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赵韦良  崔峰 《半导体光电》2023,44(2):175-180
为扩大流速传感器的测量范围并降低功耗,制造并测试了一种基于自加热非晶锗薄膜热电阻的MEMS流速传感器,它是由嵌入氮化硅薄膜的四个非晶锗热敏电阻和一对环境测温补偿电阻组成。四个非晶锗热电阻同时作为自加热热源和测温元件,相互连接以形成惠斯通电桥。给出了MEMS工艺流程,微加工制造了尺寸为8.9 mm×5.6 mm×0.4 mm的流速传感器芯片。搭建了低流速和高流速气流通道实验装置,对传感器的惠斯通电桥施加50μA的恒定电流(CCA),实现了0~50 m/s范围内的流速测量。结果表明,传感器在低流速(0~2 m/s)时的灵敏度约为81.6 mV/(m/s),在高流速(2~50 m/s)时的灵敏度约为51.9 mV/(m/s),最大功耗仅约为1.03 mW。  相似文献   

曾庆贵  崔峰  杨刚  刘武  陈文元  张卫平 《半导体光电》2016,37(3):318-322,326
大部分迫弹采用引信涡轮发电机兼作为弹道辨识用的速度传感器,但是涡轮发电机存在着低速停转和高速限速等测速问题.设计了一种贴装在引信上测量迫弹飞行速度的宽量程柔性MEMS流速传感器.利用有限元仿真软件对迫弹引信进行了流场仿真,确定了流速传感器在引信进气道内的贴装位置,并对传感器进行了热-流场耦合仿真.引信流场仿真表明,拉法尔管进气道后端壁面处流速与迫弹飞行速度为近似线性关系:迫弹飞行速度0~350 m/s对应壁面流速为0~75 m/s.进气道内安装的柔性流速传感器的热-流场耦合仿真表明,由传感器加热电阻的加热功率和三个测温电阻对的温度差可测量0.01~75 m/s的流速,这为传感器用于迫弹的弹道辨识奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

针对流速传感器大多存在测量量程小、柔性小而无法适应较大量程和复杂曲面的测量问题,提出了一种宽量程柔性MEMS流速传感器,结合热损失和热温差的工作原理实现对流速的测量.选取聚酰亚胺(PI)作为柔性衬底材料和铂(Pt)薄膜为热敏材料,采用金属牺牲层MEMS工艺制造了带空腔的柔性流速传感器芯片,尺寸为9 mm×7 mm×30μm.设计了采用双惠斯通电桥的恒温差测控电路.测量结果表明:制造的柔性MEMS流速传感器的TCR为0.2418%/℃,实验实现了0~36 m/s的输入风速测量,在低速、高速段内的灵敏度分别为2和0.295 mV/(m/s).同时,测量电路还展现出良好的温度补偿效应.所提出的柔性MEMS流速传感器具有宽量程、测试精度高、灵敏度高和易于实施温度补偿的优点,有望用于航空航天、国防等领域.  相似文献   

全集成式流量传感器   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
本文介绍了利用恒定芯片温度原理工作的全集成式流量传感器,它由三部分组成.CMOS温度敏感级、CMOS运放和加热部分,这三部分由CMOS工艺集成在同一芯片上,不需附加工艺.本文在给出温度敏感级的理论分析和流量传感器工作原理的介绍后,报道了传感器用于气体流速(氮气)和液体(水)流速的测量结果,结果表明,该传感器具有如下特点:输出电平和灵敏度高(在传感器芯片温度T_c与流体温度了T_f之差为15℃、流速V_f为50cm/s的氮气条件下,传感器的输出可达500毫伏);响应时间快(在T_c-T_f=5℃、V_f=50cm/s时,响应时间为7秒);芯片尺寸小(2.02×1.62mm~2);成本低(因用普通工艺);用单5伏电源工作与微处理机自然接口等.对水流流速的试验还表明,该传感器特别适合于低流速水的测量.  相似文献   

