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利用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理计算了Mo单掺杂和Mo/S共掺杂锐钛矿相TiO2的能带结构、电子分态密度、电子密度和吸收光谱。结果表明,Mo单掺杂在锐钛矿相TiO2导带底下方引入了两条主要由Mo 4d轨道组成的掺杂能级,而Mo/S共掺杂在TiO2的禁带之内共引入了四条掺杂能级,位于价带顶上方的两条主要由S 3p轨道组成,而位于导带底下方的两条掺杂能级则主要由Mo 4d和S 3p轨道杂化形成。Mo单掺杂和Mo/S共掺杂分别使TiO2的禁带宽度增大0.36 eV和0.43 eV,从而出现吸收带边的蓝移。电子密度图表明,Mo单掺杂对TiO2的晶格影响较小,但Mo/S共掺杂则使TiO2的晶格畸变程度加大。  相似文献   

采用广义梯度近似的密度泛函理论方法计算了4H—SiC的本征态的电子结构以及4H—SiC材料N掺杂后的电子结构,计算结果表明:与本征态相比,N掺杂后的4H—SiC的导带与价带均向低能端移动,导带移动幅度大于价带,使得掺杂后的禁带宽度小于本征态的禁带宽度:导带底进入N的2s态和2p态,但它们所占比重小,掺杂浓度变化对导带底...  相似文献   

应变Si技术是当前微电子领域研究发展的热点和重点,态密度是其材料的重要物理参量。基于应变Si/(100)Si1-xGex能带结构和载流子有效质量模型,获得了导带底电子和价带顶空穴态密度有效质量,并在此基础上建立了其导带底和价带顶附近态密度模型。该模型数据量化,可为应变Si/(100)Si1-xGex材料物理的理解及其他物理参量模型的建立奠定重要的理论基础。  相似文献   

运用密度泛函理论的第一性原理方法,研究了本征和不同浓度Nb掺杂单层MoS_2的晶体几何结构、能带结构、态密度、电荷局域密度函数以及形成能。计算结果发现,本征单层MoS_2为直接带隙,禁带宽度为1.67 e V。随着Nb掺杂浓度的增加,单层MoS_2价带顶会越过费米能级向高能区方向移动,导带底则向低能区方向移动,致使其禁带宽度大幅度减小。当掺杂浓度为8.33%时,其禁带宽度减小至1.30 e V。带隙值的大幅减小,电子从价带激发到导带变得更容易,应用在以晶体管为代表的逻辑器件等领域,将使其电流开关比、导电性等电学性能得到显著提升。此外,掺杂前后成键类型均是离子键与共价键的混合键,形成能较低,说明掺杂体系的热力学稳定性良好,易于实现。研究结果为单层MoS_2在半导体器件的实际应用提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

我们对MBE高掺杂的n-GaAs∶Si和p-GaAs∶Be进行了光致发光研究,详细比较了高掺杂n-GaAs和p-GaAs在光谱线型,峰值半宽,峰值位置等方面的差异,以及两者的发光与温度的关系.由分析得出,对于高掺杂的n-GaAs,填充在导带内较高能态(K≠0)的电子与价带顶(K=0)空穴的非竖直跃迁是主要的发光过程.而对于高掺杂的p-GaAs,则是以导带底附近(K(?)0)的电子和价带顶附近(K(?)0)的空穴竖直跃迁为主要发光过程.  相似文献   

用第一性原理计算了P型N掺杂PbTiO3的电子密度差分、能带结构和态密度,讨论了氧空位对N掺杂PbTiO3性能的影响。在PbTiO3中掺杂N杂质后,PbTiO3的价带向高能级发生移动,费米能级进入价带顶部,带隙变窄,N掺杂PbTiO3表现出典型的P型半导体性能。当N掺杂PbTiO3中含有氧空位时,导带发生下移,受主被完全补偿。计算结果与实验数据相吻合。  相似文献   

基于密度泛函理论(DFT)第一性原理计算了Zn1-xBexO化合物的电子结构和光学性质. 计算结果表明Zn1-xBexO带隙随掺杂浓度的增加而变大. 这种现象主要是由于价带顶O2p随掺杂量x的增加几乎保持不变,而Zn4s随掺杂量x的增加向高能端移动. 光学介电函数虚部计算结果表明:在2.0, 6.76eV位置随掺杂浓度的增加峰形逐渐消失,是由于Be替代Zn导致Zn3d电子态逐渐减少所致;而9.9eV峰形逐渐增强,是由于逐渐形成的纤锌矿结构BeO的价带O2p到导带Be2s的跃迁增加所致.  相似文献   

基于密度泛函理论(DFT)第一性原理计算了Zn1-xBexO化合物的电子结构和光学性质.计算结果表明Zn1-xBexO带隙随掺杂浓度的增加而变大.这种现象主要是由于价带顶O2p随掺杂量x的增加几乎保持不变,而Zn4s随掺杂最x的增加向高能端移动.光学介电函数虚部计算结果表明:在2.0,6.76eV位置随掺杂浓度的增加蜂形逐渐消失,是由于Be替代Zn导致Zn3d电子态逐渐减少所致;而9.9eV峰彤逐渐增强,是由于逐渐形成的纤锌矿结构Beo的价带O2p到导带Be2s的跃迁增加所致.  相似文献   

