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通过SiC颗粒自增粘熔体发泡法工艺制备得到泡沫铝基材料的铸锭;对制得的泡沫铝铸锭进行各个层面上不同部位的平均孔径和平均孔隙率的测定,得到了铸锭内部的孔隙率和孔径在铸锭径向和高度方向上的变化规律;并且讨论和研究了熔体未发泡区域的形成原因,得到了熔体直接发泡法制备泡沫材料时气孔的形成过程模型。  相似文献   

SiCP增强泡沫铝基复合材料制备工艺及润湿性研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对采用熔体发泡法直接制备碳化硅颗粒增强泡沫铝基复合材料进行了探索,讨论了制备过程中SiCp与铝液间的润湿性、发泡工艺参数与温度控制等对制备工艺的影喻。表明该工艺简单,易于操作,不需任何增粘措施,处理后的SiCp浸润性好且分布均匀,孔洞分布均匀。  相似文献   

泡沫Al-6Si合金的制备工艺研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用熔体发泡法制备泡沫铝硅合金。研究发泡剂添加量、粘度、加热温度、搅拌速度等对孔隙率及孔结构的影响 ,并通过对发泡介质TiH2 的预处理 ,研究TiH2 形成表层氧化物对延缓其在熔体中的分解及发泡过程的作用。考察制备泡沫铝材料实验的再现性 ,从而确定最佳工艺参数。研究表明 ,以TiH2 为发泡介质 ,采用熔体发泡制备孔隙结构均匀 ,孔隙率为 60 %~ 80 %的泡沫铝硅合金的最佳工艺条件是 :加热温度为 610~ 63 0℃ ,TiH2 含量为 1.2 %~ 1.4%,金属钙加入量为 1.5 %,增粘搅拌时间为 4~ 5min ,搅拌速度约为 80 0r·min- 1 ;发泡介质分散搅拌时间为 3 0~ 40s,搅拌速度约为 2 0 0 0r·min- 1 。  相似文献   

简要介绍了铝熔体净化用泡沫陶瓷过滤板的结构、过滤机理以及选择过滤板的原则,对使用者评价和选择泡沫陶瓷过滤板有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

电磁场净化铝熔体试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用行波磁场净化技术研究了在铝熔体深度净化方面的效果,并与陶瓷泡沫过滤技术的效果进行了工业对比试验,结果表明在铝熔体的净化深度和净化效率方面,行波磁场净化技术优于泡沫陶瓷过滤技术.  相似文献   

新型建材──泡沫铝   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新型建材──泡沫铝近年来美国、日本、欧洲正在加紧研制一种新型建筑材料--泡沫铝。目前,泡沫铝的制造,大多采用直接发泡法,即在熔融的铝液中加入发泡剂和增粘剂,以强力搅拌使之混合均匀,恒温使发泡剂分解,放出气体,经冷却后便可得到气泡尺寸均匀、质地优良的泡...  相似文献   

以原位生成TiB2颗粒增强铝合金为基体,在不同正压压力条件下通过熔体发泡法制备不同泡孔结构特征的Al-TiB2复合泡沫,借助CT,SEM等手段重点研究了泡孔结构对Al-TiB2复合泡沫阻尼性能的影响和阻尼机制.研究结果表明,随着外加压力的增大,Al-TiB2复合泡沫材料的孔隙率逐渐减小,材料的屈服强度和杨氏模量逐渐增大,损耗因子逐渐降低.在试验温度范围内,Al-TiB2复合泡沫材料的损耗因子比具有相似孔隙率的纯铝泡沫提高了35%~80%.原位生成的TiB2颗粒能与铝基体形成大量的Al-TiB2相界面,孔隙率的增大能够提高复合泡沫的比表面积;大量的相界面和较高的比表面积均能提升振动过程中Al-TiB2复合泡沫的内耗源,从而提高泡沫材料的阻尼性能.  相似文献   

