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梳理了全球6G技术研究现状,初步预估了6G需求、技术与标准研究工作路标,分析了面向6G网络的未来业务发展趋势和典型服务用例,构建了6G网络服务愿景、基本性能需求,以及基于架构、链路、空域、流域、推理与计算维度的6G使能技术框架。认为6G潜在使能技术包括自治自动网络、智能三维连接、智能大规模天线阵、按需网络拓扑与计算、超硅计算与通信。重点介绍了中兴通讯服务架构无线接入网络(SBA-RAN)、平滑虚拟小区技术(SVC)、智能反射表面多输入多输出技术(IRS-MIMO)与增强多用户共享接入(eMUSA)等6G创新技术实例,揭示了6G相对5G是"演进"还是"革命"网络的决定要素是维持摩尔定律可持续发展的超硅计算技术,并展望了5G演进网络中将广泛应用的Pre6G创新技术。  相似文献   

E3G技术 在3G系统逐步进入商用的同时,业界已经开始了新技术的研究工作。有的公司将这些新技术称为Super3G技术,也有的公司将其称为3.9G技术。这些技术的共同特点是:数据业务传输速率提高一个数量级,达到100Mbps左右;引入大量的先进技术,如OFDM和MIMO等,一般不再以CDMA技术为主。  相似文献   

随着网络部署越来越密集,以及多种网络制式的同时存在,均将加大将来5G网络的运维难度及成本支出.而网络自组织技术则是一种提升网络管理效率、降低运维成本的重要手段措施,因此面向5G超密集场景下的网络自组织关键技术展开相关的研究工作意义重大.本文简要介绍了网络自组织的概念,进一步对超密集场景下存在的主要问题展开了具体的研究工作,结合本次研究,最终就干扰管理自优化技术、负载均衡自优化技术、故障检测和分析技术、网络中断补偿技术等网络自组织关键技术展开了深入的探究工作.  相似文献   

刘辉  李晖 《世界电信》2007,20(8):59-62
2007年上半年,全球移动通信市场仍显现蓬勃发展趋势。全球移动运营商继续加强3G市场特别是HSDPA的投资,欠发达地区正在成为全球移动市场的主要增长点。除了3G技术,移动运营商还积极进行WiMAX和WiFi的投资,日韩运营商还在积极探索超3G技术。3G市场仍然是全球移动运营市场的发展重点,3G新兴市场在2007年上半年表现突出,发展迅速。  相似文献   

超 3G进入实质研究阶段国际电信联盟无线部门 (ITU R)WP8F工作组第 14次会议于 2 0 0 4年 10月 13— 2 0日在上海召开。会议将主要收集各国对超 3G业务和市场预测的信息 ,拟订进一步的调研工作 ,详细确定超 3G频谱资源估算方法 ,讨论超 3G合适的候选频段 ,修改 2 .5G频段的分配方案建议 ,讨论软件无线电等无线领域的研究报告 ,完成 3G全球核心规范M .14 5 7的更新等工作。其中频谱计算方法、频谱划分建议等将是会议讨论的热点。国内运营公司、制造公司和信息产业部电信研究院提交的多篇提案在会上讨论 ,内容涉及超 3G频谱估算方法、2 …  相似文献   

阿呆 《通讯世界》2005,(3):61-62
NTT DoCoMo和沃达丰发起了“超3G”组织,WiMAX阵营再添虎将,一场关于4G的争战已拉开帷幕新年伊始,无线网络世界中发生了两起重大的、看似毫不相关的事件。一是以NTT DoCoMo为首的“超3G”组织成立,一是韩国三星电子最终加入了WiMAX论坛。“超3G”组织的目的是沿着WCDMA的演进方向开发4G移动通信技术,DoCoMo和沃达丰是主要的发起者,由于这两大运营商一向依赖GSM和WCDMA技术,因此这一组织的成立,并不让人感到奇怪。事实上,比起其它的4G发展组织,这个“超3G”组织的发展路线还十分模糊,所做的工作也显得有些多余,但这至少表…  相似文献   

◆ 超3G的概念超3G是ITU定义的“Systems Beyond IMT-2000”简称,意为超越3G的系统,或称Beyond 3G、超IMT-2000等,目前有些国家所称的第4代移动通信(4G)实际上就是指ITU提出的超3G系统。◆ 超3G在ITU的研究进展ITU-R TG8/1组负责3G研究,新成立的ITU-RWP8F组承担了3G未来发展和超3G的研究。虽然WP8F在2000年就已经启动超3G的研究,但直到2001年下半年才逐渐被广泛关注,并逐步达成共识。经过多次会议讨论之后,在2002年6月WP8F的第8次会议上,超3G的概念、研究目标及时间表已经比较稳定。超3G的概念涵盖了现有的3G…  相似文献   