采用第一性原理研究了Ce和N共掺杂锐钛矿TiO_2的稳定性、电子结构和光学性质。结果表明在锐钛矿TiO_2中Ce倾向于间隙掺杂,而N更倾向于O替位掺杂;Ce单掺杂和Ce-N共掺杂都能使TiO_2带隙宽度减小,同时N原子还能在价带顶引入浅受主能级,有利于可见光的吸收和阻止光生载流子-空穴复合;Ce单掺杂和Ce-N共掺杂锐钛矿TiO_2(001)取向都满足光催化制氢条件,因此都具有良好的光催化特性。综合分析带边位置和吸收光谱发现Ce-N共掺杂能有效提高锐钛矿TiO_2(001)取向的光催化制氢能力。  相似文献   

非金属(C或N)和过渡金属(V或Cr)掺杂是一种能够有效地调整锐钛矿型TiO2的光电化学性能的补偿型掺杂方法。本文采用平面波超软赝势方法计算了不同物种掺杂的补偿型双掺杂TiO2的形成能和电子结构来研究其稳定性和在可见光区域的光敏性,计算结果表明采用过渡金属双掺杂有利于提高p型掺杂(N和C)的浓度。尤其是补偿型掺杂不仅可以通过减小能隙来提高光吸收性能,消除局域捕获来提高载流子的移动和转化效率,并且能够保持导带边缘的氧化还原势。这些结果有助于理解双掺杂提高TiO2光催化活性的协同作用机制。  相似文献   

基于密度泛函理论(DFT)的第一性原理模守恒赝势 方法,对纯金红石型TiO2和Ti、O两种空位缺 陷相的几何结构、能带结构、态密度(DOS)以及光学性质进行了 系统地对比研究。结果发现,含有空 位缺陷的TiO2键长增大,原子布局值减小并出现微弱的磁性;空位缺陷导致导带变窄,导 带和价带 都向低能级方向移动,由空位原子贡献的载流子增强了体系的电导率,费米能级上移进入导 带;与 纯金红石型TiO2的直接带隙宽度(3.0eV)相比较,Ti空位缺陷相转 变为P型半导体且直接带隙为1.816 eV,而O空位缺陷相转变为n型半导体且间接带隙为1.961eV。同时, 两种空位缺陷结构的介电峰显 著红移,折射率有明显变化,对可见光区的吸收系数均比纯TiO2高。与O空位结构相比,Ti 空位结构的 介电常数、折射率、消光因子和对可见光的吸收强度更大,更能增强电子在低能端的光学跃 迁,具有更佳的可见光催化性能。  相似文献   

采用磁控溅射法制备了C掺杂TiO2薄膜,并研究了氮气引入溅射过程对薄膜光学性能的影响。利用X射线衍射仪、拉曼光谱仪、X射线光电子能谱仪、分光光度计和原子力显微镜分析了不同氮气流量下薄膜的微结构、元素价态、透光性能和表面形貌。结果表明,沉积的薄膜主要是非晶结构,拉曼光谱中存在少量锐钛矿相,且随着氮气流量增大,锐钛矿特征峰强度减弱,意味着晶粒出现细化。当氮气流量增大为4cm3/min时,C掺杂TiO2薄膜内氮元素含量为3.54%,其光学带隙从3.29eV变化至3.55eV,可见光区的光学透过率明显提高。可见改变氮气流量可实现对C掺杂TiO2薄膜光学带隙和光吸收率的有效调控。  相似文献   

杨英  冯庆  王渭华  王寅 《半导体学报》2013,34(7):073004-5
The TiO2(101) surface was studied using the plane-wave ultrasoft pseudopotential method based on the density functional theory,with emphasis on the structure,surface energy,band structure,density of states, and charge population.The anatase TiO2(101) crystal surface structure,whose outermost and second layers were terminated by twofold coordinated oxygen atoms and fivefold coordinated titanium atoms,was found to be much more stable.The surface energy of the 18-layer atoms model was 0.580 J/m2.The surface electronic structure was similar to that of the bulk and no surface state.Compared with the bulk structure,the band gap increased 0.36 eV, the Ti5c-02c bond lengths reduced 0.171(?) after relaxation,and the charges of the surface were transferred to the body.Analysis of the optical properties of the TiO2(101) surface showed that it did not absorb in the low-energy region.An absorption edge in the ultraviolet region corresponding to the energy of 3.06 eV was found.  相似文献   

本文采用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理研究了N 和 Fe共掺杂锐钛矿相TiO2的电子结构和光学特性。计算结果表明,不同位置N 和 Fe共掺杂影响共掺TiO2的稳定性。通过态密度讨论了掺杂TiO2带隙变窄的机理。 不同位置N 和 Fe共掺杂影响了可见光吸收。N 和 Fe共掺杂的协同效应导致了可见光吸收的增强。因此,N 和 Fe共掺杂也许增强TiO2在可见光区的光催化能力。  相似文献   

