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APC—MGE公司近日宣布,计划将APC、TAC软件管理平台与IBM Tivoli能耗监控管理软件进行有效整合。作为全球能源管理专家施耐德电气下属的两家公司,APC和TAC分别为全球客户提供创新的物理基础设施和楼宇管理系统。目前,整合正处于研发阶段,将可支持APC的InfraStruXure Central管理平台、TAC的楼宇管理系统以及IBMTivoli监视软件,可彼此分享关键数据点包括预警、历史数据以及资产跟踪的信息。  相似文献   

马治强  徐跃  朱思慧  吴仲 《微电子学》2021,51(4):546-551
基于新型共源共栅电流源的积分方法,设计了一种用于单光子飞行时间(TOF)测量的时间-幅度变换器(TAC)。该方法有效简化了TAC电路结构,减小了TAC占用面积,显著提高了TOF的满量程范围(FSR)。采用0.18 μm标准CMOS工艺设计。集成TAC的单光子探测器像素单元的填充因子可达到26.8%。后仿真结果表明,该TAC在120 ns的FSR内具有230 ps的定时分辨率,微分非线性(DNL)低于0.05 LSB,积分非线性(INL)低于1.1 LSB。蒙特卡洛仿真表明,512个TAC像素间的不均匀性低于0.5 %。该TAC非常适用于高密度时间相关的单光子计数(TCSPC)探测器阵列。  相似文献   

简要介绍一种新的输入信号时序鉴别方法与电路。该电路的主要功能是对输入信号的时序进行鉴别和分拣,它可以鉴别出一个输入信号串中包含的各个脉冲的序号,并且产生与各个序号相对应的输出信号。该电路可以鉴别的输入信号的序号N=1,2,3,…,8。该电路主要适用于多路时间幅度转换器(TAC)和多路时间数字转换器(TDC)系统,其输出信号可作为TAC和TDC的停止(STOP)信号。该电路输出信号的前沿0≤3.2ns,传输延迟tρd≤20ns。  相似文献   

安捷伦科技推出业内领先的自动光学检测系统;环球仪器公司日前推出两个新系列送料器;2010年汽车电子市场有望突破500亿美元;中国废旧电子电器回收联盟成立;符合RoHS产品已悄然进入豁免清单。提前满足环保需求;“无铅制造”、“环保生产”成深圳高交会主题;长虹南下研发中心落子深圳;欧盟RoHS豁免状况更新:六项新豁免通过TAC表决;欧盟RoHS起跑两个月官方、业者不同调;Indium11位工作人员获得六西格玛绿带认证;华莱科技收购EoTech公司的电子组装生产制造执行技术。[编者按]  相似文献   

李侠 《今日电子》2014,(7):47-48
正2014年5月27日,由美国国家仪器有限公司(National Instruments,简称NI)主办的第十一届PXI技术和应用论坛(PXI Technology Application Conference,即2014 PXI TAC)在上海拉开帷幕。为了更好地服务中国不同区域客户,本届PXI TAC有了新的变化——从每年只选择一个地方举办论坛改为多地举办。除了上海,2014 PXI TAC还将陆续登陆深圳、西安和北京等地。本次活动吸引了8家知名PXI供应商和系统集成商参加,预计有800名  相似文献   

华语 《UPS应用》2014,(9):83-83
从世界上第一台手机(1983年摩托罗拉Dyna TAC 8000X)的诞生到今天,智能手机已经变得无所不能,已经通过各种各样的功能和App取代了我们日常生活中的许多工具。  相似文献   

在推出世界上第一台袖珍蜂窝电话——Micro TAC第一代5年后,摩托罗拉最近又推出了Micro TAC Elite(精英型)折叠式蜂窝电话。它是当今世界上最轻、最先进的蜂窝电话,仅重113克,比一个干电池还轻。这一“轻量级的重头戏”是移动通信领域的又一次突破性进展。 Micro TAC Elite折叠式电话的设计不仅继承了Micro TAC系列电话的高质量、高性能、耐用及便于使用等特点,而且结构更紧凑、体积更小。同时,它进一步拓展了蜂窝电话的新功能,包括: 1.锂离子“精巧”(Smart)系列电池提供最长的单位重量通话时间,通话时间长达60分钟,或待机时间10小时。附加电池可使通话时  相似文献   

