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一种有效的水声通信网络中用于半双工信道的ARQ协议   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
自动重传请求(ARQ)在保证通信网络可靠传输中起着关键的作用。但是,在水声通信网络中,由于水声信道的半双工以及信道的长传播时延特性,使得水声通信网络的吞叶性能受到极大的制约。本文针对水声信道长传播时延这一特点,利用扩频通信技术,将单个信道分成两个子信道;一个用于前向信道(从发送方到接收方),另一个用于反向信道(从接收方到发送方),从而使得对每个分组数据的响应时间大大缩短,提出了一种有效的适合于半双工特性的ARQ协议。理论分析和仿真结果表明,相对于传统的SW ARQ协议而言,该协议在水声信道下具有更优的吞吐性能。  相似文献   

赵隽  黄振海  赵跃华 《通信技术》2007,40(12):228-231
网络的安全性及通信性能是用户最为关注、也是最影响无线局域网技术应用的两个方面。然而不同安全协议工作过程的差异化将导致网络性能各不相同。文中在研究无线局域网的两种主要安全协议WAPI和IEEE 802.11i的基础上,分别对其数据吞吐量及用户接入时延这两个最关键的通信性能进行定性和定量分析。分析结果表明WAPI在安全性及通信性能均优于802.11i。文中最后并提出了进一步改进WAPI通信性能的思路。  相似文献   

从现行即时通信软件使用的协议、协议的扩展性、网络负荷、用户认证、与电信网络融合等方面进行了比较.为了进一步验证分析的结果,分别采用两种协议开发了即时通信产品.经过测试可以分析得出两种协议都可以实现即时通信功能,但是适用场景不同,电信运营商要根据自身的产品定位进行选择.  相似文献   

钮金鑫 《电讯技术》2024,64(1):98-105
针对现有射频能量收集网络资源分配研究局限于单个数据源场景,无法适配于多数据源网络的问题,提出了一种适用于多数据源场景的射频能量收集中继网络传输协议框架,在该框架内节点可作为源节点或中继节点传输自身数据或转发数据,并在其他节点的数据传输过程中完成射频能量收集。以协议框架为基础,分别以系统吞吐量及用户公平性为优化目标设计两种资源分配方案。仿真表明,两种方案可有效改善网络吞吐量及资源分配公平性。  相似文献   

保密通信方法研究的是如何保证路由信息在传输的过程中的安全性,是无线传感器网络中的核心技术之一。针对现阶段大多无线传感器网络路由协议都存在路由安全性问题,该文从均衡能耗的角度出发,引入保密通信协议(SCP)保密通信方法,提出一种能耗均衡的保密通信协议,并对该协议的安全方案进行了分析。然后对协议的性能进行了仿真,结果证明了该协议在能耗和安全性上的性能和利用价值。  相似文献   

针对深空通信面临的各种问题,对当前深空通信中常用的三种网络协议体系进行了简要介绍,并在此基础上对比三者优缺点,提出其各自的适应场景;阐述了未来深空通信网络面临的困难与挑战;剖析容迟容断网络体系架构,并介绍了DTN网络应用研究进展;列举深空通信网络DTN协议体系中的关键技术,例举在深空环境中使用DTN协议体系进行通信时面临的诸多问题,并展望未来深空通信中DTN的应用前景。  相似文献   

针对穿戴式设备之间的互联互通问题,研究并实现了基于人体通信技术的信息交互系统.考虑到穿戴式设备的应用场景,设计了人体通信双向通信的MAC协议;为了提高系统的通信效率,定制了人体通信传输帧结构;为了降低系统功耗,设计了系统的3种工作模型.实验结果表明,该系统能够快速完成信息交互,其实时数据率达到200 kbit/s,误码率亦趋近10-8.为IEEE 802.15.6标准MAC协议的实现奠定了良好基础,将进一步推动人体通信技术的发展与应用.  相似文献   

针对无人机辅助边缘通信中的频谱资源紧缺与无人机能量受限问题,研究了最大化该场景下无人机认知通信的能量效率问题.首先,构建了无人机辅助边缘节点的认知通信网络模型;其次,提出了一种最大化无人机能效的算法,通过联合优化无人机的认知通信感知时间、飞行速度和通信距离阈值,显著提升了无人机认知通信过程中的能效;最后,通过仿真实验对...  相似文献   

郭喆 《电讯技术》2021,61(1):58-62
战术通信是为保障战斗指挥和战斗行动而建立的通信,在其协议设计时要更多考虑时延和可靠性因素.考虑到时分多址(Time Division Multiple Access,TDMA)组网协议是战术通信系统使用最广泛的协议,采用排队论的方法研究了TDMA协议对报文传输时延的影响,并提出一种TDMA和码分多址混合组网方法,在不降低网络吞吐量的前提下,大幅缩短数据包排队传输时延,尤其在负载较高的场景优势更加明显.通过仿真结果和解析结果的比较,所提方法的排队时延分析可近似为不均衡队列的排队问题,因此从理论上能够证明所提方法能够减少排队时间.不同参数下的仿真结果表明,所提方法在排队时延和网络吞吐量等网络性能上较原TDMA方案有明显提升,验证了其有效性.  相似文献   