In this work, effects of Niobium (Nb) defects on TiO2 surface using density functional theory (DFT) are investigated. Based on formation energy of the defects, their occurrences in two different extreme conditions, O-rich and O-poor conditions, are evaluated. Effects of Nb defects on surface and its electronic structure are studied and it is demonstrated that Nb doping widens valence band in deep energy level leaving the band gap without any change and it also lowers oxygen vacancy defect concentration due to the stronger bonding of Nbsub defect with oxygen atoms specially bridging oxygen (most probable defect site for Oxygen vacancy). Higher density of Nb substitutional defects (Nbsub) are examined and it is shown that higher density doping of TiO2 surface leads to uniform distribution of defects over the anatase structure as a result of interaction of Nb defects when they are close and this fact prevents segregation of Nb atoms in Nb-doped TiO2.  相似文献   

赵宗彦  赵响 《半导体学报》2015,36(8):083004-13
本文采用密度泛函理论详细计算了Cu2ZnSnS4四种晶型的晶体结构、电子结构、光学性质和力学性质。结果表明它们之间在光学性质和力学性质方面没有非常明显的差异,计算结果与文献报道的实验数据基本一致。根据计算结果,Cu2ZnSnS4的基本带隙是由孤立导带的带宽来决定。Cu2ZnSnS4的载流子有效质量非常小,尤其是闪锌矿衍生的Cu2ZnSnS4在导带底具有极小的电子有效质量。根据所计算的力学常数矩阵可知,四种晶型的Cu2ZnSnS4; 均符合Born稳定性条件,而且较高的B/G比例表明Cu2ZnSnS4的四种晶型都具有突出可塑性。  相似文献   

Study of fundamental physical properties of titanium dioxide (TiO2) is crucial to determine its potential for different applications, such as study of electronic band gap energy is essential to exploit it for optoelectronics and solar cell technology. We present here investigations pertaining to structural, electronic and optical properties of rutile, anatase and brookite polymorphs of TiO2 by employing state of the art full potential (FP) linearized (L) augmented plane wave plus local orbitals (APW+lo) approach realized in WIEN2k package and framed within density functional theory (DFT). To incorporate exchange correlation(XC) energy functional/potential part into total energy, these calculations were carried out at the level of PW–LDA, PBE–GGA, WC–GGA, EV–GGA, and mBJ–GGA which are exploited as the manipulated variables in this work. From our computations, the obtained structural parameters results were found to be consistent with the available experimental results. The analysis of electronic band gap structure calculations point to TiO2 as a semiconducting material in all three phases, whereas band gap character around Fermi level was found to be indirect for anatase, and direct for rutile and brookite phases. Density of state (DOS) profiles showed a substantial degree of hybridation between O 2p and Ti 3d in conduction and valence band regions, illustrating a strong interaction between Ti and O atoms in TiO2 compund. In addition, our investigations of the optical properties also endorse the interband transitions from O 2p in valence band to Ti 3d in conduction band.  相似文献   

Photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM) excited by X‐ray and UV sources is used to investigate epitaxial anatase thin films with embedded rutile nanocrystals, a model system for the study of heterocatalysis on mixed‐phase TiO2. Both excitation sources show distinct contrast between the two TiO2 phases; however, the contrast is reversed. Rutile nanocrystals appear darker than the anatase film in X‐ray PEEM images but brighter in UV‐PEEM images. We observe that topography‐induced contrast is dominant in X‐ray PEEM imaging, whereas work function and density‐of‐state‐based contrast, dominates in UV‐PEEM. This assertion is confirmed by UPS and conducting AFM data that shows the rutile work function to be 0.2 eV lower and a greater occupied valence band density‐of‐states in rutile (100) than in anatase (001). Since the boundaries between rutile nanocrystals and the anatase film are clearly resolved, these results indicate that PEEM studies of excited state dynamics and heterocatalysis are possible at chemically intriguing mixed‐phase TiO2 interfaces and grain boundaries.  相似文献   

Titanium oxide (TiO2) is a semiconducting oxide of increasing interest due to its chemical and thermal stability and broad applicability. In this study, thin films of TiO2 were deposited by pulsed laser deposition on sapphire and silicon substrates under various growth conditions, and characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), optical absorption spectroscopy and Hall-effect measurements. XRD patterns revealed that a sapphire substrate is more suitable for the formation of the rutile phase in TiO2, while a silicon substrate yields a pure anatase phase, even at high-temperature growth. AFM images showed that the rutile TiO2 films grown at 805°C on a sapphire substrate have a smoother surface than anatase films grown at 620°C. Optical absorption spectra confirmed the band gap energy of 3.08 eV for the rutile phase and 3.29 eV for the anatase phase. All the deposited films exhibited the usual high resistivity of TiO2; however, when employed as a buffer layer, anatase TiO2 deposited on sapphire significantly improves the conductivity of indium gallium zinc oxide thin films. The study illustrates how to control the formation of TiO2 phases and reveals another interesting application for TiO2 as a buffer layer for transparent conducting oxides.  相似文献   

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