刘杰  王录才  王芳 《铝加工》2008,(1):31-34
论述了PCM法 (powder compacting melting) 制备泡沫铝的国内外研究现状,重点对该工艺参数对发泡过程的影响、发泡机理及泡沫铝复合结构进行了讨论,展望了PCM法制备泡沫铝的应用前景.  相似文献   

研究了铝电解槽阴极碳块表面在电解过程中被电解质侵蚀而脱落的情况,探讨了其被侵蚀脱落的机理。得出电解过程中当阴极没有铝液存在时,电解槽的阴极表面被电解质严重侵蚀并脱落掉渣。电解时测定不同极距下的槽电压,研究了不同电解质高度上的电解质熔体导电性能的变化,得出:电解开始时槽内电解质熔体的导电性能是均一的;电解一段时间后电解质熔体的电阻改变很大。这是由电解过程中有金属产物从阴极表面溶解,脱落的炭渣以及阳极气体在电解质熔体中的溶解等综合因素引起的。  相似文献   

铝熔体净化处理方法分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
本文介绍了铝及铝合金熔炼过程中铝熔体中存在的可溶的和不溶的杂质及其所造砀 冶金论述了铝熔体净化处理的重要性分析了传统的铝熔体炉内分批净化处理所存在的不足,了先进的净化处理工艺产生的背景、,从理论上阐明了铝熔体化的机理,介绍了先进的铝熔体净化处理工艺,详细地分析了这些先进的净化处理工艺与设备的特点、处理效果及所存在的2,指出了铝熔体净化处理工艺的发展方向。  相似文献   

为进一步分析Al2O3含量对低铝渣黏度的影响,以酒钢高炉渣成分为基础,通过试验和FactSage热力学软件分别研究了不同Al2O3含量炉渣的黏度、液相线温度、活度和冷却结晶过程的物相变化。结果表明,在本试验的低铝渣范围内,随Al2O3含量增加,炉渣黏度增大,在1 450 ℃以上黏度低于0.45 Pa·s,炉渣流动性和稳定性良好。Al2O3活度随Al2O3含量的增加而增大,相反,SiO2活度降低也证明炉渣聚合度的增大。炉渣的冷却结晶过程则表明,在液相线温度以上时,炉渣黏度主要与炉渣结构的复杂程度有关;在液相线温度以下时,黏度受液相炉渣结构和固相颗粒含量的共同影响。  相似文献   

In order to understand the effects of various iron oxides on the properties of melts, viscosity, density as well as sulphide capacities of slag system containing FeOx were summarized and discussed. It is indicated that either thermophysical or thermochemical properties would be modified accordingly with the valence change of iron oxides. Fe2+ and Fe3+ have different functions in slag. Fe2+ existed as a network-breaker, which resulted in the decreasing of viscosity and increasing of sulphide capacities with increasing addition of FeO. However, Fe3+ commonly would occupy the tetrahedron and octahedron positions, and play a network-former role, consequently, cause the viscosity of melts increasing etc. Direct investigations of slag structure or valence state of iron in the melt also support the regular patterns derived indirectly from the various physical-chemical properties. Meanwhile, these patterns of slag system including iron oxides also offer a good reference to the study of other transition melt oxides in slag system.  相似文献   

穆红旺  张淑会  吕庆  孙艳芹 《钢铁》2012,47(6):18-21,50
采用RTW熔体物性测定仪研究了中性气氛条件下高铝中钛型高炉渣的黏度和熔化性温度,得到了碱度和化学成分等因素对其黏度和熔化性温度的影响规律。结果表明:在中性气氛条件下,当炉渣碱度从0.92提高到1.12时,炉渣的黏度降低、熔化性温度升高;随着渣中MgO含量的升高,炉渣的黏度先降低再升高;增加渣中Al2O3含量,炉渣的黏度显著提高。当Al2O3的质量分数大于14.75%后对炉渣黏度的影响不明显;当TiO2的质量分数在10.57%~14.57%范围内增加时,高铝中钛渣的黏度随之降低,即在理想条件下,TiO2含量和温度的增加对炉渣黏度影响均不大。但当高炉冶炼钒钛磁铁矿时,炉渣中的Ti(C,N)等高熔点物质随原料中TiO2含量的增加和炉温的上升而增加,将对炉渣黏度产生很大的影响,故冶炼时应控制高炉内TiO2的还原以少生成高熔点钛化合物,并且严格控制铁水温度以使高炉接受矿石钛含量。  相似文献   

