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针对电压源型SVPWM逆变器的死区效应,详细分析了死区时间对逆变器输出电压的影响,以及零电流箝位现象,提出一种基于空间电压矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)的死区补偿新算法。该方法在电机定子绕组A相电流过零点处设置夹断区间,采用夹断区间外优化死区设置、按固定值补偿占空比,夹断区间内线性补偿占空比的新方法,来补偿死区效应对逆变器输出的影响。仿真结果表明,设计的死区补偿新算法有效地减小了电流畸变和谐波分量,提高了逆变器的供电效率。  相似文献   

逆变器中死区效应及其补偿策略分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张涛  张强  李良辰 《信息技术》2003,27(11):70-71,88
对死区时间对逆变器输出电压的影响进行了分析。死区效应引起的电压偏差可以等效为一个与电流相为相反的方波。并对死区效应的补偿策略进行了研究。  相似文献   

三相直流侧和交流侧有源电力滤波器均可用于三相不可控整流桥的谐波治理。从谐波补偿效果、有源滤波器的补偿容量、开关应力三个方面对二者进行了分析和对比。分析结果表明,由于直流侧有源电力滤波器并联在整流桥的直流侧,在换相处的负载电流变化率比交流侧小得多,因此直流侧有源电力滤波器的补偿性能优于交流侧有源电力滤波器。同时由于直流侧有源电力滤波器工作在电压电流两个象限,因此其补偿容量和开关应力远小于交流侧有源电力滤波器。  相似文献   

提出了一种单相并联混合型有源电力滤波器的电路结构.该电路由有源滤波器与基波串联谐振支路并联再与无源滤波电路串联构成,用于抑制非线性整流负载产生的谐波电流流入电源侧.在该电路中,无源滤波器分担大部分抑制谐波和无功补偿的任务,减少了有源滤波器的容量;有源电力滤波器用于改善无源滤波器的滤波效果,抑制它与系统阻抗可能发生的谐振.实验结果表明,该混合型有源滤波器充分发挥了无源滤波器和有源滤波器各自优点,改善了无源滤波器的滤波性能,同时使有源滤波器不再承受基波电压,最大限度地减少了有源滤波器的容量,从而使有源电力滤波器可应用于大功率场合.  相似文献   

对三相桥式逆变器死区效应进行了理论分析,提出了一种改进的基于SVPWM的死区补偿策略。理论分析和实验结果均表明该补偿策略能有效改善死区效应引起的电流畸变,且运算量小,实用性强。  相似文献   

根据电力电子系统的磁通补偿原理。介绍了一种基于磁通补偿原理和并联变压器谐波阻抗控制的有源电力滤波器的设计方案,给出了采用单位功率因数控制策略控制有源电力滤波器的基本结构和谐波电流检测方法。同时通过仿真实验,给出了对滤波器进行补偿的补偿电流和系统电流的波形。  相似文献   

传统PI无法实现有源电力滤波器无静差谐波补偿,本文提出了两种输出电流控制策略:PI控制和重复控制并联运行的复合控制技术与指定次数无静差控制技术。PI控制和重复控制并联运行的复合控制技术利用重复控制对于周期扰动信号无差跟踪的特点来提高有源滤波的稳态精度,PI控制保证有源电力滤波器的动态性能。指定次数无静差控制技术对单频率谐波进行无静差调节。仿真与实验结果证明了所提出的两种控制技术的有效性。  相似文献   

曲学基 《UPS应用》2009,(5):50-53
电力有源滤波器在供电系统中的主要应用是补偿电网中的谐波和无功功率,依此改善交流电源的供电质量。文中介绍了电力有源滤波器的电路结构以及控制方式。给出了电压型电力有源滤波器,电流型电力有源滤波器,多模式电力有源滤波器以及混合型电力有源滤波器的电路结构,并重点介绍无功电流和谐波电流的检测,逆变器直流侧电源电压的控制以及混合型电力有源滤波器的控制方案,最后给出了电力有源滤波器的补偿特性。  相似文献   

曲学基 《UPS应用》2009,(6):54-58
电力有源滤波器在供电系统中的主要应用是补偿电网中的谐波和无功功率,依此改善交流电源的供电质量。文中介绍了电力有源滤波器的电路结构以及控制方式。给出了电压型电力有源滤波器、电流型电力有源滤波器、多模式电力有源滤波器以及混合型电力有源滤波器的电路结构,并重点介绍无功电流和谐波电流的检测、逆变器直流侧电源电压的控制以及混合型电力有源滤波器的控制方案,最后给出了电力有源滤波器的补偿特性。  相似文献   

电机PWM控制方式存在死区问题,严重影响了电机的运行性能。本文在电流矢量死区补偿方法基础上,分析了检测电流的噪声对补偿方法的影响,认为噪声极大干扰了电流矢量的计算,破坏了补偿的准确性。为消除噪声的影响,本文提出了自适应滤波方法,并通过动态收敛系数方法提高滤波器响应速度。实验结果表明这种滤波方法能有效提取信号中的直流成份,获得准确的分解电流,非常适用于基于电流矢量的死区补偿方法。相对其他噪声去除方法,该算法非常简洁,易于编程实现,占用资源少,实用有效。  相似文献   

