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针对合同规格多、批量小的特点,以现有合同为基础,预测了转炉容量为260、300、350 t时无委托板坯发生率分别为28%、34%、38%;以炼钢生产结果为基础,预测了转炉容量为260、300、350 t时无委托板坯发生率分别为28%、31%、36%.转炉容量越大,产生的无委托板坯越多.1 000万t规模钢铁厂,260 t转炉比300 t转炉一年将少产生现货超过4万t,350 t转炉比300 t转炉每年多产生现货超过5万t.合理的转炉容量可减少无委托板坯数量和生产运行时的损失.  相似文献   

尖晶石LiMn2O4表面包覆氧化钴的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用高温固相法合成尖晶石LiMn2O4,并以化学沉积方式对其进行包覆氧化钴的表面处理。通过X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)等技术对表面处理前后的LiMn2O4进行表征,分析了表面处理后LiMn2O4物理特性的变化,并结合电化学性能测试,研究了表面处理及其工艺和条件对LiMn2O4电化学容量与循环性能的影响。结果表明,表面处理后LiMn2O4循环性能显著提高。随氧化物含量的增加,循环性能提高,容量降低。未经表面包覆的LiMn2O4首次充放电容量为108.13mAh/g,50次循环充放电后容量衰减26.3%。500℃加热处理的表面包覆0.5%、2%氧化钴的LiMn2O4首次循环放电容量各为118.38mAh/g、115mAh/g,经过50次充放电循环后,容量分别降低8%、7%。  相似文献   

随着空分设备容量的日趋增大,使得分子筛的容量也越来越大,配用电加热器容量亦随之增大,本文就如何利用空透压缩热预热再生氮气来减少电加热器功率进行分析计算,提出了设置再生预热器的办法,供参考。  相似文献   

比利时的古斯塔布勒公司最近投产了一台出钢量为85/115t、变压器容量为95MVA的直流电弧炉,其出钢一出钢时间低于60min。与传统的三相交流电弧炉相比较,电能消耗减少约5%。吨钢电极耗量降低到1.4kg以下。  相似文献   

研究了B-67%Li(质量分数,下同)合金/KCl-LiCl/FeS_2系列热激活单电池在不同放电温度、电流密度和电解质用量的情况下的恒流放电特征,对影响放电容量的基本因素进行了初步分析,结果表明,小电流密度度(<200 mA)时减少电解质用量,大电流密度(>200 mA)时增加电解质用量,并在500~550℃之间放电,可以获得较高的放电容量,本试验中最大放电容量为6550(Q/g电极)其总锂量的利用率可达70%。  相似文献   

介缫了在翻板机设计过程中,设计增加了配重组,以改善翻板机主传动轴的受力状况,降低主传动电机的容量,减少能耗。  相似文献   

据日本钛协会统计,今年4月-9月海绵钛生产因出口减少而仅达12167t比前年同期减少了1.40%大致呈平稳变化.装货量内需为7470t,增加了35%;相反,由于受美国飞机制造策略变化的影响,出口减少到4593t,两个季度减少了31%;会计12060t.加工材产量为6321t减少了3%.由于经济原因内需不旺,特别是运动休闲等民用领域的需求减少到了2950t,减少了18%,然而,在出口方面却增加了15%,为3371t,弥补了内需不足,使产量基本持平.海绵钛及钛加工材供需减少  相似文献   

介绍了在1300℃下,以BaCO_3-BaF_2-MnCO_3系熔剂对Si含量不同的锰铁合金进行氧化脱磷的实验情况。结果表明,在该实验条件下,当脱磷剂用量分别为100g/kg合金和130-150g/kg合金时,合金中初始硅含量分别对应限制到[%Si]_i≤0.15%和[%Si]≤0.28%,可得到脱磷率η_p>40%、锰氧化损失△[%Mn]<0.5%。通过测定脱磷剂中SiO_2含量对相应渣系的磷酸盐容量C_p的影响关系:lgC_p=26.996-0169(%SiO_2)估算得到.对应上述硅含量[%Si]的限制值,相应渣系磷酸盐容量的限制范围为lgC_p≥26.32或(%SiO_2)≤4%。  相似文献   

采用微波法制备锂离子电池正极材料LiFePO4,通过X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、循环伏安和恒电流充放电测试等方法对材料的结构、表观形貌及电化学性能进行表征,考察了葡萄糖、导电碳黑等不同碳源对目标材料性能的影响。结果表明,采用微波法能快速简便地制备出均相LiFePO4;于0.1C倍率下,以葡萄糖作为碳源的正极材料首次放电比容量可达131.1mA·h/g,充放电30次循环后,容量损失率为2.1%;以导电炭黑作为碳源的正极材料首次放电比容量为118.3mA·h/g,充放电30次循环后,容量损失率为5.2%。  相似文献   

第22计:如何提高变压器效能? (1)尽量选用低损耗、高效节能变压器; (2)根据负载情况,选择合理容量的变压器; (3)变压器平均负载系数应大于70%; (4)平均负载系数经常小于30%时,应酌情调换小容量变压器;  相似文献   

