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王玉芳 《矿冶》2017,26(4):53-58
硫化铜矿加压浸出具有反应速度快、过程中不产出二氧化硫的优点,适于小规模就地处理,尤其适于地处偏远及硫酸供给困难企业或低品位复杂硫化铜矿的处理。根据反应体系的不同,硫化铜矿加压浸出可分为氨性加压浸出和酸性加压浸出两大类;根据反应温度和压力的不同,酸性加压浸出又可分为高温、中温及低温加压浸出三大类。详细介绍典型工艺技术特点及应用实例,以便读者对铜冶炼加压浸出进行深入了解。加压浸出技术作为火法冶炼技术的有效补充,可推动我国铜冶炼技术进步,促进行业的发展。  相似文献   

低品位硫化镍矿选矿中矿加压浸出试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行了低品位硫化镍矿选矿中矿的加压浸出试验研究,重点考察了初始硫酸用量、氧气压力、浸出温度、浸出时间、搅拌速度和液固比对镍浸出率的影响;在最佳工艺条件下,浸出渣中镍含量平均为0.082%,镍浸出率平均为93.35%。  相似文献   

针对火法熔炼—湿法浸出工艺处理高砷铜烟尘有价金属回收率低,湿法浸出工艺处理高砷铜烟尘砷铁渣量大、会释放剧毒砷化氢气体的问题,采用低温硫化挥发的方法将砷与其他有价金属选择性地分离,实现了砷的去除和综合利用,砷以三氧化二砷产品的形式得以回收利用。挥发除砷后的焙砂采用加压硫酸浸出,铜、锌、铟大部分进入浸出液,锡、铋、铅入渣以铅冶炼原料得以回收。  相似文献   

陈国英  刘振华 《矿冶》1994,3(3):61-66
以镍中矿为原料采用常压和加压而酸选择性氧化浸出-镍溶液浓缩结晶制取硫酸镍的新工艺已成功地应用于工业生产,它为我国生产高质量的硫酸镍产品提供了一种新的方法。本工艺与国外高冰镍加压浸出生产硫酸镍的工艺 ̄[1]相比,省去了除铜除铁工序。生产实践证明,本工艺具有工序少、容易操作、回收率高、无污染和经济效益显著等优点。本工艺也适于处理高冰镍和其它含镍物料。本文简要叙述了孩工艺的实验室研究和工业生产的主要结果,镍浸出率大于95%,产品质量符合国家工业硫酸镍标准。  相似文献   

低冰镍加压酸浸工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹飞  王振文  王成彦  江培海 《矿冶》2009,18(4):35-37
本文研究了低冰镍湿法冶炼工艺流程,详细进行了低冰镍加压酸浸-萃取脱铜-中和除铁-中和沉镍的工艺研究。在优化试验条件下,加压浸出镍、铜的浸出率分别为91.56%,99.08%。浸出液经萃取脱铜-中和除铁-中和沉镍工艺使有价金属分别得到回收富集。  相似文献   

近年来,加压湿法冶金应用于处理重有色金属硫化矿发展迅速,在环境保护及强化金属提取方面显示了明显的优越性。本文以加压湿法冶金处理含铂族铜镍硫化矿过程中铂族金属的行为为主线,介绍了该领域的最新研究进展。分别简要评述了加压氨浸、加压酸浸、加压碱浸和加压氰化等技术所适应的物料特性、工艺特征和生产实践。对铂族金属在加压浸出过程中的行为进行了讨论。  相似文献   

细菌浸出含镍硫化矿的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了细菌浸出含镍硫化矿的研究现状,包括浸出条件、反应机理、影响因素等内容。指出了细菌浸出含镍硫化矿存在的问题和应用前景  相似文献   

我国镍冶金的发展与工艺技术进步   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
崔和涛  徐有生 《矿冶》1997,6(2):43-54
我国的镍冶金生产近30年来取得了巨大的发展,工艺技术的进步尤为突出。本文重点论述了我国镍冶金现有的电炉、闪速炉熔炼低冰镍-转炉吹炼高冰镍-铜镍磨浮分离-硫化镍阳极电解;高冰镍两段逆流硫酸选择性浸出-黑镍沉钴-电积;二次镍精矿制粒-沸腾焙烧生产氧化镍等工艺流程。同时,介绍了我国自行研究开发的高冰镍氯化精炼;焙烧-氨浸-氢还原;镍精矿微波脱硫-热等离子体熔炼高冰镍;大洋多金属结核常压氨浸和硫酸选择性浸出回收镍等有价金属的新工艺新技术。  相似文献   

