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蒋云昊  赵治华 《通信学报》2015,36(9):98-108
分析了参考信号耦合有用信号时,实际自适应干扰对消系统的时域特性。分析表明,参考信号含有用信号导致系统时变,改变系统的最佳权值,使系统的干扰对消效果下降,并对有用信号的接收产生影响。根据实际共平台通信系统的收发耦合特性,从时域角度分析得到系统干扰对消比和有用对消比的计算表达式,并得到干扰对消比和有用对消比随相对时延相位变化的规律。提出一种时延匹配方法,通过匹配参考信号提取点至正交功分器输出与接收天线至合成信号注入点间的时延,可以有效抑制参考信号耦合有用信号导致干扰对消效果下降的问题。仿真结果表明,所提出的时延匹配方法能消除有用信号对干扰对消比的影响,还能提高干扰对消效果。  相似文献   

根据系统模型给出了自适应干扰抵消系统针对双边带调幅制干扰时的稳态权值表达式,推导出干扰抵消比计算式,分析了影响干扰抵消效果的因素及其作用规律,并给出了提高干扰抵消比的设计思路和方法。对于双边带调幅制信号,通过提高系统增益来提高干扰抵消比,将受到信号带宽和等效传输延迟距离的制约。信号带宽越宽或等效传输延迟距离越大,通过增大增益所能实现的干扰抵消比提高越有限。对于一定的信号带宽,可以通过增益和等效传输延迟距离的联合设计来提高干扰抵消比。仿真结果验证了理论分析的正确性和可行性。  相似文献   

分析了干扰信号非零带宽下,实际自适应干扰对消系统的频域特性和时域特性。非零带宽信号使系统时变,当带宽远小于中心频率时,系统可近似为自适应梳状滤波器。系统的平均收敛速度与总参考信号幅值成正比,干扰对消比随信号带宽的增大而减小。对耦合延时匹配进行了理论和仿真分析,分析表明,耦合延时匹配可以显著提高宽带干扰对消比和对消带宽,延时匹配越精确,对消效果越好。  相似文献   

王霞  朱世华 《通信学报》2006,27(10):57-61
为了有效地抑制OFDM系统载频间干扰(ICI),提出一种并行干扰消除的迭代检测算法。基于检测信号的信干噪比最大化的准则,通过对接收信号进行判决、重构、干扰抵消处理,建立了ICI抑制的迭代检测算法,给出了信号检测流程。通过对时变信道的分析,研究了时变信道中归一化频偏对系统陛能的影响,给出了性能仿真结果。仿真结果表明所建议的算法可有效地利用时变信道的时间分集特性来提高系统性能,计算复杂度从O(N^3)降低到O(N)。  相似文献   

The digital proportion control is introduced to improve the performance of the analog adaptive interference cancellation system (ICS). For the high frequency parts of the signals after multiplier are not required, the sampling frequency need not satisfy the sampling theorem for high frequency. Because the sampling, calculation and output expend time in digital control, the ideal condition, delay condition and delay-wait condition are taken into account. Through analyzing the system model with three conditions, we gain the stable conditions of the system, the optimization step factors that can make the system converge fastest and the formulas of the interference cancellation ratios (ICRs). One step convergence can be accomplished under ideal condition, whereas the system can not converge in one step under delay condition and delay-wait condition. The calculation results show the convergence speed of delay-wait condition is slower than that of delay condition. The ICR is improved with the increase of the step factor which is in stable bound, but the convergence speed is decreased if the step factor exceeds the optimization step factor. In order to avoid that confine, the method of amending the steady state weight to improve the ICR is proposed. The analyses are in agreement with the computer simulations.  相似文献   

自适应干扰抵消系统会对邻近有用信号造成抵消效应。针对独立通信平台短波大功率模拟调制干扰,从频域和时域的角度分析了干扰抵消系统造成有用信号衰减和存在陷波带宽的机理,提出了一种能消除有用信号衰减的陷波带宽压缩方法。该方法通过实时检测抵消剩余载波信号大小并与设定值比较,通过比较结果来锁定和释放干扰抵消系统相关器输出的权值,从而维持干扰抵消系统稳态时的恒权值,保证了有用信号不被抵消。仿真结果表明,所提陷波带宽压缩方法可有效保护有用信号不被衰减。  相似文献   

Due to the lack of performance analysis of the RF domain broadband self-interference cancellation algorithms in the co-time and co-frequency full duplex system,the multi-tap RF domain self-interference cancellation structure were considered,and the optimal solutions of its parameters to minimize the residual interference signal power were discussed,then its achievable interference cancellation capability was analyzed.By analysis and simulation,the performance of the multi-tap structure was associated with the interference bandwidth,the carrier frequency,and the differences between the multi-tap delays and multipath delays of the self-interference channel.The greater the signal bandwidth is,or the larger the differences between the multi-tap delays and multipath delays are,the worse the interference cancellation performance is.Besides,the interference cancellation performance is periodic oscillation with the increase of carrier frequency.  相似文献   