In upper airway obstruction (UAO) the relationship between the degree of obstruction, exercise limitation and lung function indices is not well established. Therefore, we investigated in nine healthy subjects (age 36+/-9 yrs) the effects of two added resistances at the mouth (R1 = added resistance with 7.8 mm diameter; R2 = 5.7 mm) on forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), peak expiratory flow (PEF), airway resistance (Raw) and maximal breathing capacity (measured during 15 s = measured maximum breathing capacity (MBCm); calculated as FEV1x37.5 = calculated maximum breathing capacity (MBCc)) on the one hand, and maximum exercise capacity (W'max), minute ventilation (V'E) and CO2 elimination (V'CO2) on the other. We found that R1 had almost no influence on FEV1 but decreased PEF by approximately 35% and increased Raw by almost 300%; it decreased W'max by merely approximately 10% while maximal exercise ventilation (V'Emax) was only 65% of control and only reached approximately 40% MBCc and approximately 70% MBCm; yet V'E and V'CO2 were significantly reduced at high exercise levels indicating hypoventilation. With R2, FEV1 was reduced by 25% and PEF by 55%, and Raw was increased by 600%; W'max was approximately 60% of control, V'Emax was only 35% of control and reached approximately 30% MBCc and approximately 60% MBCm, V'E was already reduced at moderate exercise levels. We conclude that: 1) an upper airway obstruction of 6 mm diameter (but not of 8 mm) had a marked influence on maximum exercise capacity due to hypoventilation; 2) calculated maximum breathing capacity markedly overestimated measured maximum breathing capacity because the forced expiratory volume in one second is an insensitive index of upper airway obstruction and because it does not take inspiratory flow limitation into account; and 3) a 10% decrease in maximum exercise capacity was linearly related with a 7% decrease in the forced expiratory volume in one second and a 150% increase in airway resistance. A 10% decrease in maximal exercise ventilation was related to a 8.5% decrease in peak expiratory flow and 9% decrease in measured maximum breathing capacity.  相似文献   

针对金翅岭金矿选矿厂磨机充填率低,钢球配比、钢球尺寸不合理导致磨机生产能力低,磨矿细度达不到浮选要求及浮选指标差等问题,通过应用段式球径半理论公式和精确化装补球技术,计算得出磨机初装球方案和补加球方案,并对现场磨矿工艺进行优化改进,提高矿物单体解离度,从而改善磨矿效果及浮选指标。工业试验结果表明,应用精确化装补球技术使得磨机生产能力提高了5%~8%,3种矿石的磨矿细度分别提高了7.16个百分点、14.03个百分点和12.13个百分点,磨机电耗分别降低了9.94%、11.47%和10.14%,介质单耗分别降低了21.31%、15.84%和17.83%。特别是3号矿石,浮选尾矿金品位降低了35.29%,回收率提高了2.46个百分点。由此可见,精确化装补球技术的应用取得了良好的效果,创造了可观的经济效益,具有较好的应用及推广价值。  相似文献   

掺杂对锂离子筛吸附性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对Li/Mn为0.7的离子筛分别进行了铜钴镍的掺杂,XRD检测和化学分析表明掺杂元素进入了离子筛的晶格;掺入铜钴镍后离子筛中锰的溶损率分别降低了2%、1.3%、1.2%;饱和吸附容量随掺入元素量的增加逐渐变小,当掺入铜钴镍的量由0增加到0.15时,饱和吸附容量由27.6 mg/g分别下降到7.8 mg/g、13.3 mg/g、18.3 mg/g。铜钴镍在离子筛中能降低锰的溶损率,但同时也降低了饱和吸附容量。  相似文献   

In this study we analysed the changes in the properties of rat cerebral cortex Na+K(+)-ATPase in streptozotocin induced diabetes (STZ-diabetes). Special attempt was made to determine whether insulin treatment of diabetic animals could restore the altered parameters of this enzyme. Na+/K(+)-ATPase activity was found to be decreased by 15% after 2 weeks, and by 37% after 4 weeks in diabetic rat brains with a parallel decrease in maximal capacity of low affinity ouabain binding sites. There was no significant change in the high affinity ouabain binding sites. The Kd values did not change significantly. Western blot analysis of brain Na+/K(+)-ATPase isoforms indicated a 61 +/- 5.8% and 20 +/- 2.8% decrease of the alpha 1 and alpha 3 isoforms, respectively in 4 weeks diabetic animals. Change in the amount of the alpha 2 isoform proved to be less characteristic. Both types of beta subunit isoform showed a significant decrease in four weeks diabetic rats. Our data indicate a good correlation in diabetic rats between changes in Na-/K(+)-ATPase activity, low affinity ouabain binding capacity and the level of alpha 1 isoform. While insulin treatment of diabetic animals restored the blood glucose level to normal, a complete reversal of diabetes induced changes in Na+/K(+)-ATPase activity, ouabain binding capacity and Na+/K(+)-ATPase isoform composition could not be achieved.  相似文献   