日本大洋海底多金属结核加工方法研究的进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文综述日本通产省十多年来对大洋多金属结核冶炼方法的研究所取得的成果,重点在还原焙烧氨浸法,亚铜离子氨浸法,氯化焙烧水浸法,高温高压硫酸浸出法和硫化熔炼硫酸浸出等五种方法进行各项技术经济指标的比较基础上,又提出3种改进方法,即炭还原氨浸出法,亚硫酸氨浸法,硫化熔炼氯气浸出法,试验结果表明硫化熔炼氯气浸出法为处理大洋多金属结核的最佳治炼方法。  相似文献   

研究了氢氧化镍中间品和硫化镍中间品联合氧化还原浸出,得到适宜的浸出条件为:硫化镍中间品与氢氧化镍中间品质量比1/10、反应初始酸度4 mol/L、反应温度90℃、反应液固比2.0、反应时间5 h,此条件下氢氧化镍中间品中锰浸出率和硫化镍中间品利用率分别达到99.88%和79.50%,浸出渣可以返回继续还原浸出氢氧化镍中间品。该方法避免了氢氧化镍中间品单独浸出的还原剂消耗和硫化镍中间品单独浸出的氧化剂消耗,实现了氢氧化镍中间品和硫化镍中间品协同浸出,且操作简便,适于工业生产应用。  相似文献   

针对云南省元江红土镍矿的矿物组成特点,在比较国内外红土镍矿处理工艺的基础上,提出了还原—磨矿—选别—氧化浸出工艺处理该矿,并进行了全流程试验。首先进行了还原—磨矿—选别试验研究,主要考察了还原温度、还原时间、添加剂配比和还原剂配比对指标的影响;其次进行了综合试验。试验结果表明,还原—磨矿—选别可以抛弃红土镍矿中80%以上的脉石,同时实现镍钴铁富集,氧压浸出工艺可实现镍钴与铁的分离,并获得铁红产品。通过试验,获得的技术指标为:从原矿至氢氧化镍(钴)段,镍直收率大于75%、钴直收率大于70%和铁直收率大于80%;氢氧化镍产品镍的品位大于31%,氢氧化钴产品钴的品位大于0.70%,铁红产品铁含量大于62%,铁红达到铁精矿要求,可以作为铁精矿出售。该工艺实现了镍钴铁综合回收,资源利用率高,环境友好,为综合回收红土镍矿中镍钴铁提供一条新的工艺技术路线。  相似文献   

硫化镍矿氧压浸出试验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以陕西某地平均品位5.708%的硫化镍精矿为原料, 采用高温氧压直接浸出工艺, 制备粗氢氧化镍。研究了浸出时间、氧分压、添加剂用量、温度、液固比、酸度等因素对镍浸出率的影响。结果表明, 氧压浸出最佳工艺为: 浸出时间8 h、氧分压1.6 MPa、木质素磺酸钠加入量为矿量的3%、浸出温度150 ℃、液固比2∶1、酸度100 g/L, 此时镍浸出率平均达到96.32%。  相似文献   

The selective extraction of nickel and cobalt over iron from an Indonesian limonitic laterite was investigated using nitric acid pressure leaching (NAPL). The mineralogical analysis showed that the major minerals were goethite and magnetite, and the content of the divalent iron was as high as 7.06%. Nickel and cobalt were mainly distributed in these two minerals; however, the distribution was non-uniform. A series experiments were conducted to examine the basic parameters and propose the optimal conditions for the extraction. When the ore was treated via HPAL under the optimal condition, the extracted nickel and cobalt were less than 75%, and the iron concentration in the leach liquor was over 12.5 g/L. By contrast, over 85% of nickel and cobalt were extracted and about 1.8 g/L iron was achieved using NAPL. The loss of nickel and cobalt can be mainly attributed to the undissolved magnetite and manganese minerals. The leaching process of NAPL is a dissolution–oxidation–precipitation mechanism, and in this process nitric acid acts as both a lixiviant and an oxidant. The formation of hematite results in a low iron concentration in the leach liquor without oxygen injected. Meanwhile, the oxidation and the precipitation of dissolved divalent iron results in a calculated savings in acid consumption of about 120 kg nitric acid per ton of ore can be obtained, which is equal to over 93 kg of sulfuric acid per ton of ore. Moreover, lower residual acid (20 g/L nitric acid) is a significant advantage of NAPL. The iron residues had a high iron content (>56 wt%) with no sulfur, making it suitable as raw materials for ironmaking.  相似文献   

