring immune response and evaluating therapy performance is described. Finally, the authors’ perspectives are provided for the clinical translation of nanomedicine-based cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

远程医疗视频通信融合平台解决方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庞倩 《中国新通信》2010,12(1):77-79
远程医疗是网络科技与医疗技术结合的产物。通过其行业背景和需求分析,针对医疗卫生系统的不同应用环境和用途,提出了完善的解决方案。  相似文献   

A new lossless intra-coding method based on a cross residual transform is applied to the next generation video coding standard HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding). HEVC includes a multi-directional spatial prediction method to reduce spatial redundancy by using neighboring pixels as a prediction for the pixels in a block of data to be encoded. In the new lossless intra-coding method, the spatial prediction is performed as pixelwise DPCM but is implemented as block-based manner by using cross residual transform on the HEVC standard. The experimental results show that the new lossless intra-coding method reduces the bit rate of approximately 8.43% in comparison with the lossless-intra coding method in the HEVC standard and the proposed method results in slightly better compression ratio than the JPEG200 lossless coding.  相似文献   

一种适用于MCU的SDRAM控制器的实现方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢时根  张利  王志华 《电视技术》2003,(5):69-70,76
介绍了同步动态存储器SDRAM的特点、操作原理,提出了一种对于MCU等微控制器有着友好接口的SDRAM控制器的实现方法,使得不带SDRAM控制器的微处理器可以方便地实现对于SDRAM的控制。  相似文献   

Q-ary low-density parity-check (Q-LDPC) codes have a better performance than those of the binary low-density parity-check (B-LDPC) codes, at short and medium block lengths, but the decoder of Q-LDPC has more complexity. In this article, a new stop criterion is proposed. By analyzing the changes of the maximum posteriori probability of the variable node, the criterion decides whether the iteration of the decoder must be stopped. The simulation results show that the stop criterion can effectively reduce the computation complexity of the Q-LDPC decoder with negligible performance loss.  相似文献   

We present a methodology to generate performance-aware corner models (PAMs). Accuracy is improved by emphasizing electrical variation data and reconciling the process and electrical variation data. PAM supports corner ($pm sigma$ and $pm hbox{2}sigma$) simulation and Monte Carlo simulation. Furthermore, PAM supports the practice of application-specific corner cards, for example, for gain-sensitive applications.   相似文献   

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