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实施乡村振兴战略是新时代社会发展的战略要求,是解决“三农问题”的主要手段。根据当地传统文化特色,做好涉农宣传、加大乡村振兴战略报道力度、融媒体报道力度、营造助推乡村振兴良好环境是当前涉农媒体发展的主要内容。从过去工作实践可以看出,涉农融媒体扎根广大农村,不断提升融媒体的服务意识和服务水平,使融媒体成为乡村振兴的“助推器”。本文从涉农宣传方法入手,着重分析其在乡村振兴领域的推动作用。  相似文献   

智慧广电乡村工程是落实国家“十四五”规划和《广播电视和 网络视听“十四五”发展规划》要求的关键举措,是巩固拓展脱贫 攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔接的重要手段。近年来,国家陆续出台 乡村振兴相关政策,积极推进智慧广电全面融入乡村振兴战略。 2022 年,国家广播电视总局印发《关于推进智慧广电乡村工程建设 的指导意见》。文件围绕加强乡村舆论阵地建设、服务乡村治理能 力和治理体系建设、推动乡村公共服务智慧化发展、服务乡村产业 振兴、服务美丽乡村建设等五个方面,大力实施智慧广电乡村工程, 全面提升乡村广播电视数字化、网络化、智能化水平,积极推进智 慧广电全面融入乡村振兴战略,更好地服务文化强国、数字中国和 网络强国建设。  相似文献   

近年来,我国乡村题材电视剧在乡村振兴战略背景下,被赋予了更多时代内涵和价值内核。作为新时代的乡村电视剧,《幸福到万家》不仅讲述了“农村由穷变富”,更关注“富了之后怎么办”。并且,故事以新时代乡村女性何幸福的成长为主线,在乡村振兴的时代命题之下,破万家庄之沉疴旧习,普及新风、新观念,以个人力量影响乡村,实现自身、家人和村庄的共同成长。该剧在塑造女性力量、呈现乡村文明建设的时候,并没有呈现出非此即彼的二元对立,而是全方位展现万家庄在法治文明建设、精神文明建设、生态文明建设等方面的一系列变化,侧写乡村振兴的深层次主题。  相似文献   

为深入宣传贯彻习近平总书记关于实施乡村振兴战略的重要论述,贯彻落实《中华人民共和国乡村振兴促进法》,充分发挥广播电视和网络视听行业优势,推进巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔接,推动乡村产业振兴、人才振兴、文化振兴、生态振兴、组织振兴,国家广播电视总局决定在广播电视和网络视听全行业开展智慧广电服务乡村振兴专项行动。  相似文献   

在乡村振兴的国家战略大背景下,“三农”节目成为各级媒体争相探索和创新的领域。本文着重阐述“三农”电视访谈节目的发展现状及问题,并以四川广播电视台乡村频道“三农”电视访谈节目《乡村会客厅》为研究对象,客观分析主持人在节目中所起到的作用和产生的影响,进而探讨“三农”电视访谈节目主持人的专业能力素养构成以及能力培养方法,为提高节目品质及主持人综合竞争力提升提出新的思考和实践构想。  相似文献   

本文通过介绍智慧广电乡村振兴省级公共服务平台在乡村振兴的实际应用,结合广播电视行业转型发展和巩固脱贫成果,助力乡村振兴的大背景,提出了“智慧广电·乡村振兴”公共服务平台专项工作实施方案,将智慧广电乡村振兴公共服务平台建设作为提升乡村治理水平、推动全面乡村振兴的重要抓手和平台。  相似文献   

一是做优精品栏目。统筹指导各级广播电视媒体和网络平台精心办好专题专栏,《乡村振兴示范区建设》《德胜村:脱贫摘下“得胜果”振兴路上再出发》等12部作品入选全省优秀广播电视新闻作品,向广电总局推荐优秀作品6部。二是做亮宣传主题。《“总书记,我们想对您说”手绘VLOG》承德专辑在“学习强国”首页首屏刊登,《冀有好物》乡村振兴版、《今日资讯》乡村振兴等一批主题节目,作为广电乡村振兴典型宣传案例向全国推广。  相似文献   

<正>虚拟现实技术成为乡村数字化对外展现的手段。在乡村振兴战略全面推进之际,选取典型贫困地区的脱贫攻坚-乡村振兴历程作为展馆主题,利用Creo、Unity、UE4等多种技术手段搭建关键场景模型和虚拟环境,设计沉浸式、互动性、趣味性的乡村振兴数字展馆,为乡村振兴全面推进提供强劲的助力。2012年,脱贫攻坚的号角在河北省阜平县吹响。  相似文献   

