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针对码索引调制(Code Index Modulation, CIM)相对于直接序列扩频在提升频谱利用率时,造成误比特率性能明显下降的问题,该文提出非正交-码索引调制(Non-orthogonal-Code Index Modulation, N-CIM)。发射端信息比特分割为伪随机(Pseudo Noise, PN)码映射块和调制信息块,并分别映射为PN码的索引和调制符号,调制符号的实部与虚部再选择相同的激活的PN码进行扩频。仿真与分析结果表明,在相同频谱效率时,N-CIM的误比特率性能比CIM在加性高斯白噪声信道中当误比特率为10–5时具备约2~3 dB的优势,在瑞利衰落信道中当误比特率为10–2时具备约2 dB的优势。  相似文献   

针对直接序列扩频码索引调制发射端使用大量伪随机(PN)码的问题,提出了一种使用较少PN码的分组映射码索引调制方案.该方案在发射端并行设置多个调制子块独立进行幅相调制,同时集中选取各调制子块间同相、正交支路扩频所需的PN码,经索引值大小排序后依次扩频各调制子块中调制符号的同相、正交分量.分析和仿真结果表明,相同频谱效率条件下所提方案比直接序列扩频码索引调制方案使用的PN码个数更少,并在加性噪声信道下,信噪比高于10 dB时,保持着约1 dB的误比特率性能优势,并远优于空间调制在最优检测算法下的误比特率性能.  相似文献   

针对大规模多输入输出(multiple-input multiple-output,MIMO)系统中采用广义空间调制(generalized spatial modulation,GSM)时信号检测复杂度过高的问题,提出一种新型天线分组激活方案.该方案首先需将发送天线分组激活,得到天线索引备选集,然后把天线组合符号按质量因子大小进行排序,最后遵循可信度判断准则进行量化判决检测,以此得到最佳的检测结果.相较于传统算法,所提出的检测算法避免了对信号空间的遍历搜索,在大规模天线系统下的性能更加优异.计算和仿真结果表明,本文提出的算法具有复杂度低、误码率低的特点,在采用广义空间调制的通信系统中具有较高的工程应用价值.  相似文献   

针对基于索引调制的正交频分复用(OFDM-IM)技术存在子载波激活模式(SAP)不能匹配二进制数、影响系统性能的缺点,提出了基于子载波补给索引调制的正交频分复用(OFDM-SSIM)传输方案。所提方案通过在OFDM-IM的索引信息中加入补给索引,提高了系统的索引利用率,提升了系统的频谱效率(SE)。同时,由于所提方案的子载波激活模式与二进制数字相匹配,使系统易于采用低复杂度对数似然比(LLR)检测,并且保持良好的误码率(BER)性能。理论分析与仿真结果表明,在加性白高斯噪声(AWGN)信道和瑞利衰落信道下,相比传统OFDM-IM方案,所提方案有效地提升了SE和BER性能。  相似文献   

为了应对直接序列扩频(DSSS)中信息传输率低的局限,出现了多进制扩频及索引调制等技术,由于此系列技术中附加信息都是通过伪码变换来映射的,因此调制阶数越大,复杂度也越大,而当系统所承受的复杂度受限时,调制阶数也就无法提升。为解决高阶信息传输率受限问题,该文提出一种低复杂度的超高阶码索引调制(UHO-CIM)方法,通过2维信息的分组来进行多码集索引,从而降低通道数量,进而通过3维信息的分组来进行循环移位索引,从而在不增加通道情况下大幅度地提高传输率,而且利用移位通道和非移位通道关系,去除环境影响。该方法不仅可以有效传输多维信息,而且与现有方法比较,复杂度大大降低,综合性能具有明显优势;此外,现有方法很难达到高阶及超高阶的信息传输,而提出的方法可实现调制阶数大于15的超高阶信息传输,从而为高效扩频通信应用提供可借鉴技术。  相似文献   

文章主要介绍了一种新型高速率、高性能的调制技术。码索引调制技术是建立在直接序列扩频(Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum,DS-SS)调制基础之上的,与传统的DS-SS相比较,该调制技术能够用较低的能耗实现较高的数据传输速率。在发送端,信息比特流被分为两个比特(bit,信息量最小单位)为一个独立的模块。对于每个模块来说,当第二个比特选择这个被使用的代码时,仅有第一个比特被两个发送代码中的一个所发送。接收端会估算这两个码字并传送比特。在文章中会分析比较码索引调制扩频系统(Code Index Modulation Spread Spectum,CIM-SS)系统和传统DS-SS系统的性能。  相似文献   

正交序列扩频多码CDMA系统在AWGN信道的性能分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
孙文江  张平  胡健栋 《通信学报》1998,19(10):52-58
在直接序列扩频通信(DS-CDMA)系统中,为了有效地实现用户高数据率的传输,本文提出了一种正交扩频多码CDMA系统(称为OMC-CDMA)。相似于多载波调制,传输的高数据率首先进行串-并转换,然后对转换后的低数据流用正交序列进行扩频调制。不同于多载波调制,各支路扩频信号用同一载波进行调制。这里,我们对此系统在AWGN信道的性能进行了计算,并对数值结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