介质访问控制协议(Medium Access Control , MAC)是水声通信网络中的一种关键技术。与陆地无线通信系统使用无线电波有所不同,水声通信网络依靠水声进行通信。水声通信网络中的MAC协议设计面临许多挑战面,如:传播延迟大、带宽窄、电池不易更换或充电、节点发射功率受限等。因此,陆地无线通信系统的各MAC协议不能直接应用到水声通信网络。本文提出了一种适用于水声通信网络的MACA(MACA-C)协议,该协议主要将传输数据包和控制包结合使用,在每轮握手的过程中,该协议通过发送列的首数据包和RTS控制包来改善信道利用率。仿真结果也表明MACA-C能够达到较高的和稳定的吞吐量性能,同时在保持低碰撞率的前提下增加信道利用率。   相似文献   

The communication efficiency of primary networks in cognitive radio depends on wireless environments, such as obstacles (e.g. buildings), distances between transmitter and receiver, and limited transmit power. A cooperative model between primary and secondary networks has the potential to overcome these problems. In this paper, we propose and analyze the performance of a decode-and-forward scheme with relay ordering for secondary spectrum access. In this scheme, a primary transmitter communicates with a primary receiver with the help of two secondary transmitters. Each secondary transmitter relays primary signals from the primary transmitter to primary receiver, and follows an optimal order to ensure the best communication capacity of the primary network and to find opportunities to transmit its own signals. The performance of primary and secondary networks is evaluated by theoretical analysis in terms of outage probability. Monte Carlo simulations are presented to verify the theoretical analysis and to compare the performance of the proposed protocol with that of a direct transmission protocol and a decode-and-forward protocol with a relay selection scheme.  相似文献   

蔡静  贺玉成  乔宇航  周林 《信号处理》2019,35(12):2029-2035
把非正交多址接入(NOMA)技术应用到认知网络中,提出基于中继协作的底层认知NOMA系统模型。在瑞利衰落信道下,考虑一个两跳的通信网络,认知中继同时接收来自主网络发射源和次网络发射源的信号,并采用串行干扰消除策略解码转发接收到的信号。次级网络通过为主网络提供中继解码转发服务,获得接入授权频段的机会;主网络通过贡献出授权频段,换取次级网络协作通信的机会,同时获得了优先解码权,保证了主网络通信的可靠性。推导了系统各个接收端的中断概率闭合表达式,并进行了MATLAB仿真。仿真结果表明:采用中继协作可以有效提升认知NOMA网络的中断概率性能。   相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the tradeoff between outage probability (OP) and intercept probability (IP) for a multi‐hop relaying scheme in cognitive radio (CR) networks. In the proposed protocol, a multi‐antenna primary transmitter (PT) communicates with a multi‐antenna primary receiver (PR), using transmit antenna selection (TAS) / selection combining (SC) technique, while a secondary source attempts to transmit its data to a secondary destination via a multi‐hop approach in presence of a secondary eavesdropper. The secondary transmitters such as source and relays have to adjust their transmit power to satisfy total interference constraint given by PR. We consider an asymmetric fading channel model, where the secondary channels are Rician fading, while the remaining ones experience the Rayleigh fading. Moreover, an optimal interference allocation method is proposed to minimize OP of the primary network. For the secondary network, we derive exact expressions of end‐to‐end OP and IP which are verified by Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the physical layer security of a hybrid cognitive relay network using an energy harvesting relay in presence of an eavesdropper. In the hybrid scheme, a secondary user (SU) as well as a cognitive relay works either in underlay or in overlay mode. In underlay, the transmit power of the SU as well as the relay is limited by the maximum acceptable interference at primary user (PU) receiver as required by an outage constraint of PU, a quality of service for PU. The secondary network consists of a decode and forward relay that harvests energy from radio frequency signal of secondary transmitter as well as PU transmitter to assist the SU in forwarding the information signal to the destination. A time switching relaying protocol is used at the relay. We evaluate the secrecy outage probability of secondary relay network assuming that channel state information of the interfering links from both the SU and relay transmitter to PU receiver is imperfect. Our results reveal the impact of imperfect channel state information, energy harvesting time, tolerable interference threshold, and PU outage constraint on the secrecy outage probability of SU.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the performance of cognitive cooperative radio networks under the peak interference power constraints of multiple primary users (PUs). In particular, we consider a system model where the secondary user communication is assisted by multiple secondary relays (SRs) that operate in the decode‐and‐forward mode to relay the signal from a secondary transmitter to a secondary receiver. Moreover, we assume that the transmit powers of the secondary transmitter and the SRs are subject to the peak interference power constraints of multiple PUs that operate in their coverage range. Given this system setting, we first derive the cumulative distribution function of the instantaneous end‐to‐end signal‐to‐noise ratio. Then, we obtain a closed‐form expression for the outage probability and an exact expression for the symbol error probability of the considered network. These tractable formulas enable us to examine the impact of the presence of multiple PUs on the performance of the considered spectrum sharing system. Furthermore, our numerical results show that system performance is improved significantly when the number of SRs increases or the channel mean power from the secondary user to the PUs is low. Also, any increase in the number of PUs in the coverage range of the secondary transmitter or the SRs leads to degradation in system performance. Finally, Monte Carlo simulations are provided to verify the correctness of our analytical results. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Efficient spectrum utilization is a promising technique for a prolonged unused radio frequency (RF) spectrum in a wireless network. In this paper, an adaptive spectrum sharing cognitive radio (CR) network has been proposed consisting of a primary user (PU) and secondary user transmitter (SU ? Tx) that communicates with secondary user receiver (SU ? Rx) via multiantenna‐based proactive decode‐and‐forward (DF) relay selection scheme. In our model, strategically an adaptable joint venture on underlay/overlay protocol is defined based on channel occupancy using spectrum sensing technique. Here, secondary transmitters (i.e., source transmitter) continuously sense the PU activities by energy detector and can simultaneously transmit to secondary receivers. Depending on sensing result secondary transmitters automatically switches in underlay mode if PU is active otherwise operates in overlay mode. The advantage of this scheme is that the joint mode of transmission allows the SUs to maximize their transmission rate. The outage performance at SU ? Rx and closed‐form expressions of joint underlay/overlay protocol has been evaluated. The power control policies at different transmitter nodes are taken care of. With the same diversity order, a trade‐off between multiantenna and multirelay is shown. This comparison shows improvement in outage behavior when the count in relays surpasses the number of antennas. Finally, the analytical model of smart efficient spectrum utilization without harming license users in CR is validated by MATLAB simulation.  相似文献   