针对铂等常用金属热敏材料电阻温度系数(TCR)不高,导致热式MEMS流速传感器宽量程测量时功耗高的问题,设计了 一种基于非晶锗(a-Ge)薄膜热电阻的低功耗、宽量程柔性MEMS流速传感器.非晶锗热电阻材料具有较高的TCR系数(约为-0.02/K)和室温电阻率(5Ω·m),传感器在较低的工作温差和功耗下可获得宽量程的流速测量.阐述了该柔性MEMS流速传感器的设计结构、工作原理、3D有限元建模和热-流场仿真结果.利用聚酰亚胺衬底空腔膜上的四个非晶锗热电阻同时作为自加热热源和测温元件.四个非晶锗热电阻组成一个惠斯通电桥,同时结合热损失和热温差原理来实现宽量程流速测量和测向.仿真结果表明,惠斯通电桥采用恒电流供电只需120μA,使得非晶锗热阻的工作温度与环境温度之间的温差不高于6 K,就可对0~50 m/s范围内的流速进行测量,且功耗在1.368 mW以内.该柔性流速传感器易于采用MEMS技术批量制造,可贴于曲面应用,非常适于物联网等低功耗流速传感领域.  相似文献   

设计并仿真了一种压阻式六自由度力传感器及其测量电桥,采用微电子机械系统(MEMS)加工技术制备了以单晶硅为结构材料的六自由度力传感器,完成了传感器芯片的封帽式封装。压阻式六自由度力传感器的尺寸为5 mm×5 mm×3 mm,由传感器芯片、探测柱和封装外壳组成。基于流体的绕流阻力效应,完成了压阻式六自由度力传感器水流流速检测实验。实验证明,该传感器的量程为0~0.55 m/s,可以灵敏检测到低速水流的波动性变化,并且传感器在水流速度为0.45~0.55 m/s的测量范围内灵敏度较高。利用单晶硅材料易于小型化、滞后极小的特点,该六自由度力传感器响应快、环境适应性强、可批量制造。  相似文献   

CMOS集成硅流量传感器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了一种流量传感器新的工作原理:当流体流过加热的芯片时,为保持芯片温度恒定所需功耗的改变,可以用来作为流体速度的量度。本文用CMOS工艺首次实现了这种原理的集成流量传感器。该传感器结构简单、尺寸小(1×1.9mm),灵敏度高(在芯片温度55℃、流体温度30℃、流速50cm/s时,输出达80mW)。  相似文献   

一种基于CMOS工艺的二维风速传感器的设计和测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
给出了一种完全基于CM O S工艺的、能同时测量风速和风向的二维测风传感器的结构、工作原理及其测试结果。该传感器采用恒温差工作模式,热堆输出电压平均值反映芯片温度和环境温度的差,省去了测温二极管。风速测量采用热损失型原理,因此不存在速度量程问题;同时通过四周对称分布热堆的相对差分输出得到风向,风向的测试和风速无关。测试电路是由普通运放电路组成的控制和测试系统。经过风洞测试,风速的测量可以达到23m/s,风速分辨率达到0.5 m/s,风速的最大误差为0.5 m/s。传感器的反应时间为3~5秒,整个功率损耗约为500 mW。  相似文献   

摘要:研制了基于0.5 µm 标准CMOS工艺的,用于气压测量的片上微机电系统。传感器采用微热板结构并与轨至轨运算放大器及8 位逐次逼近式模数转换器进行单片集成。微热板上的钨电阻作为敏感元件用来测量气压变化。牺牲层由多晶硅制作,并采用表面微加工工艺进行腐蚀。配置运算放大器使传感器工作在恒电流模式。系统输出一组数字位流。测量结果表明:真空传感器的气压敏感区间是1-105 Pa。在1-100 Pa的气压范围内,传感器的灵敏度为0.23 mV/ Pa,线性度为4.95%,最大迟滞为8.69%。运算放大器能不失真地驱动200 Ω的电阻,SAR A/D转换器在采样频率为100 kHz时有效位为7.4位。运算放大器及SAR A/D转换器的性能满足传感器系统的要求。  相似文献   

卢建勋  周南彦  刘武 《半导体光电》2022,43(6):1075-1079
设计了一种可以实现二维风速测量的电容式纤毛传感器,其特点为通过差分电容检测流速,传感器运动结构所对应的背硅被完全刻蚀。采用有限元分析软件,通过流体-固体-静电场的多物理场仿真,分析得到了传感器的差分电容与风速的变化关系。结合电容传感器AD7746的理论精度,计算得出传感器的风速灵敏度为0.25mm/s。此外,设计了基于SOI硅片的传感器微加工制备的工艺流程。  相似文献   

