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基于Windows平台的安全密码框研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用于恶意目的的键盘记录器通过截取用户击键来获取机密信息,对计算机安全造成严重威胁。研究并实现确保安全输入的密码框可保护系统免受恶意键盘记录器的威胁。针对各种键盘记录技术,研究安全密码框的保护措施,实现一种结合应用层防护和内核层防护的安全密码框。在应用层中,采用消息钩子和输入表挂钩(IAT Hook)的方法保护重要消息不被截取;在内核层中,使用高级可编程中断控制器(IOAPIC)重定位键盘中断处理函数的方法进行驱动级保护。对于保护密码的安全输入提供了现实的方法。  相似文献   

为解决基于裸机的传统车辆状态监测系统的控制单一、效率不高和能耗高等问题,设计一种基于FreeRTOS的车辆状态监测系统。该系统采用STM32F103RCT6控制器,在其上搭建数据采集、NB-IoT通信等外设电路;软件实现基于FreeRTOS实时操作系统,根据车辆状态监测系统中各种操作要求划分各个任务的优先级,确保系统实现对车辆状态参数实时监测,同时采用tickless模式降低系统功耗。经实验测试,系统可为用户提供车辆状态实时数据,具有多任务、功耗低、实时性、模块化和可靠性高等优点,达到了设计目的。  相似文献   

OFD是我国具有自主知识产权的版式文档标准,对PDF等其它版式文档的签章功能已经实现,版式文档OFD签章模块的设计与实现是目前研究的重点和难点。文中对版式文档OFD标准中数字签名模块进行了研究,并依据国家密码管理局最新发布的《安全电子签章密码应用技术规范》,结合USBKEY技术与ASN.1标准,实现了对电子印章数据的安全存储与使用,并以此为基础,实现了对OFD文件的签章与验签功能。分析表明,该功能模块运行稳定,符合相关安全性要求并易于移植和部署。该模块的实现对于国家版式文档OFD的推广应用以及实现国内电子公文系统的核心技术国产化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

基于ARM的智能化公寓安防测控系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对宿舍安全需求,遵循可靠性、独立性、安全性、联动性、扩展性、实用性、经济性的原则设计出了一个基于ARM的智能化公寓防盗防火报警系统。该系统采用Easyarm LM3S1138、RS232总线和多种传感器,实现了异地控制和多终端网络同步控制。经测试表明,该系统不仅实现了人体检测、烟雾检测、声光报警、键盘密码解警以及宿舍内贵重物品进出情况记录等功能,且具有电路设计简单、可靠性高、人机交互友好和成本低的特点。  相似文献   

主要介绍了3DES算法及其在ATM加密密码键盘中的应用,并对ATM加密密码键盘的原理以及系统的软、硬件设计作了较为详尽的阐述。  相似文献   

介绍了口前在嵌入式系统应用中一个流行的实时操作系统FreeRTOS,详细论述了FreeRTOS在基于ARM体系结构的嵌入式微控制器LPC2292上移植的实现过程,指出了在FrceRTOS的移植过程中的重点和难点问题,得出了FreeRTOS在ARM上的移植的一般性方法.  相似文献   

GF(p)上安全椭圆曲线及其基点的选取   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
椭圆曲线密码体制的研究与实现已逐渐成为公钥密码体制研究的主流,适用于密码的安全椭圆曲线及其基点的选取,是椭圆曲线密码实现的基础。在该文中,作者讨论了大素数域上的安全椭圆曲线的选取算法和基点的选取,并借助于MIRACL系统利用标准C语言对它们成功实现。  相似文献   

随着银行卡保有量的增多和刷卡消费的日益盛行,密码键盘作为个人密码的输入终端,其安全性备受关注。本文基于ATMEL的AS91SO100芯片,提出一种符合PCI PED认证安要求的密码键盘安全解决方案,从根本上避免了用户程序非法访问敏感数据的问题,提升了终端设备的安全性。  相似文献   