The need in making the process of transfer of patients to spontaneous respiration using ventilation of the lungs with inspiratory pressure support (VLIPS) after prolonged mechanical ventilation of the lungs prompted the authors to analyze the prognostic value of criteria traditionally used by the physician to cease or decrease the respiratory support (vital capacity of the lungs, peak spontaneous flow, PaO2, etc.) and the P0.1 occlusion pressure in the airways at the end of the first 100 msec of inhalation. This latter value proved to be the most sensitive (88%), specific (86%), positive (95%) and negative (67%) prognostic value in predicting the results of decrease of respiratory support under conditions of VLIPS. The P0.1 value determining the result of decrease of respiratory support in patients with parenchymatous pulmonary diseases under conditions of VLIPS is 3.8 cm H2O.  相似文献   

以某厂210t钢包RH精炼装置为研究对象,通过1∶4水力模型对现场生产过程进行物理模拟,研究驱动气体流量、钢液处理量、浸入深度、真空度和气孔数对循环流量的影响。研究结果表明:RH循环流量随着驱动气体流量、浸入深度、真空度、气孔数的增大和处理量的减小而增大;该RH装置的循环流量最大可以达到66.4%。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Measurements of postoperative spirometric values after pneumonectomy and lobectomy vary considerably, and few researchers have studied the changes in exercise capacity during maximal work after lung resection. The purpose of this study was to describe the postoperative alterations in cardiopulmonary function. METHODS: Ninety-seven consecutive patients with lung malignancy were prospectively examined with maximal exercise test, spirometry, and arterial gas tensions. Fifty-seven patients were reinvestigated 6 months postoperatively. RESULTS: In patients having lobectomy, forced expiratory volume in 1 second decreased 8%, and exercise capacity, expressed by maximal oxygen uptake and maximal work rate, significantly decreased 13%. In patients having pneumonectomy forced expiratory volume in 1 second significantly decreased 23%, but the loss in lung volume was partly compensated as measured by exercise capacity, which decreased only 16%. Generally patients with the smallest preoperative forced vital capacity had the smallest postoperative deterioration expressed in percentages. We found a weak correlation between alterations in maximal oxygen uptake and lung function after resection. CONCLUSIONS: Lobectomy is associated with only minor deterioration of lung function and exercise capacity. Pneumonectomy causes a decrease in pulmonary volumes to about 75% of the preoperative values, partly compensated in better oxygen uptake, which postoperatively was about 85% of the preoperative values. Alteration in forced expiratory volume in 1 second is a poor predictor of change in exercise capacity after pulmonary resection.  相似文献   

Follow-up study of respiratory function was carried out in a group of 311 male workers employed in one rubber industry. The prevalence of respiratory symptoms and ventilatory capacity were recorded over te period of six years. Lung function was measured by recording maximum expiratory flow-volume (MEFV) curves on which forced vital capacity (FVC), one-second forced expiratory volume (FEVI) and flow rates at 50% and the last 25% of the vital capacity (FEF50, FEF25) were read. The prevalence of all chronic respiratory symptoms was higher during the follow-up study although not statistically significant (p > 0.05). During both studies smokers had significantly higher prevalence of chronic cough, chronic phlegm and chronic bronchitis than nonsmokers (p < 0.05 or < 0.025). Measured values of ventilatory capacity were significantly lower than predicted normal values during both studies (p < 0.01). Percentage of predicted values were lower during the follow-up study in comparison to that during the initial study. The mean lowest percentages were obtained for FEF25 (initial study: 77.4%; follow-up study: 70.5%). Smokers had larger mean annual decrease of FVC: 0.073 L; FEVI: 0.063 L; FEF50: 0.100 L/s; FEF25: 0.085 L/s than nonsmokers (FVC: 0.063 L; FEVI: 0.058 L; FEF50: 0.083 L/s; FEF25: 0.058 L/s). Workers exposed for more than 10 years had larger mean annual decrease of ventilatory capacity tests than hose with shorter exposure. Our data indicate that exposure to noxious agents in rubber industry may be responsible for the development of chronic respiratory symptoms and chronic lung function changes.  相似文献   

Summary The main methods by which the load carrying capacity of ferrous antifriction materials may be raised are to increase the strength of their metallic matrix by suitable alloying and to decrease their coefficient of friction by the addition of various sulfides. Researches in this field have led to the formulation of a new class of sulfidized ferrous materials. The investigation has shown that, if the load carrying capacity of a material is to be increased, the latter must contain structurally free graphite and sulfides, which secure the formation of stable working films with a low coefficient of friction. The best antifriction properties for the type of material investigated are ensured by a pearlitic-ferritic structure with a pearlite content of not more than 50%.The highest antifriction properties are exhibited by iron-graphite base materials containing 4% zinc sulfide with additions of 1% tin and 1% elemental sulfur.Translated from Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No. 8(56), pp. 39–45, August, 1967.  相似文献   

杨光景  陈昆生  李明  罗茂华 《炼铁》2001,20(3):17-20
为了提高球磨机的出口能力,综合利用资源,提高喷吹量,降低成本,昆钢6号高炉利用无烟煤喷吹系统进行了混合煤喷吹工业试验。3个月的工业试验表明,当烟煤配比达33%时,煤比可提高15-20kg/t。  相似文献   

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