为了应对直接序列扩频(DSSS)中信息传输率低的局限,出现了多进制扩频及索引调制等技术,由于此系列技术中附加信息都是通过伪码变换来映射的,因此调制阶数越大,复杂度也越大,而当系统所承受的复杂度受限时,调制阶数也就无法提升.为解决高阶信息传输率受限问题,该文提出一种低复杂度的超高阶码索引调制(UHO-CIM)方法,通过2维信息的分组来进行多码集索引,从而降低通道数量,进而通过3维信息的分组来进行循环移位索引,从而在不增加通道情况下大幅度地提高传输率,而且利用移位通道和非移位通道关系,去除环境影响.该方法不仅可以有效传输多维信息,而且与现有方法比较,复杂度大大降低,综合性能具有明显优势;此外,现有方法很难达到高阶及超高阶的信息传输,而提出的方法可实现调制阶数大于15的超高阶信息传输,从而为高效扩频通信应用提供可借鉴技术.  相似文献   

陆克思  姚建国 《电视技术》2015,39(20):22-25
针对多用户多输入多输出系统,讨论了一种多用户下行链路使用广义空间调制传输多用户信号的方案。该方案利用广义空间调制(GSM, generalized spatial modulation)技术,发送端和接收端均不需要知道信道状态信息,系统结构比较简单。同时,能有效消除信道间干扰,获得较优的系统性能。仿真分析表明,该方案在克服传统多用户MIMO系统缺点的同时,能获得较低的系统误码率。  相似文献   

双正交多码CDMA系统在衰落信道的性能分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
在直接序列扩频通信(DS/CDMA)系统中,为了有效地实现用户高数据率的传输,以适应宽带CDMA技术发展的要求,本文提出了一种双正交多码CDMA系统(称为BMC-CDMA)。相似于多载波调制,传输的高数据泫首先进行串-并转换,然后对变换后的低数据流用双正交码进行扩频调制。不同于多载波调制,各支路扩频信号用同一载波进行调制。并对此系统在衰落信道性能进行了计算,还对数值结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

Focusing on the problem that differential spatial modulation (DSM) couldn’t obtain transmit diversity and has high decoding complexity,a new differential spatial modulation scheme based on the orthogonal space-time block code was proposed and the proposed scheme is called OSTBC-DSM.There were two matrices in this scheme:the spatial modulation matrix and the symbol matrix.The former was aimed to activate different transmit antennas by setting the position of nonzero elements,and the latter structured symbolic matrix by using orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBC) as the basic code block.The proposed scheme could obtain full transmit diversity and higher spectral efficiency compared with the conventional DSM schemes.Moreover,the OSTBC-DSM supported linear maximum likelihood (ML) decoding.The simulation results show that under different spectral efficiencies,the proposed OSTBC-DSM scheme has better bit error rate (BER) performance than other schemes.  相似文献   

曹瑞  雷霞  肖悦 《电讯技术》2020,(3):268-272
多输入多输出(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output,MIMO)技术和正交频分复用(Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing,OFDM)技术因其优秀的抗符号间干扰特性被广泛应用于高速数据传输,但传统MIMO-OFDM系统的检测需要在空频域中联合搜索调幅/调相信号,复杂度高。为降低系统复杂度,将索引调制技术与MIMO-OFDM系统相结合提出了一种激活特定空频单元,利用索引传输额外信息的新方法,并通过理论分析获得了该方法的近似闭合性能表达式。此外,利用数值仿真对分析结果进行了验证。理论推导与系统仿真结果均显示了所提方法能在不增加发射天线数目的前提下提高系统的发射分集增益。上述理论结果可以为下一代低功耗低复杂度的空频系统设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Coded overlapped code division multiplexing system with Turbo product structure (TPC-OVCDM) is introduced, and trellis coded modulation (TCM) code is employed as error correcting code for uncoded overlapped code division multiplexing (OVCDM) system. In such a scheme, row code and column code are TCM and OVCDM spreading code, respectively. Data bits are only encoded directly by TCM and transformed into a matrix. Each column of this matrix is then permuted by symbol interleaver before being encoded by OVCDM spreading code. During iterative decoding process in the receiver, two constituent decoders use symbol by symbol BCJR algorithm in the log domain. The order of decoding two sub-codes is determined by the encoding order. The proportion of TCM coding and OVCDM coding affects system performance. For fixed coding structure and symbol interleaver, the performance of TPC-OVCDM systems of different proportions of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel have been simulated. The results show that TPC-OVCDM system of reasonable proportion can achieve significant coding gain, compared with uncoded OVCDM system under the condition of same spectral efficiency at bit error rate (BER) level of 10-5 .  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a spatial modulation (SM) scheme referred to as complex quadrature SM (CQSM). In contrast to quadrature SM (QSM), CQSM transmits two complex signal constellation symbols on the real and quadrature spatial dimensions at each channel use, increasing the spectral efficiency. To achieve that, signal symbols transmitted at any given time instant are drawn from two different modulation sets. The first modulation set is any of the conventional QAM/PSK alphabets, while the second is a rotated version of it. The optimal rotation angle is obtained through simulations for several modulation schemes and analytically proven for the case of QPSK, where both results coincide. Simulation results showed that CQSM outperformed QSM and generalized SM by approximately 5 dB and 4.5 dB, respectively, for the same transmission rate. Its performance was similar to that of QSM; however, it achieved higher transmission rates. It was additionally shown numerically and analytically that CQSM outperformed QSM for a relatively large number of transmit antennas.  相似文献   