The influence of melt superheating treatment on the melt properties, solidification characteristics, and rupture life of a third-generation Ni-based single-crystal superalloy was investigated to reveal the critical temperature range of melt structure evolution and its effect on rupture life. The results showed that the viscosity of superalloy decreased but the surface tension increased with increasing superheating temperature. Two characteristic temperature points where the melt viscosity and undercooling degree suddenly change were determined to be 1600 °C and 1700 °C, respectively. Similarly, the stability of the solidification interface firstly improved and then weakened with increasing superheating temperature. The dendrite arms were well refined and the segregation was reduced at 1700 °C. In addition, the rupture life obtained at 1100 °C and 137 MPa increased by approximately 30 pct, approaching the rupture life of the corresponding superalloy containing 2 pct Ru, with increasing superheating temperature from 1500 °C to 1700 °C. When the melt was further heated to 1800 °C, the rupture life decreased. The evolutions of solidification characteristics and rupture life with increasing melt superheating temperature were attributed to changes in the melt structure.  相似文献   

浇注含Ti超低碳钢时,浸入式水口内产生结瘤,严重影响生产效率,同时对产品质量造成危害。根据企业生产的经验,随着超低碳钢中Ti和P含量的增加,水口结瘤的问题越来越严重。通过深入分析实际生产过程的试样和实验室研究,阐明浇注超低碳钢时Ti和P对水口结瘤的影响。分析了含Ti含P的超低碳钢水口结瘤物的成分,结果表明结瘤物的主要成分是氧化铝(>90%),Ti含量较少(0.58%~3.58%)。采用脉冲分布解析原子发射光谱法(OES-PDA)测得氧化夹杂物的大小随Ti含量的增加而变小。采用液滴法测定了溶质Ti和P对钢液/Al2O3体系的润湿性影响,结果表明Ti和P使体系接触角和钢液表面张力降低,其中Ti能够降低体系的接触角只是在其具有反应湿润性的情况下。研究表明Ti和P对产生结瘤的作用有显著区别:只要形成的表层界面具有润湿性,Ti就可以降低Al2O3夹杂物的大小,而氧化铝夹杂物颗粒越小,越容易结瘤。为了不产生结瘤就必须控制好Al脱氧的时间和Ti的加入时间。P可以增加Fe-Ti-P三元体系的润湿性是因为P可以增加Ti的活度,降低钢液的粘度。与Ti相比,P对产生结瘤的影响较小。  相似文献   

The welding characteristics of a fine-grained 6061 Al and three 6061/1, 5, and 20 pct SiC composites under high energy electron beam welding (EBW) and laser beam welding (LBW) were examined. The three composites exhibited high strain rate superplasticity (HSRS). The 6061 Al was more readily welded by EBW than by LBW, and the situation was reversed in the reinforced composites. In the reinforced composites, the fusion zone contained the once fully melted matrix and fully reacted SiC, and the heat affected zone (HAZ) contained the partially melted matrix and nearly unreacted SiC. This effect was particularly apparent in the 20 pct SiC composite. With increasing SiC content from 0 to 20 pct, the reflection of the laser beam decreased, and the melt viscosity increased due to the increasing amount of Al4C3 compounds. For the HSRS fine-grained 6061/20 pct SiC composite, there formed a sharp V-notch under EBW. The high viscosity or low fluidity of the melt inside the fusion zone of 6061/20 pct SiC resulted in incomplete backfill and notch formation. The postweld mechanical performance and joint efficiency both became seriously degraded. The original fine structures in the HSRS composites could not be restored after welding.  相似文献   