超表面是一种周期性亚波长人工结构薄层,其与入射电磁波共振耦合所引入的相位突变打破了传统光学对空间光程累计的依赖,表现出独特的电磁学特性。过去10年来,超表面以其优于传统光学元件的超薄厚度、超短调制距离和超高分辨率光波操纵能力受到研究者们的广泛关注。并且作为超材料的二维对应物,超表面更易于被制造和集成到器件中,可以工作在微波到可见光波长范围内。常用于超表面的制造工艺包括紫外光刻、电子束光刻、聚焦离子束光刻和纳米压印等,但超表面的大规模应用仍面临加工精度与大面积、大规模制造和加工成本之间的矛盾。基于飞秒脉冲激光和双光子聚合反应的双光子三维(3D)打印技术可以实现高精度、复杂3D模型和无掩膜的一步制造,具有加工便捷和灵活的优点,以及大面积制造的潜力,被广泛应用于超表面结构研究与制备。文章对基于双光子3D打印技术制备的超表面光器件的近期研究工作进行了综述。文章首先概述了超表面的概念、优势及加工方法,然后介绍了双光子3D打印技术的原理、发展历程和工艺优势,随后分类综述和讨论了表面等离激元超表面、超透镜、超表面纳米显示与图像处理和与光纤端面集成超表面的近期研究工作,最后对基于双光子3D打印技术的超...  相似文献   

张生花  杨济安 《通信技术》2007,40(11):149-150,153
随着3G在全球逐渐进入商用,B3G/4G移动通信系统的研究、开发和标准化工作也开始受到业界的普遍关注.文中针对相关的研究技术,讨论了TD—SCDMA向B3G演进的一种方案:TD—CDM—OFDM。对演进过程中所需的一些核心技术如MIMO、OFDM、链路自适应、VENOII等也做了简要的介绍.  相似文献   

3G(即第三代移动通信技术)概念自被国际电联提出以来,一直是一个热门话题。运营商、设备制造商以及内容服务提供商等均对3G寄予厚望,期待电信业再次出现2G时代的爆发式增长和发展。但是,十几年过去了,尽管3G技术(包括3G及其之后的各类技术如所谓超3G、4G等)突飞猛进,3G业务近年来开始在个别国家(如日本和韩国)呈现快速发展趋势,但在世界大部分发达国家却一直增长缓慢。随着宽带无线接入技术,如WIMAX技术、MCWILL技术等的兴起,业内对3G置疑的观点和看法越来越多。我国一些电信专家认为,3G不过是一种普通电信技术,甚至是一种过渡性技术。个别专家甚至认为,  相似文献   

This article describes the current development of mobile communications in China, including market demand, operators, and technologies. The reasons China put great emphasis on IMT-2000 research and development are discussed. An IMT-2000-related organization structure is given, and their different responsibility and latest progress are also described. Finally, the author gives some viewpoints on IMT-2000  相似文献   

Third-generation mobile radio networks, often dubbed as 3G, have been under intense research and discussion recently and will emerge around the year 2000. In the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), third generation networks are called International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000), and in Europe, Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). IMT-2000 will provide a multitude of services, especially multimedia and high-bit-rate packet data. Wideband code division multiple access (CDMA) has emerged as the mainstream air interface solution for the third-generation networks. In Europe, Japan, Korea, and the United States, wideband CDMA systems are currently being standarized. This article provides a comprehensive introduction to wideband CDMA. It also provides a review of the wideband CDMA air interface proposals including WCDMA in Europe and Japan, cdma2000 in the United States, and wideband CDMA in Korea.  相似文献   

Satellite UMTS/IMT2000 W-CDMA air interfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The third-generation IMT-2000 initiative of the International Telecommunication Union is aiming at the provision of a limited family of global standards providing worldwide multimedia wireless services in a host of environments encompassing indoor picocells to satellite megacells. The ITU IMT-2000 initiative has been supported by several regional standardization bodies such as the European Telecommunication Standard Institute with its Universal Mobile Telecommunication System. In this article a few air interface proposals for the satellite component of UMTS/IMT-2000 based on adaptation of the emerging terrestrial wideband CDMA standards are reviewed. In particular, S-UMTS requirements are examined together with W-CDMA applicability to the satellite environment. It is shown that with minor adaptations, the terrestrial W-CDMA air interface provides an efficient solution for the satellite UMTS component. This commonality will certainly help in the realization of low-cost low-size dual-mode user terminals encompassing both terrestrial and satellite components  相似文献   

In Europe, the challenge of the design of third-generation cellular mobile radio systems has been taken numerous research and development activities in this field have been started. The authors try to give an overview of the European activities in this field. The article is organized in two parts. In the first part, the requirements for third-generation cellular mobile radio systems such as Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) and Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunications System (FPLMTS), which has been named International Mobile Telecommunications after the year 2000 (IMT-2000) are presented concisely. Also, the importance and challenge of the multiple access design for such third-generation cellular mobile radio systems is explained. In the second part, numerous European research activities with focus on the multiple access design for third-generation cellular mobile radio systems are reviewed  相似文献   

