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黄河流域托万区间SWAT模型土壤属性数据库的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对国内外众多SWAT模型研究的深入调研,并根据现有数据的特点,利用Matlab6.5软件通过插值法完成土壤质地转换,并利用SPAW程序估算了SWAT模型部分所需参数,建立了SWAT模型土壤属性库,为SWAT模型在该流域后续水文过程模拟奠定了基础。  相似文献   

针对秦淮河流域以水稻土为主的研究区域,探讨在湿润条件下SWAT模型土壤物理属性数 据库的建立。将现有的土壤质地资料,通过插值计算,转化成美国制土壤质地。在此基础上率定研究 区土壤的相关水文特性,针对研究区水田的管理措施划分其土壤的水文学分组。通过对研究区遥感图 像进行反演计算,较为准确地反应特定时段下研究区域的地表反照率,为SWAT模型在大面积研究 区域中的应用提供了便捷的可行手段。  相似文献   

乌伦古河流域SWAT模型基础数据库构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以西北内陆干旱区新疆乌伦古河流域为例,构建了乌伦古河流域SWAT模型土壤属性和气象数据库。土壤数据库的构建过程为:通过查阅《新疆土种志》获得所需基础土壤数据;运用MATLAB编程转换土壤粒径;采用SPAW软件计算土壤的水分参数。气象数据库的构建过程为:在中国气象共享服务网上下载地面气象数据并整理该数据为所需格式;运用SwatWeather.exe软件计算降水、气温、露点、风速和辐射数据,从而获得SWAT模型天气发生器参数。成功构建SWAT模型基础数据库,为模型在此流域的应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

为解决 SWAT?(soil?and?water?assessment?tool) 模型在复杂情形下的参数不确定性分析问题,引入参数不确定 性分析平台 UQ-PyL(Uncertainty?Quantification?Python?Laboratory),开发 UQ-PyL 与 SWAT 模型的耦合模块,使得 UQ-PyL 中的各种算法能够方便快捷地应用于 SWAT 模型的参数不确定性分析。为验证 UQ-PyL 用于 SWAT 模 型参数不确定性分析的效果,在我国不同气候条件下的 4 个流域构建 SWAT 模型,综合对比评估 UQ-PyL 与 SWAT-CUP 对模型参数的不确定性分析结果。结果表明:UQ-PyL 多种敏感性分析方法筛选出的敏感参数比 SWAT-CUP 单一方法筛选的结果更加合理;使用 UQ-PyL 率定的参数在 4 个流域应用中都表现良好,优化后模拟 结果的纳什效率系数均在 0.55 以上,收敛次数在 550 次以内;在 4 个流域的模拟中,UQ-PyL 能提供计算效率更高 的算法 ASMO,也能提供模拟结果更准确的算法 SCE。综上,与 SWAT 模型相耦合的 UQ-PyL 能够支持 SWAT 模 型用户在不同系统下对模型参数进行更高效的不确定性分析研究。  相似文献   

一种高效的SWAT模型参数自动率定方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于SWAT这种复杂的分布式水文模型,参数率定是模型成功应用的难点和关键。虽然SWAT2005模型中已经有了参数自动率定模块,但其运行效率较低,对于大型流域难以推广。本文研究分析了SWAT模型和PSO算法的原理,将PSO算法引入SWAT模型中,构建了新的SWAT模型参数自动率定模块,通过在天津于蓟运河流域实例研究,发现该方法率定精度较高,收敛速度更快,运行结果稳定,整体率定效果优于模型自带的参数率定模块;如果用改进后的模块在Linux平台开展自动率定,可以使模型自动率定效率提高到当前水平的7倍,适用于大型流域或长时间系列模拟。而PSO算法作为一种通用的优化算法,可广泛用于各种水文模型的参数率定。  相似文献   

SWAT模型及其应用进展研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
在众多的水文模型中,SWAT是20世纪90年代发展起来的且在国内外应用较好的具有物理机制的分布式水文模型。本文简要介绍了SWAT模型的发展过程,较为详细地说明了模型的结构特点,并针对基础数据库,阐述了所需要的数据参数资料的来源和基本作用。随后分析了该模型在国内外应用实例中的可靠性、存在的问题和对模型应用中的改进,最后根据我国的特点,总结了该模型应用中的限制因素以及改进方向,建议加强我国土壤植被等基础数据库建设,改进模型部分计算方法,提高模型在我国应用的可靠性。  相似文献   