利用Factsage软件和修正后的Einstein-Roscoe公式计算了高铝钢包渣CaO-SiO2-MgO-Al2O3体系的粘度及相图。计算研究了碱度(R=CaO/SiO2)、MgO含量和Al2O3含量对钢包渣粘度的影响,结合炉渣结构理论对其进行了解释。研究结果表明,在高铝钢包渣中,提高碱度可以降低钢包渣的粘度;在R=1.9时MgO含量增加会增大钢包渣的粘度,R=3时MgO含量增加对粘度影响较小;在碱度大于2时,粘度随Al2O3含量的增加呈现先降低后升高的趋势。要使钢包渣获得良好的流动性,需要控制渣的成分:当Al2O3含量在20 wt%~30 wt%范围,碱度R可控制在3~4之间;当Al2O3含量大于30 wt%、碱度R应大于4。  相似文献   

采用二次正交组合设计法,对以高炉渣为主料的不同碱性中间包覆盖剂的黏度进行了测试研究,得出CaF2及碱度变化对覆盖剂黏度的影响规律及程度,得到回归方程,采用XRD和TG-DSC热分析法对熔融覆盖剂的矿物相进行分析,研究黏度变化机理,优化配方。结果表明:覆盖剂的黏度随CaF2含量的增加呈现先增大后减小趋势;随碱度的增大而逐渐增大。XRD图谱和TG-DSC曲线表明:碱度由1.75增大到1.95时,熔融覆盖剂低熔点的黄长石区域等进入较高的尖晶石区域,生成物由Ca4Al2SiO7F2、Ca3(Mg2Si2O4)、CaAlO4等高熔点化合物,向Ca4Al2SiO7F2、(Mg,Fe)2SiO4、CaMgSi2O4等低熔点化合物转变,流动性逐渐加强。  相似文献   


This work deals with Directed Energy Deposition (DED) that is a process in which the material is delivered directly into the melt pool. Several kinds of nozzle have been developed and used in this process. However, the position of the nozzle, mainly for the lateral one, plays a crucial role in the geometry and porosity content of the melt pool. Therefore, to investigate the correlation between the lateral nozzle position and the geometry of the melt pool, three different sets of single tracks of Ti–6Al–4V were deposited at different nozzle positions. It was found that helpful information regarding the selection of the optimal position of the lateral nozzle can be obtained from the melt pool features. It can be noticed that by increasing the distance between the nozzle position and substrate, the powder capture decreases and accordingly results in a high depth of fusion zone and also keyhole defect formation.  相似文献   

During the smelting process of the high Al steels,the reaction between SiO_2 in molten slag and dissolved aluminum in liquid steel always takes place.This aluminathermic reduction reaction will lead to the substitution of 1mol SiO_2 for 2/3mol Al_2O_3.Therefore,the investigations about the influence of the ratio of Al_2O_3 to SiO_2on viscosity and structure changes of mould flux during this process are very necessary.The viscosity variation of CaO-SiO_2-Al_2O_3-CaFv2 melts was studied by changing compositions considering the aluminathermic reduction reaction.It was found that viscosity increased monotonously with gradually increasing the substitution extent.According to the Raman analysis,the substitution of Al_2O_3 for SiO_2 leads to the decrease of non-bridging oxygen but the increase of bridging oxygen.Therefore,degree of polymerization and viscosity increase as the substitution extent increases.By comparing the measured viscosities with the model calculated values,it was found that both the recently developed Zhang′s model and Roboud model could describe the viscosity variation behavior of CaO-SiO_2-Al_2O_3-CaF_2 melts very well.  相似文献   

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