采用转炉渣电炉贫化—钴冰铜转炉吹炼—水淬富钴冰铜加压浸出—P204萃取除杂质、P507萃取分离钴、镍制取纯氧化钻粉的新工艺,技术先进、金属回收率高、经济效益显著,国内外均属首次应用。本文叙述了转炉渣回收钴的工艺流程选择,并着重叙述了从水淬富钴冰铜制取氧化钴粉的工业试验结果。  相似文献   

红土镍矿的加压酸浸、常压酸浸、堆浸工艺分别适用于褐铁矿型红土镍矿、过渡层和硅镁镍矿型红土镍矿,两种或两种以上的湿法联合处理工艺对矿石适用范围更广。在红土镍矿酸浸过程中,Mg和Ni、Co等同时被不同程度的浸出进入溶液,浸出液沉淀富集Ni、Co后产生大量的含镁废水。若不对其进行有价回收,不仅造成了资源的浪费,还会污染环境。本文综述了红土镍矿酸浸沉镍后液中Mg资源化工艺的研究进展及工业化情况,其中包括沉镍后液中Mn(II)的净化,并对今后的研究发展方向进行了展望,以期为红土镍矿中Mg的综合回收提供技术参考。  相似文献   

张磊  黄胜  蒋应平  王海北 《矿冶》2016,25(3):41-44
以吉林某低硫铜钴矿为例,采用加压浸出技术,不加入黄铁矿或硫磺,实现反应自热进行,使钴铜镍的浸出率达到98%以上。铁、钙、镁、硅进入渣相,无二氧化硫产生。  相似文献   

钴废料中有价元素综合回收的生产实践   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
谢福标 《矿冶》2001,10(3):61-64,74
针对某含Cu、Zn、Mn、Ni、Cd等元素的难处理含钴废料 ,采用还原浸出、化学除杂、P2 0 4深度除杂、P5 0 7萃取分离镍钴等主要工序的工艺流程生产出草酸钴 ,钴的回收率为 95 6 1%。文中介绍了这一工艺的生产实践和主要的技术经济指标 ,对同类二次钴资源的综合利用有一定的现实意义  相似文献   

This paper describes the experimental findings of the extraction of nickel and cobalt by high pressure acid leaching (HPAL) of a refractory limonitic nickel laterite ore from the Gördes region of Manisa in Turkey. By optimizing the basic HPAL process parameters: leaching at 255 °C with 0.30 sulfuric acid to ore weight ratio with a particle size of 100% −850μ for 1 h of leaching, it was found that 87.3% of nickel and 88.8% of cobalt present in the ore could be extracted into the pregnant leach solution (PLS). However, these extraction results were found to be relatively low compared with other similar studies. In order to understand the possible reasons for this relatively lower extraction, further investigations have shown that together with a problem related to the kinetics of the dissolution reactions, a persistent acid resistant refractory mineral present in this sample also limited the leaching process. Attempts were made with different additives to solve this problem. The effects of chemical additives such as HCl, Na2SO4, FeSO4, Cu+ and sulfur were tested and the effect of each addition on the degree of extraction of nickel and cobalt was determined.  相似文献   

《Minerals Engineering》2007,20(7):722-728
Recovery of copper, nickel and cobalt from the acidic pressure leaching solutions of Jinbaoshan (YN Province, PRC) low-grade sulfide flotation concentrates was investigated. The proposed technique includes four major steps: (1) the acidity adjustment of the acidic pressure leaching solutions; (2) solvent extraction (SX) separation of copper by organic reagent XD5640, and then stripped from the loaded organic phase by H2SO4 solution for copper recovery; then (3) iron in raffinates after copper extracting is selectively removed by high-temperature hydrolysis precipitation in an autoclave; and lastly (4) nickel and cobalt are selectively precipitated by Na2S from the final solutions after removing iron. The experimental results for treating 1 L acidic leaching solutions per batch by this new technique were reported, and some evaluation and further comparisons with previous investigations were also carried out. It was reported that the total percent recovery of Cu could reach 95% or more, and that of Ni and Co were all more than 99%. In the processing, the percent removal of impurities, such as Fe, Mg and Ca, were all also near to 99%.  相似文献   

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