分析了实际模拟自适应干扰对消系统中权值控制支路存在零漂时权值和误差的时域特性.零漂的存在易造成稳态权值偏离最优权值,导致干扰对消比显著下降,但不影响系统的平均收敛速度.斩波稳零法是克服零漂的主要方法,对采用基波斩波下系统的性能进行了理论推导,并通过仿真进行了分析.基波斩波导致系统成为时变系统,克服了零漂的同时,在权值中增加了新的频率分量,引入了新的干扰并导致干扰对消比有所降低.  相似文献   

邹亚州  向新  张婧怡 《信号处理》2017,33(10):1360-1367
针对现有基于最小均方误差准则的全双工射频域自干扰对消算法存在收敛速度与干扰对消比相互制约的矛盾,提出一种改进时变步长归一化最小均方算法。该算法通过建立最小均方误差步长因子与改进时变sigmod函数的非线性关系,利用实时误差信号自相关和时间参量t协同控制步长因子μ(t),较好的兼顾了收敛速度与干扰对消比。分析与仿真表明:在干信比为80dB、步进间隔Δt=1/32ms、信噪比Eb/N0=10 dB的2FSK全双工系统模型下,该算法能够实现88dB的自干扰消除高出同类算法至少1.5dB且收敛速度和抗突发干扰能力提升显著。   相似文献   

无线电扩频通信受到多径分量噪声的干扰,导致通信信道均衡性不好,抗干扰能力不强,误码率较高。需要进行噪声干扰抑制,改善无线电扩频通信质量。提出一种基于自适应级联陷波和码间干扰抑制的无线电扩频通信优化技术。构建无线电扩频通信系统传输结构模型,采用自适应陷波器对无线电扩频通信中的多径分量噪声进行有效抑制,降低了进入信号通频带内的干扰功率,提高解调器的输出信噪比和信干比。采用扩展后的序列去调制载波,将信号搬移到载频上,实现信道均衡,提高抗干扰能力。仿真结果表明,该算法能有效降低无线电扩频通信的误比特率,抗干扰性较强,提高通信质量。  相似文献   

王飞 《电讯技术》2012,52(6):928-932
基于数字地面电视广播(Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting,DTTB)同频直放站的回波干扰抑制,提出了一种变步长块LMS(Variable Step- size Block Normalized Least Mean Square,VSSBNLMS)自适应算法.此算法的目的是为了提高传统回波干扰抑制的自适应算法的收敛速度和降低计算复杂度.其将输入信号分为长度相等的块,在每一个数据块内,权值向量只更新一次,有效地降低了计算复杂度.另外,该算法通过输出误差控制更新步长的变化,与传统的归一化LMS(NLMS)和块LMS(BLMS)算法相比,提高了收敛速度.仿真结果表明,该算法具有良好的收敛速度和回波干扰抑制性能.  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive an expression for the signal to interference-plus-noise ratio of a linear multistage parallel interference cancellation receiver. We focus on a linear multistage receiver which converges to the linear minimum mean-squared error receiver as the number of stages increases. The signal to interference-plus-noise ratio is given in terms of the system loading, the partial cancellation factor, the number of stages, and the signal-to. noise ratio. Our expression also allows a simple approximation for the bit error rate at each stage. Finally, we perform a numerical optimization to maximize the signal to interference-plus-noise ratio expression with respect to the partial cancellation factor of the resulting linear multistage receiver.  相似文献   

Adaptive multistage parallel interference cancellation for CDMA   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Although the multistage interference cancellation detector is simple in structure, its performance degrades when the number of active users becomes large. In some cases, the performance is even worse than that without cancellation, due to the lack of the exact knowledge of the interfering signal in cancellation. Partial interference cancellation suggested by Divsalar and Simon (see IEEE Trans. Commun., vol.46, p.258-68, 1998) tries to remedy this weakness by reducing the cost of a wrong interference estimation through a weight in each stage. This paper presents an adaptive multistage structure based on the partial interference cancellation approach. In this structure, the weights are obtained by minimizing the mean-square error between the received signal and its estimate through a least mean square (LMS) algorithm. The resulting weights contain reliability information for the hard decisions made in the previous stage. Neither a training sequence nor a pilot signal is needed in the proposed scheme, and its complexity is much lower than that of linear multiuser detectors. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can outperform some of the existing interference cancellation methods in both the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and the multipath fading channels  相似文献   

The requirement to suppress narrowband interferences in CDMA communication stems from the overlay concept, i.e., coexistence of different types of signals in the same frequency band. This paper describes the performance analysis of a direct-sequence (DS) CDMA personal communication system sharing a common spectrum with narrowband microwave radio links in the 1.85 to 1.99 GHz band. The coexistence of these two systems within the same frequency band will improve the overall spectrum efficiency, but will also cause interference to both systems. In this paper it is shown that joint spatial and temporal optimum combining provides an efficient means of improving the performance of the DS-CDMA system through cancellation of the narrowband signal and the co-channel interferences. The proposed space-time architecture provides degrees of freedom for both diversity and interference cancellation. It is shown that the joint space-time receiver is robust with respect to the narrowband interference signal bandwidth and its carrier frequency offset from the DS-CDMA carrier frequency.  相似文献   