PXI技术发起者美国国家仪器有限公司(NI)将于5月28日在北京国际饭店举办2008年第五届中国PXI技术和应用论坛(PXI TAC)。今年的PXI TAC将更多的关注例如PXI Express等新兴  相似文献   

近日,借召开PXI技术论坛(PXI TAC)的机会,PXI系统联盟(PXISA)组委会在北京召开了公开会议,这是此项会议第一次在中国举办,包括航天测控、四川纵横和聚星仪器等多家中国公司参加此次会议。本次公开会议就PXI最新市场信息、  相似文献   

泰乐公司的回音消除和话音质量增强(VQE)的VERITY解决方案,能够优化话音清晰度,增强网络性能,从而提高用户满意度。VERITY系列产品可消除声学回音与混合线圈回音,使移动运营商能够在移动到移动、移动到固定的呼叫中,提供有线话音质量水平和无回音服务。对于固定公网运营商来讲,VERITY系统可有效消除混合回音,实现最清晰的话音质量。VQE方案包括泰乐电平控制(TLC)、泰乐声学回音消除(TAC)和泰乐噪音抑制(TNR)。TLC基于每次通话,自动补偿不稳定音频电平;TAC可消除移动网中手机和免提移动终端产生的声学回音…  相似文献   

分散剂在sol-gel法制备PZT粉体中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用sol-gel法制备了PZT纳米粉体。针对硝酸铅会从干凝胶中析出的问题,分析了硝酸铅的析出原因,采取在溶胶中加入柠檬酸三铵作为分散剂来消除硝酸铅的偏析。实验结果表明:当柠檬酸三铵的加入量为醋酸铅的2.5%(摩尔分数)时,能得到粒度较为均匀,组成与计算配方一致的PZT纳米粉体。  相似文献   

This paper describes the Tactical Air Command (TAC) methodology for stating R&M requirements for new systems and improving the combat capabilities of existing systems. It focuses on why TAC chose to state R&M in broad, output terms and illustrates three ways the R&M 2000 program has increased the emphasis on supporting fielded systems. Specifically, attention is given to two new technologies which should profoundly affect the maintainability of tactical systems.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the technologies of the wide view (WV) film. The WV film is an optical compensation film, which remarkably enhances the field of view of twisted nematic (TN) thin-film transistor liquid crystal displays (TFT-LCDs). We have recently developed a new WV film for the OCB mode, which promises a fast optical response speed and wide viewing angle LCD-TV. The WV film is made of a hybrid alignment polymerized discotic material (PDM) layer coated on a (tri-acetyl cellulose (TAC) substrate. The PDM layer alignment technology and the TAC retardation control technology give us the flexibility to develop a compensation film for any LCD mode and allow a cost effective roll-to-roll polarizer lamination process.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new method for assessing clinical parameters from a noisy regional time-activity curve (TAC) in tomographic gated blood-pool ventriculography. This method is based on a priori knowledge on the shape of a TAC, and shape approximation. The rejection method was used to generate different random Poisson deviates, covering standard count levels, of six representative TACs in order to test and compare the proposed method with harmonic and multiharmonic reconstruction methods. These methods were compared by evaluating four clinical parameters: time of end systole, amplitude, peak ejection and filling rates. Overall, the accuracy of assessment of these parameters was found to be better with the method described in this paper than with standard multiharmonic fits.  相似文献   

本文介绍了移动通信发展的概况以及在现有模拟与数字移动网上进行数据通信的原理。同时还介绍了专用的无线分组交换数据网如CDPD和Data TAC。  相似文献   

An immobilized superparamagnetic nanocomposite comprising γ-Fe2O3 and activated carbon was synthesized via a facile thermal decomposition route. To prepare the magnetically functionalized nanocomposite, treated activated carbon (TAC) loaded with lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH) nanoparticles (MAC-1) was first produced via a wet chemical method. Then magnetic activated carbon (AC/γ-Fe2O3, MAC-2) was fabricated by thermal decomposition of MAC-1 at 250 °C under argon gas for 1 h. Characterization analyses confirmed that superparamagnetic spherical maghemite nanoparticles of 21±2 nm in size were homogeneously dispersed on the TAC. The specific surface area was 643.8 m2 g−1 for TAC, 289 m2 g−1 for MAC-1, and 303.5 m2 g−1 for MAC-2. The industrially friendly nanocomposite was applied as an adsorbent for pollutant removal from aqueous solution.  相似文献   