杨韬 《电子世界》2014,(5):9-10
随着银行卡保有量的增多和刷卡消费的日益盛行,密码键盘作为个人密码的输入终端,其安全性备受关注。本文基于ATMEL和As91s0100芯片,提出一种符合PCIPED认证安要求的密码键盘安全解决方案,从根本上避免了用户程序非法访问敏感数据的问题,提升了终端设备的安全性。  相似文献   

针对当前驾驶安全备受关注的现状,基于ARM Cortex-M3内核的STM32设计了一种车载安全预警系统,该系统是实现对车辆超速监测、司机超劳监测、车辆定位、蓝牙免提和无线通信功能于一体的车载终端.详述了系统实现各功能模块的硬件设计方案,以及在软件方面如何移植μC/OS-Ⅱ实时操作系统,并完成各应用任务的调度和外围设备管理.  相似文献   

针对当前输油管道压力监控现状,结合GPRS通信模块MC39i,给出了能够实现远程数据传输并可广泛应用于远程监控系统的设计方案。重点阐述了系统的硬件组成以及基于嵌入式实时操作系统FreeRTOS实现数据传输模块的软件设计;采用基于状态机的结构设计方法实现PPP链路层协议,实现GPRS模块与互连网络的连接;分析和比较了UDP和TCP两种传输层数据传输方式,并给出了基于uIP TCP/IP协议栈实现TCP和UDP传输协议的原理;对UDP协议的传输可靠性进行改进,采用带握手的UDP协议可以较好地满足实时性的可靠性要求,并对数据传输性能进行了测试。  相似文献   

We present here in this paper main results obtained during the first phase of a work plan which aim is to allow the use of plastic encapsulated devices (PED’S) in some military equipments. This phase (called feasibility) was conducted in order to evaluate the risk an equip-ment maker takes when using standard PED’S. TO do that a large number OF PED’S (about 1000) were characterized. Main features of performed tests are that they were se-quential file of tests and better suited to assessment of PED’S reliability. Moreover one file included an extremely severe damp heat test, at high temperature and high hu-midity, called HAST. Results we get show a large disparity in PED’S behaviour under rugged environments. Fine fail-ure analysis have shown what are major defect modes and indicated that classical corrosion is not the only failure mechanism which occurs at high temperature and high humidity conditions. Failure rate derived from these results can be compared favourably with those computed following reliability prediction models.  相似文献   

为解决传统干燥设备干燥效率低、抗干扰能力差、自动化程度低等问题,文中设计了一种以STM32微控制器为核心的塑料颗粒智能干燥控制系统,其扩展了外围接口电路,实现了各传感器通信设备的高效集成。通过引入实时操作系统FreeRTOS来管理任务,可高效完成数据采集、继电器驱动、人机交互、报警监测等任务。系统通过RS485总线实现主控制板与工控屏之间的通信,结合数码管显示和按键控制,为操作员提供了友好的人机交互界面。通过实验验证,该基于STM32的塑料颗粒智能干燥控制系统能较好地满足塑料颗粒预处理要求,具有可观的市场价值及应用前景。  相似文献   

A photonic integrated circuit that performs 40-Gb/s payload-envelope detection (PED) and 10-Gb/s label detection for asynchronous variable-length optical-packet switching is demonstrated. The circuit consists of an InP photonic integrated device combined with electronic GaAs and InP devices on a carrier. Asynchronous variable-length optical packets with 40-Gb/s return-to-zero (RZ) payloads and 10-Gb/s non-RZ (NRZ) labels are processed by the circuit. The circuit outputs a PED electrical signal that represents the temporal location of the payload and a 10-Gb/s electrical signal representing the optical label. The optical label is detected error free. The PED signal has a rise/fall time of 3-ns and 150-ps jitter. The PED signal was also used to erase and rewrite the optical labels error free.  相似文献   