赖剑强 《电讯技术》2017,57(12):1415-1421
针对通信设备应用的复杂化和对在复杂电磁环境下工作的设备电磁兼容性提出的更高要求,通过分析对消技术的基本原理,提出了一种模拟电路和数字电路相结合的干扰对消技术,并研制出了基于该技术的干扰对消原理样机.对该样机的单机测试和系统联试结果表明,该对消技术具备点频干扰和噪声干扰的抑制能力,对消收敛时间小于100 ms,对消比大于43 dB,适合在窄带通信中应用并可推广到其他领域.该成果正逐步在实际工程中得到运用.  相似文献   

This paper describes an ICI mitigation method based on the generalized data‐allocation of (1, ?β) for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems. To improve the performance of the ICI mitigation for the higher‐frequency offset, we propose an efficient search algorithm to generate the sub‐optimal parameter β for maximizing the carrier‐to‐interference ratio (CIR). The CIR and bit error rate performances of the proposed method were derived in this paper. The performances with different carrier frequency offset scenarios were evaluated by computer simulations. According to the simulation results, the performance of the proposed ICI mitigation scheme is better than that of the conventional ICI self‐cancellation scheme and is nearly the same as that of the ICI self‐cancellation scheme for the optimal parameter β. Additionally, the proposed ICI mitigation scheme has a dramatically reduced hardware complexity in comparison with the ICI self‐cancellation scheme for the optimal parameter β. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

姚昆  杨霄鹏  杨栋  陈强 《电子设计工程》2011,19(12):127-129,132
在电子对抗领域,通常以同时输出多个载波信号对跳频等抗干扰通信实施干扰。分析了针对跳频通信的各种梳状拦阻式干扰方案的优缺点,设计了一种基于锯齿波线性调频技术的干扰方案。该方案能在保持时域等幅波形的前提下,产生多个离散的梳状谱,有效利用功率放大器的功率容限,适合于通信训练中模拟干扰环境。同时给出了基于数字信号处理器(DSP)、ROM、RAM,以及信号产生软件包组成的数字化多频点干扰信号产生器的实现,并对实现结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

Parallel interference cancellation (PIC) is a well-known multiuser detection algorithm in direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) systems. It is typically implemented with a multi-stage architecture. One problem associated with the PIC is that unreliable interference cancellation may occur in the early stages and the system performance may be degraded. Thus, the partial PIC detector was developed to control the cancellation level by use of interference cancellation factors. Partial PIC can be implemented with an adaptive form, in which optimal weights are derived using the least mean square (LMS) algorithm. In this paper, we propose an algorithm improving the conventional adaptive partial PIC. The main idea is to reduce the number of active weights in the LMS algorithm, and to perform weight post-filtering such that the resultant excess mean square error can be reduced. We also analyze the performance of the proposed algorithm and derive the bit error rate of the second stage output. Simulation results verify that the proposed algorithm outperforms the conventional partial PIC, and derived analytical results are accurate.  相似文献   

一种新型FMCW雷达射频对消方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着平台一体化及雷达系统微型化的发展,调频连续波(FMCW)雷达发射至接收的信号泄漏更为严重,信号泄漏已成为制约FMCW雷达系统性能的关键因素。为解决这一问题,提出了一种新型的射频对消方法以提高FMCW雷达的收发隔离度,利用FMCW雷达泄漏信号与回波信号在频域可分离特点,采用数字锁相环技术产生主动对消矢量信号,在给定FMCW雷达泄漏信号初值的条件下仿真分析对消比与相位误差、幅度误差的关系,建立了特定条件下的具有自适应功能的射频对消方案,并设计了验证电路以验证方案的可行性。验证结果表明该方法在1 GHz带宽内实现了优于25 dB 的对消比,且该对消电路具有低功耗、结构简单等优势。  相似文献   

自适应旁瓣对消技术能够很好地抑制旁瓣干扰,但在应用中发现, 自适应旁瓣对消对跟踪的高信噪比目标带来的信噪比损失较大,导致单脉冲和差测角精度下降。本文提出了一种基于CLEAN算法的自适应旁瓣对消方法,首先通过观测目标的先验信息构建目标回波模型,再利用该回波模型剔除对消通道中的目标信息,然后基于剔除目标信息后的对消通道数据,重新计算最优加权值进行主通道的干扰对消,最后仿真和实测结果验证了该方法不仅可以减少主通道中目标对消后的信噪比损失,同时也降低了对消后对目标测角精度的影响。  相似文献   

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