利用基于系统微分响应理论的参数率定方法率定闽江建阳流域SWAT模型,通过流域1992—2000年日资料验证了该方法的实际应用效果,采用纳什效率系数(NSE)、偏差百分比(PBIAS)和相关系数r作为评价指标对率定后的SWAT模型模拟精度进行评价,并与传统利用SUFI-2方法率定得到的SWAT模型模拟结果进行对比分析。结果表明:系统微分响应方法率定的参数在建阳流域的日径流模拟中表现较好,率定期和检验期NSE均为0.65以上,径流量PBIAS在5%以内,r在0.65以上;利用系统微分响应率定参数方法率定SWAT模型参数在实际应用中可行,且效率与精度均高于传统的SUFI-2方法。  相似文献   

潘登  任理  刘钰 《水利学报》2012,43(6):717-725
为了应用分布式水文模型优化该地区的农田灌溉制度,本文首先运用洗牌复形演化(SCE-UA)算法在曲周和吴桥两个试验站对分布式水文模型(SWAT)中的作物参数进行了率定,接着以遥感监测实际蒸散(ETa)数据为目标,在该区域应用拉丁超立方-单次单因素(LH-OAT)方法对SWAT模型中的参数进行敏感性分析,选出了对ETa最敏感的参数,用序贯不确定性(SUFI-2)算法优化出一套参数范围,最后对冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系产量的长期模拟结果进行了验证。这些参数率定和模拟验证的结果为进一步深入研究该地区节水农业中的水分生产函数和优化灌溉制度奠定了基础。  相似文献   

平原区地势平坦、河网交错,受强人类活动干扰,水文过程复杂。研究基于SWAT模型开展平原区地表水资源还原方法研究,针对平原区地形平坦问题,提出了基于DEM和实际河网矢量图相结合的平原河网水系修正调整方法;针对高强度人类活动对自然下垫面的干扰,提出了基于就近性与相似性原则的SWAT模型参数展布方法;并以安徽省宿州市为背景,分析计算了研究区内各单元的地表水资源量,并与分项还原法计算结果比较。结果表明,SWAT模型模拟得到的多年平均地表水资源量比分项还原法多0.71亿m3,显示分项还原法有可能存在还原不充分问题。  相似文献   

在简要介绍非点源污染SWAT模型发展历程的基础上,论述模型数据处理及数据库建立过程,从模型适用性、参数敏感性及模型改进方面分析了模型应用研究现状,指出应在模型参数获取、减小模拟误差和短期污染过程模拟等方面加强研究以提高SWAT模型应用于非点源污染的研究水平.  相似文献   

Although many sensitivity analyses using the soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) in a complex watershed have been conducted, little attention has been paid to the application potential of the model in unique plots. In addition, sensitivity analysis of percolation and evapotranspiration with SWAT has seldom been undertaken. In this study, SWAT99.2 was calibrated to simulate water balance components for unique plots in Southern China from 2000 to 2001, which included surface runoff, percolation, and evapotranspiration. Twenty-one parameters classified into four categories, including meteorological conditions, topographical characteristics, soil properties, and vegetation attributes, were used for sensitivity analysis through one-at-a-time (OAT) sampling to identify the factor that contributed most to the variance in water balance components. The results were shown to be different for different plots, with parameter sensitivity indices and ranks varying for different water balance components. Water balance components in the broad-leaved forest and natural grass plots were most sensitive to meteorological conditions, less sensitive to vegetation attributes and soil properties, and least sensitive to topographical characteristics. Compared to those in the natural grass plot, water balance components in the broad-leaved forest plot demonstrated higher sensitivity to the maximum stomatal conductance (GSI) and maximum leaf area index (BLAI).  相似文献   

参数的敏感性分析和不确定性分析是分布式水文模型构建的先决条件。在辽河流域建立SWAT模型,利用SWAT-CUP中的SUFI-2算法进行参数的率定,在此基础上提出一种更为简便的参数识别方法。将研究区域辽河干流的主要支流分别进行参数识别,再将SWAT-CUP中率定的最佳参数的从TXINOUT文件中提取出来,分别覆盖到SWAT模型中各对应支流子流域的TXINOUT文件中,即可得到按主要支流经过参数识别后的SWAT模型,避免了SWAT-CUP调参工具涉及众多子流域导致参数识别过于复杂的问题。结果表明,辽河干流主要支流招苏台河、清河、柴河等子流域主要水文断面率定期的平均纳什效率系数分别为0.60、0.65、0.68,验证期分别为0.60、0.72、0.77,参数率定的结果相对于全局调参有较大的改进。采用本文提出的参数识别方法,可以解决SWAT-CUP全局调参时上下游断面结果难以同时匹配或伪匹配的问题,又可以避免分区参数识别时对不同子流域的土地利用类型、土壤类型以及坡度等参数的繁琐设定,同时降低了SWAT模型手动调参的复杂程度,可较好地应用到SWAT模型参数识别过程中。  相似文献   