目前由中国移动集团牵头研发的网优自动化服务平台,主要集成了如下功能:LTE自动邻区关系优化模块、基于智能算法的PCI自动优化模块、 LTE功率配置自动优化模块、LTE小区参数自动化推荐模块,以及TAC边界区域自动优化模块等,并支持其他新增工具的快速扩展。本文介绍的网优自动化平台包括了全流程数据预处理模块、即插即用的优化算法模块、灵活的Web Service接口调用模块、以及各工具通用的数据挖掘/机器学习算法库等等,这种基于模块化搭建的网优自动化服务平台,使得各类核心网优应用能够快速上线,并具有极强的可扩展性和可靠性。  相似文献   

A method for visualizing manifold-valued medical image data is proposed. The method operates on images in which each pixel is assumed to be sampled from an underlying manifold. For example, each pixel may contain a high dimensional vector, such as the time activity curve (TAC) in a dynamic positron emission tomography (dPET) or a dynamic single photon emission computed tomography (dSPECT) image, or the positive semi-definite tensor in a diffusion tensor magnetic resonance image (DTMRI). A nonlinear mapping reduces the dimensionality of the pixel data to achieve two goals: distance preservation and embedding into a perceptual color space. We use multidimensional scaling distance-preserving mapping to render similar pixels (e.g., DT or TAC pixels) with perceptually similar colors. The 3D CIELAB perceptual color space is adopted as the range of the distance preserving mapping, with a final similarity transform mapping colors to a maximum gamut size. Similarity between pixels is either determined analytically as geodesics on the manifold of pixels or is approximated using manifold learning techniques. In particular, dissimilarity between DTMRI pixels is evaluated via a Log-Euclidean Riemannian metric respecting the manifold of the rank 3, second-order positive semi-definite DTs, whereas the dissimilarity between TACs is approximated via ISOMAP. We demonstrate our approach via artificial high-dimensional, manifold-valued data, as well as case studies of normal and pathological clinical brain and heart DTMRI, dPET, and dSPECT images. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in capturing, in a perceptually meaningful way, important features in the data.  相似文献   

We describe a matched subspace detection algorithm to assist in the detection of small tumors in dynamic positron emission tomography (PET) images. The algorithm is designed to differentiate tumors from background using the time activity curves (TACs) that characterize the uptake of PET tracers. TACs are modeled using linear subspaces with additive Gaussian noise. Using TACs from a primary tumor region of interest (ROI) and one or more background ROIs, each identified by a human observer, two linear subspaces are identified. Applying a matched subspace detector to these identified subspaces on a voxel-by-voxel basis throughout the dynamic image produces a test statistic at each voxel which on thresholding indicates potential locations of secondary or metastatic tumors. The detector is derived for three cases: using a single TAC with white noise of unknown variance, using a single TAC with known noise covariance, and detection using multiple TACs within a small ROI with known noise covariance. The noise covariance is estimated for the reconstructed image from the observed sinogram data. To evaluate the proposed method, a simulation-based receiver operating characteristic (ROC) study for dynamic PET tumor detection is designed. The detector uses a dynamic sequence of frame-by-frame 2-D reconstructions as input. We compare the performance of the subspace detectors with that of a Hotelling observer applied to a single frame image and of the Patlak method applied to the dynamic data. We also show examples of the application of each detection approach to clinical PET data from a breast cancer patient with metastatic disease.   相似文献   

单光子雪崩二极管的被动-主动混合抑制技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用主动快恢复技术,设计了缩短死时间的被动-主动相结合的抑制电路,制作出高量子效率、低噪声、死时间短的单光子探测器,探测器的死时间由原来的大于2μs缩短为小于100ns,计数率达到5 MHz以上.利用TAC/MCA技术对单光子雪崩二极管(SPAD)输出信号进行了光子自相关测量,研究了2个相邻单光子计数脉冲时间分布统计效应,直接观测到了采用被动-主动混合抑制技术后死时间的改善.  相似文献   

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