1IntroductionInaspreadspectrumsystem,theuser'ssignalisspreadtoawidebandsignalfortransmission,thenthereceivedsignalswillbedecorrelatedbacktotheoriginalone.Theprocessinggainresultedfromthisprocessprovidestheadvantagesofperformanceimprovementtocombatint...  相似文献   

Single‐symbol generalized spatial modulation (GSM) improves upon the limitation of spatial modulation (SM) by reducing the number of required transmit antennas to achieve high data rates. In this paper, we investigate the application of media‐based modulation (MBM) based on radio frequency mirrors to single‐symbol GSM, with the aim of improving error performance. The theoretical average bit error probability of the proposed scheme is derived, employing a lower bound approach and used to validate the Monte Carlo simulation results. Finally, the effect of optimal and suboptimal mirror activation pattern selection employing Euclidean distance and channel amplitude coupled with antenna correlation is investigated for the proposed media‐based single‐symbol GSM system. The Monte Carlo simulation results obtained demonstrate a significant improvement over the conventional SM, GSM, and media‐based SM (MB‐SM) schemes in terms of error performance and spectral efficiency.  相似文献   

In the fourth-generation communication system (4G), orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is widely used. However, due to the cyclic prefix (CP) being added, the low spectrum efficiency and high out-of-band radiation (OOB) cause OFDM not to be suitable for the beyond fifth-generation (B5G) communication system. Therefore, to meet the rigorous demands in B5G for the Internet of Things (IoT) and massive machine-type communications (MMTC), generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM) technology has received significant attention. On the other hand, index modulation (IM) can provide flexible settings of different parameters to achieve the ideal system goals. Therefore, this paper considers the combination of spread spectrum (SS) and IM under the framework of GFDM, called SS-IM-GFDM. In this scheme, the information bits are jointly conveyed by the indices of spreading codes and the conventional M-ary modulated symbols, which increase the spectrum efficiency and improve the bit error rate performance. Furthermore, a low-complexity maximum likelihood (ML) detector is proposed to recover the transmitted signal effectively at the receiver. Finally, the space-time block code (STBC) is employed to construct the multi-input multi-output SS-GFDM-IM (MIMO SS-GFDM-IM) system to improve the system's reliability. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme is superior to the existing systems.  相似文献   

Quadrature spatial modulation (QSM) utilizes the in‐phase and quadrature spatial dimensions to transmit the real and imaginary parts of a single signal symbol, respectively. The improved QSM (IQSM) transmits two signal symbols per channel use through a combination of two antennas for each of the real and imaginary parts. The main contributions of this study can be summarized as follows. First, we derive an upper bound for the error performance of the IQSM. We then design constellation sets that minimize the error performance of the IQSM for several system configurations. Second, we propose a double QSM (DQSM) that transmits the real and imaginary parts of two signal symbols through any available transmit antennas. Finally, we propose a parallel IQSM (PIQSM) that splits the antenna set into equal subsets and performs IQSM within each subset using the same two signal symbols. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed constellations significantly outperform conventional constellations. Additionally, DQSM and PIQSM provide a performance similar to that of IQSM while requiring a smaller number of transmit antennas and outperform IQSM with the same number of transmit antennas.  相似文献   

In-band full-duplex (FD) is being considered as a promising technology for the next generation wireless communication systems. In this paper, the performance of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation system with different symbol duration and the code spreading system with different spreading sequence lengths under time-varying self-interference (SI) channel in FD mode is investigated respectively. Typically, the SI channel is estimated during the SI cancellation duration and used for SI suppression in the whole data transmission duration. First, the expressions of the residual SI power during the data transmission duration are derived under the classical, the uniform, and the two-way Doppler SI channels. Second, the signal-to-interference-and-noise-ratio after the SI mitigation is obtained. Third, the symbol error rates for the OFDM modulation and the code spreading systems are given. Simulation results show that OFDM symbol length should be selected longer when the symbol duration is significantly lower than the SI coherent time while the length of the coding spreading system should be chosen shorter.  相似文献   

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