0引言党的十九大报告明确指出,乡村振兴战略是我国在农村建设中的重要战略,是全面建设小康社会最后的关键部分,是农民共同分享各种现代化成果的必要手段。党的十九大报告中还指出,要加快推进农业农村现代化。对县级有线电视网络而言,国家提出的乡村振兴战略,既是挑战也是机遇,因此应紧跟时代步伐,抓住乡村振兴战略对网络的需求,因地制宜制定长远发展目标,出台切实可行的举措,在乡村振兴战略中发挥应有的作用[1]。  相似文献   

2021年2月25日,在全国脱贫攻坚总结表彰大会上,习近平总书记宣布:我国脱贫攻坚战取得了全面胜利。对广大乡村而言,脱贫不是终点,而是新生活、新奋斗的起点,实现乡村振兴将是我国长远发展战略。在数字经济时代,要实现乡村振兴,离不开数字化发展。自党的十八大以来,中央作出一系列重要战略部署,明确将数字乡村作为乡村振兴的战略方向。  相似文献   

陈文云  胡家骏 《数字通信》1999,26(3):3-5,22
在基于ATM-TCP技术实现ABR中,一个信元的丢失会导致该信元所属分组破坏,致命该信元所属分组的网络中传输都变得无效,重传机制来确保传输正确性,分组多次重传浪费大量带宽,并进一步加剧网络拥塞状况。ATM-TCP只保证每个信元对网络访问的公平性,而忽略了TC究组的公平性。本文提出了一种与分组长度无关的公平排队策略,提出以抛弃信元的代价为权值,来决定要抛弃的信元。它不仅能保证分组的公平性,而且能使网  相似文献   

Two synchronous transmission strategies suitable for optical WDM networks of passive star topology are presented in this study. The fiber bandwidth is divided into parallel WDM channels: the control and the data channels, while the number of control channels is less than the number of data channels. In particular, the control channels are used for the control information exchange prior to the data packet transmission, aiming to avoid the data channel collisions. This is achieved by effectively exploiting the propagation delay latency as appropriate acknowledgment time. The first transmission strategy performs the data channel collisions avoidance by allowing only one station per cycle to transmit over a data channel, employing appropriate transmission rules, like in [12]. On the other hand, the second transmission strategy (Improved Protocol) assigns to each control channel a dedicated data channel to ensure that each successfully transmitted control packet corresponds to a successful data packet transmission. Thus, it requires less processing overhead as compared to the first one. The performance of both the WDMA strategies are analytically studied based on Markovian models for finite population, while the performance measures are derived by closed mathematical formulas. The protocol performance is extensively studied for various number of stations, control and data channels. Finally, the comparison of the two protocols proves that second one essentially improves the throughput, while this improvement is an increasing function of the number of control channels.  相似文献   

Iterative multiuser uplink and downlink beamforming under SINR constraints   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We study the problem of power efficient multiuser beamforming transmission for both uplink and downlink. The base station is equipped with multiple antennas, whereas the mobile units have single antennas. In the uplink, interference is canceled by successive decoding. In the downlink, ideal "dirty paper" precoding is assumed. The design goal is to minimize the total transmit power while maintaining individual SINR constraints. In the uplink, the optimization problem is solved by a recursive formula with low computational complexity. The downlink problem is solved by exploiting the duality between uplink and downlink; thus, the uplink solution carries over to the downlink. In the second part of the paper, we show how the solution can be applied to the problem of rate balancing in Gaussian multiuser channels. We propose a strategy for throughput-wise optimal transmission for broadcast and multiple access channels under a sum power constraint. Finally, we show that single-user transmission achieves the sum capacity in the low-SNR regime. We completely characterize the SNR-range where single-user transmission is optimal.  相似文献   

This paper considers communication over a multi-hop Rayleigh block-fading channel, where there is no direct link between the transmission ends, and communication is carried out through the use of multiple cascaded relays, employing the Decode and Forward (DF) strategy. It is assumed that the relays cannot do buffering or apply coding over consecutive transmission blocks, and they can merely re-encode the retried information and forward an encoded version of information to the next hop. In this case, assuming the channel information of each hop is not available at the corresponding transmitter and considering the destination either receives a minimum rate R0 or declare an outage event, a multi-layer coding strategy in addition to a single-layer code of the minimum rate R0 are employed, where the optimal power allocation policy across code layers is derived, leading to the maximum average achievable rate for a given outage probability.  相似文献   