In a wireless network, where propagation delay is high but known, slotted Aloha (S-Aloha) is synchronized with respect to the receiver’s time slots. Since the transmitter knows the propagation delay to its receiver, after a frame is generated, the transmitter introduces a suitable delay before its transmission, such that the frame arrives exactly in a slot at the receiver. However, in an underwater wireless network, due to significantly less signal propagation speed, the channel dynamics has a significant effect on the time dispersion of propagation speed. Due to this uncertainty in propagation speed, even if the transmitter–receiver distance is exactly known, it is likely that a perfect synchronization at the receiver is not possible.In this paper, we first show that, even a little-less-than-perfect synchronization at the receiver reduces the throughput of receiver synchronized S-Aloha (RSS-Aloha) to that of pure Aloha. We modify the RSS-Aloha for underwater by accommodating the error in delay estimate while deciding the receiver-end slot size. Via probabilistic analysis, supported by simulations, we show that our proposed modified protocol offers a gradual increase in throughput as the propagation delay uncertainty decreases. We also show that the throughput of our proposed modified protocol is consistently higher compared to the transmitter synchronized S-Aloha when operating under the same propagation delay uncertainty. However, when the uncertainty is high, delay performance of the modified RSS-Aloha remains poorer than that of the transmitter synchronized S-Aloha in a system with smaller nodal communication range.  相似文献   

杨键泉  贺玉成  马梦欢  周林 《信号处理》2021,37(9):1719-1726
本文把非正交多址接入(NOMA)技术与认知网络相结合,提出了一种基于多中继选择的认知NOMA网络模型。考虑了在瑞利衰落信道下,主网络借助次级网络中的全双工中继实现可靠通信,作为回报,次级网络允许接入授权频谱来传输次级信号。中继同时接收主次信号后,采用串行干扰消除技术(SIC)依次解码主次信号,并根据NOMA协议转发信号到主次用户端。推导了在两种中继选择策略下认知NOMA网络中断概率,并通过了蒙特卡罗仿真验证。仿真结果表明,两阶段中继选择策略和全双工技术能有效提高系统中断性能。   相似文献   

An energy-efficient adaptive-transmission protocol for mobile frequency-hop spread-spectrum wireless communication networks is described and evaluated. The purpose of the protocol is to permit each of the mobile terminals to adjust its transmitter power and code rate to match the characteristics of the time-varying communication links in the network. The proposed adaptive-transmission protocol bases its choice of transmission parameters on a very simple form of side information that is easy to obtain in a FH communication receiver. The performance of the adaptive-transmission protocol is evaluated for networks in which each communication link may have a time-varying propagation loss and intermittent partial-band interference. Our results demonstrate that the adaptive-transmission protocol can improve the utility of a link and reduce energy consumption by adjusting the transmission parameters in response to changes in the side information.  相似文献   

在未来空战中,为实现作战机群之间的超视距通信,提出将临近空间通信平台引入战场。首先结合作战机群战场通信的实际情况,设计了临近空间通信网的网络结构;在此基础上,参考开放系统互连体系(OSI)协议模型和数据链的通信协议模型,设计了临近空间通信网的协议结构;最后对影响临近空间通信网络作战性能的指标进行了评估,结果表明临近空间通信网体系结构的设计具有工程上的可行性。  相似文献   

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