In this article Korean development of IMT-2000 is considered. It includes the second-generation digital mobile communications, R&D and standardization activities related to IMT-2000, and the authors' perspectives on IMT-2000 in Korea. In Korea, there are many activities for development of IMT-2000 radio transmission technologies, and the results of these activities will be the submission of technologies to the ITU. However, the Korean telecommunications standardization body (TTA) will make every effort to make a common global standard for IMT-2000. Therefore, the TTA will make a domestic standard for IMT-2000 after the ITU finalizes the related Recommendations. It seems to the authors that difficulties in harmonization in the TTA are very similar to difficulties in harmonization worldwide. The only way of reaching the harmonization of IMT-2000 in Korea is that the key players should have the view from the end users' seat  相似文献   

Several countries are keenly interested in the research and development of novel wireless communication systems using high altitude platform stations (HAPS) because of their great potential benefits. In June and July 2002, we carried out the world's first experiment on International Mobile Telecommunication 2000 (IMT-2000) by radio relay via transponders onboard an unmanned solar powered aircraft at an altitude of 20 km. This experiment demonstrated for the first time the feasibility of applying the IMT-2000 system using a HAPS and a compact cellular phone designed for terrestrial cellular systems. Two experiments were carried out over Kauai Island in Hawaii, USA. In the first experiment, we were unable to establish an IMT-2000 link connection via the aircraft at 20 km because the onboard transponder for the reverse link received unexpected signals from a terrestrial cellular system in commercial use 200 km away on Oahu Island. However, we managed to establish the link by connecting a high gain external antenna to the cellular phone. After the first flight experiment, we developed an onboard receiving antenna with a low sidelobe level to suppress interference signals. In the second experiment, we successfully achieved IMT-2000 video communication with a cellular phone. This paper presents the experimental results and analysis of these IMT-2000 communication experiments.  相似文献   

IMT-Advanced标准发展分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IMT-Advanced为具有超过IMT-2000能力的新一代移动通信系统,本文围绕IMT-Advanced的发展进行详细分析,主要包括IMT-Advanced的基本要求、IMT-Advanced的频谱需求、IMT-Advanced的业务特征、IMT-Advanced的提案分析、IMT-Advanced的标准化进程等,这对我国开展相关技术研究、系统评估、设备开发和产业发展具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

The 3GPP proposal for IMT-2000   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Market expectations for third-generation mobile radio systems (IMT-2000) show an increasing demand for a wide range of services from voice to low, high, and advanced data rate services to support mobile multimedia. This leads to technical requirements for IMT-2000 which are currently being standardized worldwide. Circuit- and packet-oriented services will be supported. These systems will operate in all radio environments to provide service to anyone, anytime, anywhere. The ITU has identified spectrum for the allocation of IMT-2000. However, these frequency bands are currently not available worldwide. In different regions research activities on IMT-2000 have been initiated to support the international consensus building process and standardization activities. Based on these activities system proposals have been submitted to ITU TG 8/1. In particular, the newly formed Third Generation Partnership Projects 3GPP and 3GPP2 have the objective of harmonizing similar proposals and defining detailed standards. Proposals from Europe, Japan, Korea, and the United States are very similar. The evolution and migration of second-generation systems to the third generation takes into account the deployed investment to save today's investment where useful and necessary. This article focuses on market and technical requirements and, in particular, the technical approach of 3GPP based on the big footprint of the GSM system  相似文献   

A penetration rate of portable phones became more than 50% in Japan andpeople are getting to expect new kinds of services provided by new generation systems. 3rd generation IMT-2000 commercial service is to be started in the second quarter of 2001 and 4th generation systems became new research target. This paper describes new services that will be provided by IMT-2000 systems in Japan and a concept of the 4th generation system. Major technologies for 4G systems are also presented.  相似文献   

Air interface access schemes for broadband mobile systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High bandwidth everywhere is a key requirement of future communication systems. The big challenge is that the mobile user also be able to benefit. The UMTS, a member of the IMT-2000 family of systems, will offer global universal services up to 2 Mb/s for the mass market in the near future. For users demanding more capacity for “bit-hungry” high-quality applications, broadband mobile radio access systems are being developed, such as wireless LANs and the Mobile Broadband System. In this article broadband mobile systems are classified, taking into account services and quality, spectrum, and standardization issues. The practical experiences gained in two European research projects-ATM Wireless Access Communication System (AWACS) and System for Advanced Mobile Broadband Applications (SAMBA)-are described. Finally, a realistic look at possible future deployment is given  相似文献   

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