以ARMCortex—M3处理器sTM32F103vBT6为核心,应用AM2301温湿度传感模块实现对太阳能干燥室内温湿度参数的实时监测,采用数字PID控制技术控制鼓风机的转速,保持干燥室内的温度稳定,并通过继电器控制排气扇的启停使干燥室内湿度保持在设定上限之下。干燥室通过RS485总线和上位机通信,上位机设定干燥室内的目标温度和湿度上限,并实时显示干燥室内温度、湿度、鼓风机转速、排气扇开关状态等参数。嵌入式系统软件采用FreeRTOS实时操作系统,保证了系统的实时性和可靠性,实现对太阳能干燥室内温湿度的实时监测与控制。经现场应用验证了系统运行稳定,控制精度高,响应速度快。  相似文献   

为屏蔽无线传感网节点在应用过程中底层软硬件平台的差异性,给上层应用程序提供统一的接口,提出一种针对传感网节点的中间件平台架构。该中间件平台由软硬件抽象层、网络协议栈层、中间件管理器和应用域中间件组成,采用模块化、接口抽象和分层设计的思想,各层之间以服务原语的方式进行交互。中间件平台成功移植到STM32,MSP430,CC2530三种硬件平台和μCOS-Ⅱ,FreeRTOS,OSAL三种软件平台上。实验证明该中间件平台具有良好的移植性和可扩展性。  相似文献   

We report a novel route for growing Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) thin films, based upon the Pulsed Electron Deposition (PED) technique. Unlike other well‐known deposition techniques, PED process allows the stoichiometric deposition of CIGS layers in a single stage, without requiring any further treatments for Cu/(In + Ga) ratio adjustment nor selenization. The structural properties of polycrystalline CIGS films strongly depend on the growth temperature, whereas post‐deposition annealing enhances the grain size and the <112> out‐of‐plane preferred orientation of the chalcopyrite structure, without affecting the film composition. Preliminary measurements of the performances of solar cells based on these films confirm the great potentiality of PED‐grown CIGS as absorber layers. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of phase recovery of QPSK signals with phase-locked loops (PLL) using two new phase error detectors (PEDs) which are designed to minimize the probability of making a symbol decision error. The new PEDs resemble the PED derived from the maximum likelihood criterion. However, the new PEDs penalize matched filter outputs that are close to decision region boundaries. This penalty gives rise to faster converging PLLs relative to PLLs using the maximum likelihood PED, as shown in simulation results. The S-curves for the PEDs are used as a tool to gain insight into the behavior of the new PEDs.  相似文献   

Physico-chemical properties of inkjet printing liquids significantly affect the quality of print-out, thus being the key parameter in the performance of printed electronic device (PEDs). Complex hydrodynamic interactions that inks are subjected to in an inkjet printing device has an influence on their rheological response, thus final drop formation, jetting, and drying kinetics. This paper provides a systematic comparison of three PED electrolytes based on different solvents i.e. Sulfolane, 3-Methoxypropionitrile and Acetonitrile that gave them different physico-chemical properties. Rheological properties of printed electrolytes were found to strongly influence the quality of print-outs, which is investigated both optically and morphologically. Best printing results were obtained with the sulfolane-based electrolyte that has the most uniform temperature and shear rate dependent rheological behavior as well as the lowest evaporation rate. By carefully controlling the printing temperature window, it is possible to subject PED electrolytes to higher shearing viscosity profiles while avoiding undesirable dilatant behavior which results in clogged printing nozzles and disrupted droplet trajectory.  相似文献   

The prolific growth of portable electronic devices (PED) has generated tremendous interests among researchers to develop programmable phase-locked loops (PLLs) because of their abilities to produce multiple spectrally pure output frequencies from a fixed frequency oscillator. The power consumption of the RF block of a PED is mostly dominated by the programmable PLLs which are widely used in the design of these devices. Therefore to reduce the overall power consumption in a portable device and to increase the battery life time, low-voltage and low-power are the two key requirements for the PLL design. In this work an improved programmable fractional frequency divider has been incorporated to enhance the overall performance of the PLL that includes lower operating supply voltage and lower power consumption compared to the state-of-art. The proposed programmable fractional PLL has an operating frequency in the range of 1.7–2.5 GHz, and a frequency resolution of 2.5 MHz. Measurement results reveal that the proposed programmable PLL can operate at 2.4 GHz with a 1.46 V power supply voltage and only 10 mW of power consumption.  相似文献   

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