王娟  夏羽 《电子学报》2000,48(12):2425-2433
针对数据中心网络在"多对一"并发流量模式下,TCP(Transmission Control Protocol)及其现有改进方案在单轮数据传输和多轮数据传输下吞吐率低下问题,提出了一种通过数据包标记实现丢包快速发现和快速重传并动态调整拥塞窗口初始值的策略,称为TSL(TCP SkyLine).TSL同时解决了传统TCP Incast问题和多轮数据传输下由遗留窗口引发的TCP Incast问题.实验表明,TSL在单轮数据传输和多轮数据传输下均能获得90%以上的带宽利用率.在10Gbps网络中,其支持的并发连接数与传统TCP和DCTCP相比分别提升了5倍和1倍,有效吞吐率分别提升了18倍和8.6倍;在1Gbps网路中,支持的并发连接数较传统TCP和DCTCP分别提升了5.8倍和1倍.  相似文献   

Since high-quality image/video systems based on the JPEG/MPEG compression standards often require power-expensive implementations at relatively high bit-rates, they have not been widely used in low-power wireless applications. To alleviate this problem, we designed, implemented, and evaluated a strategy that can adapt to different compression and transmission rates. (1) It gives important parts of an image higher priority over unimportant parts. Therefore, the high-priority parts can achieve high image quality, while the low-priority parts, with a slight sacrifice of quality, can achieve huge compression rate and thus save the power/energy of a low-power wireless system. (2) We also introduce a priority-driven scheduling approach into our coding algorithm, which makes the transmission of important parts earlier with more data than other parts. Through a balanced trade-off between the available time/bandwidth/power and the image quality, this adaptive strategy can satisfy users with desired images quality and lead to a significant reduction of the important parts’ deadline misses.
Feng Shang (Corresponding author)Email:

异构网络跨层协作传输技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张琛  粟欣  王文清  曾捷  邝育军 《通信学报》2014,35(8):24-205
提出了一种分层协作框架,在此框架下采用结合协作预编码的跨层协作传输技术以解决异构网络严重的层间干扰,特别是小区范围扩展区域的干扰问题。所提出的协作传输策略基于OFDMA下行传输系统并支持宏基站和低功率基站在资源块级别的协作传输。仿真结果表明在使用小区范围扩展的异构网络中,基于分层协作框架的协作传输技术在系统吞吐量性能方面优于现有eICIC技术。  相似文献   

蔡艳  吴凡  朱洪波 《通信学报》2021,(3):183-189
为了满足5G系统低时延高可靠的需求,针对单缓存终端直传(D2D)协作边缘缓存系统,提出了一种基于传输时延的缓存策略。运用随机几何理论,将请求用户和空闲用户的动态分布建模为相互独立的齐次泊松点过程,综合考虑内容流行度、用户位置信息、设备传输功率以及干扰,推导出用户的平均传输时延与缓存概率分布的关系式。以平均传输时延为目标函数建立优化问题,提出了一个低复杂度的迭代算法,得到平均传输时延次优的缓存策略。仿真结果表明,该缓存策略在传输时延方面优于常见的几种缓存策略。  相似文献   

Optimal resource allocation in multiservice CDMA networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses the problem of dynamic resource allocation in a multiservice direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) wireless network supporting real-time (RT) and nonreal-time (NRT) communication services. For RT users, a simple transmission power allocation strategy is assumed that maximizes the amount of capacity available to NRT users without violating quality of service requirements of RT users. For NRT users, a joint transmission power and spreading gain (transmission rate) allocation strategy, obtained via the solution of a constrained optimization problem, is provided. The solution maximizes the aggregate NRT throughput, subject to peak transmission power constraints and the capacity constraint imposed by RT users. The optimization problem is solved in a closed form, and the resulting resource allocation strategy is simple to implement as a hybrid CDMA/time-division multiple-access strategy. Numerical results are presented showing that the optimal resource allocation strategy can offer substantial performance gains over other conventional resource allocation strategies for DS-CDMA networks.  相似文献   

In named data networking, a router forwards Interests to all available contents including copies under the original design of forwarding strategy. All of these redundant copies of requested contents are returned to the user, which leads to unnecessary waste of network resources. In this paper, we propose a new forwarding strategy named counteracting redundant data (CRD) to reduce the transmission of redundant Data. The CRD strategy introduces a new packet called Data Acknowledgement (DACK) to stop forwarding redundant data. When a router receives a DACK, it will delete the matched Pending Interest Table (PIT) entry with the same name prefix and same incoming interface as the DACK. Thus, subsequent Data will be discarded when the corresponding PIT entry in the router no longer exists. According to the transmission model with tree structure, forwarding number that indicates the number of DACK being forwarded is a very important factor affecting the transmission overhead of CRD strategy. In our simulation, the results show the CRD strategy can improve transmission efficiency, reduce transmission overhead while ensuring a certain reliability, and also decrease the storage of content store at the same time. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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