逆变器是直接转矩控制系统主电路中的关键部件。逆变器死区的设置虽然防止了逆变器器件的直通,同时也带来了死区效应,特别是对直接转矩控制系统的影响更是明显。本文通过分析异步电动机直接转矩控制系统中死区的生成及死区对电动机和整个系统的影响,定义了偏差电压矢量,并在此基础上,提出了一种死区补偿分析算法。该方法不需附加硬件,只需对原控制软件进行修改。仿真结果显示,在直接转矩控制系统中加入死区补偿,能有效改进电动机定子电流波形,使转矩脉动减小,整个系统的运行性能得到了一定的改善。  相似文献   

This paper discusses and analyses a simple on-line compensation scheme for dead-time and inverter nonlinearity in the pulse width modulated (PWM) voltage source inverter (VSI). Dead-time effect and voltage drop in switching devices cause nonlinearity between reference and output voltage. In a conventional three-phase six-switch inverter, this nonideal condition adds extraneous harmonics that badly disturb voltage characteristics. In its turn, voltage disturbance causes distortion of the current waveform and degrades performance. In this paper, an on-line dead-time compensation method based on inverse dynamics control is proposed, and it is much simpler than conventional full/reduced order observation methods adopted in dead-time compensation. Disturbance voltages are observed on-line with no additional circuitry or off-line measurements. The observed disturbance voltages are fed back to the voltage reference for compensation. Stability problem of the proposed observer arisen from inverter delay and parameter mismatch was analysed. The proposed method is applied to a surface-mounted permanent-magnet synchronous motor (SPMSM) drive. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is validated by the experimental results.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method of online identification of the parameters of permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) by model reference adaptive identification based on Popov Super Stability Theory. Firstly, the relations of parameters in the Field Orientation Control (FOC) system are analysed. Secondly, the proposed identification method of PMSM concerns two parts. In the case of high-speed operation of the motor, the method can accurately identify the inductance in dq-axis and the permanent magnet (PM) flux linkage. On the other hand, in the case of low speed, it can accurately identify the winding resistance of the stator. The method does not require additional excitation signals, but only makes use of motor voltage, current and their deviations. Thirdly, a simple and effective dead-time compensation method has been applied to inhibit the dead-time effects on the parameter identification. At last, the simulation and experiment results clearly demonstrate the validity and feasibility of the method.  相似文献   

在SPWM控制的变频器中,死区的加入会使输出电压和电流波形发生畸变,使谐波分量增加。文中详细分析了死区对逆变器输出电压基波的影响,并在尽量不增加通用变频器硬件基础上,提出一种具有自适应零点调整的电流反馈型补偿方法。并通过TMS320F2808 DSP芯片实现补偿算法,在5.5 kW异步电机上验证了该补偿算法的有效性。  相似文献   

对AC/DC/AC电源所固有的死区效应带来的谐波进行了数学分析,得出了在固有谐波基础上死区时间对于此类型电源所产生的电压波形的影响。并利用Matlab软件对此类电源建立了仿真模型,特别是利用已知模块实现了死区时间的仿真模型。对于产生的谐波进行了FFT分解,重点分析了死区效应使电源电压波形所产生的谐波分量。  相似文献   

本文针对永磁同步电机矢量控制系统,分析了死区电压矢量对三相输出电压的影响以及死区电压矢量与定子电流方向的关系,提出了一种基于SVPWM矢量控制的死区补偿方法。定子电流矢量角根据计算得出,避免了传统方法在相电流过零处由于电流方向检测不准而影响补偿效果。该方案无需增加硬件电路,对软件进行修改即可实现。仿真试验结果证实了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

In this article, the PWM inverter works as a controlled fundamental current source in the single phase series hybrid active power filter (APF) based on fundamental magnetic flux compensation (FMFC). The series transformer can exhibit the self-impedance of primary winding to harmonic current, which forces harmonic current to flow into passive power filter. With the influence of harmonic current, the voltage of primary winding of transformer is a harmonic voltage, which makes the inverter output currents have a certain harmonic component, and it degrades the filtering characteristics. On the basis of PWM inverter, the mathematical model of series hybrid APF is established, and the filtering characteristics of single phase APF are analysed in detail. Three methods are gained to improve filtering characteristics: reasonably designing the inverter output filter inductance, increasing series transformer ratio and adopting voltage feed-forward control. Experimental results show that the proposed APF has greater validity.  相似文献   

三相SVPWM逆变器死区时间的硬件保护   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郭天娇  付成伟  高明  刘洋 《现代电子技术》2012,35(20):189-191,194
基于逆变器工作原理和死区产生机理的研究,在现有逆变系统保护措施的基础上,提出了一种硬件保护电路。利用RC暂态电路和逻辑门电路等器件,对逆变器输入端的PWM驱动信号进行检测控制。当输入信号的死区时间过短或过长时,该电路能防止其加载到逆变器上,保证了逆变器和负载的安全。Multisim仿真和实验结果验证了所述保护措施的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

In this article, the principle of a novel shunt hybrid active power filter (APF) based on magnetic flux compensation is proposed. The parallel transformer can exhibit nearly zero impedance to harmonic current whereas the zero magnetic flux condition is satisfied for harmonics, which leads harmonic current to flow into the transformer branch. Meanwhile, the transformer can exhibit continuously adjustable impedance to the fundamental current based on fundamental magnetic flux compensation, which works together with the passive power filter to compensate for reactive power. A mathematical model is established for system stability analysis and steady state estimation. The experimental results verify that the performance of the proposed APF is satisfactory in harmonic suppression as well as reactive power compensation.  相似文献   

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