The air flow measurement has been studied for its application in many fields. Among flow sensors, those operated under a thermal principle have occupied an important position. The application of micro-electro mechanical systems (MEMS) technologies for designing such devices will allow reducing its size, response time and to increase the sensitivity.In the community of MEMS’ designers it is well established a multi-user service for prototyping named multi-user MEMS processes (MUMPS). It is a general purpose surface micromachining process which employs polysilicon as structural material and silicon oxide as sacrificial layer. There are no reported, to the best of our knowledge, flow sensors developed using this technology.In this work the linear and quadratic temperature coefficients of polysilicon resistors are experimentally determined in anchored, suspended and stacked microstructures fabricated with this process to study their suitability for flow and temperature sensors. The thermal resistance of the three structures is also calculated, determining that suspended plates characteristics indicate their suitability for constant temperature anemometers.  相似文献   

A prototype of a new thermo-capacitive integrated flow sensor consisting of a floating-gate MOS transistor has been developed. Tantalum pentoxide is the dielectric material between the top (control) gate and the floating-gate. The temperature dependence of the dielectric constant is about 375 ppm/°C. The process flow is compatible with standard MOS process and augmented to include a capacitor module and bulk micromachining. The output voltage change at the flow velocity of 20 m/s is about 26 mV at 57 mW of heater power. The sensitivity in the 0-4 m/s flow velocity region is 4.25 mV(m/s)-1  相似文献   

Miniaturised multi-MEMS sensor development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes the design, fabrication and initial characterisation of a MEMS-based environmental monitoring system. Intended for use with miniaturised Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) motes, the die measures 3 × 3 mm and incorporates humidity, temperature, corrosion, gas and gas flow velocity sensors on a single substrate. Fabricated using a combination of surface and bulk micromachining technologies, the sensor system is designed to replace discrete components on WSN module boards, thereby minimising space consumption and enabling smaller, cheaper wireless motes. Sensors have been characterised over a wide range of environmental conditions. An analysis of the effects of changes in environmental parameters other than the measurand of interest on the performance of the temperature and humidity sensors has been carried out, and corrections applied where necessary. A variety of corrosion monitors have been demonstrated. A gas flow velocity sensor, based on forced convective heat transfer and which has been thermally isolated from the silicon substrate in order to reduce power consumption and improve sensitivity at low flow-rates, has also been presented. The paper also outlines the design of the next generation sensing platform using the novel 10 mm wireless cube developed at Tyndall.  相似文献   

A new silicon flow sensor with a robust thermal isolation structure has been developed. The thermal isolation structure is mainly made of a 20-µm-thick oxidized porous silicon membrane. This thermal isolation structure makes it possible for the sensor to have a fast-response characteristic and an on-chip fluid temperature sensing element design. The sensor can be used in liquid flow as well as gas flow. Its operation is based on heat transfer from the heated sensor to a moving fluid. It has two platinum thin-film resistors, a heating element, and a fluid temperature sensing element on the chip. The sensing element is thermally isolated from the heating element. The external circuit of the sensor maintains a constant temperature difference between the heating element and the fluid. The sensor chip characteristics were evaluated theoretically by heat transfer analysis during the chip design. Measurements were made for oil flow velocity of 0-30 cm/s and air flow velocity of 0-14 m/s. Response time was below 100 ms, and a compensated output for fluid temperature change was obtained.  相似文献   

为了解决现有光纤布喇格光栅(FBG)传感器温度与压力灵敏度低的问题,设计了一种基于FBG的薄壁圆筒式液体温度与压力传感器.选用具有耐腐蚀、弹性性能好以及热膨胀系数大的不锈钢304和铍青铜C17200分别对传感器进行封装,采用有限元分析法对传感器进行压力和温度特性仿真分析,研究了敏感元件材料及尺寸大小对灵敏度的影响,并分...  相似文献   

叙述了硅基传感器微机械加工的特点和要求,简要说明了硅衬底微细加工的常用方法。并以高过载双向压力传感器和悬空结构热释电传感器的硅衬底微细加工为例,作了进一步说明。传感器性能的测试结果表明了微机械加工对提高传感器性能的重要性。  相似文献   

The electronics for monolithically integrated gas sensor arrays fabricated using a compatible CMOS process have been developed. Circuitry includes the heater driver for temperature control and an interface circuit for inspection of the four sensors in the array. The operating temperature of the sensing resistors is between 200° and 400°C. The proposed temperature controller is capable of regulating the temperature of a 2100 × 2100 m hotplate up to 400°C with a resolution of 2°C with 5 V supply voltage. A readout circuit based on a ring-oscillator has been included to measure the sensing resistance change upon gas exposure over a high dynamic range. Because it is robust, small, low priced and offers future capabilities with adequate signal processing, the system would be able to cover most of today's gas sensor markets.  相似文献   

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