基于SWAT模型的延河流域月径流量模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来SWAT模型在我国南方湿润半湿润流域以及众多大尺度流域取得了良好的应用效果,但在水文资料缺乏、气候相对干旱的流域应用不多。以黄土高原典型流域陕西省延河流域为例,结合国内外已有的研究和GIS技术,根据延河流域现有的数据成功构建了基于SWAT的水文模型,其中1980—1985年为模型的率定期,1986—1989年为模型的验证期。通过对模型的参数进行敏感性分析以及一系列率定,最终得到结果为率定期的Nash-Sutcliffe效率系数NS和相关系数R2分别是0.644和0.832;验证期的Nash-Sutcliffe效率系数NS和相关系数R2分别为0.63和0.872,均达到模型模拟的要求,表明SWAT模型基本上能够模拟延河流域月径流量水文过程,为SWAT模型在黄土高原典型流域的进一步应用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Soil and water conservation ecological compensation can be simply defined as a monetary payment to offset the environmental loss. An illustration is given in this study describing the payment compensation to water resource conservation and soil losses in Erlongshan reservoir catchment, China. A semi-distributed hydrological SWAT model was applied to establish compensation standard considering six scenarios of land use changes by combined application of remote sensing and geographic information systems. Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) method is applied to evaluate the function of soil and water conservation, of which marginal opportunity cost and market value methods have been explored calculate the cost and benefit of water and soil conservation ecological function from provider and beneficiaries. Finally the ecological compensation of soil and water conservation for different land-use scenarios is calculated incorporating benefit apportion coefficient. The results provide an economically evaluated and market-oriented standard for the study of eco-compensation of environmental services and will be of great benefit to the implementation of soil and water conservation at a mesoscale catchment scale.  相似文献   

In the widely used soil and water assessment tool (SWAT), the standard hydrological response units (HRUs) delineation method has low spatial resolution with respect to model inputs and outputs and renders difficulties in using long-term detailed landuse and management records. In addition, the modified universal soil loss equation (MUSLE) uses a constant K-factor which cannot address seasonal variation in soil erodibility caused by freeze-thaw cycles in cold regions. The current study presents a simple method to incorporate detailed landuse and management inputs in SWAT. The method delineates HRUs based on field boundaries and associates each HRU with a particular field. As a result, long-term detailed records can be incorporated into the SWAT management files. In addition, the existing MUSLE in SWAT was modified by introducing a variable K-factor to address effects of freeze-thaw cycles on soil erosion for cold regions. This modified version of SWAT was calibrated and validated for an agricultural micro-watershed, i.e., Black Brook Watershed in New Brunswick, Canada. The results showed that, compared with the standard HRU-delineation method, field-based HRU-delineation method was able to improve landuse and management practice input accuracy for SWAT and save time and effort for long-term simulation, and provide high resolution outputs in the watershed. As a result, the field-based HRU-delineation method can facilitate decision making not only at the subbasin scale but also at the field scale. In addition, results showed that sediment loading simulation accuracy was improved with the modified-MUSLE compared with the original-MUSLE.  相似文献   

Runoff simulation is highly significant for hydrological monitoring, flood peak simulation, water resource management, and basin protection. Runoff simulation by distributed hydrological models, such as the soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model which is the most widely used, is becoming a hotspot for hydrological forecasting research. However, parameter calibration is inefficient and inaccurate for the SWAT model. An automatic parameter calibration (APC) method of the SWAT model was developed by hybrid of the genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO). Multi‐station and multi‐period runoff simulation and accuracy analysis were conducted in the basin of the Zhangjiang River on the basis of this hybrid algorithm. For example, in the Yaoxiaba Station, the calibration results produced an R2 of 0.87 and Nash Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) index of 0.85, while verification results revealed an R2 of 0.83 and NSE of 0.83. Results of this study show that the proposed method can effectively improve the efficiency and simulation accuracy of the model parameters. It can be concluded that the feasibility and applicability of GA‐PSO as an APC method for the SWAT model were confirmed via case studies. The proposed method can provide theoretical guidance for many hydrological research fields, such as hydrological simulation, flood prevention, and forecasting.  相似文献   

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